On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 746

Chapter 746

Chapter 746 Jian Xun is missing

The time Jian Xun made an appointment with her a year ago, it wasn't that Jian Xun missed the appointment, but disappeared.

Jian Xun has always kept his promise, did not tell anyone about Lingquanshui and Shao Mo, and even deliberately arranged a trip to study abroad in order to conceal his whereabouts.

This is also why when Shao Mo called Jian Xun, he would get a reply from Jian Xun to study abroad.

It is precisely because of Jian Xun's intentional arrangement to study abroad that it misleads Jian's family and the police. Over the past year, Jian's family and the police have been focusing their investigations abroad, thinking that Jian Xun was in the process of studying abroad. Something happened to cause the disappearance.

In short, he is a special soldier. Although his body is not as good as before, his IQ is still online. After a year of investigation, he finally found Shao Mo.

Jian Yan came to the door, in addition to suspecting that Shao Mo had something to do with his younger brother's disappearance, he was even more curious about the relationship between Shao Mo and his younger brother.

After all, my younger brother crossed the sea just to meet Shao Mo in private, and Shao Mo is so beautiful, it's hard not to let him have some bad thoughts.

"Mr. Jian, Dr. Jian and I are ordinary friends. The reason why we met in private is related to one of his studies."

"What research?"

"Doctor Jane is researching a kind of water. This kind of water has magical effects. Once it is known to the world, it will cause huge waves, so it needs to be concealed from the outside world."

In just a few seconds, Shao Mo calmed down from Jian Xun's disappearance and made a reasonable response.

After explaining, Shao Mo thought for a while, and then asked Jian Yan: "Did you ask Pei Min about Dr. Jian's disappearance?"

"I looked for it, but he didn't know the reason for my brother's disappearance, and he went abroad not long after my brother disappeared."

"Going abroad? Where did he go?"

"Country M, a research project he conducted was favored by the laboratory in country M, and he bought their entire research team including the results, and he took people to country M to continue research."

If it was just suspicion at the beginning, now Shao Mo is 100% sure that Jian Xun's disappearance is related to Lingquan water.

Jian Xun disappeared on the front foot, and Pei Min went abroad on the back foot, and both of them happened to know the magical effect of Lingquan water.

Too many coincidences can only be inevitable!

"Mr. Jian, Pei Min and the others are researching exactly this kind of water. As far as I know, the water Pei Min studied was provided by Dr. Jian. Dr. Jian's disappearance, and Pei Min and others going abroad may all have something to do with this water. "

Jian Yan looked cold and serious, "What kind of water is it?"

Shao Mo looked at the other party firmly, "A kind of water that can make you stand up again."

Hearing this, Jian Yan couldn't help but turn pale with shock, obviously he didn't know beforehand that the recovery of his body was related to the spiritual spring water.

This also confirmed from the side that Jian Xun has always kept his promise and never told Jianyan or anyone about her and Lingquanshui.

Otherwise, those who kidnapped Jian Xun would probably have found her long ago.

But now, Jian Yan has found her, and those people may find her at any time, so she has to deal with it.

After meeting Jian Yan, Shao Mo went to visit Shen Chen in the nursing home as usual, but she was not at peace, and always felt a faint uneasiness. She even couldn't help suspecting that maybe those who kidnapped Jian Xun had already Already had her eye on her.

And the reason why those people didn't do anything, maybe they were just not sure whether she had anything to do with Lingquan water.

But paper cannot contain fire. If those people keep staring at her, one day, her secrets will be exposed. At that time, not only she will be in danger, but the people around her will also be hurt.

Everyone is innocent, but pregnant is guilty.

She has kept the spiritual spring water privately for so many years. After enjoying the nourishment and blessings of the spiritual spring water, it is time to return it to the world so that it can benefit the country and the people.

After the plan was formed in his mind, Shao Mo immediately contacted Xu Lili of Jiang City and asked him to help him find a hidden natural cave near Jiang City. He could not tell the third party.

In fact, it is not wise to involve Xu Lili in this matter, and she has no other choice.

She wasn't sure if someone was watching every move of her and the people around her in the dark, and Xu Lili was far away in Jiangshi, and the friendship between the two had been hidden in the dark. There is Xu Li working for her.

I have to say that Shao Mo's sixth sense is quite keen, and she has indeed been targeted by people, and it has been quite a while.

It's just that she is backed by Shao's family, and those people are not sure that she has spiritual spring water in her hands, so they haven't taken any action.

Xu Lili was very efficient, and it only took a week to find a place.

After looking at the photos and confirming that the cave meets his requirements, Shao Mo pretended to be doing research in the school laboratory as a cover, but in private disguised himself and went back to Anshi.

In order to deceive others and confuse the enemy, Shao Mo didn't even tell Ling Chuan this time.

After returning to Anshi, Shao Mo rushed to the cave Xu Li found without stopping.

The cave is located on the mountainside of a barren mountain, and the entrance of the cave is tightly covered by dense thorns. If the thorn bushes are not removed, most people will not find a natural cave deep into the mountain even if they stand in front of the cave entrance.

With the help of Xu Lili, Shao Mo successfully entered the cave, and meandering all the way down to the deepest part of the cave.

After looking at the place, Shao Mo turned to look at Xu Lili.

"Brother Xu, I have already prepared the procedures for you to go abroad, and I have prepared a fortune for you that will allow you to live comfortably for the rest of your life. After you leave here, you will immediately go abroad to live in seclusion, whether it is Southeast Asia or Europe. You can choose any place you want, and don't have any contact with me within ten years.

Xu Lili nodded, "Okay."

Facing Xu Lili's unhesitating trust, Shao Mo's heart warmed slightly.

"Brother Xu, don't you ask me why?"

Xu Lili smiled, "I understand you. You will not let me leave Jiangshi in a hurry unless it is absolutely necessary. Xiaomo, I am doomed to be unrestrained and have no fixed place in my life. It is actually the same wherever I go. Besides, I I have long wanted to go out and see the outside world.

Two years ago, Xu Lili might not have agreed to leave Jiang City so readily.

Two years ago, Xu Lili's first love and ex-wife passed away in a mental hospital. Both his parents died, and he also cut off contact with relatives and friends.

But even so, Shao Mo couldn't help feeling guilty and moved.

She suppressed the hot air in her eyes, "Brother Xu, if you don't mind, I will be your sister from now on, and you will be their uncle when I give birth to a child. Please believe me, when the time is right, I will bring you back again."

"Okay, then I will have the audacity to be your brother."

(end of this chapter)