Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1436. Matsumoto Sisters – Enchanted Younger Sister / Maki's Secret

Chapter 1436. Matsumoto Sisters – Enchanted Younger Sister / Maki's Secret

Chapter 1436. Matsumoto Sisters - Enchanted Younger Sister / Makis Secret

Im pulling out now

I managed to get up even after three consecutive e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.ns.

I slowly pull out my p.e.n.i.s from Makis insides.


Maki seems to have a sensitive body.

Theres hardly any damage from deflowering too.

My wilted glans come out of Makis entrance.

A moment later and my s.e.m.e.n, mixed with her virgin blood, trickles out of her.

Makis already tired so she remained limp.

Please stay still

Ruriko and Michi are also taking photos of Makis lascivious look.

I flop down on the empty s.p.a.ce in the king-sized bed.

As expected, Im worn out.

Nii-san, towel, and cold tea

Lunas a thoughtful girl so she wipes off my sweat with a towel.

She also used the tea bottle she brought for me to cool me down by placing it on my forehead.

Ruriko-san, I want to be in the same frame with Maki

Marika spreads her legs next to Maki.

Im with Maki right now. The two of us are filled with Kou-kuns baby seeds

I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed inside Marika before going with Maki, so now, both the piano girls have received fresh s.e.m.e.n in their wombs.

Indeed we are, Marika

Maki smiled at Marika.

The cla.s.smates take photos of their naked bodies.

Hey, I know that you two are getting in the mood, but I also have Kous s.e.m.e.n in my womb

Mariko cuts in between the two.

And so, lets take a photo with the three of us

Mariko also spread her legs to the camera.

The lens point at the genitals filled with my s.e.m.e.n.

Right. Maki, Mariko-san is also now Makis sister

Yes, please take care of me

Its not just me. Ruriko-chan, Michi-chan, and Luna-chan here are also your sisters now. Most of the girls in the mansion too. Also, Kinosh*ta-san and Kurose-san over there will join the sisters

Mariko smiled at Maki.

Anyway,, you have a lot of sisters now. You dont have to worry about anything now

Thank you

Maki replies happily.

Stop the honorifics. Were the same age. We already had s.e.x with Kou together so Ill call you Maki-chan now. I call Marika-san Jasmine-chan though


Some in the family call me that. Marika means Jasmine in English after all

Marika replied bashfully.

You can call me Mariko-chan

Mariko said and smiled.

Kou, how do you want to call Maki-chan?

Mariko asks me.

Just Maki

Is that good? Maki? We both are Kou-kuns women so you dont mind him calling you without suffix, right?

Marika smiled at Maki and said.

Ah, okay. Its fine. Im Kou-kuns woman just like Marika

Maki repeated what Marika said to affirm with herself.

Its Mariko, Marika, and Maki, were all the same age, and we all have M at the start of our names. Is there anyone else?

Mariko looked at me.


Oh right, Megumi-san too. I guess the four of us make a quartet?

Mariko laughs.

Kou, lets have s.e.x together with the five of us. Well please you plenty

Sure, next time

If that makes the family get along better, then

So far, Megu and Mariko hardly make contact with each other, but

Megu and Marika have a common feature as daughters of the prost.i.tute of the mansion.

Marika in between Megu and Mariko, and then add Maki to the mix.

Yes. Well serve togetheralthough, I still dont know much

Dont worry about it, you have me, Maki, also your sisters, theyll teach you about s.e.x, so dont worry

Marika and Maki hold hands.

Hey, Kou-kun

Marika looked at me.

Uhm, can I kiss and lick Maki when Kou-kuns not present?

She bashfully points at her p.u.s.s.y while saying that.

Of course, I wont put even my fingers inside, only Kou-kuns thing can. Mine and Makis will only accept Kou-kuns thing. But, can we lick each other?


No, I dont mind. Marika and Maki are both my women, but theyre also lovers, so I understand it. Even when Im not there, the two of you can kiss, touch, and lick each other, think of it as normal

I tell them straightforwardly.

Marika and Maki usually live in the dorm.

They can only stay at the mansion on weekends.

The two of them are into each other, so Im sure that theyll make love with each other in the dorm.

Thanks, Kou-kun

Thank you, Kou-kun

Marika and Maki thanked me.

But, dont neglect your piano lessons because of that. Rather, you two should get better now that youre together

Yes, well be careful

Ill also do my best in studying music. Together with Marika

Both of them have serious personalities so I dont think I need to worry about them.

Such talk reminded me of another cla.s.smate of Marika and Maki.

I looked towards the spectator seat by the bed and Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi was still crying.

Its depressing so n.o.body calls her out. She just sobs alone.

Kurose Anju is talking to Kinosh*ta-san.

Makis sister, Miki-san, looks confused, watching her sister in bed.

She must be surprised by Makis change after having s.e.x.

Mariko noticed me looking at Miki-san.

Hey, how about the spectators? What are your impressions of watching us have s.e.x?

Mariko asks Miki-san.

Uhm, to be honest, I dont get it. Why is Nee-san making such a bright face now? Even partic.i.p.ating everyone else in the naked photo session

Miki-san answered honestly.

While were talking, Rurikos filming the naked girls on the bed thats having fun.

Michi has shut down the video cameras.

I guess shes being considerate to not record even the private conversations.

Right, I have no idea why it became like this either. But

Maki tells her sister.

But its true that I feel refreshed after having s.e.x with Kou. Its like the evil spirit has been exorcised, or should I say that I feel like I wonder what I was worried about. Now, I dont worry about my future at all. Kou-kun, Marika, and everyone will come to help

Why? Why do you trust them so much? It was our first time meeting them

Miki-san asks her sister with a suspicious look.

Yes. Thats right, but after having s.e.x with Kou-kun, I finally understood that Kous been thinking about us ever since we met him earlier this five, and hes done a lot. Its all for us, to save us, and he never had such wicked thoughts while doing so. Kou-kuns a good person

Maki-san replies to her sister with a beaming smile who broke through her doubts.

However, Miki-san.

To be honest, its disgusting. Im sorry to say this but Nee-san looks like you got hooked on some kind of cult. Besides, what I dont get is that you need to have s.e.x with this person, even giving your first time to him. Much less promising to give birth to his child


Well, shes not wrong.

Girls with normal thoughts would find us abnormal.

Miki-san says, but Maki;

But, If Kou-kun was a bad guy, he would be morehow do I say thished forcefully rape you and me, not giving us the choice. He wont take his time, hed do it right away after Grandfather left


Kou-kun even showed himself having s.e.x with Mariko-chan and the other girls so I dont get afraid, Mariko-san even showed it to me. Showing me that s.e.x isnt scary

Maki looked at Mariko.

Yes. Thats because if youre feeling uneasy, itll be problematic because s.e.x can become traumatic to you

Mariko affirmed with a smile.

Kou-kun also did it with Marika. Then, Marika was gentle with me, thinking about me. Youve seen it, havent you, Miki?

Maki shows her hand still holding Marikas hand to Miki-san.

Sure, I thought that Nee-san might be s.e.xually abused, but it didnt feel that way, but

Miki-san is still not convinced.

In the end, you wont understand it unless you actually have s.e.x with Kou-kun. I figured it out when I did. Yes. I understand it now. I feel my bond with Marika and everyone else too. I finally get what they mean when they say Family

Maki looks at the girls around her.

I dont regret it, rather, Im thankful. Now, I only feel happy

Maki declares with a refreshed smile.

But, I still think its weird. Having s.e.x with a man you dont even like, even giving birth to their child

Miki-san says, Mariko.

But, Miki-san will need to have s.e.x with Kou too, right? I mean, you received his help, so you must repay him

I, no, were

We saved the Matsumoto sisters from their grandfather who was against them studying music.

Miki-san doesnt need to let go of the violin her late father gifted her.

But, you shouldve placed the conditions that its s.e.x and childbirth when we asked for help!! We didnt hear about this, but youre just saying it this late!

Miki-san objects.

Oh? What are you talking about? When we first asked you sisters earlier today, you had the face that says Well do anything just so we can continue studying music

Mariko laughs.

Back then, you would be okay accepting the condition of becoming Kous lover. If it lets you continue your pa.s.sion. Am I wrong?

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The truth is, the Matsumoto sisters were cornered when I met them, but

They dont know if they should trust us.

Thats why even if I bring out the condition to them, Miki-san would refuse.


Youre probably feeling relaxed now that your problem with your grandfather has been taken care of for the time being, arent you? You seem to have lost sight of the value of whats done for you

Mariko stirs up Maki-san.

Besides, youre a scholars.h.i.+p student, arent you? If you and Maki-chan got accepted as scholars.h.i.+p students of the Kouzuki world cultural exchange center, then you can continue to play your violin in an ideal environment. Its not just tuition and living expenses, Kouzuki house can use its power to introduce good teachers to you, and in the future, theyll even let you study abroad on good terms. Kou just gave you such an opportunity to be in such a privileged environment, but I wonder if youre just tossing that away?


Miki-san hangs her head.

Without having s.e.x with Kou and joining the family, you have nothing ahead of you. Isnt that obvious? If youre just a stranger, then Kou and we will not do anything more for you

Mariko looked at Maki

Maki-chan, dont help her out. Thats her life, and she has to be willing to pay for it

I know. Mariko-chan

Maki replied to Mariko, then

Maki, this is the path I chose, you have to make that decision for yourself

She tells her younger sibling.

I cannot repay Kou-kun for Miki as well. Mikis life is Mikis

Is it really necessary to have s.e.x with that man, and give birth to his child?

The violin girl asks her sister bitterly.

I still dont get why we have to be family with that person

Then, Mariko.

If you dont like it, you can leave our family anytime

She tells Miki calmly.

Kous big-hearted that he wont ask for revenge because you left the family. Although, youll lose all the graces from our family. We dont help anyone who leaves the family, and we wont even talk to you if we happen to b.u.mp into you outside. Well sever our connections.

If you leave the family before that, then well erase all her memories of our family.

We have too many secrets that we have to hide.

Fortunately, we have the shrine maidens who can erase those memories.

Besides, if you really want to become a professional, then youd never want to miss the opportunity we just presented you today. How can anyone whod throw away such a lucky ticket ever become a violinist? Do you have no dream? No pa.s.sion? Just have s.e.x with Kou and become his woman, and youll get the best environment you could ever have!

Mariko said.

Furthermore, you dont need to have s.e.x with Kou that frequently. As you already know, Kou has a lot of s.e.x partners. If you dont ask for it, youll only do it occasionally, when its your turn. Of course, to become family, you have to do the first one

Miki-san looked up and looked at Mariko.

Giving birth to Kous child, you can give a promise for now. If you dont want to give birth to his child, then work hard until youre 25, then become a first-cla.s.s violinist to be independent. Then once you pay back the costs that Kou spent up to that point, you can leave the family. You can do that

Thats possible. I dont recommend it however

Michi mutters.

However, youll need to fulfill your duties as one of Masters women until then.

They have to have s.e.x with me, and not have s.e.x with other men.

I dont know! I dont get it!

Miki-san crouches, covering her head.

I mean, I

Looking at her sisters confused face

Maki realized something.

Oh right! I forgot about that! Miki

Whats up?

Mariko looked at Maki.

Maki turned to me.

Ah, uhm, Kou-kun, Miki doesnt live with me in the dorm so I heard it from her just from a call, thats why I forgot about it

Maki lives in a dorm, and her sister, Miki-san lives with her mother.

They dont live together.

The younger ones only make calls from time to time.

And so?

Wait, Nee-san, Ill tell them myself

Miki-san looked at me with a serious face.

just what is it?

The truth is, Im dating someone right now

Even if shes a middle-schooler, Miki-sans a beauty.

I see. Its not weird for her to be dating a man.

I didnt consider that.

Then that does mean?

Thats okay. Its not as Nii-san thinks

Luna whispered.

She seems to have seen Miki-sans memories.

In short, Miki-sans still a virgin despite dating a man.

She hasnt kissed yet either

Oh, I guess thats because theyre still middle-schoolers.

It hasnt been a month since they started dating

I see.

Err, that means, you have a lover?

Mariko cuts in.


Miki-san replied, looking down.

So, which is it?



Its either you break up with him and have s.e.x with Kou? Or Have s.e.x with Kou before breaking up with him. Which one will you pick?

Mariko asks like its normal.

I know that its normal to have s.e.x before breaking up, but I think that having s.e.x before breaking up with him affirms your decision. Its to sort out your feelings


Either way, its already decided that youll break up with your lover and have s.e.x with Kou. You dont have a choice. Your choice is which one goes first

Mariko declared.

Wait, Mariko

I stopped her.

Miki-san cant catch up with that speed

She needs to sort things out and ask for details.


Miki-san, just how much do you love that guy?

Marika, who has been quiet until now, asks Miki-san.

True, we dont know the status of their love.

If they were dating only for a month, then her love for her partner is much greater than her rational thinking.

I understand that Marikos rational attack so far has been unacceptable to Miki-san.



I dont know

You dont know?

Its my first time dating a guy, and hes the one who said that he likes me, asking me to date him. At first, I told him that I cant, but he was so persistent, that hes done it four times last year

Thats why you accepted him?

Mariko asks.

I was uneasy. Father was ill, and Nee-san was in a dorm, not at home. I wanted someone to be by my side. Thats why, last month, I responded with I dont know yet, but lets try it out for now

So she isnt clear if her emotions toward the guy is love?

Even so, she accepted the idea of dating.

But, after thatFather died


A lot happened during the funeral, there was commotion every day, and uhm, we started dating, but we hardly ever saw each other.

I see.

The last month has been challenging for the Matsumoto sisters.

But, we chat every day on our phones, and so Im sure that were dating, but


Have you two ever gone out for a date?

Mariko asks.

Yes. Not even once

Does that mean you havent kissed yet

Yes, we havent yet

Miki-san answered bashfully.

But, if ever I need to have s.e.x with Kuromori-san after this, then Ill explain it to him, and I want to give him a proper breakup

Shes got such an earnest personality.

She doesnt want to half-heart everything she does.

Okay, I get it. I understand Miki-sans situation

Mariko looked at me.

Is there anything else you havent told us?

I asked Miki-san.

Yes. Myuhm

So she did.

Just tell us. We cant make a move unless you do

I said.

Uhm, I sent a lewd photo to him


Lewd photo?

U-Uhm, he chatted, and told me that he wants itwe couldnt meet for so long, and its our first time dating, so I felt sorry for himso

In short.

It means that you sent him a lewd photo of yourself?

Mariko asks.

Yes, thats right

This is bad.