Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1342. School Festival A Part 3 / Dumb Master

Chapter 1342. School Festival A Part 3 / Dumb Master

Chapter 1342. School Festival A Part 3 / Dumb Master

I think theyre coming to protest on Motoko coming to our home

I tell Megu, Nei, and Edie while were on our way to the broadcasting room next to the principals office.

Well, that was waiting to happen. Theres nothing else recent that comes to mind

Nei laughs.

Should we tell Minaho-neesan, just in case?

I took out my phone.

Katsuko-nees coaching the tennis club girls at the bakery.

Shes tied up.

Minaho-neesans probably teaching the prostitute cadets in the basement of the principals office, but

No, since its the school festival today, they mightve moved to the underground facility in the hotel at the front of the station.



My phone rings before I could make a call.

I guess its Minaho-oneesan if you look at the timing.

Neis right, the phone shows Minaho-neesans name.

Its likely that the enemy takes away our phones, so

We dont actually register our names.

For example, Minaho-neesans name here is Sategaya Yasue-obaasan


I answered the call.

Its me, Yoshinobu. I saw it all. Nearly everything is as you guessed. And so, Ill let you take care of it later. Were still busy

Minaho-neesan talks quickly.

Im sure youd be able to handle it. Well accept the outcome of your decisions. See you

Putsu. Tuuuuuu

She ended the call.

What did Minaho-oneesan say?

Megu asks me.

She told me to deal with ith myself

Its the usual.

This is just another test for me to increase my experience.

Whats the plan, should we bring Tsukiko-san with us?

Megu asks worriedly.

It helps to have Tsukiko, who can read minds, with us.

The other girls who have the same Takakura shrine maidens power, are in Misuzus school for the young ladies so theyre not coming here.


No, lets not. They know about the shrine maidens

They even added the condition of not letting the shrine maiden come near them.

But, Yoshi-kun, we didnt agree that we wont bring Tsukiko-san with us

Right. I didnt agree to anything.

No, talking about Tsukiko could be their trap

I said.


Megus surprised.

Yeah. If Tsukiko comes and supports us, our bakerys security will get loose. Mitamas there, and her combat skills are amazing, but still, shes not that great at spotting enemies and keeping an eye around.

If our enemy is clever, then they can set that up as a trap.

The combination of Mitamas combat prowess and Tsukikos spotting skill makes them a single defense system. Mitamas straightforward so shell follow Tsukikos instructions

She respects those who have power.

And she doesnt doubt her allies.

Thats whats good about Mitama.

The worst thing that could happen to us is for a scene to happen in the bakerys open cafe. Thats why nobody must get hurt

Its a school festival that attracts a lot of outside people as well as the general students.

Earlier, the enemy made threats about having bombs. We saw through that, but

Right, thats them showing that theyre not afraid to involve innocent people

Edie said.

Even if its not a suicide bomber that will destroy school buildings, they could at least still hurt some people who arent involved. Thats the message

Nei analyzes.

And so. Its better to leave Tsukiko in the bakery

I think.

But, Yoshi-kun, Kudou-sans also there

Megu speaks of Kudou-papa

Yeah, Kudou-sans there, but dont expect him to help out first. Hes got a different line of work

We dont know the instructions Kudou-papa received.

Right, Kudou-san has his circumstances, and so we cant expect him to move the way we want him to

Nei smiles.

Kudou-sans presence is reassuring, but dont depend on him. We need to consider dealing with it ourselves as much as possible.

R-Right. I got it, Yoshi-kun

Megu agreed.

Err, Manas coming soon, right?

The new middle school group.

Mana, Eri, Rie, Arisu, and Kinuka, will come and play in our school.

Yo-chan doesnt have to worry about them. Minaho-oneechan shouldve contacted them already

Neis right.

Minaho-neesans the head of the family, so she wont forget to contact them.

Those girls will join up in the bakery. Kinuka is just like Mitama, she cant function without the vigilance of the twins

Edies right.

Furthermore, Kinukas already busy keeping the four of them safe.

So, dont call them over. I think its better to have them go to the bakery and reinforce the security there

Mitama and Kinuka work together as the Anjou sisters.

On the other hand.

Edies the only bodyguard we can rely on.

Dont worry, I got this

Edie smiled as she guessed my thoughts.

That aside, Darling, what do you think of the girl earlier?

The girl earlier?

Oh, the one who had fake explosives on her backpack and tried to take me outside to her Masters car

Kurose Anju-san, was it?

Megu recalls the name of the girl with braids.

What do you think of her?

Edie asks again.

Right, shes a little weird. Shes so timid, and she looks troubled

Megu said.

That girl isnt a bad one! She even thought that the explosives on her back could get a lot of people hurt depending on Yo-chans reaction

Nei said.

Yeah. Shes ignorant of the ways of the world and quite obedient. She truly believed the orders given to her

I think so too.

Thats why I knew that shes someone in the nobility

Im sure that Kurose-san is also a bodyguard of someone from the nobility since she was a child.

She was raised isolated from society together with her master.

Thats why shes that kind of dumb-earnest girl.

Yeah, shes not a bad girl. And also, shes quite strong

Edie said.

Despite looking like that, shes diligent in her training. Shes got the same strength as Mitama and Kinuka

She got plenty of fighting strength to be a bodyguard.

That girl knows well that she cant beat me if we fought in that situation, thats why shes nervous

She guessed how strong Edie is in an instant.

Shes a capable and talented girl. Its just that shes not guided, she could grow further

Edie praises Kurose-san.

To think that girl is employed by an idiot. An enemy


Darling, its much more stupid, crude, and dumb than you think. Furthermore, they have such an awful personalities. Using bomb terror for this? Thats just bad


He doesnt even understand his own subordinates worth.

Letting such an obedient girl do such a harassment job.

Okay, I wont go easy on them then

Our enemy will bite as soon as we show them an opening.

Theyre that kind of idiot.

Well have to crush them down from start to finish.

Thats right

Edie smiles.

And, its okay to steal that girl from idiots like them


It would be a waste to let go of such talent

Meaning, turning her to our ally?

Right, Yo-chan. I think that girl will remain unhappy if she stays under her master

Nei also added.

Look, Edies going with Margo-oneechan and me to America, see? Yo-chans bodyguards will decrease by one!

Its okay to have as many talented guards as you want


Okay, Ill give it a thought

I replied that much.

I need to see what kind of a person Kurose Anju is for a little longer.

While were talking

Weve arrived at the principals office.

Minaho-neesans influenced the layout of the school building, and so

The principals office, the English preparation room earlier

Hardly any students go there.

Its designed to get the place disconnected from the flow of the school and students.

Therefore, nobody comes here, even in the middle of the school festival

Yoshi-kun, wheres the key?

Minaho-neesan gave me the master key to this school

The emergency spare broadcast room should also open using this key.

I inserted it into the keyhole.


Look, it opened.

I opened the door and peeked inside.

This is where the drugged Endou attacked Yukino half a year ago.

Although, I replaced Endou halfway and raped Yuknio while broadcasting it to the whole school.

It got cleaned up right after that.

Now, the small broadcast studio has a few pipe chairs.

Well, this is good enough for the discussion with the enemy.

Darling, theyre here

Edie said and looked at the corridor.


Kurose-san is leading a group of ten people this way.

Oh, Kurose-sans still wearing her uniform and backpack.

Then, theres a university man wearing a black suit walking behind her.

The bodyguards are wearing the same black suit but you can tell who theyre surrounding and protecting.

Hey now, I thought Yo-chan told you to bring only two guards!

Nei said.

Thats just your arbitrary condition. We dont have to follow it

The university guy behind Kurose-san said.

So hes the chief of the guards.

Look, this is our territory! You barge into another persons home and you enforce your own rules?

Thats okay, Ya-chan

I tell Nei.

If theyre going with that, then the discussion is over. Were going back now

I locked the door to the reserve broadcast room and was about to leave.

W-W-Wait! U-Uhm, Kuromori-sama!

Kurose-san tries to stop me in a hurry.

I told you that Kuromori doesnt exist here. Im Yoshida

I looked at her and smiled.

She sure is an earnest girl.

Also, cute.

Uhm, everyone, please stop

Kurose-san, who leads the group, stops them from their tracks.

Tsujimoto-san, everyone else has to standby apart from you and me

Kurose-san talks to the other university guy.

However, Kurose, Norio-samas instructions

Tsujimoto protests to Kurose-san, but

We have no choice! Kuromori-sama wont talk unless there are only two bodyguards!

Are you telling me to disregard Norio-samas intentions and follow a commoner?

Oh? They see me as a commoner.

Im not born from the nobility after all.

Sorry but I dont care about the world of nobility. I mean, I dont have any intention of talking to anyone rude. Its just a waste of time

I make it clear to them.

Look, Kuromori-samas angry!

Kurose-san says with a fearful face.

But, Kurose

The chief bodyguard, Tsujimoto

Hes also an idiot, just like his master.

He tries to push his rules no matter what.

Ive had enough. Im done spending time with you, were going back now

This time, Im definitely going to leave the place.

At that moment.

Kufufu, Norio-oniisama lost

A girls voice comes from the group of black suit men.



Tsujimoto calls out to the girl wearing a black suit, but

No problem. I cant take a look at the other partys face and talk to them if we keep this

I hear a voice of a girl with a strong mind among the black suit group.

I want to see his face and talk to him. Kuromori-samas face. Now, open the way!

Misuki-sama gave her orders!

Kurose-san told the men in black suit


The black suit group shows a face that they have no choice in and moved to the side.


Theres a tall high-school guy in an expensive suit.

And a high-school girl wearing a white dress.


The guy is glaring at me with a bitter face.

Meanwhile, the girl is looking at me with the same interest in an animal.

Then, Ill take my bodyguard Anju, and talk to Kuromori-sama

The girl in the white dress talks to the high-school guy in a suit.

Norio-oniisama, everyone, please wait here

Hey, wait. I wont allow that, Mizuki!

The guy told his sister.

Then, Onii-sama, would you like to come with Tsujimoto?

The dress girl smiles.

They told us to bring only two bodyguards so its Anju and me, and Onii-sama and Tsujimoto

I see. Kurose-san

Shes the bodyguard of this girl.

Why do I have to follow as someone with low birth like him says?!

The man in a suit speaks hatefully as he looks at me.

Hes the one who should follow me! Im from the legitimate house of the noble Ishigami family!


Look, I dont get you. You should name yourself properly

I said.

You have no manners! Im Ishigami Norio

That kind of greeting?

I apologize for the late introductions, Im the Ishigami houses, Ishigami Norikazus daughter. Ishigami Mizuki

Meanwhile, a girl in a white dress introduces herself with elegant behavior.

Yoshida Yoshinobu. Just a year 1 class 2 high school student

For now, I also looked at Ishigami Mizuki only and greeted them back.

Enough introductions. Ishigami Mizuki-san and Kurose-san can come with us. Well talk in this room

I open up the broadcast rooms door.

Certainly. Anju, lets go. Then, Norio-oniisama, goodbye

Ishigami Mizuki-san leaves the group and goes with me together with Kurose-san.

No, uhm, wait. Mizuki-sama!

Tsujimoto tries to stop the girl in a white dress and her bodyguard in panic, but

Thats right. Wait. Mizuki. I wont allow this!

Ishigami Norios calling his sister from behind.

Ishigami Mizuki-san turned to her brother, and

I mean, Norio-oniisama has no courage, right?

She smiled.

Norio-oniisama and I are different, I can talk to Kuromori-sama without a lot of bodyguards. Besides, I think Anju alone is more capable than your whole security group

As expected, Kurose-sans skills were just as Edie guessed.

With that said, please wait in the corridor, lion with no courage. Ill deal with the important discussion

Hearing his sister say that, Ishigami Norio;

W-Wait, I get it. T-Then, Ill go too. Tsujimoto, just you. D-Dont you ever leave my side

Now hes acknowledging the discussion with me together with his sister.

Ha, certainly! Everyone else is on standby here! You hear?!

Tsujimoto orders the black suits but theres no response.

Oh, hes not favored.


Ah, wait for a second, dont bring any weapons in the room

Edie said.

If youre holding any weapons, then hand it to your subordinate now


Edie said. Kurose-san looked at her master.

Anju, do as youre told. Were the visitors here

Ishigami Mizuki-san orders.

I respectfully obey

Kurose-san lowers the backpack shes carrying.

Somethings inside that backpack.

Probably some hidden shuriken and other small weapons.

Hold it until I return

She leaves the backpack to one of the black suits.

What about him, does he not have a weapon?

Edie asks Tsujimoto.

Tsujimoto looks at Ishigami Norio.

No, I dont use any sort of weapon

He replies with a straight face.

Is that your FINAL ANSWER?

Its my final answer!

Edie looked at me.

Break those who lie

I replied calmly.

Right, Darling


Edie jumped.