On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 749

Chapter 749

Chapter 749 Fanwai 2-Zeng Fang

I was so desperate that I wanted to die at one point.

But I didn't expect that the person who pulled me out of the abyss would be the person I hate the most.

I hated Yunmo since I was a child. The reason is childish and ridiculous, because she is beautiful.

In the circle of Jiang City's peers, she is always the prettiest one. No matter where she goes, everyone's eyes will always stop on her.

Just because she has a pretty face.

If she had good character and learning, modest and low-key, I might not hate her so much.

But she is useless except for her looks, and she easily grabs everyone's attention just because she has a good-looking face. In addition, she is quite ostentatious in her behavior, which makes me very uncomfortable.

A good family background and the love of my elders and brothers have made me a simple and straightforward person. Likes and dislikes are always clearly displayed on my face.

But I didn't expect that one day my innocence and straightforwardness would be used by others, and finally push me into the endless abyss.

After that incident happened, I hated Yunmo to the core. If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have been insulted by Li Zhijie. At the same time, I hated Yun Yao even more.

During that time, I thought about committing suicide countless times.

The huge sense of shame made me dare not go out, I didn't want to see anyone, I felt dirty and disgusting, that kind of pain made me feel worse than death, and only death could free me.

So, when my mother told me that Yunmo came to visit me, my first reaction was to refuse.

She must have come to laugh at me!

I will never let her see me in a mess!

To my surprise, instead of laughing at me, she apologized to me.

At that moment, all the resentment towards her accumulated in my heart collapsed like a tall building that lost its foundation.

Actually, thinking about it seriously, she didn't do too much to me.

It was because I wanted to see her jokes, to laugh at her situation, it was because I mistrusted Yun Yao, and it was clearly my own fault for this fate, and no one could be blamed.

It's so strange, we used to be rivals, and we could quarrel without even speaking three sentences when we met.

But after my misfortune, we can talk about the future and ideals like friends.

That was the first time I felt that I never knew her.

She vowed to help me, I don't know if I should trust her.

But the strategy she said is too subtle, it can not only preserve my reputation, but also bring Li Zhijie, a bastard, to justice.

I can't resist such a temptation.

We made it!

Li Zhijie was sentenced to eight years in prison for robbery and wounding.

Through this incident, I finally understood what true friendship should look like.

I let go of my knot, tried to trust Yunmo, and be a real friend with her.

We study together, and when we are tired, we lie on the bed and discuss topics between girls, or go shopping and eat.

With her company and encouragement, I gradually stepped out of the shadow of Li Zhijie, and we became inseparable good friends.

And as we get along day by day, I feel more and more that she is like an omnipotent superman.

Facing the ridicule and ridicule of the people around her, she responded with an astonishingly beautiful report card.

Seeing her being maliciously slandered and framed, I was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but she was always calm and calm as the person involved.

Compared with a friend, she is more like my life mentor. She taught me to distinguish between right and wrong, good and evil, and at the same time helped me solve various problems and dilemmas.

I admire her more and more, adore her, and cannot do without her. Even if she makes other friends, I will secretly be jealous.

But I dare not let her know.

I pretended to be friends with Xie Xia as if nothing had happened, but I don't know if Xie Xia has seen through my thoughts and has been alienated and indifferent to my overtures.

I don't mind either, anyway, I don't really want to be friends with her.

In this way, Xie Xia and I maintained a superficial relationship, studying, playing with Yunmo, and doing all the things that friends would do.

Time flies, and as the college entrance examination approaches, I become more and more anxious.

This kind of anxiety is not from grades, but from the fear of being separated from her.

When I think that we will be separated after the college entrance examination, she will have new friends, and I will gradually fade out of her life circle and be forgotten by her, I am so anxious that I cannot sleep or eat.

I quietly found Xie Xia and begged her to help me improve my grades.

After the college entrance examination, I lost a lot of weight. Everyone thought that I had worked hard during that time, including Yunmo.

actually not.

Every day I worked hard for the college entrance examination, I was full of fighting spirit. Although I didn't sleep more than 5 hours a day, I slept very peacefully and steadily every night.

Because every minute and every second of my hard work is approaching her.

My hard work was not in vain. I was admitted to a university in Beijing as I wished.

I can finally go to school with her again!

I was ecstatic, I was going crazy with joy.

Everyone thought it was because I was admitted to Beijing Foreign Language School, but it wasn't true. I wasn't that self-motivated. It didn't matter what school I went to. I just wanted to continue being with her.

I know that Xie Xia thinks the same as me, but she is not as lucky as me.

She could go to the same school as Yunmo, but she chose to study abroad.

I was very puzzled, but at the same time secretly delighted.

Momo finally has only me as a good friend by her side.

But my happiness didn't last long. Momo soon made her first friend at Beijing University, her name was Zhong Xiaochen.

But I quickly felt relieved, because Momo was just a normal classmate to Zhong Xiaochen, and I was still her best and only good friend.

I got into trouble again.

But I wasn't too scared because Momo was there.

I have never had such a feeling. I am afraid and want to see a person of the opposite sex, which is very contradictory.

At that time, I didn't know, this feeling is called favorability.

He seems to be haunted all the time, but I inexplicably enjoy this feeling.

He actually asked me to walk her dog every day, **** it!

His dog is docile and cute, nothing like him.

Although I go to his apartment every day, I actually see him very rarely. I can't help but wonder what he is doing and why he doesn't come home.

Oops, I paid so much attention to him that I even forgot Momo's birthday!

I blame myself and panic, how could I ignore my best friend because of Shen Zhen.

I bought back Momo's birthday present and sincerely apologized to her, but she smiled and asked me if I had a boy I liked.

Facing her clear and penetrating eyes, I followed without a trace, but what followed was fear and cowardice.

How can a person like me be worthy of him who is like the bright moon in the sky.

Momo led me into the flower room, pointed to the two pots of flowers and asked me which pot I like more.

Two pots of Phalaenopsis orchids, one with lush branches and lush flowers, and the other pot with only a single branch and only two or three flowers.

I chose the second pot.

Although the first pot blooms lushly, it looks ordinary. Although the second pot is withered, it has a unique sense of aloofness and coldness like frost, and has a unique beauty.

Jamo told me that the two potted flowers were cultivated by the same flower seedling.

The first pot grew very smoothly, and the flower fertilizer and water were applied enough, so it bloomed extraordinarily lushly.

The second pot was dropped, not only the leaves were broken, but half of the roots were also broken, but in the end it survived tenaciously and grew into its current appearance.

Two potted flowers are like two completely different lives.

The flower that has not experienced setbacks is beautiful but has no soul, and the pot that has been dropped, because it has suffered a catastrophe, finally grows stubbornness and resilience.

Fangfang, if it were you, which potted flower would you choose to make?

Fangfang, even if you have encountered misfortune, don't feel inferior.

Like this flower, falling into the dust is not what it wants. As long as she works hard to face the sun, beautiful flowers will bloom one day.

Fangfang, you will always be unique and irreplaceable in this world. If he despises you because of your past, then he has no vision and is not worthy of your love.

The person who really loves you, he will like all your appearance.

At that moment, I was relieved and decided to face up to my emotions.

But I didn't expect him to be a coward.

I decided to listen to Momo and go to the sorority.

Actually, I just wanted to give it a try and see if he would come to me.

He did come, and seeing his car parked on the side of the road, all the grievances and sorrows in my heart disappeared.

Maybe he, like me, has experienced some bad things, so he is reluctant to open up easily.

I'm sad that Fark died.

I'm sad not only because Falk is dead, but also because he's sad.

I don't know how to comfort him, if only I were as smart as Momo.

I'll stick by him every step of the way and accompany him wherever he wants to go. This method is clumsy, but it's the only way I can think of to do it well.

He took me to the beach, and I learned about his elder brother.

He has been blaming himself for what happened to his elder brother, restraining himself, and even breaking up with his family. He tortured himself in such a stupid way in an attempt to atone for his sin.

He is going to the army and asked me to wait for him.

I told him about my past and he kissed me.

That was my first kiss.

I don't know if it was his first kiss too, but I don't care.

As Momo said, flowers with experience can grow into unique appearances, and I like all his appearances.

The days of waiting are tough, but fortunately, I can often help him take care of Brother Shen.

Brother Shen looks very similar to him. Every time I see Brother Shen, my thoughts will be comforted a little bit.

I met the old man of the Shen family.

He likes me very much, and always asks people to bring me delicious and interesting things. I reciprocate, and often use the rest time to play chess and fish with his old man.

The fishing process was very boring, but I had a great time, because the old man would tell me about Shen Zhen when I was a child.

The appearance in my impression is completely different. When I was a child, Shen Zhen was very cute, cute and beautiful, so that I was often mistaken for a little girl.

The transformation happened in the year when Shen Zhen's mother died.

Shen's father and Shen's mother had an arranged marriage. Before Shen's father married Shen's mother, he already had his first love girlfriend, but they were forced to separate due to various reasons.

After marriage, due to the long-term separation from Shen's father in two places, Shen's mother gradually suffered from depression and eventually committed suicide.

After Shen's mother died, Shen's father got together with his first love girlfriend again by mistake.

At that time, Shen Zhen hadn't recovered from the pain of his mother's death, and accidentally learned the true identity of his stepmother, so he believed that his mother's death was caused by Shen's father and stepmother, and then Shen Chen's injury and coma. This series of incidents is unbearable even for adults, let alone the young Shen Zhen.

Hate, self-blame, guilt, all kinds of emotions eventually evolved into the juvenile's deviant judgment.

After learning about Shen Zhen's past, I was very distressed. I secretly went to see him where he was serving.

He has darkened a lot, but his physique has grown stronger, and his eyes have become firm and steady, like a real man.

For my arrival, he behaved very plainly, which made me feel lost and wronged for a while.

After being separated for so long, doesn't he miss me?

After all his comrades left, he pressed me against the wall and kissed me like a different person.

We have been lingering for a long time, my lips are swollen from his kiss, but I feel extremely sweet in my heart.

"Little fat girl, I miss you so much."

He lazily nestled in my arms and said, at that moment, all my waiting and missing were worth it.

"Shen Zhen, let's get married."

He didn't expect that I would propose to him, and he was stunned for a long time, for a long time, until my hand holding the ring was numb.


He rejected me and I cried.

He hugged me and coaxed, "This kind of thing should be done by men, little silly girl."

He made a ring out of dogtail grass and knelt down to propose to me in front of his comrades.

We held a simple engagement ceremony in the army, without flowers and cakes, but with warm applause and blessings.

A year later, I became pregnant, and my family members scolded me severely, and then they continued to help me organize the wedding.

Seven months later, Shen Zhen and I were promoted to parents and welcomed our first daughter.

My daughter has eyes and nose like him, mouth and chin like mine.

My daughter has inherited my gluttony, stuffing everything she catches into her mouth, never letting me worry about it for a moment.

Shenzhen spends most of his time in the army, so I can only take my children to play with Momo. Momo's little Maodou is one year older than my Tangtang, and the two children play very well.

Shen Zhen performed very well in the army and had a lot of room for promotion, but he chose to retire and opened a restaurant near Beijing.

After graduation, I chose to stay in school for postgraduate study, and now I am working as a teaching assistant in the Chinese Department outside Beijing.

We bought a big house near Beijing, decorated it to my liking, and lived a warm life as a family of three.

When Tangtang was two and a half years old, her younger sister Tiantian was born.

Compared to me and Shen Zhen, Tiantian is more like her uncle Shen Chen.

When Tangtang was one year old, Shen Chen woke up. After more than a year of recuperation, he is now no different from a normal person.

The Shen family regards me as a lucky star, thinking that I have the appearance of a prosperous family and bring good luck to the Shen family.

Actually, they didn't know that this blessing was brought to me by Momo.

She is my salvation.

I really want to make a baby kiss for my daughter and Momo's little Maodou, so that Momo and I can kiss for a lifetime.

But Momo was unwilling, saying that she didn't want to add constraints to the children prematurely.

I respect Momo's idea.

Anyway, I have three daughters.

Yes, I am double pregnant again, six and a half months, still a daughter.

I believe that in the future, there will always be a daughter who can win Ling Weiqing or Ling Weian and become Momo's daughter-in-law!

(end of this chapter)