Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1434. Matsumoto Sisters – Changing Elder Sister / Marika and Maki (Missionary sex with Marika)

Chapter 1434. Matsumoto Sisters – Changing Elder Sister / Marika and Maki (Missionary sex with Marika)

Chapter 1434. Matsumoto Sisters - Changing Elder Sister / Marika and Maki (Missionary s.e.x with Marika)

Yes, Kou-kun

Next, Marika will have s.e.x with me

Standing up, Marika had one of her hands still holding Matusmoto Maki-san.

Matsumoto-san, go to the bed too

Marika tells Maki-san with a kind smile.

I want you to watch closely

Maki-san looks up at Marikas eyes, shes unable to reply.

Matsumoto-san, I want you to know everything. All about me


I understand, Takahata-san

Maki-san also stood up.


How about you stop that now?

Mariko says from the bed.

Matsumoto-san, Takahata-san, are you still doing that? Call each other with your names. This is even more complicated since there are two Matsumotos

Mariko laughed and looked at Maki-san, and her sister, Miki-san.

Indeed, can I call you Maki? Call me Marika too

Marika said.

Yes, Ill do so, Maika

Maki-san replied with a smile.

There we go

Marika lays down her bathrobe in the empty s.p.a.ce in the bed.

She lets go of Maki-sans hand so she could lie down.

The bed is even bigger than the king-size, so even with Mariko, and Luna lying down there, Marika still has s.p.a.ce to lie down on.

Ill go over there

Awakened from the aftertaste of ecstasy. Michi goes back to camera work.

Ill take the stills, Michi will capture the video

Roger that, Ruriruri

Michi and Ruriko share the camera.

They already had s.e.x in turn, and Marikas next, and after that, its finally Matsumoto Maki-sans turn.

From here on out, I need to fire myself up.

Maki, come here

Marika calls Maki by tapping the open s.p.a.ce next to her on the bed.


Maki-san is puzzled.

No matter how slender the girls are, theres no room for me when the four of them lie down together.

Its okay. Kou-kun will be on top of me

Marika laughs.

I havent had much s.e.x yet, so I usually go on top

In short, she wants to have missionary s.e.x.

I only have s.e.x with Kou-kun. I gave my virginity to Kou-kun. Ill continue to have male-female s.e.x with Kou-kun, and Ill bear his child someday. Just like everyone else in the family

Marika tells Maki-san.

Yes. Were all the same, we only do it with Kou, and we will give birth to his child

Mariko affirmed.

Indeed, and I want Maki to do the same


I want to have everything the same with Maki. Have s.e.x with the same man, get pregnant with the same man, isnt that lovely?

Marika said.

You cant do that! Matsumoto-san! You cant!

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi, whos left at the visitors table, pleads to Maki-san.

This is scary! These people are weird! Matsumoto-san! You cant mingle with these people!

Oh, our family

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi is right, were an anomaly.

Im aware of that.


Come here, Maki

Marika lies down on the bed, inviting Maki-san with her wet eyes.

Maki-san wavers, but

You cant! Matsumoto-san!!

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumis voice just pushed Maki-san instead.

Okay, Ill come to you, Marika

Maki-san goes next to Marika, and lies down.


Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi tries to say something, but Luna

Please quiet down and watch

She used her Miko power.

At this close range, her power is still at 100%

Now, Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi will just watch, she cant hinder us from having s.e.x.

I kept you waiting, Kou-kun

Marika calls me.

Yeah, Ive been waiting for this, Marika

I got on the bed and got on top of Marika.

Watch me, Maki,


Marika and Maki-san held each others hand again.


I loosened Marikas bathrobe and opened it from the neck part.

Marikas b.r.e.a.s.t.s, cute navel, and p.u.s.s.y are all exposed.


Maki-sans eyes focused on Marikas nipples for a moment, but perhaps she felt embarra.s.sed, she looked away in a hurry.

I dont mind I want Maki to look. See all of it

Marika smiled and told Maki-san.

I will only kiss Kou-kun. Only him

Marika said, and so I put my lips on her.

Marika pa.s.sionately sought my tongue.

Makis watching us kiss from a close distance.


Once our lips were apart, Marika looks up at me with a heated gaze.


Uhm, can I kiss Maki too?

Maki-sans surprised.

I want to kiss Maki

Marikas lying on the bed, with her bathrobe opened, exposing her b.o.o.bs, navel, and slit, looking at Maki-san.

Maki, have you ever kissed someone before?

Marika asks. Maki-san;

No, I never kissed

I want Makis first kiss. Kou-kun, please


I think thats good

I want to fill the wants of my women as much as possible.

Thats what I believe in.

I intend to accept Matsumoto Maki-san as Marikas lover in the family in the first place.

Thank you, Kou-kun. Maki

Marika speaks to Maki-san and then

Lets do it



The two beauties kissed each other while we were watching.


Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi looks like shes in pain while doing so.

She really is into Maki-san, romantically.


Before long, Maki-san looks up, struggling to breathe.

Whats wrong, Maki?

Im running out of breath, I dont know how to inhale

Maki-san seems to have stopped breathing while kissing.

Just breathe through your nose if your mouth is taken

Marika said with a smile.

But, if I breathe through my nose, Marika might hate me

Maki-san said bashfully.

I wont hate you for that

Marika smiled.

Maki, were going to be living together from here on. I want to see Makis embarra.s.sments and even your bad sides. And every time I know more about Maki, I will come to love you more and more

Im also liking Marika more and more

The two laughed.

How was your first kiss?

Mariko asks Maki-san.

It was sweet. It tastes like lemon, its like I finally understand with my body that I love Marika

Maki-san speaks out her thoughts.

Me too, it tasted like lemon. When I first kissed Kou-kun, my heart was beating so fast that I didnt know the taste, and yet

Marika said


I reached out to Marikas b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Slowly, and gently, groping her soft b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Aah, yes. Kou-kun isnt violent, so it feels good

Then, I licked Marikas nipples.


I lick and taste Marikas hardened nipples.

I roll my tongue on her nipples.

I love it too. It feels good.


Maki-san, you too


Matsumoto Maki-sans confused with my suggestion.

Marika has two b.r.e.a.s.t.s so you can lick that side, Maki,

I focus only on Marikas right breast while letting Maki-san take care of the left.

She can feel it more on her left. Thats where her heart is after all

Luna told Maki-san

Maki, lick it.

Marika also tells Maki-san.

O-Okay, Ill give it a try

Try following what Kou-kun is doing

Maki-san timidly touched Marikas left breast.


Dont be so surprised. You have your b.r.e.a.s.t.s too Maki

But, Ive only touched someone elses breast when I was a child, and that was my mother

Maki-sans copying me, groping Marikas b.r.e.a.s.t.s as if kneading them.

Also, Marikas b.r.e.a.s.t.s, its warm

Its because Im aroused. Im doing lewd things after all

Marikas skin is flushed.

Her skin is warm.

My nipples are erect. Maki, lick it


Makis cherry-red lips bite on Marikas pink nipples.

I copied her and sucked it.

Aaahn, that feels great! Maki and Kou-kun are both sucking me. Im so happy

Marika said with a blus.h.i.+ng face.

The two of us were licking on Marikas b.r.e.a.s.t.s and then

Maki-san also does her best to copy me on fondling and sucking Marikas b.r.e.a.s.t.s.


Kou-kun, I want it now

Marika spreads her legs.

The hem of her bathrobe opens wide, showing Marikas thin white legs, and her slit.

Its already leaking out thick love nectar.

Maki, watch. This is where Kou-kun goes in

Marika uses the hand thats not holding Maki-san and shows her slit to her.

I dont have my hymen anymore, but my first time with Kou-kun is all recorded, so Ill show it to you later. Now, just watch me


Maki-san peeks inside Marikas slit.


Whats amazing?

Mariko asks Maki-san from the side.

Thats, uhm, its really wet

Im about to have s.e.x with Kou-kun, so its better if its wet. The entry becomes smooth

Marika smiles.

Kou-kun, go ahead

Marika said, but

Put on a cus.h.i.+on on Marikas a.s.s so Maki-san could see

I suggested.

Here you go, Nii-san

Luna hands me a cus.h.i.+on.

Thanks, Luna

I slid it under Marikas a.s.s and make her hips float higher.

Marikas slit is now much cleared to Maki-sans eyes.

Take a good look, Maki

Maki-san watches Marika from the side.

Theyre still holding hands.

I put my p.e.n.i.s close to Marikas slit.

Im going for a missionary position.

Something this big can get inside/

Maki-san mutters.

Youve seen us have s.e.x with Kou, havent you? It will go inside. Shes much bigger than Luna-chan

Mariko said.

Marikas body is much more developed compared to Lunas.

My d.i.c.k that went all the way inside Luna, should also get inside Marikas p.u.s.s.y.


I already gave him my virginity and done it multiple times. It will go in

Marika tells Maki-san.

Take a good look, Maki


In front of Maki-sans eyes is my glans diving inside Marikas slit.


My hot rod sticks into her melting v.a.g.i.n.a.


Marika makes a cute moan.

Does it hurt?

It hurts at first, but now it feels good, aah~


Before long, Im inside Marika to the root.

Good, I took photos

Ruriko captures the moment of our union at close range.

Michis capturing with her video camera.

Are you not embarra.s.sed by the camera?

Maki-san asks.

Im used to it now. Besides, only the family can watch the records. n.o.body outside can watch it so its okay

Marika replies with a smile.

Thats the rule of the family, so accept it as such

I see


Onii-sama, feel free

Ruriko said, and she stopped taking close-up shots and moved away from the bed.

Im moving now, Marika

Yes, Kou-kun

I started moving my hips slowly.

Ah, ah, ahn! Aha~

Marika moans to each thrust I make.

So far, its only been s.e.x with girls I just met today, but

Marikas a girl who studies in the same school, and so its special to Matsumoto Maki-san to watch this.

Shes watching earnestly.

Gripping Marikas hand tightly.

Makis watching, that feels amazingaah, I feel it

Marikas much more aroused.

Does it feel that good, Marika?

Yes! Maki. Thats because youre right there, and Kou-kuns doing it with me, its like a dreamahyesit feels amazing

Marika watched me have s.e.x with the other girls and her body was totally on fire.

Shes close to climax.

Maki, kiss me, Maki,


Marika kisses Maki-san while I have missionary s.e.x with her.

The two girls entwine their tongues.

Marikas arousal is permeating through Makis skin.

Aaah, Maki! I love you! I loved you all this time!!!

Me too! I love Marika!!

Their emotions kept inside their hearts have become exposed.

Igaras.h.i.+ Izumi hears Marika and Maki-sans confession right beside the bed

Aaaah, yes! ImIm about to!!!

Marika shows signs of climax, then Luna approached Marika and Maki-san.

She touched the skin of the two.

Marikas s.e.xual pleasure is directly conveyed to Maki-san.

W-Whats this feeling?

Can you feel it? This is me, this is what Im feeling right now, its happiness!

I feel it! Marika, Im also feeling itah, what? Aaaaaah!!

I wait for Maki-san to reach the same arousal as Marika, and then

I went for the home stretch.


I thrust my hips with all my strength!!

Faster, stronger, harder.

Aaaaaah, aaaaahn!! Aaah, I feel it! I feel it!!!! Aaaaah!!!

Aaah, Marika, Marika, Im! Im!!!

Maki! Me too! Maki!! Aaaah!!

Their hands are clasped tightly together, and Marika and Maki ascend to higher heights together.

Im about to!!

Aaaah, aaaaaah! Aaaaauuuu!!! Maki! Im about to c.u.m! c.u.mming!!!

Me too! marika!!! Aaaahn!! Aaaaah!!

Marika!! Im c.u.mming!!!


Aaaaah, c.u.mming! c.u.mming!! Im c.u.mming! Maki! Maki!!!

Marika! Marika!!! Aaaaah!!! Auuuuu!!!!

The two piano beauties came at the same time, and I followed.

c.u.mming! Im c.u.mming Marika!!

My e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n started.

Aaah, so hot!!! Im feeling something hot coming in!!! Its going in deep!!

Marikas feeling my hot liquid diving into her womb.


Makis still a virgin, yet shes sharing Marikas senses in her v.a.g.i.n.a.

Marika, Im still c.u.mming!!

I continue to push my glans against Marikas uterus

My e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n continues.

Aaaah, c.u.mming! Aaaaah!


Marika and Maki-san are both drowning in a long and intense wave of ecstasy.