Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1066

Chapter 1066

Chapter 166 Expectations are full

For seven days in a row, the word Qiuhai firmly occupied the headlines of the newspapers.

Except for the two-word title, there is nothing else.

For a full seven days, everyone's appetite was lifted.

Almost everyone was debating what was going on.

There are even many people who called Qiuhai directly, wanting to ask clearly.

The answer is the same: wait a few days to find out.

This time, the public's curiosity has reached its peak.

On the seventh day, the mystery was finally revealed.

Under the two big characters Qiuhai, there is new information.

Qiuhai washing machine is coming soon, so stay tuned!

The message is very simple, but with the previous contrast, it is extremely tempting.

Consumers are very curious about how good a product like Qiuhai can be advertised.

After all, in addition to paying advertising fees, advertising in this way is also under a lot of pressure.

These newspapers are of an official nature, and they still have to have some principles and bottom lines.

If Qiu Hai does not have enough confidence, even if he is willing to pay, I am afraid that the other party will not cooperate.

Nowadays, the leader of the Huaxia washing machine is naturally a popular little bird.

Foreign-funded enterprises are also eyeing them.

Among them, Sanyang is the most famous.

These two companies basically occupy 90% of the market share of washing machines.

Qiuhai wanted to grab a share from them, but it wasn't that simple.

It is no exaggeration to say that with these two companies in the country, other washing machine companies have very little hope of getting ahead.

It's not bad to be able to get a little bit of the scraps in their hands and survive.

However, Qiuhai's operation made everyone in the country focus on Qiuhai's washing machine.

From this point of view alone, Qiuhai has the upper hand.

The most important thing now is to see how the sales of Qiuhai washing machines are after the listing.

After the advertisement in the newspaper came out, the TV advertisement of Qiuhai washing machine also came out.

This time, Wang Jingwen was the one who shot the advertisement for Qiuhai washing machine. At this time, she was still famous in China.

Asking her to shoot this commercial will definitely work well for Qiuhai Washing Machine.

Under the two-step operation of Qiuhai, consumers are full of expectations for Qiuhai washing machine.

Moreover, the impression that Qiuhai gave before has always been a high-end product.

Now, Qiuhai has started to make washing machines, and the quality is definitely not bad.

The only doubt that consumers have is that Qiuhai's washing machine can be compared with Xiaotianniao and Sanyang?

Just when consumers were skeptical, another commercial of Qiuhai was also on TV.

This time the commercials are more hard-core, and they are all about some technology patents of washing machines.

Just like the transparent TV in the last documentary, this time the advertisement talked about the patents and functions of the entire washing machine.

It's like a popular science lecture that is easy to understand.

In this way, consumers' understanding of washing machines will soon become clear.

Later, Qiuhai also found other brands of washing machines, and made a simple comparison between the two.

Anyway, there is only one meaning, I have what you have, and you don't have what I have, what you can do, I can do better, and what I can do you can't do at all.

This time, consumers are looking forward to Qiuhai's washing machine even more.

In particular, the price of Qiuhai washing machines is not much different from those of other companies.

In terms of quality and efficacy, Qiuhai washing machine is significantly higher.

When the price is the same, consumers will naturally choose better products, there is no doubt about it.

In this way, under a series of operations in Qiuhai, Qiuhai washing machine has not yet been listed, and consumers' expectations have been full.

It can be said that it is not sold first.

Qiu Shuyi was very surprised by the effect of such propaganda.

She knew that her advertising plan would definitely not be able to compare with President Chen's.

But Qiu Shuyi really didn't expect that the gap would be so big.

It can only be said that Mr. Chen's advertising sword took a slant, and the effect obtained was really unbelievable.

I have to admit that Chen Jianghai's control of human nature has really played to the extreme, and it is naturally beneficial to cooperate with products of excellent quality.

Qiu Shuyi was also very impressed.

No wonder Mr. Chen didn't like the advertising plan that she came up with after racking her brains.

In front of President Chen, don't say that advertising is a thing in the future.

In Qiu Shuyi's view, this is simply a banal trick, which is laughable and generous.

All advertisements, according to President Chen's request, are definitely not wrong.

To say that the one who is most shocked right now is the little sky bird.

As for Sanyang of the island country, they still feel that Qiuhai is not a big threat to them.

The reason is also very simple. They believe that their products are unmatched by Qiuhai in terms of technology and quality.

In the current era of Huaxia, there is only one impression to the island country, that is, making money from cheap labor.

Regarding these high-tech technologies, there is no company on the land of China that can compare with the island country.

Even the currently hot Qiuhai Group will definitely be no exception.

This arrogant thought exists in the minds of most islanders.

What they didn't know was that the emergence of Qiuhai, an alternative, completely changed the situation.

Looking at the news about Qiuhai washing machine in the newspaper, Fang Hongbo's face was very solemn.

As the general manager of Xiaotianniao, Fang Hongbo was somewhat worried about Qiuhai's entry.

Don't look at Qiu Hai just entering the game, but Fang Hongbo knows that Qiu Hai is definitely not an opponent that can be underestimated.

You must know that Qiuhai has created too many miracles and has proved his success countless times.

No matter which industry it enters, it can achieve good results.

This time, Qiu Hai's entry into the washing machine with such great fanfare must have been well prepared.

The threat to them has become inevitable, but I don't know how big the threat is.

And Chen Jianghai, who has always liked to create miracles, will he be brilliant again?

The only thing Fang Hongbo can do now is to prepare in advance and deal with possible situations as much as possible.

This time Qiuhai enters the washing machine industry, which is bound to bring about great changes.

I don't know how many struggling small businesses will be drowned in this torrent.

After all, the previous color TV industry has proved this situation.

Of course, if the little bird can cope with the past, then it will be easy to do in the future.

But if he can't get through, he will definitely be defeated by Qiuhai.

Thinking of this, Fang Hongbo immediately called the secretary over.

In this case, it's time to call the company's top management and have a good meeting to discuss the countermeasures.

Regarding this matter, Xiao Tianniao must come out with a charter as quickly as possible.

Three days later, Qiuhai's washing machine was officially launched amid the eager anticipation of consumers.

There have been so many advertisements in the early stage of Qiuhai, and consumers actually have a more intuitive understanding of Qiuhai's attack.

But after all, no real thing was seen.

Everyone has long wanted to see with their own eyes what this product is like, and whether it is as good as the advertisement says.