Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1339

Chapter 1339

Chapter 1339 just states a fact

"LOL, really?

What aura can I have on me?

How could I not know? "

Chen Jianghai shrugged his shoulders and said casually.

Bharat also laughed: "Chen, they just want to see you tonight, the mysterious oriental rich man."

"Then they will be able to see the charm of the Chinese people later."

Chen Jianghai smiled and said something confidently.

When Chen Jianghai said such words, Bharat not only did not feel that he was overconfident, on the contrary, he was very recognized.

Western countries do not pay attention to modesty and low-key.

In their opinion, Chen Jianghai has achieved such achievements at his age, and if he does not have a bit of courage, he will be a bit cowardly.

"Yes, young man, you should be so confident."

Bharat said approvingly.

When contacting Chen Jianghai before, Bharat always felt that Chen Jianghai was too low-key.

Modesty and modesty are certainly good virtues.

However, Chen Jianghai is too young and his achievements are too high, which gives people a feeling of lack of passion.

On the contrary, Bharat felt that today's Chen Jianghai is what he should show.

Chen Jianghai said modestly: "I am not successful enough, I have to learn from you."

Chen Jianghai will not stop until Qiuhai becomes the world's number one.

Moreover, with his current status, it is no longer necessary to talk about success all the time.

Speaking of this, Bharat immediately thought of the stock market.

The only place Bharat is proud of in his life is the stock market.

Being able to dominate the stock market for so many years, Bharat has the capital to be proud of.

But after meeting Chen Jianghai, Bharat knew what it means to have a mountain outside a mountain, and someone outside the person.

Chen Jianghai's talent in the stock market is simply unimaginable.

Thinking of this, Bharat couldn't help but sigh: "Chen, I didn't expect you to be so successful in the stock market besides your business success!"

"It's really hard to imagine that you, an Oriental, have such a keen sense of business.

It's really enviable! "

What Bharat said, of course, was about the shares of pharmaceutical companies.

Chen Jianghai also understood what he meant, and smiled slightly: "I'm just lucky, I'm a bit far behind you."

Chen Jianghai said this from the bottom of his heart, not because of humility.

Chen Jianghai is able to dominate the stock market because he knows the next direction of the stock market.

And Bharat, relying on his own strong sense of smell, has won the title of stock **** in the stock market.

Therefore, Chen Jianghai thought that he could not compare with the stock **** father in front of him.

But in Bharat's view, the other party is modest.

Although Chen Jianghai is secretive, there has never been an airtight wall in this world.

Especially in the stock market, Bharat is simply a king, an ordinary existence.

It is relatively easy for him to know some hidden information.

Therefore, Bharat actually has an in-depth understanding of the operation process of Chen Jianghai's previous client in pharmaceutical stocks.

Comprehensive judgment, if Chen Jianghai did not predict the future trend of pharmaceutical stocks, it would be impossible to eat so many stocks on such a large scale.

In front of him, Chen Jianghai not only did not have the arrogance of a young man after his success, but he was extremely humble, which made Bharat's impression of him even better.

"Chen, you are too low-key when you are young, it's not good!"

Bharat reminded half-jokingly.

Chen Jianghai laughed heartily, and said in a very indifferent tone: "I'm not keeping a low profile, I'm just stating a fact."

Regarding the stock market, Chen Jianghai relies on foresight.

When it comes to experience skills, there is absolutely nothing.

In front of others, he can still fool a bit.

But in front of someone like Bharat, fooling around means revealing.

In such a tone, it is better to admit that you are not good at this aspect, and attribute all success to luck.

Seeing Chen Jianghai say this, Bharat didn't believe it.

If this is true, it can only show that Chen Jianghai is too crazy.

But Chen Jianghai is not a crazy person.

On the contrary, it is very rational.

Bharat couldn't help but asked Chen Jianghai a question, a question that puzzled him.

"Chen, how did you know that the stock of the pharmaceutical company would go up?"

For this question, Bharat has been thinking about it for a long time, but he has never figured it out.

Why did the stocks of pharmaceutical companies, which everyone called bad, start to rise as soon as Chen Jianghai bought them?

Could it be that Chen Jiang still has an inside story?

But that's simply not possible.

Because those people in Congress make a policy, it's always rowdy.

Even if they ask for secrecy, for those in the circle, it is actually like that.

There will always be one or two insiders who will gain huge benefits and be known to them.

But now a person like Chen Jianghai has broken this rule and became an exception, how can he not be curious?

The point is that to this day, the shares of pharmaceutical companies are still rising.

According to this trend, Bharat feels that there will be no problem in rising for another half a year.

I have to say that Bharat's eyes are still quite vicious.

From the current clues, it can be inferred that these stocks will continue to rise.

You must know that many people in the U.S. stock market are chanting about this situation.

It is believed that this rally will not last long and will soon fall again.

In fact, what Bharat deduced is not very correct.

The stocks of these pharmaceutical companies will go up until 1999!

In other words, it is not just as simple as half a year, but at least two years.

If Chen Jianghai went to the stock market to say this, he would definitely be regarded as a lunatic.

Will the stocks of pharmaceutical companies continue to rise, and one rise is two years?

This is simply impossible.

Even the **** of stocks, Bharat, would not dare to think so.

For such a long period of time, no one knows what will happen to a stock in the middle.

No one can predict what will happen next.

Chen Jianghai knew the trend of history, so he naturally invested all his money in these stocks without hesitation.

As long as it is sold in 1999, it will be an amazing wealth.

It is also a good choice not to sell, and to hold for a long time.

Because then the prices of these stocks are very strong and even have been gradually rising with the rise of the stock market.

Regarding this question, Chen Jianghai said unhurriedly, "Mr. Bharat, I said I chose randomly, would you believe it?"

For Chen Jianghai's answer, Bharat naturally did not believe it.

Who can choose stocks at random who can be in the stock market?

I just don't know what is the source and judgment of Chen Jianghai?