On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 85

Chapter 85

Chapter 85 Take more medicine when you have time, narcissism is also a disease

Yunmo stuffed a piece of red bean cake into Zeng Fang's open mouth, and said to the boss with a smile, "These on the table, together with the one in your hand, are all packaged and sold for 10,000 yuan."


The red bean cake in Zeng Fang's mouth was sprayed all over the table.

"sorry Sorry!"

Zeng Fang blushed and covered her mouth, wishing she could die on the spot.

The boss is so full of treasures in his hands that he doesn't care about talking to Zeng Fang at all.

"Little girl, I only want this one."

Yunmo still used the same sentence, "Sold as a package, buy it now."

The boss looked at the coin in his hand and considered for a moment, then made a gesture of six.

Yunmo smiled, "Boss, the Xianfeng Yuanbao in your cabinet outside can be sold for 2000, and the Tongbao in your hand is an orphan that can't be exchanged for ten Xianfeng Yuanbao. If you don't want it sincerely, I will Don't force me, I can go to another house to see."

Hearing this, the boss also understood that he had met an expert.

The price of 10,000 sounds outrageous, but the Xianfeng Tongbao in his hand is worth more than double if it works well.

Thinking of this, the boss no longer hesitated, and happily took this Xianfeng Tongbao, together with a pile of broken copper and iron on the table, for a price of 10,000.

Zeng Fang was immediately dumbfounded.

If the boss knew that her best friend paid 100 yuan for this pile of scrap metal from the street stall, he would definitely treat them as fraudsters and take them to jail!

"Boss, that, do you want to take a look again? Are you sure you really want to accept these worn-out old coins?"

The boss thought that Zeng Fang was about to repent, so he quickly pocketed the coins on the table into his arms, and ran out in a hurry.

Zeng Fang: "..."

"Momo, is this boss a big fool? With his eyes, it's a miracle that this store didn't close down."

Yun Mo suppressed a smile, "Who knows, maybe stupid people are lucky to be stupid."

Ten thousand is not a small amount. If it is cash, it can hold half a sack. After all, the maximum denomination of banknotes in this era is only 10 yuan.

At Yunmo's request, the boss prepared 5,000 in cash, and for the remaining 5,000, he wrote 5 cash checks with a denomination of one thousand.

After clearing the money and goods, the boss personally sent the two of them out of Zhenbaoxuan.

Zeng Fang looked at the boss's eyes, and couldn't explain it in words.

Finally, I couldn't help but say, "Boss, you are really a good person."

The boss thought that Zeng Fang was praising him, and grinned so much that his mouth reached the back of his ears, "I'm so grateful, you are also good people, remember to come here often in the future."


Once again, you might lose all your underwear.

After getting in the car, Zeng Fang hurriedly told the driver, "Uncle Wen, drive quickly, lest the boss catch up and beat us when he realizes that he has been cheated."

Yunmo: "..."

She is really a silly girl, no wonder she was fooled by Yunyao back then.

Yunmo kept her word, went back to the courtyard and locked the money in the safe, then took Zeng Fang to the best French restaurant in the south of the city to have a steak dinner.

The restaurant is very large, divided into upper and lower floors, the first floor is the lobby, and the second floor is an exquisite elegant seat with a screen as a partition.

Yunmo and Zeng Fang sat down by the window on the first floor for a while, and they attracted the attention of guests at a private table on the second floor.

"Ming An, look who is that?"

Su Mingan was drinking red wine, when he heard his companion's reminder, he turned his head casually, only to see an extremely familiar face, and he was immediately stunned.

"Ming'an, the wine, the wine has spilled..."

It wasn't until his companion reminded him that Su Ming'an came back to his senses, and found that the red wine in the glass was poured all over his chest, and the white shirt seemed to be blooming like roses.

M, blame that dead woman.

Su Mingan picked up the napkin and casually wiped his clothes, then looked at the first floor again.

Downstairs, after Yunmo ordered something delicious, she asked the waiter what red wine she had.

Zeng Fang hurriedly stopped her, "Momo, I'm just kidding you, I don't drink."

Yunmo replied without raising her eyes: "I'll drink it if you don't want it. Steak and red wine are good for beauty."

"Really?" Zeng Fang was dubious, "Then, let me drink a little too."

Yunmo ordered a bottle of sweet fruity red wine suitable for women.

After ordering the meal, the waiter took the menu and left. Yunmo picked up the lemonade on the table and drank a couple of sips. Just as she was about to ask Zeng Fang if she wanted to go to the bathroom, there was an extra person in front of the table.

It's really a bad relationship, you can meet Shabi every time you eat.

Yunmo slandered silently, her apricot eyes stared at the person coming and remained silent.

Yunmo's eyes were originally big, with the tails of the eyes slightly raised, and the pupils were black and bright. When she looked directly at people, she inexplicably brought out a charming charm.

This woman is seducing him again!

Su Ming hooked his lips wantonly, making people feel that he deserved a beating as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Yunmo, you can still be quite capable. You can even find brother wherever he eats. I said, are you a dog nose? You can smell everywhere."

Yun Mo said calmly, "Then according to you, you yourself are a piece of shit?"

Su Ming'an snorted softly, "Yunmo, you're playing hard to get with me on purpose, right? I've seen you play tricks like this a lot."

"Master Su should take more medicine when he is free. Narcissism is also a disease."

"I warned you, let you stay away from me, you took my words as a deaf ear, didn't you?"

Although Zeng Fang was a little confused by the scene in front of her, she was the first to speak out to defend her friend.

"Master Su, the restaurant is not owned by the Su family. Can't we come here to eat? Besides, I, La Momo, came to this restaurant to eat. According to what you mean, I followed you?"

Su Mingan sneered and glanced at Zeng Fang, "It's nothing to do with you, just shut up."

"Momo is my good friend, if you trouble her for no reason, then you are troubling me."

Su Mingan snorted coldly, "Am I looking for trouble? All right, I'm still looking for trouble today. What can you do to me?"

Zeng Fang choked up, turned her head and called out to the waiter.

The waiter came over quickly, but instead of serving Zeng Fang, he nodded and bowed at Su Mingan.

"Young Master Su, what are your orders?"

Zeng Fang was so angry that her face turned green, "I said what's wrong with your restaurant, I ordered the service, okay?"

The waiter looked at Zeng Fang and then at Su Mingan, obviously in a dilemma.

Su Mingan patted the waiter on the shoulder in satisfaction, "There is nothing to do here, you can go, you don't have to come here without my order."

The waiter hesitated for a while, then walked away as expected.

Zeng Fang cursed angrily, "What a broken restaurant!"

Su Ming'an triumphantly pulled up a chair, with his legs spread wide, and sat beside Yun Mo with a big horse, with his hands crossed, his eyes looked up and down at Yun Mo.

Is this woman not eating, with such a thin waist, small face, fair skin, but red lips like cherries, she must have secretly put on makeup.

Really, even after being married, she still misses him, an unruly woman!

(end of this chapter)