Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1067

Chapter 1067

Chapter 167 is the best, no one

On the day it went on sale, all the directly-operated stores in Qiuhai were almost crowded.

Buy it or not, put it aside first. The purpose of consumers coming here is to take a look at the mysterious Qiuhai washing machine.

"Is this the Qiuhai washing machine?

The shape looks so unique! "

"It is indeed more beautiful than other manufacturers. There is a word to say, yes, fashion!"

"Look, this washing machine has two colors to choose from. It's really good."

"It has a lot of functions, and it looks really good!"

"Yeah, Qiuhai Electric Appliances has been used in my home. It is not only beautiful, but also of great quality!"

After chatting and chatting, everyone's focus came to Qiuhai's after-sales service.

"I tell you, you still have to buy Qiuhai when you buy electrical appliances."


"The after-sales service is good! Last time my refrigerator broke down, I called and someone came to fix it in the afternoon! The attitude is a polite one."

"That's right, the cooling fan in my house was broken by the child in the summer, and he came to repair it the next day, and said sorry to me, it's a bit late!"

"Yes, yes, yes! The attitude of the master who came to help with the repair is good enough, and the key people still don't charge!"


Is there no charge for repairs? "

Someone couldn't help but ask.


Haven't you bought anything from Qiuhai before? "

Many people looked at each other with surprised eyes.

The man's neck shrank slightly, and he shook his head awkwardly: "No, I just came to see the advertisement of the washing machine."

Hearing that it was a new customer, everyone immediately acted as a salesperson and talked to him about the benefits of Qiuhai.

It can be seen from this that the after-sales service system implemented by Qiuhai has now been fully recognized by market consumers.

When many consumers buy products, they will subconsciously consider after-sales issues.

In this regard, only Qiuhai is the best in the entire market, no one else.

As for other manufacturers, the after-sales service is not perfect.

They wanted to look up to Qiuhai, but in the end they could only put it on hold for a variety of reasons.

It is really impossible for them to be like Qiuhai, who can have Chen Jianghai, the big boss, to make a decision.

After all, if you want to do a good job in after-sales, it takes a lot of money and energy. Although you know the benefits, there will always be voices of opposition.

Qiuhai's sales will continue to rise, and good after-sales service is also very important.

Many consumers pay more and more attention to after-sales because of the guidance of Qiuhai, so they finally choose Qiuhai and become loyal users of Qiuhai.

Often as long as you buy any product of Qiuhai, other things will naturally choose Qiuhai.

It can be said that Qiuhai's brand recognition is also accumulated in the hearts of users to a large extent.

"I just don't know how the quality of this washing machine is?"

Someone asked with a little doubt.

Immediately someone jumped out and retorted: "The quality of Qiuhai, is this still a question?

You look at the previous products, the quality is all leverage. "

"That's right! And if you don't have confidence in his own quality, Qiuhai wouldn't be able to advertise so vigorously.

When something goes wrong, don't you slap yourself in the face? "

"What are you thinking about?

! Just looking at the after-sales service of Qiuhai, I think it is it! "

"Brother is right and thinks so.

No, I just bought one and went back to try it today.

Qiuhai has regulations. As long as there is a quality problem, it can be replaced within seven days. What else do you have to worry about? "


Can Qiuhai exchange for free?

"Of course, but it can't be caused by man-made damage!"

"What's so strange about that?

Which product of Qiuhai is the same, if there is a problem, it will be replaced within seven days. "

"I really don't know this, I would have bought everything from Qiuhai if I knew it.

A while ago, an accessory for my TV was broken and I couldn't buy it anywhere. As a result, it took half a month to fix it, and it took more than 100 yuan to fix it. "

"Haha, it's not too late to wake up now."

"If that's the case, I'll buy one and try it out."

"Buy now, buy early and enjoy early."

After a group of consumers discussed each and every word in this way, they directly found the salesperson at the counter.

Some people originally came to see it and had no intention of buying it.

But after hearing the benefits of Qiuhai, they couldn't help but buy something else.

Whether it's true or not, you'll know when you buy it back and try it out.

Subsequently, the directly-operated store became busier and busier.

Fortunately, these salespersons are all trained and well-trained. Although they are very busy, there is no trouble.

As employees of the directly-operated store, they were very happy when they saw this situation.

As long as the product sells more, the higher their promotion will be.

Now many people want to come to direct-sale stores to work, just be a salesperson.

The basic salary of the salesperson is not very high, but the commission is too high.

As long as an appliance is sold, the salesperson can get a point commission.

Don't underestimate the 1% commission, after all, Qiuhai's home appliances are not cheap.

A lucky salesperson can get nearly 10,000 a month!

In 1996, the average monthly salary per capita was only a few hundred, and a thousand is an enviable high salary.

I can get 10,000 yuan a month, and I can wake up laughing from my dreams.

This kind of high-paying and easy work is naturally someone who wants to come here.

However, the recruitment of Qiuhai's self-operated store is also very strict, and it takes two to three interviews to enter the job.

After joining, the system professional training is required before.

There is a one-month trial period after the training.

The probationary period is not considered a regular employee, but the salary and benefits are the same as regular employees.

This was specially explained by Chen Jianghai.

Employees who have expired on the probationary period will not be hired if they perform poorly.

One month is enough to see how a person's character and ability are.

If you can't meet Qiuhai's requirements, don't think about messing around.

When the sales of Qiuhai brand washing machines were in full swing, Chen Jianghai was taking Yue Hongsheng to a remote mountain village in Pingshan.

The Hope Primary School built before Qiuhai will be officially put into use today.

On such an occasion, Chen Jianghai naturally had to come forward in person.

But that's all there is to it.

This first Hope Primary School is of great significance to Qiuhai. Chen Jianghai was present in person and expressed an attitude.

At the same time, Chen Jianghai's personal presence will also let more people know about this.

Huaxia is so big, how many hope primary schools can be built by Chen Jianghai alone?

Only by letting the whole society pay wide attention to this can more hope primary schools be established.

This time, Chen Jianghai brought two people, Yue Hongsheng and Wu Gang.

As for the others, Chen Jianghai did not bring any of them.

Chen Jianghai just wanted to keep it simple. This kind of public welfare thing does not need to be mixed with other factors.

What Qiuhai wants to do is charity, and publicity can be a little bit, but it must not be overwhelming.

Otherwise, it would be against his original intention.