Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1435. Matsumoto Sisters – Changing Elder Sister / Marika and Maki (Maki's Deflowering)

Chapter 1435. Matsumoto Sisters – Changing Elder Sister / Marika and Maki (Maki's Deflowering)

Chapter 1435. Matsumoto Sisters - Changing Elder Sister / Marika and Maki (Makis Deflowering)

Haa, haa, haa, haa

On top of the bed in Minaho-neesans hotel suite.

Im sweating all over and fell exhausted on top of Marikas sweating body.

My e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n finally subsided, but my p.e.n.i.s still reached deep inside Marikas p.u.s.s.y.

Haa, haa, haa, haa

Marikas also breathing heavily below me.

Next to Marika is Matsumoto Maki-san, exhausted as well.

She shared Marikas ecstasy thanks to Lunas Miko power.

Maki-sans a virgin, and she experienced the pleasure of s.e.x.

Haa, haa, haa, that felt amazing, Kou-kun

Marika finally recovered from the afterglow of climax and whispered to my ears.

It seems that she cant move her body yet.

Her face has beads of sweat floating, and her bangs cling to her forehead.

Marikas sweat smells like sweet milk.

It felt amazing to me too

Marikas wet skin feels soft.

I enjoy the feeling of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s and erect nipples with my hand.


Marikas body shakes as shes still sensitive.


Can you feel it, Maki? My

Marika asks Maki, whos lying next to her, wearing only a bathrobe.

Yes, I can feel it Marika

Maki-san replies in a raspy tone.

This is amazings.e.x

Marika smiles.

Its not yet therethis time Maki will do it with Kou-kun, and then you and I will be the same

I look at the girls who were watching us have s.e.x.

Kurose Anju, Kinosh*ta-san, Matsumoto Miki-san, and Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi.

Theyre all dumbfounded, watching Marika and I have s.e.x.

But, Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi was the only one who turned pale from hearing what Marika said.

Yes, I understand thatIll do it, I want to be the same as Marika

Maki-san replies with an enchanted look on her face.

She already exposed her love to Marika, her interest in s.e.x, everything

Shes become mentally naked, so theres nothing to hide.

Seeing that fact made Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis eyes dye in despair.

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi loves Matsumoto Maki-san romantically, but

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis not even in Maki-sans head right now.

Shes forgotten.

Then, lets switch, its Makis turn this time

Marika said.

Its finally time to take the virginity of Maki-san, the elder of the Matsumoto sisters, and Marikas cla.s.smate.

I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed inside Mariko and Marikas wombs but

I dont have a problem going for the third one in a row. I can still go on



I know what Marika wants.

Maki, look

I raised my body so Maki-san could get a good look at the union.

Of course, the virgin spectator too.

Mariko and Luna who are naked, and on the bed, are also watching, and Ruriko and Michi are ready with their cameras.

Im pulling out now

I slowly pull out my p.e.n.i.s from Marikas inside.


The bulge of my glans spills out of Marikas v.u.l.v.a.

After a bit of delay, my s.e.m.e.n dripped out of Marikas slit.

This is Kou-kuns s.e.m.e.n, and its filling me up right now because Kou-kun gave me a lot

Marika spreads her legs and pats her abdomen.

Thats about where her womb is.

I cant do it right now, but I will give birth to Kou-kuns child. Thats the rule of the family. I will only have s.e.x with Kou-kun. Kou-kun will be the only man who can see my naked body, but, I dont hate it. I like Kou-kun, hes kind and a good man. Hes a trustworthy man, the husband of the family, and Im one of Kou-kuns wives

Marika told Maki-san.

Well, thats how it is. Were Kous women. The only reason were family and sisters is that were all Kous wives, and we decided to bear his child. Thats why we will only have s.e.x with Kou

Mariko looks down at Maki-san from above as she sits on the large bed and said.

I dont care about the rules, I just want to be with Marika, so Ill follow it

Maki-san got up from the bed and replied.

Maki will give birth to Kou-kuns child too?

I will

Will only have s.e.x with Kou-kun?

Yes, I wont do it with other men

And well raise the child together?

Of course, Ill raise my child and Marikas child with love

And youll also cherish the other sisters children, right?

Yes, I know, I accept it all

Marika felt satisfied with the conversation and smiled.

Maki-san also changed.

After sharing s.e.x senses with Marika, she no longer hesitates to join our family.

She accepts her fate.

Then, Maki, take it off


Marika loosened Maki-sans bathrobe.

Kou-kun, do you want to take it off instead?

Marika turned and asked me, but

Ill let Marika do it. Ill just watch

I see, leave it to me then

Marika smiled and stripped Maki-sans bathrobe.


Dont be shy, Maki. Everyone on the bed is naked.

Marikas right, Marika, Mariko, Luna, and I are all naked on top of the bed.

Ruriko and Michi, the filming duo put on their bathrobes, and the spectators still have their clothes on.

Now Makis just like us


Maki-sans naked body is exposed to our gazes.

I see. She has a slender and beautiful body.

Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s are well shaped, and her small nipples are pink.

Perhaps because shes a pianist and she has a good posture that her frame is clean and beautiful.

She has thin and long legs, and fingers too.

And Maki-sans skin is flushed because she shared Marikas climax.

Shes sweating.

Her genitals are also wet.

Youre so beautiful Matsumoto Maki-san

Mariko said.

Mariko-san too. Luna-san, Ruriko-san, and Michi-san. Youre all so beautiful

Maki-san said.

Shes focusing on the girls body because she likes girls.

My women are indeed beautiful.

Of course, Marika also has a beautiful body

Maki too, but

Marika smiles.

Itll become more beautiful once you have s.e.x with Kou-kun. Thats true for all of us

Indeed, it relieves you of stress, your blood circulation becomes better, and your skin becomes glossy, and above all that, you become more confident as a woman

Mariko said.

I finally get what it means when they say that you become a woman once you experience s.e.x. I had s.e.x with Kou and understood why I was born a woman. Arent you the same, Ruriko-chan?

Mariko turned to Ruriko who was handling the camera.

Yes. Mariko-chans correct. I was born to become Onii-samas s.e.x slave, and I realize that it was the right fate. I feel happy about it

Ruriko replies while taking photos of Marika and Maki-sans bodies.

With that said, lie down Maki-san. Show it to Kou

Mariko urges her.

Right Maki, lie down here, just like how I did earlier


Marika had Maki-san lie down on the bed.

Now put this under your b.u.t.t

She puts a cus.h.i.+on under Makis a.s.s as I did to her earlier.


Luna, do we have more cus.h.i.+ons? If there is, then bring two or three more

Its in the room over there, Nii-san, give me a minute

Luna goes off the bed and went to the other room.

Kou-kun, whats wrong?

Well, Maki-san will need a bit more elevation under her b.u.t.t to get the angle right.

Maki-sans slit seems to be lower compared to Marikas.

And since her body is thin and her pelvis is firm, insertion would be smoother if her waist is higher.

Its her first time, so I want to adjust the angle so it doesnt hurt that much

As expected of Kou, just leave it to him

Mariko smiled.

Ive done it with a lot of virgins in my life so I already know what to do.

Here, I brought them

Luna brings in cus.h.i.+ons in her arms and returned to the bed.

Thanks, Luna. Maki-san, raise your b.u.t.t


I add a cus.h.i.+on under Maki-sans a.s.s while she lifts her hips to a bridge.

You can lower it now

Ah, okay

Her cute a.s.s rests on the pile of cus.h.i.+ons and I added more.

How is it, Kou-kun?

I cant do a final check if she doesnt open her legs wide

s.e.x is basically a woman spreading her legs so a man could put his d.i.c.k in

There are exceptions of course, but Id rather not go with rough s.e.x for deflowering.

Right. Maki spread your legs. Just like how I did earlier

But thats embarra.s.sing

Maki-san hides her face.

Youre about to do something more embarra.s.sing

The pain and embarra.s.sment are both pleasures

Mariko said, and Michi added while she was holding the camera.

Ready yourself, Maki

Okay, I get it

Maki-san, whos lying down on the bed, spreads her legs.

Spread it wider


Luna-chan, hold the other leg, Ill hold this one


Mariko and Luna attach themselves to Maki-sans legs.


One two!

Were spreading it

The two spread open Maki-sans legs.


Maki-sans embarra.s.sed that she twists her body, but Mariko and Luna hold her, so she cant close her legs.

Marika-oneesama, were going to check Maki-sans hymen now

Ruriko, whos in charge of the camera, brings it closer to Maki-sans crotch.

Huh, what?

Maki-sans surprised.

Oh, this is one of the customs, we let Kou see the hymen.

Then, we also take photos of it

We also had our photos taken

Mariko and Ruriko said.

You lose it once you have s.e.x, so you can only see it now. Ill open it up

Marika uses her fingers to split open Maki-sans slit.


Maki-sans opening feels the air.

Yeah, I see the white film, thats her hymen.

Makis hymen looks cute

Marika said, and love nectar drips from the slit.

Ill show you photos of mine later.

Yes, Ill look at it, I dont like it that only mine is seen

Yes, were going to be the same on everything

Yes, thats a promise

Maki-san looked up at Marika bashfully and said.

Miki-san, Kurose-san, and Kinohsita-san, do you want to see? Maki-sans hymen looks cute. It will be gone soon so nows your only chance. Igaras.h.i.+-san too

Mariko smiled at the spectators.

Theyre all sitting next to the bed, so

Maki-sans naked body is just right in front of them.

Oh, Miki-san looks in her pain as she watches her sisters lasciviousness.

Kurose Anjus just surprised.

Kinosh*ta-sans curious.

And Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis staring at Maki-sans genitals.

Then, its about time for Kou to do his thing

Marikos right.

I had fun watching the girls, but its my turn now.

Kou-kun, here

Marika calls me.

Im scared, Marika

Dont worry, Im here with you Maki. Hold my hand

Marika lies next to Maki and holds her hand.

Theyve swapped places from when Marika had s.e.x earlier.

I got on top of Maki-sans naked body.

Oh, I can feel Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis gaze at my back.

Lunas holding down Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi so she doesnt act violently or even talk, but

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi has strong feelings for Matsumoto Maki, and she doesnt want me to deflower her.

Shes hoping to get Maki-san out of my clutches from the bottom of her heart.

But, I will have s.e.x with Maki-san.

Then, Matsumoto Maki-san will join our family, and be together with Marika.

Maki-sans a beauty, and she has a talent for music, which is good for the other members of the family when she joins in.

Shes needed, and I want her, so Im taking her.

Thats how I live.

Maki-san, lets kiss

I said.

Wait, Marika first

Okay, Kou-kun, give us a second

Marika kissed Maki-san.

Their tongues entwined, sucking each other.


Good luck, Maki. Ill be with you

Yes, Marika

Kou-kun, go ahead

Marika urges me and so I kissed Maki-san.

Maki-sans lips are tight, she must be nervous about kissing a man for the first time.

Still, her tension comes off as I lick her lips with my tongue.

Kissing a man feels different

Maki-san says after letting go.

Well yes, compared to doing it with girls

I licked Maki-sans ears.

Then, her nape.

Ahn, iyaa

Dont be afraid Maki. Its Kou-kun doing it

Marika whispers to encourage Maki-san.

Im touching your b.r.e.a.s.t.s

Huh? No

Even if she says that my hands already grabbed Maki-sans right breast.

Yes, thats soft. Elastic. Its just the right size to fit in my hand.

Its a little bit harder than Marikas.

Must be because shes a virgin.

Maybe, shes nervous, her skin is sweating.

I-Its my first time having a man touch me

I was like that too, so youll be fine, Maki

Marika smiled gently.

Ahn~ There!

I rubbed Maki-sans nipples with my thumb.

Can you feel the chill? Maki, you touched my b.r.e.a.s.t.s the same way too, didnt you?

But, but

Maki-sans confused and feeling discomfort from me teasing her nipples.

So, I just continued.

Im licking them now

I approached Maki-sans nipples and then

No, wait, please let Marika do that first!!

Maki-san says selfishly

No, Maki. Kou-kun loves b.r.e.a.s.t.s, so he has to take that first

Marika whispered to Maki-sans ears.


I put Maki-sans nipple in my mouth.

Her small nipples are already stiff.


I licked the tip of her nipples.

Iyaan, that tickles

It feels good, doesnt it? Maki will soon come to love it

No, I wont! Ahn~

You will. Just like how I do

Noo, dont suck it

I enjoyed the feeling of Maki-sans nipples with my lips and tongue.


Marika, you can have this nipple. Well lick them together

Yes, Kou-kun

Marikas licking it too?

Yes, Kou-kun allowed me

If Marikas licking it, then Im okay

Marika and I attacked her nipples at the same time.

But, Iyaa, an ahn!

Maki-san can feel it.

Oh, Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis gaze is piercing me.

Undying love towards Maki-san, and a strong hatred and hostile look towards Marika and me.

Aahn, it feels weird

Its okay, you can feel it, Maki,

Then, I licked Maki-sans navel.


The pianist girls belly is soft.

Then, my tongue goes to

N-Noo, dont lick that part

Dont do that, Maki, Kou-kuns tasting them all

I licked Maki-sans slit.

Aaah, Noo!!

The sour taste of her love nectar spreads on my tongue.

Maki-sans lewd smell drifts in the room.

Ah, aah, aaaah!!

Then, I exposed Maki-sans c.l.i.toris with my tongue.

Ah, hiiii!!

I licked it.

Iyaaaa!! Aaaah!!

I licked her small ruby c.l.i.toris with my tongue.

Aaah, aaaah!!!

Maki-sans leaking out more love nectar from inside her.

Yes, thats good enough.

I got up.



Marika approached my p.e.n.i.s while still holding Maki-sans hand.

Ill get it wet so it doesnt hurt when it goes inside Maki

Saying that she licks my p.e.n.i.s in front of Maki-san.

She smeared it with her saliva.


Maki-san looks at Marika serving me with her mouth.

Before long

Thats good enough Marika

Marika lets go and her salivas making a string between her lips and the tip of my glans.

Lets have s.e.x then

I said. Maki-san trembles.

I knew it, Im scared

Maki-san mutters as she looks up at my erection.

Dont worry. Youve seen it go inside me, didnt you? Maki will accept it too. Well be the same

Marika lies next to Maki-san and whispers to her ears.

Well hold Maki-sans legs.

If you move too much, itll hurt instead

Mariko and Luna hold Maki-sans legs.

Their deflowering hasnt been that long since

Theyre thinking and moving on how to keep Maki-san from feeling fear, and how I can make it go in smoothly.

Im putting it in

My glans points at Maki-sans slit.

Maki-sans slit is overflowing with love nectar, and Marikas saliva is making my p.e.n.i.s s.h.i.+ne.



Just that made Maki-san tremble.

Tension runs through the naked body of this piano girl.

Its okay. Youll be fine, Maki

Marika kissed her.

I feel the heat of Maki-sans insides with the tip of my p.e.n.i.s.

I check the angle.

Yes, once I get this in

But before putting it in, I turned around.

Oh, Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis looking here with a grim face.

Her eyes show so much hate that it wants to kill me.

Thats why I fixed my posture so Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi could see the insertion.



I push in my hips and the pressure of my glans spreads Maki-sans opening wide.

I-IyaaaaaI-It hurts

Zunyuu, I push the virgin membrane and dived into Makis v.a.g.i.n.a.

It hurts! Aaah!!

Her virgin v.a.g.i.n.a is narrow and hot.

Its clamping my p.e.n.i.s.

But, its wet with warm love nectar.

Then, I slowly push into the root.


Its okay, go for it, Maki!

Marika grabs Maki-sans hand and cheers her up.


Its all in

The tip of my p.e.n.i.s makes contact with Maki-sans uterus.

Its all in, so lets take a break.

Okay, were taking photos

Ruriko uses the camera to capture Maki-sans first union with me.

Michis also using her video camera to capture Maki-san breathing heavily and sweating as Im inside her.

Maki, look at the camera, its a commemorative photo


Marika fixes Maki-sans hair sticking to her forehead due to sweat and kisses her cheek.

Can you see it? Makis having s.e.x with Kou-kun right now

Yes, I can see it. Im having s.e.x right now, Marika

The cus.h.i.+on elevates her hips, so when Maki-san raises her head, she can see for herself where were united.

My thick p.e.n.i.s and Maki-sans slit fit tight to the root.

Im no longer a virgin

Yes, and thats cute, Maki

The two kissed.

Maki-sans v.a.g.i.n.a tightens up, stimulating my p.e.n.i.s.

Ruriko and Michi capture that moment too.

Ill move slowly

I can tell from this situation

Maki-san doesnt feel much pain, and she doesnt bleed much.

Her genitals have loosened up well, and I tore her membrane cleanly.

The deflowering went much more smoothly than expected.

Kou-kun, be gentle with her

I know

I moved my hips.

Aaah, iyaaan!! Aaahn!

Maki-san moans loudly.

How is it, Maki? Does it hurt?

I think its okay, it doesnt hurt as much as I thought

I knew it.

After hearing Marika and Maki-sans conversation, my thrust went deeper and faster.

I can hear wet sounds from the joint.

The sound is becoming rhythmic.

Aaahn! Aaah! Auuu!!

Maki, youre so cute. Maki

Marika smiles while teasing Maki-sans b.r.e.a.s.t.s

Aahn! Marika! Marika! I love you! I love you!

Me too, Maki. I love you

Aaah! Aaaahn!! Aaaah!!

Were the same now, Maki and I

Marika said.

But, Im the one having s.e.x with Maki-san, so I can tell.

Marika and Maki are different.

Their faces, their voices.

The feeling of their skin.

The smell of their sweat, and the taste of their love nectars.

The feeling inside their v.a.g.i.n.as wrapping my p.e.n.i.s.

Women are different.


Aahn!! Yes! The same, were becoming the same! Marika and me!!

Yes, its coming soon, Maki

Marika and Maki-san.

The two pianists wish to become one.

Aaah, aaah! Aaaahn!!

So cute, Maki

The two hold each others hands and kiss each other.

Maki-sans insides become even wetter.

I went for my final stretch.

Aaaah! Aaaaah!! Marika!! Marika!!!

Maki! Maki!!!

I thrust hard inside Maki-san.

I polish my p.e.n.i.s and rise up her tight virgin hole.

Its coming soon!!

Hot stuff is building up deep in my hips.

My white stinky fluid demands me to release them as soon as possible.

Maki, look at Kou-kuns face

Marika told Maki-san.

Tell Kou this, Pour it inside Maki

Hearing Marika says that.

This is the first time shes having s.e.x.

Maki-san looked straight into my eyes.


c.u.m inside me! c.u.m inside Maki!



Im c.u.mming! Maki!!

Aaaaah!! Aaaaah!!!!

I rub the tip of my glans against Makis cervix with all my might.

At that moment.

Nooooo!!! Anything but that!!!!

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi broke through Lunas control and shouted.

But, its too late!!


I e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed inside Maki.

Aaaah, so hot! It feels so hot inside!!!

Kou-kuns s.e.m.e.n is inside Maki

Marika tells Maki.

Uuuuu, uuuuuuuuu!!!

I clenched my a.s.s and continued ejaculating.

Until I fill up Makis womb.

Iyaaaaaaa!!! This cant be!!!!

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi cries behind us.



I continued to release inside Maki until the last drop.

I fell exhausted on top of Makis soft body.

Noooooo! Noooooo!!!

I can hear Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis cries.

Aaah, auuuuuuu

Maki-san took some time to regain her breath.

Are you okay, Maki?

Marika asks Maki.

I thinkanywaythat was amazing

Maki finally answered while breathing heavily.

Tonights the first one, so you might still feel some pain and discomfort, but after a few times, itll feel good

Mariko, whos holding Makis right leg has said

I thinkI can understand it

Maki replied.

I also felt that I got to understand what was good about her quickly.

If thats the case, Maki, you have to thank Kou-kun. Say Thank you for taking Makis virginity

Marika said.

Did Marika say that too?

I wonder? But I do remember it. I felt great giving my virginity to Kou-kun. Thanks, Kou-kun. Thank you for making me feel good

Marika buries her face in Makis b.r.e.a.s.t.s and kissed my cheeks.

Then, Ill do the same. Thank you for taking Makis virginity, Kou-kun

Maki kissed me on the forehead.

Can I call you Kou-kun? Like Marika

Marika looks at me and asked.

I dont mind

Thats because Maki wants to be the same as Marika.

Thank you, Kou-kun. Im also just like Marika now, Ill have s.e.x with n.o.body else but you! Ill bear your child together with Marika, and also

Love Maki and I forever

Maki said, Marika added.

Yes. Please love me together with Marika, please take care of me

My p.e.n.i.s is still inside her.

Maki tells me with the smile of someone who made a breakthrough.