On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 747

Chapter 747

Chapter 747 No matter how you choose in life, you will have regrets (the finale)

After sending Xu Lili away, Shao Mo returned to the cave alone. After choosing a suitable location, she slowly spread her palm, and a crystal clear drop of water rolled gently on her snow-white palm.

When Shao Mo returned to the capital, it was already two days later.

She sneaked back to school, changed back to her original clothes, swaggered back from the school laboratory to the courtyard, closed the door and fell asleep.

During this sleep, Shao Mo slept for three full days.

In the eyes of outsiders, she worked so hard because of the continuous two-day experiment. In fact, she was weak because of traveling and forcibly stripping the Lingquan from her body.

Ling Chuan didn't know what Shao Mo was doing in secret, he just thought she was sick, how long had she slept, Ling Chuan stayed at home in plainclothes in confusion.

When Shao Mo regained her spirits, looking at the man with boiled red eyes who was still by her side, the unwillingness and depression of losing the Lingquan were instantly healed.


"Honey, I'm here, what do you want?"

"Let's have a baby, do you prefer a son or a daughter?"

Ling Chuan embraced her, rubbing his stubble-covered chin lightly on the top of her head, "I like them all, as long as they are our children."

Shao Mo hugged the man's strong waist back, her heart was full of happiness and sweetness.

"Then let's have two. The husband will have a son and the second daughter. When the elder brother grows up, he can help us pamper our younger sister."

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Luckily among misfortunes, although the Lingquan was forcibly placed in the cave by Shao Mo, the space was not lost with the disappearance of the Lingquan.

In these years, Shao Mo has used glass bottles to store the spiritual spring water in the spiritual basin every once in a while. So far, the storage capacity of the spiritual spring water in the space exceeds 50 liters, which is enough for her and future generations to use.

A week later, an anonymous letter was sent to the relevant state departments.

Half a month later, news came from Jiang City that ancient relics from the Southern and Northern Dynasties era had been found in Niutoushan. The entire Niutoushan was sealed off by relevant departments, and no one else was allowed to enter. The government even sent nearby troops to garrison it.

Niutou Mountain is where Shao Mo's natural cave where Lingquan water is located.

Three months later, news came out one after another that what the national archaeological team found in Niutoushan was not an ancient footprint, but a spiritual spring. bones.

After that, various rumors about Lingquan appeared in the world one after another.

Some people say that there are countless treasures of ancient cultural relics discovered together with Lingquan. Others say that Lingquan is a cave where a practitioner lives in seclusion.

Accompanied by various rumors about Lingquan, those forces who secretly monitored Shao Mo also gradually retreated.

Half a year later, Jian Xun's disappearance case finally made progress.

Jianyan used some tricks to get a clue from Pei Min, but this clue made Shao Mo very sad.

It turned out that Jian Xun had died two years ago.

Over the years, Pei Min has been using the spiritual spring water provided by Jian Xun for research, and has achieved good results.

Originally, with these research results, Pei Min could apply for a patent and even enter the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

But the money is touching, Pei Min's research was learned by a famous foreign biological company, and the other party paid a sky-high price of one billion to buy and invite Pei Min's team to go abroad for commercial development of the research results.

Although Pei Min discovered three unknown mysterious elements from the Lingquan, he did not have the ability to create these three elements.

If you want to continue research and related development, you need more spiritual spring water.

For money, Pei Min betrayed Jian Xun, but Jian Xun did not betray Shao Mo until his death.

When those people held guns to his forehead and forced him to tell the origin of the spiritual spring water, he chose to commit suicide by jumping into the sea.

Jane's family held a simple funeral at the place where Jian Xun jumped into the sea.

That place was full of torrents and rocks all the year round, but on the day of the funeral, the sea was exceptionally calm, like a mirror, and a few seabirds flapped their wings and circled in the sky.

Shao Mo bent down and placed a bouquet of white chrysanthemums on the seashore. After a while, a wave hit and swept the whole bunch of white chrysanthemums into the waves, and quickly disappeared.

Dr. Jian, have a good journey, I hope we can still be friends in the next life.

After mourning, Shao Mo turned around to leave, but Jian Yan came behind her at some point, and those eyes full of grief were looking at her for a moment.

Seeing her turn around, Jian Yan said in a hoarse voice, "Although it's a bit late, I still want to say thank you."

Shao Mo said calmly, "Mr. Jian, please forgive me."

Jian Yan stepped forward and looked at the sea quietly. Just now, the sea was calm like a mirror, but now it is full of waves, just like life. You never know what will happen in the next second.

During the period of paralysis, I once thought it was the darkest moment of my life. I allowed myself to be decadent and pass by, but Xiao Xun never gave up.

He always tried his best to encourage me, and looked for all the ways to save me. I saw his efforts, but I thought he was just trying in vain.

Later, I finally regained the ability to walk, but Xiao Xun disappeared. I was lucky at the time. Fortunately, my legs recovered, so I could have the energy to track down Xiao Xun's whereabouts.

But now, I only have infinite regrets in my heart. If I had a choice, I would rather go back to the period when I was paralyzed. At least at that time, Xiao Xun was still by my side.

Miss Shao, if my health requires Xiao Xun to pay with his life, I would rather not be able to walk for the rest of my life. "

Life is like this, no matter how you choose, you will have regrets.

All the hardships you experience now may become the most dazzling part of your life after many years.

We can only live up to the time if we cherish the people in front of us and live well in the moment.

After a while, familiar and steady footsteps came from behind. Shao Mo turned her head and saw Ling Chuan, who was handsome and handsome in a black suit, with a sweet smile on his face.


Ling Chuan took off his suit jacket neatly and put it on her body, subconsciously stroked her slightly protruding abdomen with his big hands, his black eyes were gentle and tender.

"It's windy, let's go back."


The wind blows the waves, and the sound of the waves bursts. The backs of the two leaning on each other draw a beautiful silhouette on the beach.

Some people are happy, some people are lonely, but no matter whether you are happy or lonely, people have to move forward in order to meet more beautiful scenery and better people.

Tomorrow will start to update the episode

(end of this chapter)