On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Chapter 86 is good, you managed to get my attention

Yun Mo was annoyed by Su Mingan's look, and frowned impatiently, "What do you want?"

Su Ming'an sneered, "Yunmo, why are you pretending, I'm sitting here, you are very beautiful in your heart."

At this time, the waiter brought over the red wine ordered by Yunmo and asked if it was open.

Before Yun Mo had time to speak, Su Ming'an asked the waiter to open the wine more and more.

After the wine was opened, Su Mingan directly took the wine bottle over, picked up the red wine glass on the table, and filled the whole glass with a "gulu gulu".

"Yunmo, you came here just to get my attention? You drank all this glass of wine, and I will give you a chance to eat at the same table as me."

Which hospital did this **** come out from? The stupid two hundred and five.

Yunmo rubbed her forehead with her thin white fingers, and in the next second, she picked up the wine that Su Mingan had poured, got up and walked in front of him, raised her hand, and poured the whole glass of wine on his head without leaving a single drop.

Everyone was shocked, including Su Mingan himself.

Shock, anger, disbelief and other emotions were changing and intersecting on his face.

The dark red wine flowed down along his ears, cheeks, and chin, and wet the ground where he was sitting.

"Master Su, I don't think your mind is clear enough. Wash it well, clear your mind, and stop saying things that make people laugh out loud."

After finishing speaking, Yunmo put the wine glass on the dining table, picked up the bag, counted a hundred yuan and threw it on the table, picked up Zeng Fang and left without looking back.

Su Mingan finally came to his senses, wiped his face, got up and chased after Yunmo.

"Yunmo, stop for me."

Yunmo was supposed to walk, but when she heard the voice behind her, she ran away without saying a word, not forgetting to take Zeng Fang with her.

Seeing Yun Mo running away, Su Mingan also followed.

The three of them just ran after each other, from the restaurant to the street, and then into the alley. Finally, Yunmo had no strength left, and turned her head while bending over while panting.

Seeing Yun Mo stop, Su Mingan also slowed down, approaching her with a smile on his face.

"Run, aren't you good at running?"


Yunmo was too tired to speak.

On the other hand, Su Mingan was calm and relaxed, as if he just went out for a walk.

Zeng Fang was also exhausted, but she still stood in front of Yunmo very loyally.

"Su, Su Ming'an, what do you want to do?"

Su Ming'an pulled Zeng Fang away in disgust, "It's none of your business, just step aside."

Zeng Fang's legs were weak at first, Su Mingan pushed her casually and almost fell down, but fortunately, Yun Mo quickly pulled her back.

"Su Mingan, what do you want?"

Yunmo tried to keep calm, and the other one was ready to pull out the **** from the space at any time.

If Su Mingan dared to face her opponent, she promised to let the opponent taste the electric baton.

Su Mingan stood two steps away in front of Yunmo, his hair was disheveled because of being drenched in red wine, and there were still mottled purple wine stains on his face, which looked extraordinarily funny.

Of course, he himself doesn't know that he looks like a funny clown in Yunmo's eyes, but also thinks that he is a majestic and handsome guy in Yunmo's eyes. As long as he hooks his fingers, Yunmo will look at him like a puppy. He begged for mercy.

"Yunmo, you are very capable now, you know, you are the first one who dares to pour red wine on my head."

Miss Ben is capable beyond your imagination.

"Master Su has been chasing me, because he feels that this experience is not enough, do you want to do it again?"

Su Mingan stared at her for a while, then suddenly raised his hand to stroke his hair, "Very good, Yunmo, you have successfully aroused my interest, keep it up, I want to see what new tricks you can play next .

After finishing speaking, Su Ming'an left, and Liu Yunmo stood there with a question mark on his forehead.

"Momo." Zeng Fang frowned and stared at Su Mingan's back, "Is Su Mingan sick? He chased us so far just to talk nonsense?"

Yun Mo shrugged, "The peacock **** opens the door for the peacock."

"Ah? What do you mean?"

"The peacock is home."

As soon as Su Mingan walked out of the alley, he met his companions who came out to look for him.

After seeing him running out of the restaurant chasing Yunmo, the companions immediately paid the bill out of worry (gossip) and chased him out.

"Ming'an, why are you alone? Where's Yunmo?"

"Isn't she lost after being chased? Do you want us to help you find her?"

Su Ming'an straightened his collar handsomely, and anyone could see the smug look on his face, "Can I use you? Can't I find my man myself?"

Hearing this, the companions gave out teasing and strange laughs.

"Yo yo, Ming An, are you thinking about people?"

"If you want to say that Yunmo is still powerful, Manjiang City, she is the only one with a wild enough temper. Look at us Young Master Su with this."

"It's more than wild, it's like a small pepper, hot and spicy, enough flavor."

Su Mingan kicked that person angrily, "Keep your mouth clean."

"Yes, yes, Young Master Su, I was wrong."

After everyone made jokes, someone asked Su Ming'an, "Ming'an, do you still have this meal?"

"Eat, you go back to the restaurant first, I'll come back and change clothes."


On the other side, Yun Mo and Zeng Fang had just walked out of the alley, but they were going in the opposite direction from Su Ming'an.

Seemingly worried that Su Mingan would catch up, Zeng Fang turned her head frequently with lingering fear.

"Momo, you don't know how worried I was just now. Su Ming'an is so big and tall, and he is also a national defense student. We combined are not enough to beat him up alone."

Yun Mo patted the other person's shoulder comfortingly, "Don't worry, I'm here, I won't let you get beaten."

Zeng Fang looked at her, "You are too courageous, pouring a whole glass of red wine on Su Mingan's head like this, I was so stupid at that time, so you are not afraid at all?"

"At that time, I was so angry that I didn't think about anything else. I was a little scared afterwards, otherwise I wouldn't have dragged you away."

Speaking of this, Zeng Fang couldn't help but burst out laughing, poking Yunmo's arm while laughing, "You, you usually look soft and weak, but I didn't expect you to be able to run, you dragged me and ran so Far away, it almost killed me."

"No, I can't run without dogs."

Tossing and tossing for a whole noon, she didn't eat any food, and the money was still spent, Yun Mo secretly put this account on Su Mingan's head, and then took a taxi and went to a restaurant elsewhere for dinner with Zeng Fang.

Yunyao found an opportunity to secretly take some jewelry and sell them off. Finally, she collected 300 yuan and remitted it to Anshi, and Peng Fang's side finally stopped.

However, this incident gave Yunyao the idea of doing business to make money. She has the advantage of being born again, and knows which industries will be the most profitable in the next few years. The only thing she lacks now is funds.

What she needs is a lot of money, and selling jewelry can't solve the problem.

Moreover, she doesn't have many jewelry, and many of them were "picked up" from Yunmo.

(end of this chapter)