Pure Love ✕ Insult Complex - Chapter 1344. School Festival A Part 5 Shanghai

Chapter 1344. School Festival A Part 5 Shanghai

Chapter 1344. School Festival A Part 5 Shanghai

Sit appropriately

I entered the emergency broadcast reserve room.

Nei, Megu, Edie, and I vs Ishigami siblings and Kurose Anju-san

P-Please, Norio-sama, Mizuki-sama

Kurose-san prepares the pipe chair for the Ishigami siblings.

And since shes a bodyguard, she remains standing.

On the other hand, Edie sits down.

Youre a bodyguard, yet why are you taking a seat?

Ishigami Mizuki scolds Edie.

Im officially not a bodyguard. Besides, Darling isnt from the nobility so the rules about bodyguards dont matter

Edie laughs.

Besides, I can do my job just fine even when sitting. If its just your group

The door to the reserve broadcast room is heavy.

I also locked the door as soon as I closed it.

Were now in a locked room.

Mizuki-sama, please dont speak excessively

Kurose-san said.

Im here to keep Mizuki-sama safe but I dont think I can beat her

She knows Edies true strength.

Anju, are you accepting loss even before the fight?

Ishigami Mizuki speaks to her subordinate in displeasure.

I-Im very sorry, but

Thats not it! Get yourself together!!


Youre the one who should get yourself together

Edie speaks in a low tone.

Then, Ishigami Norio.

This is courtesy so Ill tolerate that you have a weapon in you. But you cant show your weapon in front of me even as a joke, because if you do, Ill have to take you down

Y-Youre rude! Im a member of the Ishigami house!

Ishigami Norio reacts excessively.

Oh, he has something in him.

Right, you have your name. Thats why youre not accustomed to your weapon, right? You cant even use a taser


Ishigami Norio trembles.

Dont use a holster on your armpit, the suits line gives it away. Also, that size shows that its not a real gun, but just a taser that shoots a wire needle.

Edie said.

Norio-sama, please control yourself. In case of emergencies, Ill be busy keeping Mizuki-sama safe

Kurose-san told Ishigami Norio.

Shes the bodyguard of the little sister, Ishigami Mizuki.

So, her priority is the little sister.

Dont be ridiculous, youre a subordinate of the Ishigami house, youre going to keep Mizuki and me safe even if you put your life in the line

I will indeed put my life in the line. However

Doing something about that is your job!

Oh, these siblings are no good.

They cant see the situation.

Dont worry, I wont kill you

Edie laughs.

But if you make a move to pull out the taser, Ill break your shoulder and arm. Ill give you the warning in advance

Thats no threat. Edies going to do that for real

Nei says from behind.

Please control yourself, Norio-sama

Kurose-san told the elder once again.

She sure has it rough.

So, whats the topic?

I feel sorry for her so I get to the main topic.

You two have something you want to tell me, and thats why you came all the way here, didnt you?

Ishigami Norio.

Indeed. We have something to tell you

Its about Kuromiya houses Motoko-san!

Ishigami siblings glared at me.

I thought so.

Let me get this straight! Return Motoko-san to the Kuromiya house right away!



I speak in a low tone.

W-Why?! You! Motoko-san is the daughter of the Kuromiya house!!

Isnt it natural that she returns to the Kuromiya house!!


Nono, thats not what Im asking.

I ask once again.

What privilege do you have to come and tell me that?

Ishigami house thinks that theyre relatives with the Kuromiya house, but

Still, its weird that theyre meddling with the matters of the Kuromiya house.

Privilege? Do you not know that the Ishigami house is controlling the audits of the noble families

Yes! You should know that Ishigami house does that

Nope, I dont know.

I never heard of them from Misuzu or Ruriko either.

I never read about them from reports of Kouzuki SS either.

Our duty is to maintain the order of the noble families

Its a serious matter that the Kuromiya house disowned Motoko-san! Motoko-san must immediately apologize to the Kuromiya house, to their family head, and ask them to revert their disinheritance!

Thats right! We will accompany Motoko-san to Kuromiya-sama and apologize! Were the auditors of the noble families after all!

The Ishigami siblings insist on their claims, but


Kurose Anju-sans making a troubled face behind them.

Meaning, they were lying.

Even if you talk about the world of nobility, it only troubles me. Why dont you go to Misuzu instead?

I reject them.

D-D-D-Dont be ridiculous! T-Talking to Kouzuki Misuzu-sama is


Thats right! We cant talk directly to Kouzuki-sama!!

Ishigami Mizuki said.

So, youyoure the one to talk to Kouzuki Misuzu-sama and return Motoko-san to the Kuromiya house!

Youre the one who should do that! You dont get it?!

What the hell?

Look, Im not interested in the nobility, and I let Misuzu take care of things so I dont get what youre talking about

Just how much do these people know?

About our relationship with Motoko.

They seem to know that the Kuromiya house has disowned Motoko.

Well, theyre a relative so its not weird for them to know.

Also, about the fact that Motokos at our place.


They shouldnt know that Motoko and Kurumi had become my woman.

What, you dont know?

You do know that among the nobility, Kaan house, Kouzuki house, and the Kanou house are the three leading families, right?

Well, I know that much

The three young ladies of the Kozuki house and Sakurako of the Kanou house are living in our house after all.

Motoko-sans Kuromiya house and our Ishigami house are only second to the three big families. Our statuses are quite high among the nobility

Were not like the Kurama and Mizushima house that Kouzukis-sama recently disposed of!


Kurama houses Arisu and Mizushima houses Karen is also in our home.

Do you get it? Kuromiya and Ishigami house respect the wishes of the Kanou and Kouzuki house, but they dont just follow whatever they say. Were families with the power independent of the three great families!

Thats why its a problem. Motoko-sans living in the Kouzuki house when she was disowned

Thatll make the Kuromiya house have a huge debt on the Kouzuki house!

Oh, I get it.

Theyre different from the Kurama and Mizushima house and have low status.

Kuromiya house has their honor.

So, to have the disowned Motoko sheltered by the Kouzuki house makes it uncomfortable for other families.

That means, that we have to settle the disowning of Motoko-san right away

Motoko-san should apologize to the head of the family and return to the Kuromiya house

The Ishigami siblings continue their convenient claims.

But, Motoko got her permission to live in the Kouzuki house from Jii-chan, from the head of the Kouzuki house

I lead them to that conclusion.

They believe that Motokos not living in our mansion but in the main mansion of the Kouzuki house.

We already know that. Thats why!

And thats why someone has to talk to Kouzuki-sama and send Motoko-san back to the Kuromiya house!

Then, that role

Is yours to fulfill!!


Were not allowed to express our opinions to Misuzu-sama and Kouzuki Kakka!

Thats right, so you have to do it! Thats an order! Ishigami Mizuki orders you!

Ishigami Norio orders you! Do something to let Motoko-san return to the Kuromiya house! Do it as soon as possible.

As soon as possible!

Do you get it?

Nope, I wont.


For now, I know the extent of the siblings knowledge.

These people think that the Kuromiya house disowned Motoko and Kurumi because she appeared on Yukinos show.

And that shes under Kouzuki houses care.

They dont know that Motoko and Kurumi have become my woman already.

They cant imagine that.

Meaning, they only know the front page information that was released to the noble families.

If thats the case.

Another question appears.

Why did they come here?

Kuromori Kou, Kouzuki Misuzus partner, is Yoshida Yoshinobu and is a student in this school.

Thats a secret.

Whats wrong, answer me?!

Youre to follow our orders! You hear?!


Anyway, I refuse

I flat out said.

Motoko wanted to continue her Kuromiya style spear fighting so she came to Misuzu, asking for assistance from the Kouzuki house. Jii-chan and Misuzu respects Motokos will, so I have nothing to say about that

Were going to leave it at that.

W-What are you talking about?! Were ordering you!

Youre just a commoner! Do you think that you can refuse the orders of the eldest son of the Ishigami house


The nobility sure has a variety of people.

I guess it cant be helped that they have people who are so aware that theyre a privileged class.

Its not about obeying or disobeying. Im not even your subordinate nor lackey in the first place!

I said.

W-What rudeness!

What an insolent man! Anju, punish this man!

As soon as the Ishigami siblings say that.


Edie releases her Qi in this small room.



The Ishigami siblings got flustered from the release of the strong Qi.

Oh, Kurose-san managed to hold it.

Calm down a bit. You two are too noisy

Edie laughs.


Err, whats the name of the guy again. The noisy guy, the one you knocked out in the corridor

Err, I think it was Koda Shakin-san

Megu said.

I think it was Koda Chamin?

Edie said.

Its Prince Shokin!

Nei laughs.

Well, who cares. In the end, you two seem to like that guys technique

I speak to Ishigami Norio.

The way you pressure people into doing what you want by just talking in a pompous, high-handed, and forceful manner. Even if the reason is wrong, you keep the attitude of I didnt do anything wrong. You just dont know it to make the other party feel insecure

Yeah, Ishigami Norios attitude in this room.

Was just like Kodas.

You couldnt have come up with it, so you copied Kodas methods, right? I dont know how it happened, but you met Koda somewhere and fell for his techniques, right? Pushing your opponent to the end, and pressing forward-thinking that everything goes your way. Just like Kodas methods


Ishigami Norio fell silent.

Well, I get that for a son of noble like you, a man with overflowing vitality like Koda seems attractive. Thats why you wanted to keep Koda at your side and become a man who can hold people down from above like Koda. But

I laughed.

People like Koda arent that rare to me. You can find noisy yet empty idiots anywhere. Their hobby is to lie with impunity and threaten people in front of them to bring them to their knees

Yeah, we can find men like them anywhere!

Nei said with a smile.

The talk about Ishigami house being the auditor of the nobility is a lie, or am I wrong? If that actually existed, then Misuzu wouldve told me about it

I said.

You two sure want to return Motoko to the Kuromiya house at all costs, was never about the order of the noble families, but it was on something else



The Ishigami siblings look at each others faces.

You dont have to tell me. I can figure it out if I look it up. You know about the Kouzuki SS, the organization Kouzuki house owns, right? Ill report your arrival here to Jii-chan and Misuzu. They will definitely do an investigation about that. Well figure out the truth soon enough


I-I understand! Well tell you the truth!

Hey, Mizuki!

We have no choice. Norio-oniisama, weve lost here

Ishigami Mizuki admits defeat.

We were lying about Ishigami house being the auditor of the noble families. Ishigami house is much older than the Kuromiya house, but we dont have much in the assets at the moment. But, as mentioned before, Kuromiya house is second to the three great families

So the Kuromiya house is much more wealthy compared to the Ishigami house despite being related?

And Norio-oniisama is Motoko-sans fiance candidate

Motokos fiance candidate.

Ishigami house hopes to use Motoko-sans marriage with Norio-oniisama as an opportunity to strengthen ties with the Kuromiya house. Thats why were in trouble

Ishigami Mizuki looked at me.

The Kuromiya house disowned Motoko-sama and shes leaving the house

If Motokos disowned by the family, she has no worth in marriage.

I mean, the families cant decide on the engagement in the first place.

S-So please, do something! Return Motoko-san to her home!

Ishigami Norio still doesnt break his high-handed attitude.

I refuse. Either way, I feel sorry to have Motoko marry someone like you

I said.

Y-You! Are you mocking me!

Ishigami Norio gets excited, but

Wait a second! Thats not the topic!

I stare hard at Norio.

I get the gist of it. But, I have doubts. Something very important

If I dont take measures right away, it will become trouble soon.

You want to bring Motoko back from the Kouzuki house to the Kuromiya house. But, the Ishigami house, which isnt as powerful as them, cant directly talk to the Kouzuki house, worse, for children like you two. Am I right?

Talking to Jii-chan, the head of the family aside.

Ishigami Norio and Mizuki will get rejected.

Yes, thats indeed the case

Ishigami Mizuki admits.

We cant appeal about this incident to Kouzuki Kakka, nor Misuzu-sama

Though were relatives, Ishigami house is still a different clan from the Kuromiya house. Furthermore, Im no longer engaged to Motoko-san

They have no right to talk about Motoko.

And so, since Kouzuki Kakka has recognized you as Misuzu-samas partner

Right, youre to talk to Kakka, and return Motoko-san to the Kuromiya house!

I get that.

Im not from the nobility, but Im close to Jii-chan and Misuzu.

Its a good method, using me to return Motoko from being disowned.


So, who brought that plan of using me to you?

I asked.

Im sure that you two havent come up with this plan, right?

the Ishigami siblings cant come up with this plan.


It wasnt the siblings but Kurose Anju-san who replied.

Koda-san made the suggestion to Norio-sama and Mizuki-sama

I see.

Then that means, it was his plan to go to our school too?

Yes, Koda-san said that he investigated this

Kurose-san replies.



Nei and Edie looked at me at the same time.

I get why Kudou-papa came

This is definitely bad, these two are just a bait

Yeah, using someone like Koda to bring these two here

We still have enemies out there.

Also, quite the big one.

What do you mean?

What do you mean by bait?

The Ishigami siblings asked me.

It means that you were screwed over. By Koda, and the people behind Koda

I look at Kurose-san.

Do you remember anything, someone strange thats getting involved with Koda?

No, I dont remember anything in particular. Ah, but

Kurose-san remembers something

Koda-san said that he got the information about Kuormori-samas school from an acquaintance in Shanghai
