On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 87

Chapter 87

Chapter 87 Li Li Burned the Real Estate Certificate

Yunmo was spoiled and spoiled, the room was never cleaned, and things were always thrown around.

Yun Yao often "picked up" a lot of precious jewelry from Yunmo's room by helping her servants deliver clothes, and what she took to sell this time were all jewelry from Yunmo's room.

In addition to lack of money, Yun Yao's recent situation is also very unfavorable.

Since the last birthday party, the news of her stealing his wife's bracelet spread. Not only did some friends who had a good relationship with her before become estranged from her, but even her family's attitude towards her became much colder.

Especially Jiang Yu. In the past, Jiang Yu cared for her with all kinds of greetings. Now, she is like a transparent person in front of Jiang Yu. Let alone caring, it is difficult to get a straight eye.

Yun Huan remembers the matter of being beaten, and from time to time he talks about her stealing the bracelet, which annoys her very much.

Can't go on like this, otherwise, she will definitely become the second Yunmo, and be kicked out of Yun's house by Yun Shixian like garbage.

With money, Yunmo planned to go to Yun's house to get back her household registration and ID card.

During dinner, Yunmo glanced at Ling Chuan who was eating sullenly, and told him about it.

"I don't know what you have in Yun Shixian's hands, but I will definitely get back the household registration and ID card, and I will completely draw a line with the Yun family in the future. You have to be mentally prepared."

Ling Chuan was silent for a moment before speaking, "According to the law, we are husband and wife."

"so what?"

"You can transfer your household registration to mine."

"No, I've already found a place to settle. I've made an agreement with the landlord. During my renting period, he allows me to register here."

Ling Chuan just looked at her like that, not for a moment, his dark eyes had a faint light of oppression, as if he could penetrate people's hearts.

Yunmo did not avoid the other party's gaze, but felt a little guilty inexplicably.

That's right, she doesn't want to be **** with him, who knows what will happen in the future, she doesn't want to jump into the quagmire of Ling's family after leaving the fire pit of Yun's family.

"Didn't you say you won't divorce me?"

Yun Mo pretended to be puzzled, "Does this have anything to do with my change of residence?"

"We are husband and wife, we are a family, and our household registration should be on the same household registration booklet."

Yunmo pretended not to understand what the man meant, "Are you trying to transfer your household registration to my household registration book? Yes, you can transfer it here, I have no objection."

Seeing that the man stopped talking, Yunmo was secretly happy.

Little boy, I can't cure you yet.

"I will accompany you to Yun's house tomorrow." After a while, Ling Chuan said suddenly.

Yun Mo doesn't care, "You are not afraid to go, is Yun Shixian using a handle to hold you?"

"Don't be afraid, I don't plan to work on the construction site anymore."

Yun Mo was a little surprised, "You're not working on the construction site? Then what do you want to do in the future?"

"Do business in partnership with my godfather."

Hearing about doing business, Yunmo immediately became interested. After all, she knew that Lingchuan would be prosperous in the future, and it happened that she had money, so it would be nice to hitch a ride and earn a little money.

"What kind of business are you going to do?"

"Reselling electronic watches."


Seeing that she was interested, Ling Chuan explained in detail the preliminary plan he had discussed with Deng Zhi.

When Deng Zhi was young, he traveled all over the world, met all kinds of people, and one of them was a very good brother. Now he works in a Hong Kong electronic watch factory on the other side of Zhushi.

In Zhushi, an electronic watch costs only a few dollars, but in Jiangshi, an electronic watch can sell for tens or even hundreds.

Deng Zhi was in charge of transporting the electronic watch from Zhushi, and Ling Chuan was in charge of terminal sales.

"How much profit can that electronic watch make?"

"No less than 30."

Good guy, selling an electronic watch is worth a month's wages of an ordinary worker, not to mention Ling Chuan is tempted, even she is tempted.

"Then how many can you sell a month?"

"Sell as much as you have."

Yunmo was dubious, "Is it true?"

Ling Chuan chuckled, "I'm afraid you don't know how popular electronic watches are all over the country. The entire market is in short supply. As long as there is news that we have goods in hand, bad guys from all over the world will flock to the door. There is no need to worry about finding a sale. .

Yun Mo thought for a while, and then asked: "How much money do you plan to invest in advance?"

"We and our godfather each prepare 2,000 yuan, and we will share half of the profit with our godfather."

Yunmo nodded, "That's not bad, but 2000 is not a small amount, can you and your brother make it together?"

"I have discussed with my elder brother and plan to mortgage the house in Laojie."

Hearing that Ling Chuan wanted to mortgage the old house, Yun Mo didn't speak anymore.

Ling family.

Li Li didn't see Ling Jiang coming out to eat after setting up the dishes, so she went into the room to call, only to find that the drawers of the cabinet had been turned over in a mess.

"I said why are you rummaging around when you have nothing to do?"

Ling Jiang turned his head and asked, "Where is the real estate certificate at home?"

Li Li glanced at him angrily, "Why are you looking for a real estate certificate?"

"Give it to me, I will be useful."

"You have made it clear, what exactly do you want to do with the real estate certificate?"

Ling Jiang knew that the money in his daughter-in-law's hands was held tighter than anyone else. If he didn't explain the purpose, the other party would never give him the real estate certificate, so he said it honestly.

Hearing that her brother-in-law wanted to use the real estate certificate as a mortgage to borrow money, Li Li immediately got into trouble.

"If you say you don't want to do a good job, you won't do it. You have to go to sea to do business like others, and you have to mortgage my house. Ling Jiang, don't even think about it! If you have to mortgage your house, that's fine. Let's get a divorce! The son will be mine, the spring flowers will be yours, you can do whatever you like!"

Hearing his daughter-in-law's yelling, Ling Jiang became a little anxious, "What's yours and mine? This house is shared by me and Chuanzi! Before my father passed away, I left a message, and Chuanzi and I are half of everything in the house, including This house."

"So what, they moved away by themselves, and now we live in this house, so it's ours! I don't care about your business, but let me take out the house as a mortgage, don't even think about it!"

"Li, can you stop being so unreasonable, Chuanzi and I have agreed with Uncle Zhi that each of us will contribute half of the funds, and each of us will get half of the money we make."

Li Li sneered, "It's easy to say, what if you lose money? Chuanzi and his daughter-in-law eat well and drink spicy food, so they don't have to worry about anything. Do we have to sleep on the street and drink the northwest wind?

Like other people's business and become the boss, and don't take pictures in the urine, are you that material? If you don't get sold by someone, just help count the money!

Ling Jiang, I'm leaving my talk here today, whoever wants to get my house, I'll fight him desperately! "

Ling Jiang was originally a clumsy and tongue-in-cheek person, but his daughter-in-law put down her harsh words, and he had no choice but to smoke.

At night, Li Li tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep.

Although her husband was so scolded by her that he didn't dare to ask for the real estate certificate, she knew that her husband was soft-hearted, and if the uncle whispered in his ear, he might secretly take out the real estate certificate without telling her.

Looking at her husband who was snoring like thunder, Li Li got up quietly, found out the real estate certificate hidden in the cabinet, went to the kitchen and burned the real estate certificate to ashes.

Hmph, if you want her to be taken advantage of, there's no way!

(end of this chapter)