On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 745

Chapter 745

Chapter 745 Peng Fang and his wife reap the consequences

Seeing Shao Mo lose his temper, Huang Jianguo hurriedly said: "Xiao Mo, calm down, this is our fault, but there is nothing we can do about it, your cousin Xiao Zhao has become like this, most girls are not willing to marry. You can't let your cousin Xiao Zhao be a bachelor for the rest of his life."

Peng Fang was still high-spirited, "Anyway, we're not the only ones who do this. There are many people out there who buy wives and female college students. We are nothing."

Even Liu Zhi couldn't listen to these words.

"Second brother, it doesn't mean it's right if others do it. It's illegal to kidnap and traffic women. Aren't you afraid of being caught and shot?"

Peng Fang put her hands on her hips, "Sister-in-law, don't scare us. The old man Zhou in the next village spent money to buy a college student for his stupid son as a wife a few years ago. have it all.

Sister-in-law, I think you are envious of my family Xiao Zhao who married a daughter-in-law for only two hundred yuan? Unlike Xiaoyu in your family, who spent thousands of dollars on marrying a daughter-in-law. "

Seeing the envious and bitter tone of the couple, Shao Mo felt as sick and disgusted as if she had eaten a fly.

She helped Huang Zhao cure his illness, and helped Peng Fang and his wife to make a fortune. She hoped that they could live a good life and stop counting the money in the Huang family's pockets.

But she never expected that she would help two demons to trample on the life of an innocent girl so cold-bloodedly and mercilessly in order to carry on her family.

"Forget it, mom, first aunt, we have done what we need to say and persuade. Since the second aunt won't listen, there is nothing to say, let's go back."

Seeing that Shao Mo's face was so cold, Huang Zhiqiu had no choice but to swallow the words that came to his mouth, and pulled Liu Zhi who was very angry, "Sister-in-law, let's go."

Peng Fang and Huang Jianguo thought that Shao Mo was persuaded by the example she gave, and they happily chased after her to remind them, "Xiao Mo, Zhiqiu, sister-in-law, don't forget to come over for the wedding the day after tomorrow!"

Back home, Shao Mo called the Huang family together for a meeting.

"This matter must be reported to the police. Although this matter has nothing to do with us, our failure to report it is cover-up. Not only will we bear legal responsibility, but even Cousin Xiaoyu and the others will be affected in the future. Can't take the test."

Yang Xinghua was very worried, "Then what can Xiaowen do? I'm afraid it will hurt Xiaowen because of the stupid things the second and second couple did. If the couple goes to jail, who will take care of Xiaowen in the future?"

Shao Mo looked at Huang Kailin, "Grandpa, if Second Aunt and Second Uncle go to jail, Xiao Zhao can be sent to a nursing home, and we will share the expenses with Third Uncle.

As for Cousin Xiaowen, he can't take care of so much now, and he should teach his second uncle and aunt a lesson, so as not to make irreversible mistakes in the future. "

Huang Kailin hesitated and said: "Xiao Mo, why don't you discuss this matter with the third child first."

"There's nothing to discuss. If they don't want to bear the expenses of Xiao Zhao's life, then I'll pay for it. But don't expect me to help them if they encounter any problems in the future!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone heard Shao Mo's determination to deal with Peng Fang and his wife, so they stopped talking.

Early the next morning, two police cars roared to a stop at the entrance of the village.

Under the amazed and shocked eyes of all the villagers, Peng Fang and Huang Jianguo were taken away, together with Liu Cuihua they "bought".

When the couple were taken away, Shao Mo was there. The couple didn't know that Shao Mo had reported the incident, and kept yelling at Shao Mo.

"Xiao Mo, save us, Xiao Mo, quickly think of a way to save us..."

Shao Mo watched the two being taken away indifferently, and then spread the law to the whole village, "Buying and selling women and children is a crime, I hope everyone will take this as a warning, and be a good citizen who abides by the law. Don't try your hand at it, or that's what happens."

Warning alone was not enough, and Shao Mo printed 100,000 copies of propaganda newspapers at her own expense, distributed them to all families in Lu'an Town, and hung slogans on cracking down on human trafficking and other illegal and criminal activities at various village committees and village entrances.

With the help of the police, the female college student was successfully rescued and returned home. Old man Zhou was sentenced to five years in prison, because old man Zhou's son was unable to support him, and a pair of grandchildren of old man Zhou were sent to the orphanage.

With the help of Shao Mo, the grandchildren were soon adopted by two foreign couples, and they will never return to China in this lifetime.

Shao Mo did it on purpose, she just wanted to tell the world with facts that those who participate in the trafficking of women and children will not end well in the end!

Peng Fang and Huang Jianguo, who were originally victims, ended up committing crimes because of ignorance and greed.

Fortunately, there were no irreversible consequences. The two were sentenced to light sentences of one year and six months respectively, and a fine of 500 yuan. As for Huang Zhao, he was sent back to a nursing home to live.

Time flies, the sun and the moon fly by.

In the blink of an eye, it was the graduation season, but Shao Mo didn't panic, because she had already confirmed her postgraduate education and became the only postgraduate student under Professor Wu Jingcheng's name. The other seniors were all postgraduate students.

Compared with other students who are busy preparing graduation thesis and finding internship units, Shao Mo is much more leisurely.

She majored in botany as a graduate student. Her daily tasks at school are to plant flowers and plants, and study plant growth, structure, genetics, and evolution. At the same time, she also majored in biomedicine, and her research object is Shen Chen. .

After her "treatment", Shen Chen now has a slight reaction to external stimuli. For example, when his favorite music is played, his eyelashes will tremble, and when he brushes the soles of his feet with a feather, his fingers will also have reflex movements.

However, these are only the most elementary neural inductions, and it is still early for the brain to wake up and regain self-awareness, but it is still making progress. After learning that the eldest grandson is expected to wake up, Mr. Shen has authorized Shao Mo to be the attending physician to treat Shen Chen. Deeper Healing.

This day, after finishing school work, Shao Mo packed up her things and was about to go to the nursing home to check on Shen Chen's situation. As soon as she walked out of the school gate, she was stopped by a strange man who looked familiar.

"Ms. Shao, hello, I'm Jian Xun's eldest brother, Jian Yan."

When she heard the other party's self-report, Shao Mo understood where the familiarity came from.

"Mr. Jane, hello."

After a brief greeting, Shao Mo and the other party went to a nearby coffee shop.

Actually, at the beginning, Shao Mo was displeased with Jian Yan's approach.

Because she had an agreement with Jian Xun in advance, without her consent, the origin of Lingquan water must never be told to a third party.

Even if Jian Yan knew that his disability was cured by Lingquan water, he shouldn't have found her.

But when Jian Yan told her that Jian Xun had been missing for more than a year, Shao Mo's inner displeasure and dissatisfaction were immediately replaced by surprise and shock.

(end of this chapter)