Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1343. School Festival A Part 4 / Violently

Chapter 1343. School Festival A Part 4 / Violently

Chapter 1343. School Festival A Part 4 / Violently


Edies fist goes for Ishigamis bodyguard, Tsujimoto.


Tsujimotos unable to react to Edies quick fist that he fell down on the spot.


Ishigami Norio and Ishigami Mizuki, and the other black suit bodyguards were shocked by Edies quick work.

Kurose-san moved to protect her master, Ishigami Mizuki.

Yeah, thats the right move for a bodyguard.

W-What are you doing?

T-Thats right, what did Tsujimoto do to you?!

The Ishigami siblings protest to Edie.

You see, he lied

Edie smiled.

He lied that he doesnt have any weapons

Tsujimotos knocked out.

He fell on the ground, twitching.

How do you know that

Thats right! How can you tell if Tsujimoto has a weapon or not?

The Ishigami siblings tell Edie.

Of course, rather, Id say that you cant be a bodyguard unless you can tell if someones carrying a weapon under their clothes

Edie said nonchalantly.

W-Whats with you!

Y-Youre just saying things for your convenience


Okay, thats enough argument, give me a second. Hey, wake up!

A guy hiding behind the other black suits suddenly speaks up.

Hey, I told you to move! You bastard!

He kicks off the black suit standing in front of him and moved forward.

He takes photos with his phone.

Norio-san, could you let me take care of this?

Hes wearing the same black suit as the rest so he must be one of Ishigamis men.

But, hes a very random guy.

Its not like Norio-san to go out of his way to toss himself in front of these people. Ill do something about this

Tossing in front of these people.

You were hiding at the back until now.


Ishigami Mizuki glares at her brother.

Dont worry, Mizuki-san. Ill show you that I can deal with it right away

The random guy shows a vulgar smile and said.

He should stop Kada-san, these people are

Kurose Anju-san whispers to Ishigami Mizuki.

You shut up! Kurose! Ill show you!

The guy glared at Kurose-san and threatens her.

Okay. Ill let you deal with it. Shoukin

Ishigami Norio tells him.

Yes, yes, okay, I got this! Hohohohoi!

The guy called Shoukin continues to walk towards us while taking more photos of Tsujimoto.

Hey, Im Kada Shoukin, my dads a fan of the Three Kingdoms, and so he named me after Jiang Qin. Well, that doesnt matter. As for the main topic

The flirty man shows a vulgar smile and said.

Oh, let me tell you beforehand, I attend Tokei Unis law school. Get it? Law school. Ill become a lawyer someday. Meaning, Im a professional at law

This guy talks a lot.

And so, as a professional in law, let me tell you, doesnt this look bad?

The guy smiled and pointed at the collapsed Tsujimoto.

You just went and suddenly attacked an unarmed guy and knocked him into a coma. See, thats bad, definitely bad. Definitely not a great idea. Love Gechu!

What the hell is with this guy?

Well then, what do I do? Should I report this to the police? Oh, if the police come, itll be trouble. Thats definitely assault crime

Shoukin says while showing off his phone.

Hes showing that he can call the police right away.

See, thats definitely bad for you, right? Like, Geki Atsu Maji Yabai! If I recall, you gave her the orders. So, youre also bearing the same crime! Youre going to jail!

The guy smiles while looking at me.

Bad, bad, definitely bad. I hear that youre in the good graces of some of the nobility. Thats over for you now. Even young ladies of nobility wont go out with a criminal

You cant cover it up. As you can see, the idiot Tsujimoto is down and were all witnesses here. Also, we have photos as evidence! Theres no way you can get away with this! Prepare yourself, you bastard!

He looks at me and tries to threaten me.


Oh, I get it now. You were the one from earlier

I tell the idiot man

Huh, what earlier?

I mean, you were the one who had the idea of using that stupid idea, right? Like, the stupid play of telling Kurose-san that she has a bomb on her backpack

Ishigami Norio seems to be quite the abysmal idiot, but

I cant feel any of the evil from him.

Threatening us about bombs and hurting innocent people at this school festival.

Also, that evil thought of trying to peep at us from a distance with a camera and laughing at how scared we are.

Its him.

Even now, he was hiding until the last minute, even using his master as a decoy.

Using words to threaten us.

Everything you do is cunning, wicked, vile, and vulgar. Those arent ideas coming from a son of a noble. So, its you, right?

Yeah, so what about it?

He thinks that he can scare off his enemies with a loud voice.

So hopeless.

Furthermore, everything you do is so half-hearted. You can only deceive elementary school kids with that

I said.

What the hell did you say?! Im going to call the police right now!

Koda Shoukin screams.

If you have time to make a fuss then call the police

I said.

Huh?! Oh, what did you say bastard?! Do you think that I wont make the call?! Once I press 110 the police will capture you right away!

So make a call?! 110, even 184 if you want

I replied calmly.

Youre the ones in trouble if the police come

W-What did you say! Were the victims here! Look! Tsujimotos dying!

Hes not dying.

Edies skilled.


Look, the four of us here are students of this school. Theres nothing weird with us being here. However, Im the only guy here, and Edies an abroad student

Edies setting in this school is that shes an international student from the US.

Meanwhile, youre a bunch of men wearing black suits, which makes you ten suspicious. Even if this is a school festival where they allow outsides, dont you think thats too suspicious?

I look at Ishigamis unit and said.

If something goes wrong and you get into a fight, youll the ones who will get questioned

In a 10v4 situation, the suspicious group will be the men who surrounded the enrolled students.

You call yourselves witnesses, but who do you think the police will believe the statement of ordinary students or the suspicious groups statement? We can insist that the guy fell on his own and fainted, and youll never be able to prove Edies assault

Y-You wont know until you try

Koda said.

Were from the Ishigami house! Were a noble family! If were to talk to the police, theyre going to believe us more than you!

Youre just a subordinate here, yet, youre going to use the authority of your Masters house?


Still, if that happens, it wont be just you, but also the son and daughter of the noble who will get questioned by the police, right?

I said.

Are you sure about that? Youre going to let the children of nobility get taken by the police for questioning. Wont that be a newspaper story instead of a police matter?


Ishigami Norio looks at his subordinate, trembling.

I dont want that. No police, no newspaper

Ishigami Mizuki speaks in displeasure.

Nonono, Ill do something about that!

Kada Shoukin says something absurd

What will you do?!

Ishigami Mizuki asks.

T-ThatsWell, Im a student in Tokei Unis law department! Im a professional in law!

Youre not even a professional! Youre just a uni student

Nei said.

W-What are you talking about! Stupid! Idiot! Youre not even a university student!!

Obviously, were still high-schoolers

Yoshi-kun, is he an idiot?

Even Megus fed up with Kota.

Whats with you! L-Listen, look at this!

Kota Shoukin puts up his phone.

I have the proof here! The scene where she punched Tsujimoto! Take that, you bastard! Now were turning the tables! Now say sorry to me dammit!!


That half-hearted threat wont work, didnt I tell you. You see

Yeah. You were hiding behind others until now after all

Megu told Koda Shoukin.

Right, you were hiding behind them, and so you cant take photos!

Nei said.

The only ones you have on your phone are photos of Tsujimoto on the ground, right?

He hasnt captured the moment where Edie knocked down Tsujimoto.

If its just a photo of him lying down, then thats no evidence.

No, thats not it, you stupid! I stretched out my arm from behind and took a photo! Yes, you there, you saw the Gaijin punch Tsujimoto in the face! Check it out!

He goes and lies again.

Yes, sure. You captured Edies fast movement with your phone! Thats amazing! Yeah!

Nei laughed.

Well, Ive got great kinetic vision! Definitely amazing! So, I got the decisive moment captured!

Then youre a superhuman then! Nope! You sure are an idiot

What did you say? You hit him, didnt you?

Koda Shoukin points at Edie and shouts.


Nope. She didnt hit Tsujimoto-san

Kurose Anju-san speaks.

Kurose-san remains guarding her master, Ishigami Mizuki said.

Stop it, you idiot! She hit Tsujimoto and thats why he collapsed!

Thats what Im telling you, she didnt

Kurose-san said.

She kicked Tsujimoto-san

Yeah, she stretched out her hand on purpose to pretend that she was punching.

Edie kicked Tsujimoto at a quick speed.

Kufufu, talk about kinetic vision!

Nei laughs at Koda Shoukin!

Y-You kicked him! Thats still the same! Hey!

Edies not as half-baked as this guy.

Shes thorough with her preparations.

There was this old Japanese saying that you look like a beaten up Buddha

Edie speaks something dumb.

So, if it was kicked, who does he look like then?

Hes just ridiculing Koda at this point.

Dammit! You bastard! Hey hey! You still admitted that you kicked him! If they were to examine Tsujimotos body, theyll find marks of your kick! Then the hospital can write a medical report and we can sue you! Dammit!

Koda Shoukin still sticks with his story.

Thats unlikely. Tsujimoto-sans body doesnt have any physical trauma.

Kurose-san said.

Kurose, how can you tell?!

Kota throws his stress at Kurose-san.

Thats because she used Qi on her kick. Tsujimoto-san collapsed not from a strong blow. Hes paralyzed because of the Qi. Even if you take him to the hospital, the diagnosis will only say that he slipped and fell

So she knows about Qi techniques too.

I see. Edies right, shes definitely talented as a bodyguard.

What the hell even is Qi?!

As soon as Koda Shoukin said.

Its something like this

Edie approached Koda and tapped his shoulder.


He made a weird noise and then fell unconscious in place.

We should take this guy to Tsukiko

Edie said.

Right. He should just forget about us and the nobility and toss him far away

I told the Ishigami siblings.

If you keep such an evil man, then his rotten roots will only stain the name of the Ishigami house

Im not involved. Kotas someone Norio-oniisama chose

Ishigami Mizuki said.

But, Kuromori-sama is right. Norio-oniisama asked Koda to save his face twice, but both of them were a disaster!

No, thats. Mizuki

So, Ill say it too. You shouldnt have such a vulgar man to be your chief strategist

Kodas his chief strategist.

Ishigami house seems so gloomy now.

Mizuki, you even praised Koda for coming up with such a bold plan!

I never gave that evaluation! It was your misinterpretation Norio-oniisama

And poor Ishigami siblings.

Well, are you still planning to have a discussion?

I asked.


W-We will! Thats why we came all the way to this place!

Ishigami Mizuki stopped her brother and said.

Oh, she doesnt care about the two collapsed men.

The young lady is coldhearted. Shes got a cold personality.

Then, as scheduled, were going to discuss inside this room

I open the door to the emergency broadcast room.

However, only Kurose-san and you two can enter. Everyone else has to remain here

The two who collapsed will wake up in an hour. Dont worry about them

Edie told the black suits.


Kurose-sans the only one who looked at her back.

Seeing her gaze, Kudou-papas at the end of the corridor.

Hes erasing his presence, so the Ishigami siblings and the black suits havent noticed yet.

Kurose-san, you should focus on whats most important to you right now

I told Kurose-san.

Whats most important for bodyguards is to keep their master safe.

Kurose-sans master right now is Ishigami Mizuki.

Ah, yes, youre right

What are you doing, Anju. Get yourself together!

Ishigami Mizuki scolds her bodyguard in displeasure.

Kudou-papa sends me a sign from the other side of the corridor.

Were going to talk to the Ishigami siblings in the broadcast room, and meanwhile.

Hell clean up Tsujimoto, Kota, and the other black suits.

That helps.

Then, lets go inside

Norio-oniisama, Anju, lets go

Y-Yeah, Mizuki


Then, Nei, Megu, Edie and I.

The other side has Ishigami Norio, Ishigami Mizuki, and Kurose Anju-san.

The numbers have reversed, and we entered the room.