On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 750

Chapter 750

Chapter 750 Fanwai 3-Ling Chunhua

"Oh my god, Chunhua, your family actually bought you a mobile phone!"

"It turns out that the mobile phone looks like this, so it must be very expensive?"

After class, the students would chatter around me non-stop, which made me very stressed.

Among my classmates, and even the whole school, my family conditions belong to the upper class.

My aunt has taught me to be low-key since I was a child. I have always followed her teachings. I usually turn off my mobile phone and put it in my schoolbag. When I need to use it, I secretly take it to the toilet and turn it on. I didn't know that I was so anxious to forget when I went out this morning. In order to turn off the phone, it happened that Xie Jinghuai sent a text message, causing all the classmates to know that I had a phone.

"The mobile phone is a birthday present from my aunt, and I don't know how much it is."

"Chunhua, your aunt is too kind to you!"

"I really envy you for having such a good aunt."

I agree with this sentence, my aunt is really the best in the world! none of them!

Before my aunt came in, I was the poorest girl in the old streets and alleys. My father didn't love my mother or my mother. I couldn't eat enough or wear warm clothes. I had endless chores to do and endless scolding every day. It was so miserable. Like cabbages in the field.

I don't understand why my mother always scolds me, obviously I am more obedient and sensible than my brother.

She always dotes on her younger brother, and gives him all the delicious food. Even when my younger brother makes a mistake, I am the one who is beaten and scolded.

I never resented my younger brother, because I was taught since I was a child that being an older sister is to give in to my younger brother unconditionally.

Such thoughts have been accompanied by the arrival of my aunt.

I have never seen a woman as beautiful as my aunt. When she smiled, all the spring flowers lost their color.

She always talks to me softly, and secretly gives me some sweets that I have never eaten before. She will buy me beautiful head flowers and clothes. I often feel that she is my mother.

My father and mother divorced, but I am not sad at all because I can live with my aunt.

That time was the happiest and most memorable time for me.

It's a pity that the happy time can't stay forever.

My aunt was leaving and was going to the capital to study. I was so sad that I hid under the quilt and cried at night, not daring to be known by my father and aunt.

I finally realized the sadness and sadness of my classmates when their parents divorced.

After my aunt left, I was extremely disappointed and depressed every day.

The days of depression did not last long.

A girl of my age moved in across the door, and she became my classmate.

We go to and from school together every day, do homework together, and play together.

Gradually, the sadness of my aunt leaving gradually faded away, and I returned to my original appearance.

But I still miss my aunt very much.

Auntie often sends me all kinds of candy and gifts, which I treasure and treasure. I don't want to eat or use them, even my best friend, Little Swallow.

When Chinese New Year was approaching, my aunt finally came back, and I was ecstatic.

Auntie wants to take us to the capital for the Spring Festival, I wish it was all I could wish for.

My aunt asked me to stay in the capital to study, and I was extremely contradictory.

Of course I want to stay in the capital, with my aunt, but I can't bear to part with my father, what should I do?

Later, I successfully stayed in the capital to study, and my father would also stay in the capital to work. I was so happy that I was not so sad about parting with my best friend.

What makes me even happier is that my father also brought my favorite Aunt Lan to the capital.

Aunt Lan became my stepmother. She was very kind to me. Every day, she would braid my hair beautifully and prepare beautiful clothes, hats, shoes and socks for me.

She is not my real mother, but she is better than my real mother.

The first time I called her mother, her eyes were red with joy, and she held me for a long time without letting go.

I am also very happy, I finally have a mother.

My aunt is pregnant, the whole family is very happy, and so am I.

When Yuan Xiao was born, he was red and wrinkled, very ugly, I despise it so much, but I dare not say it.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Yuan Xiao to grow into a white and tender little dumpling, which was soft and smelled like milk. I especially liked to hug him and play with him.

I cut my long hair and cut it short.

My stepmother has to take care of my younger brother, so she can no longer comb and braid my hair every day. The family has changed to a bigger house, and there are more nannies, but everyone revolves around my younger brother.

I was a bit lost, but I didn't tell anyone.

Auntie seems to have sensed my emotions.

She often takes me out shopping, buys me food and clothing every time, and takes me to experience all kinds of life and happiness.

My aunt also told me, "Yuanxiao is still young and very fragile, so he needs more care to ensure that he can grow up healthy and strong, and grow into a young sapling like you."

I understand what my aunt means. Yuan Xiao is my younger brother. I also hope that he can grow up healthy and happy.

I take up the responsibility of the elder sister and do my best to take care of Yuan Xiao.

Yuan Xiao grew up very quickly, and Huhu grew into a round and fat boy, and it was hard for me to hold him.

Fortunately, Yuan Xiao will sit down, and he can play for half a day with a rattle in his arms, which is very worry-free.

When Yuan Xiao was one year old, my father told me one thing.

Jia Le is not my real brother.

I'm not too sad.

In the past few years since my parents divorced, I have seen Jiale very few times. I don't even know what he looks like now.

When Yuan Xiao was two years old, her stepmother became pregnant again.

On the day of delivery, I held Yuan Xiao by the arm and stood outside the delivery room.

Yuan Xiao, who has just turned three years old, is still very ignorant. She doesn't know the hardships and dangers of adult childbirth. She just waits curiously with everyone for the arrival of her younger sister or younger brother.

I have another brother.

Same as Yuan Xiao, Guoguo was born wrinkled like a monkey.

When my stepmother was pregnant with Guoguo, she was particularly fond of sour oranges and sour grapes, so she took Guoguo's nickname and her eldest name was Ling Yichen.

Yuan Xiao often cries because of competing with Guoguo for favor. Her stepmother has been in poor health since she gave birth at an advanced age. She and the nanny are exhausted from taking care of Guoguo.

Fortunately, Yuan Xiao has been hugged by me since he was a child, and he is very dependent on me. With his simple personality, I can easily coax people well.

Days passed, Guoguo went to kindergarten, and I also entered high school.

The stepmother was finally able to free up her hands to care about my studies, but she didn't read any books, so she couldn't help me with my studies.

But in her own way.

She took care of my basic necessities of life in every detail, often talked with me heart to heart, and told me not to fall in love early.

With that annoying guy Xie Jinghuai around, how could it be possible for me to fall in love early.

When I was a freshman in high school, Xie Jinghuai was admitted to Peking University.

The Xie family bought Xie Jinghuai a house in the capital, just across from my house. My father and stepmother pitied him for being out alone, and often called him to come home for dinner.

Xie Jinghuai bought a car on the first day of college, and offered to my dad to take me to and from school along the way.

Beijing University and my school are in the same direction.

Father and stepmother didn't know how bad Xie Jinghuai was, so they agreed to Xie Jinghuai's proposal and thanked him a thousand times.

Xie Jinghuai, even if he pretends to be my parent in front of the teacher, he can always accurately hear the rumors and ask those boys who secretly handed me love letters to have a "heart-to-heart talk" outside the school.

After every heart-to-heart talk, those boys would avoid me when they saw me.

As time went by, everyone knew that I had a powerful "uncle", and no one dared to hand me love letters anymore. Even if there was anything wrong with me at school, the first thing the teacher contacted was not my father and stepmother, but Xie Jinghuai.

Under Xie Jinghuai's domineering and strong control, I didn't have a friend of the opposite **** for three years in high school, and my deskmate was always a girl.

That's all, the devil Xie Jinghuai is still forcing me to study.

After entering high school, my IQ seemed to go backwards. Math and physics formulas became astronomically difficult problems in front of me.

My grades also fell from the top 30 in the junior high school to the top 100 in the grade, and I was about to be kicked out of the rocket class.

After learning about the situation from the teacher, Xie Jinghuai and my parents took the initiative to ask Ying to be my tutor. Xie Jinghuai is a top student at Peking University, so of course my parents would not refuse.

Just like that, Xie Jinghuai has another identity besides parents, my teacher.

Although Xie Jinghuai is an annoying and vicious person, he has a really good brain, and physicalization is as simple as 1+1=2 in front of him.

In order to escape from his "cracking palm", I resolutely chose the liberal arts in the sophomore year of high school. I finally got rid of the ravages of physical chemistry, but I still couldn't get rid of Xie Jinghuai.

I really can't figure out why he, a science student, is so familiar with liberal arts.

This may be the crushing of a high IQ student by a low IQ student, so angry.

But I have to admit that with Xie Jinghuai's tutoring, my studies are really much easier, and my grades have always been stable in the top ten of the grade.

The top ten in liberal arts is a pretty good level, but it is still close to Beijing University.

Fortunately, I have won many honors in writing over the years, and I added 20 points to the college entrance examination. I narrowly stepped on the admission line of Peking University and entered Peking University.

On the first day of enrollment, I heard all kinds of gossip about Xie Jinghuai, the school girl.

"Girls chasing after Xiaocao Xie are like crucian carp in a river, but no one has a chance. According to reliable sources, Xiaocao Xie has a girlfriend from childhood, she is very beautiful."


When I heard this rumor, there were at least ten thousand question marks in my head.

Xie Jinghuai actually has a girlfriend, and she is still a childhood sweetheart, I don't even know it!

Since Xie Jinghuai has a girlfriend, he definitely won't have time to care about me in the future.


I really want to look up to the sky and laugh, but I can't laugh.

Even felt depressed in my heart, as if a big stone had been crushed on it.

So that when he came to me, not only did I not give him a good face, but I also lost my temper at him in public.

"If you want to eat, ask your girlfriend to accompany you, don't bother me!"

People around are looking at us, Xie Jinghuai is also looking at me, with playful and playful expressions.

I was ashamed and embarrassed, I pushed him away and ran away alone.

He didn't come to chase me, I felt a huge loss, and my heart seemed to be hollowed out.

I went to find my aunt.

After graduating from her Ph.D., she stayed at Peking University to teach and is now an associate professor in the Department of Biology.

I told my aunt about my worries and sorrows, and my aunt asked me calmly, "Did you go to Beijing University just to thank Jinghuai?"

I nodded and shook my head again.

I was able to go to Peking University, of course, because of Xie Jinghuai, because without his help, I would not have been able to enter Peking University.

But apart from him, I also want to go to the best school and become a better person.

After my aunt's explanation, I felt more relieved, but I didn't know how to face Xie Jinghuai, let alone how to explain my gaffe.

I started avoiding him.

Wake up earlier than chickens and sleep later than dogs every day.

But after all, I was in a school, and I still didn't escape his "hunting".

I looked like a primary school student who did something wrong, and I was carried to the car by him with my head down.

"Have you figured it out?"

After starting the car, he asked me.

I nodded, "Sorry."

He turned his head and glanced at me, with a half-smile on his face, "Tell me, what's wrong with you?"

"I shouldn't lose my temper. Although you didn't tell me about your girlfriend, it's your privacy after all."

"You've been thinking about it for so many days, and this is all you think about?"

Xie Jinghuai parked the car on the side of the road, and just looked at me with an angry expression.

He still has the face to be angry!

"Let's meet less in the future, lest your girlfriend misunderstand."

I was about to get out of the car after speaking angrily, but he locked the lift door.

I turned to look at him angrily, but what I saw was his smiling face.

Growing so big, I rarely see Xie Jinghuai smiling. In fact, he himself doesn't like to smile. This also caused him to have a delicate and beautiful face, but he always gives people a sense of indifference and indifference.

Xie Jinghuai, who laughed, was really terrible.

It was like a bullet hit the heart.

"Who told me I have a girlfriend?"

"They all say that!"

"What did they say?"

"Say you have a childhood sweetheart girlfriend who is very beautiful."

Xie Jinghuai laughed again, the deep laughter echoed softly in the carriage, like the most beautiful cello in the world.

"Chun Ya, who do you think my girlfriend is?"

"I don't know, it's not me anyway!"

"Why can't it be you?"

I stared blankly at Xie Jinghuai, as if fireworks were exploding in my mind, crackling and crackling for a long time.

"I have booked the restaurant, prepared flowers and gifts, and want to give you a formal confession, but you are too stupid, you little duck, you will never understand if you don't speak clearly."

I hated Xie Jinghuai when he called me a little duck since I was a child, but this time, I think the title "little duck" is very sweet.

It may also be that his tone is too gentle, sentimental, and touching.

In this way, Xie Jinghuai has a third identity, my boyfriend.

I was very worried for a while, fearing that my family would disagree. After all, he was my uncle before.

Unexpectedly, everyone is happy with the matter between me and him.

It turns out that everyone has already seen Xie Jinghuai's "bad intentions", but I, the client, knew nothing about it, and even got jealous of myself.

Xie Jinghuai was right when he said I was a stupid duck.

Even if we became boyfriend and girlfriend, Xie Jinghuai would still bully me, but the way of bullying was changed to something else.

Sometimes when I get bullied badly, I will have the courage to break up with him, but what I get in return is often his bullying even more.

But it is such a vile person who will reject any advances from the opposite **** for me and give me a sense of security; he will coax me gently and patiently when I cry; he will stand up for me when I am bullied by others; When encountering difficulties and problems, accompany me to solve them.

I think he loves me, just as I love him.

Today is the last day of 2022. I would like to wish everyone: the old things will come to an end, the flowers will bloom in the coming year, the fireworks will shine to the stars, and all wishes will come true.

(end of this chapter)