Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1437. Matsumoto Sisters – Enchanted Little Sister / Then, she…

Chapter 1437. Matsumoto Sisters – Enchanted Little Sister / Then, she…

Chapter 1437. Matsumoto Sisters - Enchanted Little Sister / Then, she

Uhm, Ill ask just in case, but what kind of image was it?

Mariko asks Matusmoto Miki-san

I took a selfie of myself in underwear. He said that he wants a naked photo, but I didnt want to do that

Miki-san replied.

If its just underwear, then thats okay. I thought. Were dating anyway

I know that she went through a lot and it mustve taken a mental toll on her, her father just died, and, the fact she might not be able to continue with her music studies.

Miki-san might be surprisingly weak-willed.

I see. This girl also had a different personality than the first impression she gave us.

Her sister, Maki-san, was also like that.

The more time we spend together, and the more intense it is, the more of their true nature is revealed.

Even if you say that youre in your underwear, thats still not narrow enough, how s.e.xy was the photo you sent?

Mariko asks.

ThatsI was in my bra and panty, I put on a brand new white top and bottom and took a photo of it

Your belly was showing?

Belly? Yes. Also, its not like I chose transparent clothing, and I checked it before sending it to him, so it shouldnt be a problem

Miki-san replies, but

What do you think?

I asked Kurose Anju, who has been watching us at the spectator table.


Kurose Anju was surprised as I asked for her opinion so suddenly.

Yeah, I want to hear your honest opinion

Kurose Anjus a girl who can see things objectively.

Shes still young, and her age is close to Miki-san.

I cant say without knowing what kind of person Matsumoto Miki-sans dating. Although

Kurose Anju thought for a moment and answered.

Youre a violinist, arent you, Miki-sama? If youre that kind of person, then I dont think its a good idea to have someone out there having problematic photos of you

I think so too, Kou

Mariko nodded with Kurose Anjus opinion.

Right. Shes wearing her underwear, right? Its better if we retrieve those right away


We cant just tell him about the break-up by mail right now. Thatll get him angry and even spread out Miki-sans photos

Hes not like that!

Mariko said, Miki-san protests.

I dont know what kind of person he is, but if you want to become a professional, you need to get rid of those photos at all costs, right?

Mariko responded with a strong tone.

If you dont even understand that, we cant give you our support. Right, Kou?


Mariko tells Miki-san, then I;

If youre serious about this, then Marikos right, dont you think?

I looked at Marika and Maki.

The two of them are aspiring to become professional musicians too.

I want to hear their opinions.

Kou-kun and Mariko-chan are right, Miki-san was a bit careless

I think so too, Miki

Marika and Maki speak to Miki with stern looks on their face.


Miki-san looked down.

I didnt want to do it either, but since I promised that Ill date him, yet, I havent seen him at all, so I felt bad if I didnt do that for him

But, you just started dating, yet, the guy asked you to send a naked photo? I think that guys quite pervy

Mariko said.

I wonder? Its my first time dating a man so I dont know much

Miki-san resists.

At least, I never heard Kou tell me to send him a naked photo

Youre doing something far worse than sending photos

Well, true.

Miki-sans right about that.

Even without asking her to send me a photo of her naked body, I have a lot of photos of Marikos embarra.s.sing moments in the archive.

Hehe told me he liked methatsmy first time dating someoneso I wanted to give as much as I canThats what I thought

Miki-san insists, but

Oh, thats a bad pattern, really bad. Its a domino effect of bad things

Kinosh*ta-san, who has been quiet so far, speaks with a smile.

When I was a freelancer, I knew someone whos like that

Back when Kinosh*ta-san was with the Banbarubie 3.

Well, freelancers are a weird bunch of people.

Kinosh*ta-san laughed.

We told her so many times, yet, she kept saying He told me that he loves me, or Hes the only one I have, or Whatever happens, hell return to me in the end, intoxicated by the fact that shes hooked by a bad guy, and she doesnt listen to the people around her. So, she was stuck with that useless guy for a year, and eventually took all her savings and everything

And so, what happened to her in the end?

Mariko asks.

As soon as theres nothing left to squeeze from her, he went missing. Then, hear this, she said He didnt run away, hes just hiding, waiting for me to find him, ufufu, so cute, saying weird stuff, then she looked at some of the trash he left like Look, he left so many clues behind. I know hes waiting for me, and started to look for more information, well, because of her profession, she could easily find the hiding place of a fleeing person even with so little information

Freelancers can do that. Thats the minimum. Its easy.

So, the guy was at Kyushu. It was in the mountains of the Saga prefecture. She found the guy who ran away, and then she said I found him, Im going I followed her since I was worried about her and took a senior with me

Kinosh*ta-sans senior also followed the woman to meet that guy.

In Saga, the man bought a big house with the money he took from the girlWell, its a big house. The garden was s.p.a.cious. The neighboring mountains, fields, and pig farm belonged to the man, and seeing that the girl said Look, he was preparing to live with me here. Im going to marry him and live in this house, ahaha, she was having delusions

A house on the mountainside.

Just how much money did he siphon?

However, when she reached the house and rang the bell, an old lady with no makeup, wearing a jersey came out and asked who she is


In short, the guy was already living with another woman in that house. I mean, the lady didnt know but the man had been married to that woman and had four children for a long time

A wife and children.

From the oldest, it was two guys, a girl, and another guy

Kinosh*ta-san nods.

Its a common story of a single career woman getting deceived by a married man for money

Mariko seems to be fed up.

And well, after figuring that out, she finally snapped out of it, and well, she went and did it

What did she do?

Mariko asks. Kinosh*ta-san said indifferently.

She used a flamethrower to roast. My senior and I joined and burned the mans house down with a flamethrower we brought by chance. We destroyed it

A flamethrower they brought by chance.

Oh, of course, we just burned the house. We didnt burn the guy or his family. That would be a crime.

No, arson is already a crime.

We kicked them out saying All of you, out of this house, then we burned the house right in front of the man, his wife, and his four children. It was a dry day so it burned well


While at it, we also set off a bomb I had with me just in case, and blew up the mountain with enough force to carve it. We also blew up the pig farm, letting the pigs go before that. We calculated that the damage would only affect the mans property.


Miki-san, Kurose Anju, Mariko, Marika, Maki, and Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi, who stopped crying, listened to Kinosh*ta-sans story with a dumbfounded look.

Ruriko and Michi arent even agitated.

Senpai and I were feeling refreshed that we went that far, but she was crying all the way back home, saying things like this is the end of my love life, I wont fall in love again, never, and all the other weird wordsBarbie-san

Hey, youre talking about Barbie-san?!

Then that means that the senior was Ruby-san.

Isnt that just the whole Banbarubie 3?

Well, I guess its normal for them to have flamethrowers and explosives.

Going back on topic, your eyes right now, looks the same as Barbie-san when she was crying. Thats bad. Really bad

Kinosh*ta-san tells Matsumoto Miki-san while smiling.

I-Im not setting anything on fire

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Miki-san retorted on the weird part.

Thats not the important partBarbie-san fell in love with a man who didnt even love her, I mean, I dont think what Barbie-san was doing was for love either. Its only to get herself merry to the idea of Im in love, yet, she never gave the guy a good look

Kinosh*ta-san said with a smile.

You look like that right now. You feel restless because youre told that youre loved, that the guy wants to date you, even though you dont even like the guy who youre dating, right?


Who knows if the guy even likes you? After all, you dont know each other that well, do you?


Kinosh*ta-san pursues, and Miki-san fell quiet.

Its common for middle schoolers to fall into their first love though, us.h.i.+s.h.i.+s.h.i.+

Kinosh*ta-san shows a triumphant smile.

Kinosh*ta-san sure knows a lot about that. Im surprised

Kurose Anju said.

As my personal bodyguards, theyve been together for the whole day.

I went to a girls school, and also, lived in a dorm in a foreign country, so I dont know much about it

Kurose Anju served As Is.h.i.+gami Mizukis attendant, going to a boarding school in Switzerland. Shes still young, but she already skipped a grade and graduated from middle school.

Me too, its all just superficial knowledge for me

Kinosh*ta-san laughs.

When I was freelancing, I hear a lot of stories from various people.

Then, Kinosh*ta-san turned to Miki-san.

Anyway, you should take away that photo, and break up with that guy

Why do I have to follow that from you?!

Miki-san resists, but

Miki, you get it too, dont you?

Maki finished it off.

You need Kou-kuns a.s.sistance if you want to continue playing your violin


Miki-san has no future left but to become my woman, just like her sister, Maki.

You cant even say no, theyve already done so much for us

We didnt just persuade their grandfather but also granted them scholars.h.i.+ps through the Kouzuki world exchange center.

What we presented is the best path for Miki-san to become a professional.

If shes serious about becoming a musician, then she cant let go of this opportunity.

I get that, but


But, this is frustrating

She glares at me.

Everything is just happening as he wants

Shes young, yet, shes got a strong rebellious spirit.

Oh? But I think that youre getting pretty comfortable with us

Kinosh*ta-san told Miki-san with a laugh.

Me? Comfortable?! That cant be!

Miki-san opposes, but

Look, Kuromori-samas naked, and the girls in the bed are also naked, right?

Yeah, Mariko, Luna, Marika, and Miki

All the girls I had s.e.x with are naked.

Its become normal for you to talk to naked people without you realizing it. You even make such an earnest face.

Kinosh*ta-san laughs loudly.

T-ThatsBecause they kept showing off that anyone can get used to it!

Miki-san puffs in anger.

Well, either way, Miki-san will also join us

Mariko mutters with an amazed tone.

Miki-san looks like a troublesome girl, so I think that only Kou can deal with her

I think so too. It wont go well with the guy shes currently dating. Mikis got a selfish and easy to get carried away personality so someone like Kou-kun is better for her

Maki-san also told Miki-san.

Thats not true! Im not like that!

The violinist puffed her cheeks.

Thats cute.

Miki-sans case will have to postpone for tomorrow. I find it hard to move tonight already

I concluded.

We also have to look up that guy, and since its already night, we cant. However, deleting the photo of her in her underwear has to be done as soon as possible, so we need to do that by tomorrow

I dont have school tomorrow thanks to the school festival.

However, by day, Ill have to go and take the entertainment office from Death Star Productions with Minaho-neesan.

By night, I have to go to the Mizus.h.i.+ma house to deal with the case of Karens bullies.

Work out on a schedule tomorrow once were back at the mansion

I told Kurose Anju.


Shes my personal bodyguard so its her job to manage my schedule.

Then, youre also postponing s.e.x with Miki-san for tomorrow?

Mariko asks.

Right, it doesnt have to be now. Miki-san still has to sort her thoughts

If we force her, Miki-san will just close her heart.

We should settle things later, that includes the guy shes dating, and the photo as well.

Besides, we should go back to the mansion now

Its getting late.

Everyone in the mansion is waiting for our return

Wait, Kou


Sure, well leave Miki-san pending for now, but theres still another one

Another one?

That sobbing girl over there

Mariko points at Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi.

No, but shes

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis in love with Matsumoto Maki, shes a lesbian.

Then, Maki chose Marika to be her partner instead.

She chose to become my woman together with Marika.

Thats why Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis feeling broken-hearted.

Kou, do you not want Igaras.h.i.+-san in the family?

Mariko told me.

Obviously. Shes not suited to our family

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis not that smart.

Shes a dumb girl who falls in love and goes in the wrong direction.

Even today, she just convinced herself that Marika was deceiving Maki, her love.

Putting on a black leather jacket, and delinquent makeup, she forcefully followed Marika and Maki.

The delinquent make-up didnt suit her, and she was awkward.

That might be true, but what do you think, Jasmine-chan?

Mariko looked at Marika.

Ive always been wondering, Jasmine-chan looks meek, but shes got a strong mind, doesnt she? Despite that, why did she let Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi-san come along?


Right, if its Marika, then shed refuse Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi even if she says that shes coming with them.

And so, I think that Jasmine-chan was willing to let Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi-san come along, right?

Mariko asks, Marika;

Kou-kun, I have another request

She looks at me.

Maki, whos next to Marika, looks at her in surprise.

Can we take Igaras.h.i.+-san as Maki and my pet?

Their pet?