On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 748

Chapter 748

Chapter 748 Fanwai 1-Lingchuan Chapter

Lingchuan Chapter

"Chuanzi, you boy, I already knew that you must be promising, but Yun Shixian took a fancy to you and became the son-in-law of the Yun family. What a disaster and a blessing, haha!"

Looking at the smiling face of my godfather, I can't tell what it feels like.

My co-workers and neighbors are very envious of me being able to marry Miss Yun, saying that I will be rich.

As a man, of course I want to get ahead, but I never thought of doing it this way, with a woman.

What's more, a treacherous and mercenary businessman like Yun Shixian would never marry his beloved daughter to a poor boy like me for no reason.

But even though I knew there was a big problem, I couldn't refuse. Zhou Xiaowei was still lying in the hospital waiting for treatment, and other workers were counting on me to eat.

But soon I knew the reason, through Yunyao, another young lady of the Yun family.

From her mouth, I learned about Yunmo's life experience. It turned out that she was not the real eldest lady of the Yun family, but was picked up wrongly when she was a child.

Now that the real young lady of the Yun family has returned, Yun Mo, the fake daughter who has occupied the magpie's nest, naturally has to make room.

However, things are not that simple.

From Yunyao's mouth, I learned that Yunmo is an arrogant, domineering, willful and spoiled young lady, who can't recognize her position, dominates the Yun family, and was expelled from school for cheating. Married out of the Yun family.

When I learned that this was the reason, I couldn't help but see the woman's delicate and bright face in my mind.

I met Yun Mo, when I went to Yun's house to beg Yun Shixian to save Zhou Xiaowei.

She was wearing a rose red dress at the time, such a bright color, not only did not look kitsch on her, but it had a thrilling beauty.

I couldn't take my eyes away until she gave her a hard stare.

"What are you looking at, stinky man, look at your eyes again!"

She scolded me like this at the time, and I didn't reply.

Compared to her, who looks like a peony flower, I, who is dusty and sweaty, are just the mud on the ground.

I am very self-aware, even if I am amazed by her stunning appearance, I have never thought about it.

But I didn't expect that the first time Yun Shixian saw me, he asked me if I was married, and said that he would marry his daughter to me.

In a trance, I felt like I was dreaming.

I pinched my palm hard, it hurt so much, I realized in shock that it was not a dream, but real.

Yun Shixian promised that as long as I marry his daughter, he will pay for Zhou Xiaowei's medical treatment, and also give the Zhou family a sum of compensation.

Even if I couldn't believe it, I still answered it.

Unfortunately, when I left Yun's house, I didn't see her again.

I feel lost, but also feel like I am alive after a catastrophe.

Although I don't know why Yun Shixian did this, if she knows that she is going to marry me, a "stinky man", she must be reluctant in her heart.

The first thing I did when I got home that day was to take a shower, just because of her stinky man.

After taking a shower, I lay quietly on the bed, and slowly fell asleep with thoughts that I didn't understand myself.

I had an absurd and bizarre dream.

In the dream, she really didn't want to marry me, but she was **** by the Yun family and sent to the bridal chamber.

The neighbors were all watching the jokes. I felt embarrassed, but at the same time, I thought meanly in my heart that maybe she would accept her fate after a while and would like to live a good life with me.

Unfortunately, it's just my wishful thinking after all.

From the first day she married into the Ling family, she didn't want to live a peaceful life. She complained all day long that she disliked me as useless, or quarreled with her sister-in-law, and her relationship with the neighbors was very bad, and she always ran to Yun's house.

Yun Shixian approached me several times, asking me to take her back and discipline her properly.

After returning home, I promised her, "If you are willing to live a good life, I will do my best to make you live a good life."

She was full of disdain and indignation, obviously not believing my words.

But I was serious. From that day on, I began to find ways to develop ways to make money and make connections with people who could help me make money.

Hard work pays off, a few years later, I became a well-known contractor, with hundreds of workers under my command, I no longer need to go to the construction site to work in person, but socialize with the construction bosses every day in well-dressed, Push the cup and change the cup.

As my alcohol consumption increased, my income also increased greatly. I only kept a small amount of pocket money each month, and the rest was given to her and the children.

But she was still not satisfied with such a day, and actually used the money to secretly raise a bad boy outside.

When I broke her adultery with other men, I was more ashamed than angry.

I finally understood that no matter what I did, I couldn't keep her heart, so I decided to help her and the boy.

To my surprise, she didn't take her son away, because the little boy was unwilling to accept such a bottle of oil.

Although my son was not my own, I couldn't bear to abandon him, so I simply kept him by my side as an adopted son.

After the divorce, I entrusted my son to my sister-in-law to raise me, and I put all my energy and thoughts on my career.

A few years later, when I became a well-known real estate businessman in Jiang City, I received the news that she died of illness.

I can't tell what I feel in my heart, it's not sad, but it's indescribably dull.

I led my son to hold a simple funeral for her. Except for some relatives and clients on my side, she didn't have any relatives or friends to offer condolences, and she didn't know what to do with the little boy who was willing to leave her husband and son. I don't know if she will regret it.

After the funeral, I asked my assistant to investigate the whereabouts of that little boy.

Maybe it's because I'm not reconciled, the woman I didn't get after all my efforts, but was abandoned by other men.

However, I was shocked when I found out the facts. That little boy was actually instructed by Yunyao to deliberately seduce Yunmo and destroy her family and marriage.

I hit back at Yunyao in the same way, and a year later, she was expelled from her husband's family because she had a pretty face.

Half a year later, Yun Shixian managed to find another good marriage for Yun Yao.

I understand that as long as the Yun family is still alive, Yun Yao will be protected.

So, the day before Yunyao got married, I bought the Yun family's company.

The Yun family went bankrupt, and Yun Yao's marriage fell through.

Three months later, Yun Yao married an old widower who was in the jade business.

The real identity of the old widower is a jerk. He eats, drinks, prostitutes, and gambles, and has the habit of drinking, drinking, and domestic violence. All of this is arranged by me.

Within two years, Yun Yao was sentenced to ten years in prison for accidentally killing her husband.

I went to Yunmo's grave and told her the news.

A gust of wind blew up, and the white chrysanthemum placed in front of her grave swayed gently, as if responding to me.

After waking up from the dream, I was dripping with cold sweat. I couldn't believe everything in the dream, and I didn't dare to face that it would be my whole life.

I came to Yun's house with apprehension and a welcoming team, but when I saw the bride being **** and taken out of the house like in a dream, my heart couldn't stop sinking.

There were firecrackers all around, and the neighbors were laughing and talking loudly, but my heart was shivering as if soaked in an ice cellar.

"Chuanzi, smile, don't put on a straight face, the younger siblings will be overwhelmed later."

Brother whispered warnings in my ear, but the tombstone with her photo kept appearing in my mind, and I couldn't even laugh.

Although I was mentally prepared, the moment I lifted her hijab, I lost my soul.

She looked even better than last time, with curved eyebrows like willow leaves, watery autumn pupils, a straight nose, and bright red lips like roses, she was as beautiful as a fairy.

Different from the dream, she obediently worshiped me, and wittily got rid of the framing by the real daughter of the Yun family.

I was supposed to speak up for her, but I didn't.

I wondered if this incident became a big deal, could my marriage with her be dissolved, and then everything in the dream would not happen.

Seeing her radiantly fighting wits with the real daughter, and being completely different from the stupid, lazy and charming in her dream, my heart was shaken again.

Perhaps, it was really just a dream, and I shouldn't be prejudiced against her because of a dream.

But even thinking about it like this, when my elder brother told me to live a good life with her, I didn't have any confidence in my heart.

Whether she is good or bad, I know I am not good enough for her.

I understand her reluctance, but there is nothing I can do.

Just like in the dream, she proposed separation or even divorce not long after marriage.

In the dream, I agreed to her request to separate the family, but it didn't win her heart. She didn't want to live with me properly from the beginning to the end.

Therefore, when she proposed to split the family, I rejected her without hesitation.

As for the divorce, even if he agreed to divorce, the Yun family would not agree to it. Let's see what she wants.

I didn't expect that she would call me to report my whereabouts. In the dream, she never took the initiative to call me once except asking for money.

She said she would stay in her hometown for a while longer, saying that her grandmother's leg was injured, but she didn't mention money.

She is still different from the dream.

So, when my eldest brother asked me to pick her up, I did not refuse.

Before I saw her, I was very nervous, afraid that she would be angry, and that she would dislike the dilapidated motorcycle I borrowed.

But when I saw her looking at the motorcycle with sparkling eyes, looking very curious, I suddenly felt that I should treat her better, at least like a real husband.

She couldn't get on the motorcycle, I hugged her, she was so light.

She is very fragrant, and the arms around my waist are white and thin, like cotton strips, soft and cottony without any strength.

She is really different from the dream.

I think so.

My heart also fell with the wind that evening, and I don't know where it went.

Back home, she cried and told me that the jar of sauerkraut was missing. I thought she was stingy at the time, and that if the jar of sauerkraut was gone, it would be gone, but she quarreled with me, saying that the jar of pickled cabbage was an antique.

I was shocked and speechless at the time, but at the same time, I couldn't help thinking, does she like sauerkraut so much as a young lady? He didn't hesitate to use precious antique bottles to pickle.

On the way to find Li Zhijie, I was very anxious, fearing that Li Zhijie had already sold or lost the dragon jar, and she would be disappointed if she couldn't get it back.

Fortunately, the dragon jar is still there.

Seeing her accepting the dragon-pattern jar with a happy face, and casually saying the words "This is my home", my tiredness and hunger were also washed away.

Before I left, I went to take a shower.

It's actually unnecessary, as soon as I go out, I'm covered in sweat and dust, but in front of her, I want to clean myself up.

She brought me something to eat, it was the best food I had ever eaten in my life, and I left all my money to her.

Before leaving the house, she brought up the topic of family separation again.

I seriously asked her if she wanted a divorce or a separate family.

I told her that I wanted to discuss it with my elder brother. She was not angry or making trouble for no reason, but responded with an "oh".

I will always remember how she was sitting on the bed under the light, her obedient and lovely appearance.

Before I could figure out how to tell my elder brother about the separation, something happened at home again. Li Zhijie, that bastard, actually has an evil heart towards her, I wish I could chop up that thing of Li Zhijie myself.

The separation of the family is a matter of course.

The house she rents is large and the location is good. Of course, the rent is not cheap, which is almost my monthly income.

Although she didn't ask me for money, I felt extremely anxious and ashamed inside.

I am an imposing seven-foot man, and I can't even afford to support my own wife. I really feel ashamed of being a husband.

Back to the construction site, I worked hard during the day and lay in bed at night planning a new way to get rich.

Through that dream, I have some predictive ability, knowing that the most profitable industry at the moment is electronic products.

I decided to resell electronic watches together with Deng Zhi. Everything went smoothly and I earned the first pot of gold in my life. caught.

I regretted and felt guilty, but instead of scolding me, my daughter-in-law actively helped me make suggestions to save Uncle Zhi, and even took out the dragon pattern jar to help me trust my relationship.

At that moment, the gratitude and touch in my heart was indescribable.

I secretly swear that even if I risk my life in this life, I will protect her, love her for the rest of my life, and prevent her from being harmed by Yunyao.

My daughter-in-law is really amazing, not only has a business mind, but also has a blockbuster academic performance, she is getting better and better, and more and more people see her, I can't help but feel ashamed.

But she never disliked me, she accompanied me all the way to the black market to get goods, taught me business skills, and taught me to read and write.

I love her more and more and cannot leave her.

She is always surrounded by all kinds of outstanding opposite sexes, which makes me very uneasy. I am afraid that they will rob me of my daughter-in-law. Now I can't rob them at all.

Fortunately, God did not treat me badly, because of that dream, I learned everything very quickly.

Business, socializing, English, self-studying university.

My career is becoming more and more successful, and I am becoming more and more confident. I have reached the pinnacle of life faster and earlier than in my previous life.

Reporters and media keep interviewing and asking me what is the secret of success.

I replied, listen to your wife.

Everyone is laughing, thinking this is just a humorous sentence, but in fact this is the truest portrayal of my heart.

She is not only my beloved wife, but also my muse and my faith.

I love her, for the rest of my life, until death.

"Ling Chuan, come out and take care of your daughter, I have picked up a good pot of Hedinglan until there is not even a leaf left!"

My wife is calling me, stop talking, by the way, let me tell you a good news, I am going to be a father again, the third child is a stinky boy, and he will be born in two months, everyone congratulate me.

(end of this chapter)