Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1438

Chapter 1438

Chapter 1438

Can we take Igaras.h.i.+-san as our pet?

Marikas request surprised me.

No, all the other girls in the room are also surprised.

Marikas thought to be a quiet and introverted girl.

However, she brought in the Matsumoto sisters to become family, and then even Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi.

Was Marika this greedy girl?


I finally see it.

Im just so slow. To think that I didnt figure that out.

What did Minaho-neesan say?

On everything that happened so far.

I met Marika and the Matsumoto sisters earlier today, and after listening to their story, I thought everything was set in motion.

However, isnt everything going a bit too well?

Minaho-neesan showed up at our school to hear the Matsumoto sisters play.

The investigation and decision to accept the Matsumoto sisters as scholars.h.i.+p students were so quick

Even the preparation to meet elder Matsumoto at this hotel.

Of course, Kouzuki SS has superior investigation and a.n.a.lysis in such a short time.

But that doesnt mean that we need a full investigative unit to prepare for the meeting with the old man.

In short.

Marika talked to Minaho-neesan about the sisters a few days before she talked to me.

Thats why everything was prepared beforehand.

Also, everythings prepared in advance so Ruriko could approve their scholars.h.i.+p.

I pretend to be calm so that my girls dont realize that Im upset.


Marika smiled at me.

Kou-kun decides, she said

I knew it, she also talked to Minaho-neesan before asking me to keep Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi as her pet.

Please? Its okay, right? Kou-kun

Marika pleads.

Hey, Maki, ask Kou-kun too, thats a good idea, dont you think? We can keep Igaras.h.i.+-san as our pet. Then, we can have fun every day

Marika tells Matsumoto Maki, who just became her lover.


Both Maki, whos next to Marika, and Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi herself, were just stunned at Marikas statement.

Err, but, uhm

Maki seems confused by Marikas sudden suggestion.

M-Marika? Uhm, are you sure? About doing this?

Marika and Maki are both from the piano department, and Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi is in the voice department, so they go to different cla.s.ses.

Even so, theyre girls from the same school.

Shes proposing to keep a girl of the same age as their pet.

Thats not tolerated in the ordinary world.

Its okay, Kou-kun gave his permission

Marika told Maki and she looks at me without hesitation on her face.

Maki and I belong to Kou-kun. Were Kou-kuns family. Thats why, if Kou-kun allows it, then we can do anything

I-Is that so?

Maki looks at me.

Yes, anything goes in Kou-kuns world


No, Marikas right.

We belong to the Black Forest, a criminal syndicate.

We can use the authority and power of the Kouzuki house.

We have a privately owned armed organization, called Kouzuki SS.

Were already living in complete disregard for the law and social common sense.


What you can do and cant do is for Kou-kun to decide. We only follow him. But, we can ask. Maki, I asked him, so Kou-kun helped you

Thats also right.

Marika asked me, thats why I helped the Matsumoto sisters.

And since I decided, Ruriko, Mariko, and Minaho-neesan helped out.

I make the decision.

Im the only man in the family, and Im obligated to fulfill the wishes of my women as much as possible.

Jasmine, you know exactly what youre talking about, right?

Mariko asks Marika.

Marikos face is smiling, but her eyes are not.

Shes showing a strong will that if Marika continues to talk arrogantly, shes going to crush her.

Of course, I understand

Marika replies.

Maki and I are already Kou-kuns women. Kou-kun will always protect us in his arms, and hell support us in our dreams, but


Were still inexperienced. Were still not worthy of being Kou-kuns woman. Therefore, Maki and I will have to work hard to improve ourselves to become worthy of Kou-kun

Marika said, then she smiled at Maki.

You get it, dont you, Maki?

Yes. I know, Marika

Maki nods lightly and then looked at Mariko and the girls around.

I have to chase after everyone here. Im still lacking. I need to put on some effort

Me too, Maki. Maki and I are now different from ordinary girls, we now live in Kou-kuns world, and so, we need to chase after the family and our sisters


My world. Our familys world.

I dont get what Marika and Maki mean when they say that theyre immature, that they have to catch up, or that its not enough.

Then, Marika goes back to Mariko.

No, before improving myself, before catching up to everyone, I first have to try my best not to embarra.s.s myself. Thats the first step

Me too. Thats the first step for me as well


Marika, Maki, what do you mean by that? Explain it

I asked.

I decided to accept both Marika and Maki as my women, judging that they were suited for our family.

Both of them are smart, they have good manners, and theyre beautiful.

Of course, shes a piano student at our music high school, and they have a background in music. The two of them have talent in piano.

Compared to my women, they dont seem lacking.

Kou-kun, Maki, and I gained Mariko-chan and Ruriko-chan as sisters through you

Marika told me.

And today, its not just Kou-kun, but Mariko-chan, Ruriko-chan, and even Minaho-san all helped us with our burden

Luna-chan and everyone else helped out a ton too

Mariko used her status as the daughter of the president of Torii electronics.

Ruriko used the scholars.h.i.+p program of the Kouzuki world cultural exchange center because shes the daughter of the Kouzuki house.

Of course, Kouzuki SS was also there.

Minaho-neesan coordinated the event and even lent us the hotel as a venue.

Then, Kyouko-san.

Then, Luna can soften the mood with her Miko power.

Michi, Kinos.h.i.+ta-san, and Kurose Anju helped as bodyguards.

The family helped us using what they have

But, we dont have anything we can offer to the family yet


Thats not true. Your performance on the piano is amazing. Im sure that one day, your piano performance will help someone in the family

Mariko said.

Thats what we want. But, were still inexperienced in our piano talent

Marikas right. Were still lacking

Maki, who wants to be a professional, thinks that way.

Well do our best in music. But, for now, I promise to not do anything that would embarra.s.s Mariko-chan, Ruriko-chan, and others

Me too, Ill become someone suitable for Kou-kun, and for the sisters

Marika and Maki announced.

After all, everyones convinced Makis grandfather to allow her to continue her dreams, and Maki even got a scholars.h.i.+p grant from Kouzuki world cultural exchange center

If I lax or neglect my studies, Ill be putting those who recommended me for the scholars.h.i.+p, as well as Mariko-chan and Ruriko-chan to embarra.s.sment

I see.

Since they insisted that Maki has talent in music so much in front of Makis grandfather that

If Maki gets lousy in music, Ill bring embarra.s.sment to Ruriko and Mariko.

I know that I have to study music harder than ever and become a great pianist. Im ready for it

Its not just Maki, but me as well

Both Maki and Marika understand that they have to repay what we gave her.

That aside


Ill explain to the students at school that I asked my relative, Reika-oneesan, to introduce Maki to the scholars.h.i.+p program of the Kouzuki world cultural exchange center

Yes. Todays story about Maki being a scholars.h.i.+p student will go around at the school quickly

Marika said, Maki nodded.

Rei-chan told the students at the dorm back when she dropped off Marika there that she was a relative.

The students in Marika and Makis school believe that Marika is a relative of Fujimiya Reika.

Rei-chans face and name are well known around the public after her showdown with Kyouko-san and Anya in the special TV program.

Rei-chans dignity and beauty, and her spectacular actions with her well-trained body have captivated the audience.

Nowadays, Fujimiya Reika of Kouzuki SS has been named a celebrity.

People can imagine that Kouzuki SS and Kouzuki world cultural exchange center is connected by the Kouzuki group.

So the story of Marika asking Rei-chan to introduce Maki to the Kouzuki world cultural exchange center wont pose any problems.

Of course, everyone at school knew that I was about to leave the school after the recent loss of my father

Maki said.

There were a lot of people who saw me talking to Maki and taking her out today. Igaras.h.i.+-san even came along with us

Marika testifies.

Marika and Maki live in a dorm, so the students see each other a lot.

Todays Sunday, and Marika, Maki, and for some reason, Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi with bad makeup and leather jacket went out.

Of course, people wont blame me for using Reika-oneesan as a connection and introducing Maki to the Kouzuki world cultural exchange center. Maki was in trouble, and they know that Makis got the talent to be chosen as a scholars.h.i.+p student

Marikas right, Makis got excellent grades in her piano lessons.

Earlier, Kyouko-san even said that she met the criteria to become a scholars.h.i.+p student from the survey.

And so, many would be happy to have Maki as a scholars.h.i.+p student, so she could continue her studies. Many love Makis piano performance, and I think theyll be happy to see that Maki didnt give up on her dream halfway through, but

Marika said.

She also has a lot of haters. Those will definitely get jealous that Maki got her scholars.h.i.+p. Theyll be mean to us out of jealousy, that theyll say terrible things when were not around

Indeed. With tuition and living expenses and all of Makis future musical activities backed by Kouzuki world cultural exchange center, it wont be surprising that people would be jealous of it

Mariko mutters.

I see.

Apart from Maki, many girls in their music high school can be in some difficult economic circ.u.mstances.

The a.s.sistance we provide Maki goes beyond the normal scholars.h.i.+p programs.

Theyll be envious of that. Thats likely to cause some hara.s.sment

It was the same when I got introduced as Reika-oneesamas relative


Of course, I was happy about that. Before, it was just me and Mother. It was nice to hear that a lovely sister like Reika-oneesama tell everyone in school that Im close to her and Im thankful for that.

Marika lived alone with her mother, a former prost.i.tute of the brothel, since childhood.

However, some of the students at school started following me around every day, telling me to let them see Reika-oneesama, or have her autograph something. On the other hand, there were some with clear malicious intent too

Yes, I know. Ive seen them too

Maki said.

But, I have to be resolute and have to brace myself, ready to deal with it. If I did something that would be the other girls laugh at me, then Ill cause trouble for Reika-oneesama

Even if there are people causing annoyance to Marika, she doesnt turn it into big trouble.

If that were to happen, Marika feels that it would tarnish the reputation of her relative, Rei-chan.

Marikas piano has been feeling tensed up lately, so thats what it was

Maki said, Marika;

Was it worse than before?

No, it became better. The dignity, and eleganceOh, I see!

Maki looked at Mariko and Ruriko.

It must be the influence of the sisters. Marikas music has changed because you have a graceful family.

If I did improve, then Maki will

Yes, I think so. I will change. Ill get better and better. I have to get better, if not

Maki looked at me.

Then joining Kou-kuns family would be for naught. Ill have to use my piano skills to overwhelm and silence those who are jealous and hara.s.s me because Im a scholars.h.i.+p student

Me too. It cant be just Maki whos good at piano, Ill have to improve or Maki will laugh at me. Minaho-san, Mariko-chan, Ruriko-chan, and everyone in the family, and Kou-kunI cant put them to shame

I see, both Jasmine-chan and Maki-chan have a clear understanding of what it means to be a part of our family

Mariko laughed and said.


I didnt understand.

When Agnes went to school, I asked her to be in the same cla.s.s as Luna, Koyomi-chan, and Karen.

Thats because I was afraid that Agnes would get bullied or isolated in cla.s.s.

If theres already a group with her from the start, then the bullying is less likely.

I thought of that. So

I put Agnes and the girls in a group, and yet

The daughters of the branch family of Mizus.h.i.+ma house use the time when Karen isnt with Agnes and Luna to bully Karen.

Im going to the Mizus.h.i.+ma house tomorrow with Karen because of that matter.

Im already familiar with that example, and yet

I didnt consider Marikas school life.

Oh, Im starting to get it

Mariko smiled.

In short, Jasmine-chan and Maki-chan need her to be a pet so your school time goes well.

That girl, Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi.

Marika and Maki also need to create a strong group in the dorm where they usually live to prevent ordinary students from doing anything unnecessary.


But of course, thats not the only reason. Igaras.h.i.+-sans a lovely girl, as you can see, and I have a great desire to pet and adore her like a pet together with Maki. But apart from that


If Igaras.h.i.+-san becomes our pet, then I think that our lives will become easier



In short, you brought Igaras.h.i.+-san because you want to show me that wanted her to be your pet from the start?

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi didnt tag along with Marika and Maki today without asking for permission.

Marika made Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi follow her.


Marika smiled.


Marika, how is Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi in school?

I asked Marika.

I dont get why Marika wants Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi.

I dont understand, and the person herself shouldnt either.

Shes so bright and kind, shes like Erica in our school


Marikas younger sister who she didnt know exist until recently.

Ericas attending the same school as Ruriko and the girls, and shes called the star of middle school.

Shes loved by her seniors as a little sister, and respected by the juniors as an elder sister.

Thats because of Ericas carefree and bright personality, and endless cuteness.

Marikas true nature is of a perverted girl who loves lewd literature.

Ericas enjoying a ton of perverted plays.

So Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi resembles Erica?

Igaras.h.i.+s treated as the flower in our school

Maki said.

She stands out a lot among the first-years, but they all love Igaras.h.i.+-san

Yes. Shes sensible and thoughtful, and she doesnt rush, but, Igaras.h.i.+-san isnt a two-faced person, so they all love her. Its fun watching her too

Marika and Makis commentary made Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi open her mouth dumbfoundedly.

Oh, I get it


Igaras.h.i.+-sans the idiot-cute type. We have those types in our school too


I see. Thinking about it, that makeup of hers was funny

Mariko laughed.

I see.

When we met Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi who tagged along with Marika and the Matsumoto sisters for the first time earlier this afternoon.

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis trying to show off like a delinquent, putting on such flashy makeup, and a black leather jacket.

That appearance was absurd.

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi doesnt look like a delinquent at all, she just looked like a young girl who forced herself to act tough, it didnt look good on her.

However, the way she dressed ridiculously, and actin tough to put pressure on me was only to help out Maki, whom she had a crush on.

Looking at it from an objective view, that was just cute.

I may have misunderstood her.

Thats not all. Nii-san


She read my thoughts.

Igaras.h.i.+-san didnt trust Marika-oneesan and Nii-san, shes worried that Maki-neesans deceived by some scammers, and so shes been treating Nii-san as an enemy, thats why she was rude, right?

I see. So thats it.

Thats why Nii-sans impression of Igaras.h.i.+-san was poor.

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi was looking ridiculous and was standoffish.

Thats why I had a harsh rating on her.

Nii-sans too strict when giving scores on girls these days

Luna said, and that hit a chord.

I also did that yesterday.

I decided that Is.h.i.+gami Mizuki was a dumb young lady, and looked down on her.

However, she didnt lose her pride as a young lady of n.o.bility even after I raped her.

I was wrong about Is.h.i.+gami Mizuki.

If so

I look again at Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi, who just showered with Marika and the girls, and is now wearing a bathrobe.


Now without my prejudice, she sure is a cute pet.i.te girl.

Shes trembling as she doesnt know what will happen to her is so adorable, just like a small animal.

Its true that Igaras.h.i.+-san isnt as bright to be a regular family member, but I think that shes good enough to be Jasmine-chans pet, right? Dont you think, Kou?

Mariko said.

But, Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi might just end up telling others about the family on some occasions.

Thats just likely.

Were here to make sure that doesnt happen.


Lunas going to use her Miko power to tie up Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi so she doesnt leak out anything about us.

Dont worry, Nii-san. Thats a no-brainer

If its just manipulating her mind so she doesnt tell others, then that wont break Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis mind


I look at Marika again.

Do you really need her as a pet?


I wont say that shes absolutely necessary, but I think its better to have her, and also, I want to have a pet

Marika replied honestly.

Then, she looked at the naked girl next to her.

What about Maki

Maki looked at Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi.

Right, I think its okay if shes a pet. Marika and I will be sure to dote on her

If so

From now on, when Marika and I are together, other girls will look at us like were strange, but

If we have Igaras.h.i.+-san with us, there will be fewer people looking at us that way

If the two girls are too close to each other, theyll talk behind their backs saying that theyre lesbians, but

If there are three girls, then its just a trio of close friends.

I think the other students might be more receptive to the idea of two good piano girls with a silly but pretty girl with them

Mariko said.

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis just unable to comprehend whats going on in front of her and shes just shaking.

So, what will you do, Kou? The rest is your call.

Marikos right, Minaho-neesan did tell Marika that if I say yes, then she can keep Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi as her pet.

I have to decide.

I look at the scared Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi.

Shes definitely a cute girl.

I dont think I have anything to object to if were keeping her as a pet, even if shes a little dumb.

Can you take responsibility for her?

I asked Marika.

I can. Maki and I can

Well take care of her

Marika and Maki answer, so I dont hesitate.

Then, shes yours to keep

Thanks, Kou-kun

Kou-kun, thank you

Then, Marika and Maki turned to Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi.

Kou-kun gave his permission, Igaras.h.i.+-san.

Youre now Marika and My pet, well be sure to dote on you

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis trembling, shes not answering.

Hey, Onee-san, you cant just do that!

Makis sister, Miki-san shouts, but

Why not? Just let us be

Marika replied to Miki-san calmly.

Were Kou-kuns women, Kou-kuns family, and so if he allows it, nothing in this world can go against it. After all, as long as we take care of her and give her the attention then

That cant be!

Miki-san cant understand our logic.

Pets cant choose their owners, but owners can choose their pets. Jasmine-chan and Maki-chan chose Igaras.h.i.+-san as their pet, so Igaras.h.i.+-sans their pet now

Mariko laughed.

So, what will you make your pet do first, Jasmine-chan?


Of course, that would be s.e.x with Kou-kun. Shes our pet, so she needs to be able to serve Kou-kun anytime as well

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis face turned pale.

I feel sorry for Igarsas.h.i.+-san if shes left out while Maki and I are having s.e.x with Kou-kun. Since shes our pet, Igaras.h.i.+-san should also enjoy s.e.x with us

Indeed. Marikas right

Maki nods.

Kou-kun, you can have s.e.x with Igaras.h.i.+-san whenever you like, okay? Shes our pet, so you can use her as you please

In the end, its like that.

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis turned to a pet, and for that

Earlier, Kou-kun asked if we could train her, so, Igaras.h.i.+-sans first training would be to beg Kou-kun

Training a pet

Thus, I have to deflower Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi here.

Ill violate her so that Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi will understand with her body that she has no other choice but to become a pet.

Sure, lets do it

I stood up from the bed and approached the frightened girl in her bathrobe.


Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi trembles in fear.