Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1341

Chapter 1341

Chapter 1341 Could this be it?

Jackson's reaction fell into Chen Jianghai's eyes, and he didn't feel any surprise.

He said calmly: "Tell me about your requirements, maybe I can really give you a satisfactory song."

Regarding Jackson, he was one of Chen Jianghai's favorite stars in his previous life.

As a representative of the trend of the times, Jackson's status in the entertainment industry is absolutely beyond doubt.

He is also a very kind and loving person, but he was ruthlessly pitted by outlaws.

Now Jackson and Qiuhai have cooperation, and they cooperate happily with each other, and they have also established friendship in private.

Now that he is in trouble, Chen Jianghai doesn't mind helping him.

After listening to Chen Jianghai's words, Jackson was stunned.

After a while, he came back to his senses and asked, "Chen, are you serious?"

"Of course, can I still lie to you?"

Chen Jianghai raised his brows slightly and asked back.

With a skeptical attitude, Jackson decided to take a look at the songs written by Chen Jianghai.

When he performed on the same stage with Li Tianwang last time, he heard that Chen Jianghai could write songs, and it was very good.

However, writing Chinese songs and English songs are two completely different concepts.

I don't know if Chen Jianghai will surprise him this time.

If it's really good, that's a solution to his big problem.

Speaking of which, he was really troubled by the new song for a while.

I have no inspiration at all, and I lose sleep every now and then.

Moreover, Chen Jianghai has spoken, and he still looks confident, so it's okay to try.

Even if the writing is not good, Jackson is ready to thank Chen Jianghai well.

After all, it seems to have a lot of face to allow the richest man in China to write songs for himself.

Chen Jianghai followed and asked, "Do you have any thoughts on the new song?"

Jackson didn't think much about this, and told Chen Jianghai his request.

What he wanted this time was a powerful song.

The best kind is the one that makes people feel excited and emotional when they hear it.

Hearing Jackson's request, Chen Jianghai immediately flashed a very high song in his mind: "she-is-my-sin"!

This is actually a song written and composed by Thomas Holopani and performed by the Finnish band Nightwish.

The song was included on the album "Wishmaster" released on July 18, 2000.

Chinese translation is "She is my original sin".

Chen Jianghai took a pen and paper and wrote directly without hesitation.

Seeing this scene, Jackson's eyes widened.

Does this have it?

But it's not that easy to write a good song.

It is impossible to write a good song without time and inspiration.

Moreover, even if you think of the direction, you can't do it overnight, and you often have to revise it before you can truly complete it.

Otherwise it can only be a fragment.

Thinking of this, Jackson was slightly disappointed.

Originally thought that Chen Jianghai could bring any surprises, but now it seems that he is thinking too much.

Maybe just a few words!

On the other hand, Chen Jianghai is already writing hard.

Chen Jianghai was very familiar with this song, and it didn't take long for the whole song to be written.

Putting down the pen, Chen Jianghai handed the song to Jackson: "Let's see how it goes."

Jackson took the paper dubiously, and it actually had a long paragraph written in English on it.

If you just read English, you can't see much, after all, Chen Jianghai doesn't know how to write music.

Of course, overall, Jackson still thinks the lyrics are pretty good.

Chen Jianghai didn't say anything, and only opened his mouth when Jackson saw it.

"I'll sing a cappella for you first, and you can memorize the melody pitch yourself."

Jackson said suspiciously: "Okay!"

He is very curious now how the song given by Chen Jianghai is sung.

After clearing his throat, Chen Jianghai's first sentence shocked Jackson.

It has to be said that this song has completely met Jackson's expectations.

More importantly, Chen Jianghai is still singing a cappella, and he already has such a momentum.

If you add instruments and a grander melody, this is definitely a very warm-blooded song.

Because the content of the lyrics is obvious.

Jackson never thought that he would be here in Chen Jianghai today and reap such a big surprise.

Soon, Chen Jianghai sang the song again.

"I sing well, how about it, do you think it's suitable?"

Chen Jianghai asked with a smile.

Jackson clapped and said, "Wow, this song is really good."

"Chen, I have to say that you gave me a huge surprise, which is exactly what I wanted!"

For a talented singer like Jackson, with words and melody, the rest is easy.

Chen Jianghai smiled and said nothing.

Jackson clutched the lyrics tightly and said excitedly, "Chen, thank you for helping me out so much today."

"You're welcome, don't forget, we are partners and we should help each other."

Chen Jianghai said casually.

Chen Jianghai can ignore it, but Jackson can't.

He thought for a while and made a decision that surprised Chen Jianghai.

"Giles is not here today, but I can promise you one thing, that is, I can endorse all Qiuhai products in the future."

Such a promise is really an accident for Chen Jianghai.

With Jackson's current worth, signing a lifetime endorsement contract is absolutely exaggerated.

Because of this song, Jackson even waived the fee directly.

For Chen Jianghai, it is definitely a good deal.

However, it can be seen that Jackson is also a man of temperament.

"Jackson, if you say that, then I'm welcome."

Chen Jianghai laughed.

Jackson said calmly: "You're totally welcome."

Although this song has not yet been completed, Jackson can already guess that this song will be very popular in the future, and it will become a classic, which can further establish his status in the music world.

At this moment, Smith knocked on the door and walked in.

Seeing that both Chen Jianghai and Jackson were there, Smith smiled and said hello.

"Chen, the reception outside is about to start, I think you should come forward."

Chen Jianghai then turned his head and said to Jackson, "Let's talk when we have time!"

"You guys go out first! I'll take a look at this song again."

Jackson didn't lift his head, his eyes stared straight at the white paper in his hand that was full of lyrics and scores, and his hand couldn't help gesturing.

Hearing what Jackson said, Smith said with a little compliment: "Jackson, are you too dedicated?"

Jackson still didn't look up, and said casually, "Smith, this song was written to me by Chen, I have to take a look."

Hearing this, Smith doubted his ears a little, and was stunned for five seconds before he recovered.