Rebirth: Back To 1991 As The Richest Man - Chapter 1065

Chapter 1065

Chapter 165 What does this mean?

In the sales list of the market, 90% of consumers will only pay attention to the first place.

As for the second and third, not many people care.

This is like the number one pick to the third and second place.

People tend to remember the No. 1 pick, but ignore the No. 2 pick and No. 2 pick.

As the top of the color TV sales list, this is a glory of Changhong, and it is also a limitation.

Other manufacturers are ranked after Changhong. As for the ranking, there is no need to worry at all.

Anyway, it's not the first, and basically no one cares how much it drops.

The first is different.

As long as it goes down, gossip will follow.

It can be said that Changhong was very difficult and paid a huge price in order to compete for this first place.

Ning Ruifeng himself was under enormous pressure.

Of course, he finally succeeded.

And at that time, he also felt that he could be the one who had the last laugh.

However, Ning Ruifeng had no idea that now the number one, because of Qiuhai's sudden emergence, has become a burden to Changhong.

While Ning Ruifeng was worried, Zhou Houjian was very excited.

Hisense has finally developed a color TV with multiple patents.

Zhou Houjian believes that it is not very difficult to catch up with Qiuhai with this color TV.

It can also be seen from here how confident Zhou Houjian is in this new color TV.

Especially now that the sales of Qiuhai color TVs are still at a low level, Hisense has a great opportunity.

As long as Hisense's new color TV can surpass Qiuhai, it will be a huge success.

even a milestone.

Zhou Houjian believes that as long as he can seize this opportunity, Hisense and Qiuhai will have the power to fight in the color TV field in the future.

For this color TV, Zhou Houjian can be said to have pressed everything that could be pressed.

The documentary of Qiuhai Color TV is destined to bring a complete reshuffle to the color TV market in China this year.

The color TV market is complicated and confusing, and no one can see what the future will be like.

Chen Jianghai also saw the sales of color TVs at this time, and the overall is still quite good.

In the first few months, the sales volume of Qiuhai color TVs can be said to be appalling, making almost everyone including Qiuhai people lose their confidence.

To be able to recover to this point now has exceeded Chen Jianghai's previous expectations.

He originally estimated that such a performance would not be achieved until at least the end of the year.

Unexpectedly, in just half a month, it has already exceeded the estimate.

There are many factors for Qiuhai Caidian to have such achievements.

Chen Jianghai believes that the most important point is that consumers are beginning to wake up.

They finally began to clearly realize that you get what you get for every penny, and the truth is that cheap is not good.

The price of Changhong's color TVs has dropped by 30%, and the price is indeed very attractive.

However, these color TVs are the ones with the longest inventory time and the oldest styles in Changhong.

For these differences, many consumers were not clear before.

It wasn't until Qiu Hai's documentary was released that they knew that there was a big difference between color TVs.

Whether it is from the picture quality, or the quality function, can not be generalized.

Consumers only need a little comparison to see whether the product is good or bad.

In this case, consumers who choose good products are naturally more and more.

After all, color TV is an absolute big item for every family in this era.

Don't know how long it has been brewing before buying?

So you must be very careful when you actually pay for it.

No one wants to buy something that is doomed to be outdated in order to save some money.

Therefore, the more advanced and better quality Qiuhai color TV has naturally become the first choice.

The resurgence of Qiuhai color TV has also attracted great attention from the media.

The media did not expect that Qiuhai could usher in such a comeback in the color TV project.

Many people think that Qiuhai's color TV project has lost miserably.

As long as there is a period of time, the product of Qiuhai color TV may be gone.

But it was in this situation of collective bad-mouthing that things took a turn.

It was not until this moment that everyone clearly realized that Qiuhai had been dormant, holding back his big move, and shocked everyone when he shot.

The current sales volume speaks for itself.

June 20, Pingshan City, Xijiang Province.

As usual, Yu Liangpeng bought a newspaper and went to work.

As a factory worker, 9 to 5 day after day, life is boring.

Yu Liangpeng's only hobby is reading newspapers in the morning.

When he opened today's newspaper, the whole person was stunned.

I saw the most essential headline position of the newspaper, today there are only two big characters.

Qiuhai, two big bold characters occupy the entire homepage.

Other than that, nothing else.

Seeing the word Qiuhai, the first thing Yu Liangpeng thought of was Qiuhai Electric Company.

After all, now the entire Xijiang is proud of the autumn sea.

Xijiang can produce such a big company with a long face, and it is very happy to be a Xijiang person.

Of course he is no exception.

Throughout China, before the rise of Qiuhai, the economy on the Xijiang side can be said to be at the bottom of the country.

With the strong rise of Qiuhai, the upstream and downstream industry chains have been driven, and the economy of the entire Xijiang River seems to be on a rocket, and it is also developing rapidly.

It is no exaggeration to say that one enterprise in Qiuhai has driven the economic development of a province, making others envious.

Almost no one doubts that if Qiuhai can maintain such a speed of development, then the entire Xijiang economy may be able to enter the top ten in the country.

It is with this kind of knowledge that Yu Liangpeng thought of Qiuhai for the first time.

After thinking about it, Yu Liangpeng felt that it was not logical.

It is normal for a large company like Qiuhai to advertise in newspapers.

Now this situation is obviously not advertising.

Who advertises, just write a brand name on it?

What products do not say?

Apparently, there was a problem with the printing of the newspaper.

An angry Yu Liangpeng returned to the newsstand and wanted to talk to the boss for a theory.

Unexpectedly, when he returned to the newsstand, many people were already looking for the boss to ask about this.

The boss also looked helpless, and explained weakly there: "Everyone, today's newspaper is like this. If you don't believe it, you can read the others yourself."

After speaking, the boss took out the rest of the newspapers.

The people present stopped talking, just took the newspaper and started to check it.


"What the **** is going on here?

Is it all misprinted? "

"Impossible! How could the newspapers make such a low-level mistake?"

"Are you saying it's possible?

Who is pranking? "

"Thank you for thinking about it, who has such a big hand.

You thought leopards were so well-printed! "

Everyone is very What is the situation?

On this day, most of the newspapers in the country have a page with only the word Qiuhai.

The scene just now was also staged in many places.

This wave of Qiuhai's advertisements immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Now they all have a question, what does this Qiuhai mean?

No one had an answer, and no one knew what was going on.