On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 744

Chapter 744

Chapter 744 Peng Fang knew the law and broke the law to "buy" her daughter-in-law

It's been a while since we saw each other, Peng Fang's whole person has changed a lot.

Wearing a water-red floral dress, her hair was curled and curled, and she was pinned behind her head with a hairpin. She was wearing gold and silver, and her face was painted with makeup. Compared with the past, she seemed to be a different person, which made Shao Mo He looked each other up and down several times.

Seeing Shao Mo looking at herself, Peng Fang deliberately raised her hand to touch her hair, so as to reveal the gold bracelet on her wrist that was as thick as chopsticks.

Shao Mo smiled and said, "Second Aunt, you and Second Uncle seem to have earned a lot of money in the past two years. Is this bracelet going to cost thousands of dollars?"

Peng Fang stuffed the bracelet under her sleeve in satisfaction, "Oh, it's hollow and worthless."

"No matter how valuable it is, it's gold."

Peng Fang immediately changed the subject, "Oh, don't talk about me, Xiaomo, Zhiqiu, you can stay for a few more days when you come back this time, and leave after drinking Xiao Zhao's wedding wine."

Shao Mo smiled, "The wedding wine must be drunk, I wonder which village the bride is from?"

Peng Fang's complexion changed slightly, and then he laughed, "It's not from us, it's from outside. Anyway, you will see it when you drink the wedding wine."

As he said that, Peng Fang smiled flatteringly at the two of them: "Zhiqiu, Xiaomo, I still have something to ask for your help. You know the situation of my family, all the money I earned in the past two years will be given to Xiaozhao I used it for medical treatment, and now Xiao Zhao is going to marry a wife, and I can't afford any money, so I want to borrow some from you.

Shao Mo smiled, "Everyone is a family, so it's easy to borrow money, but Second Aunt, you don't look like you have no money."

Peng Fang waved his hands again and again, "The clothes I wear are all cheap, not worth much. Xiaomo, Xiaozhao and Xiaowen are both your cousins. You have helped Xiaowen so you have to help Xiaozhao."

"Help, of course I want to help, but as the saying goes, it's not difficult to borrow what you have. Back then, I helped Cousin Xiao Zhao find a nursing home, paid half a year's expenses in advance, and lent you money to do business with your second uncle. Shouldn't you pay back the money first?"

Peng Fang's expression changed upon hearing that Shao Mo asked for debts.

"It's not that we don't pay back the money, it's that we don't have the money to pay it back. It's not easy to earn some money these days. Your second uncle and I are uneducated, and the money we earn is not enough for Xiao Zhao's medical treatment. It's really not coming out yet." .

Xiao Mo, you are not short of money, why are you urging us to pay it back, I will definitely pay it back when I have money in the future. "

Shao Mopi smiled nonchalantly, "Whether I'm short of money or not is my business, not a reason for you to rely on not paying back the money. Second aunt, you know how your business is doing in the past two years, I advise you In a word, don't be too greedy.

As a cousin, I have helped everything I could. Cousin Xiaowen still has two years to graduate, and everything is not going to be all right after graduation. The examination system is not like the college entrance examination. Good grades can make you a success, which **** me off. , I will let go of Xiaowen's matter in the future, you should weigh it carefully. "

As soon as these words were released, Peng Fang didn't dare to do anything to Shao Mo even if she had a thousand hearts.

"Forget it, your second uncle and I will figure out a solution for the money, Xiaomo, you can't just ignore your cousin Xiaowen."

"Don't worry, Second Aunt, as long as you keep yourselves safe, what I promised will definitely count."

After receiving Shao Mo's affirmative answer, Peng Fang walked away in disgrace.

As soon as Peng Fang left, Shao Mo immediately pulled Liu Zhi to ask about the bride's background.

It's okay not to ask, but after asking, I found out that Peng Fang and Huang Jianguo have actually engaged in the human trafficking business with such audacity!

The so-called bride was bought by Peng Fang and his wife at a huge price!

Shao Mo was so angry that she immediately took Liu Zhi and Huang Zhiqiu to Peng Fang's house.

Seeing Shao Mo approaching the door, the couple happily introduced the "bought" daughter-in-law to Shao Mo.

"Xiaomo, this is Cuihua, just call me cousin."

Shao Mo stared at Liu Cuihua without saying a word.

Maybe frightened by Shao Mo's face, Liu Cuihua hid behind Peng Fang in fear.

Peng Fang didn't care, but was very satisfied with Liu Cuihua's performance. In her opinion, the more timid Liu Cuihua was, the better, so that she wouldn't run away.

"Xiao Mo, I discussed it with your second uncle, and the banquet will be held the day after tomorrow. Do you think your cousin should express something?"

Shao Mo sneered, "How does Second Aunt want me to express it?"

Peng Fang immediately smiled and said: "Oh, it doesn't take much, just ask for a lucky number, give your cousin and sister-in-law a 188 red envelope each, and buy gold jewelry or something. It's not a big deal to you. Son, I have heard people say that the big business you do in the capital can earn hundreds of thousands a year."

Shao Mo held back her anger and asked Liu Cuihua, "Where is my cousin from?"

"Ah, ah, eh..."

Liu Cuihua gestured with her mouth open.

Shao Mo frowned, "Is she dumb?"

Peng Fang quickly answered, "Yes, otherwise she wouldn't be able to marry Xiao Zhao, but although she can't speak, she is in good health, and it is absolutely no problem to have two big fat boys!"

Shao Mo closed her eyes in anger, "Second Uncle, Second Aunt, how much did you pay for this woman?"

Peng Fang still pretended to be stupid, "Xiaomo, are you asking for a bride price? A gift of two hundred yuan, in cash."

Shao Mo sneered, "Spend two hundred yuan to buy a daughter-in-law, second aunt, you really know how to do business."

Peng Fang didn't realize that Shao Mo was ridiculing, but was complacent.

"Of course. Although I have no education, I still know how to settle accounts. If you want to find a wife in our area, at least this number is indispensable."

Peng Fang made a gesture of five, "Your uncle and I bought it from outside, and it only cost 200 yuan. Not only is it cheap and affordable, but he is also hardworking. He has helped your uncle and me do a lot in the past few days. Living, and being able to serve and take care of Xiao Zhao, it's a multiplicity of things.

Shao Mo is so angry, she can't wait to slap her face a few times to wake her up.

"Second Uncle, Second Aunt, do you feel that life is too comfortable and you don't want to live a good life!? Don't you know that buying and selling human beings is illegal?"

"Xiaomo, that's not right. Why don't we want to live a good life? We are thinking of buying a wife for your cousin Xiao Zhao just to live a good life in the future."

Huang Guolian echoed.

Shao Mo pointed to Liu Cuihua, "Do you know that abduction and trafficking of women is a felony, punishable by between five and ten years in prison."

Peng Fang and Huang Jianguo looked at each other.

The couple had guilt and fear on their faces, but there was no accident. They were obviously aware of the nature of the abduction and trafficking of women.

If the couple did not know the law and committed the crime, Shao Mo would still be considerate, but knowing the law and breaking the law would be an unforgivable crime!

Shao Mo was so angry that her liver hurts, "It seems that you all know, since you know, why do you still do this? Who gave you the courage?"

Second update~

Tomorrow will be the finale, and the next day will start to update the episode.

Extra episode tentatively scheduled: Zeng Fang VS Shen Zhen, Xie Jinghuai VS Ling Chunhua, Xie Xia, Shao Lin VS Huang Zhiqiu, if you want to see other lines, you can mention them.

(end of this chapter)