On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 701

Chapter 701

Chapter 701 Talented woman who can speak six languages

Shao Mo used French throughout the whole process, and her pronunciation, intonation and grammar were all a hundred times more professional than the daughter just now.

No way, who made her have a French cousin in her previous life.

During high school, she went shopping in Paris almost whenever she was free. In her spare time, she would learn French from her cousin-in-law, and even worked part-time in a high-end French restaurant. Showing a few words of French was as simple as eating and drinking for her. .

The daughter did not expect that Shao Mo not only understood French, but also satirized her in French. For a moment, it was like being slapped in the face in public, and her face turned white and red, so embarrassed.

"Cut, who can brag."

Probably because she felt ashamed, the daughter who was mad at Shao Mo choked with disdain.

Shao Mo didn't want to give in any more this time, and decided to confront the opponent head-on, "You say I'm bragging?"

That daughter is also a heroine who does not give in to her eyebrows, and her attitude is very strong, "Yes, I am talking about you. Since you said that you can speak six languages, okay, then you introduce each of us in six languages in front of us all. Treat yourself."

"I said, do you understand?"

Qianjin's face froze, "If I don't understand, others will understand! Don't change the subject here, if you can't speak out, you can admit defeat."

Admit defeat? The word is not in her dictionary.

Shao Mo smiled slightly, "It's so boring to introduce myself, why not introduce you to everyone, Ji Qianqian, Miss Ji."

Afterwards, Shao Mo used English, French, Russian, German, Japanese, and Korean to dig up Ji Qianqian's personal information, and even revealed Ji Qianqian's fight with her sister because she was fighting for a man.

Fearing that everyone would not understand, Shao Mo would "kindly" translate in Chinese every time she said a paragraph, which made the other daughters laugh out loud.

Ji Qianqian was furious and wanted to hit Shao Mo, but was stopped by Mrs. Zheng who came in time.

"Oh, what are you talking about, it's so lively."

Mrs. Zheng seemed to know nothing, and she embraced Shao Mo with a smile, without saying a word of protection.

Ji Qianqian had a gloomy face, but she didn't dare to do it again.

The Shao family needs semiconductor cooperation from the Zheng family, and the Ji family also needs it.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Shao Mo smiled lightly and opened her mouth to resolve the embarrassment of the scene, "I didn't say anything, I just discussed foreign languages with Miss Ji."

"Oh? Xiaomo, what foreign languages do you know? Many foreign customers came today, and their wives are all foreigners. It just so happens that I don't know a foreign language, so communication is a bit difficult. Why don't you help me as an interpreter."


"That's fine. I need Xiaomo to help me with something, so I will take him away first. You guys continue to play your game and have fun."

Seeing the back of Mrs. Zheng kindly holding Shao Mo away, Shao Ya shook the champagne glass in her hand, and turned to look at Xiao Ke beside her.


Xiao Ke raised his head and drank the champagne in the glass in one gulp, "Take it, she is really powerful, beyond my imagination."

Six languages, and still speak so fluently, obviously worked hard to learn.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Ke couldn't help asking Shao Ya curiously, "I only understand English and French, can you understand other languages?"

"I only know that she also spoke Japanese and Korean, and the others I guess are German and Russian."

Xiao Ke was a little surprised, "Xiaoya, you are so amazing, you can hear it all. I only heard her babbling, and I don't know what she is talking about."

"I just heard the pronunciation a little familiar. If she doesn't translate, I don't know what she is talking about."

After speaking, both of them fell silent.

On the other side, Shao Lin was socializing with several entrepreneurs in the industry, when Mr. Zheng suddenly joined them with a glass of wine.

"Shao Dong, you really have a good daughter."

After exchanging pleasantries, Mr. Zheng suddenly praised Shao Mo.

Shao Lin felt a little upset in his heart, but smiled like an old fox on his face, "Boss Zheng has won the award, and I am envious of your son and daughter."

"Okay, don't be humble, the two of me combined can't match you, a talented woman who can speak six languages."

What? Momo can speak six languages?

Shao Lin's wine glass shook, and he didn't care about being inappropriate, so he hurriedly asked what was going on.

Mr. Zheng briefly talked about the dispute between Shao Mo and Ji Qianqian, and Daxiu's operation in six languages.

"I came here just to tell you that my wife temporarily borrows your daughter to help with the translation work, but don't worry, I will definitely not let her work in vain."

"It's easy to say, it's Momo's honor to be able to help your wife."

After the two clinked glasses, Mr. Zheng went to greet other guests, but Shao Lin's heart was like a disturbed spring river, and he could no longer calm down.

Mom, my daughter can speak six languages, and he was the last one to know.

Do not open Mori!

But soon, when he saw the elegant, decent and beautiful daughter who was following Mrs. Zheng, a foolish father's smile appeared on his face.

His daughter is awesome!

Shao Mo was called by Mrs. Zheng to be an interpreter, and Zeng Fang couldn't follow her all the time, so she found a quiet place to eat.

This little cake is delicious, and the lobster is also delicious. These people are really stupid. They don't eat anything delicious, but just chat there with wine glasses. They can only take advantage of her.

Zeng Fang ate and ate, looked left and right at the same time, so happy and happy, if Shen Zhen hadn't appeared.

Seeing Shen Zhen who appeared out of nowhere and sat opposite her with his legs crossed, Zeng Fang lost all appetite.

"Eat, why don't you eat?"

"I am full."

Shen Zhen glanced at the plate with a lot of food in front of her, and said softly, "I've seen you devouring food, and I know how much you eat, so there's no need to be reserved in front of me, just eat as you want. "

"I'm too lazy to tell you."

Zeng Fang rolled her eyes, and turned her head to look for her friend in the crowd.

Seeing that the two of them sat at the same table ignoring each other's embarrassment, Zhou Ye, as a close friend, naturally wanted to help.

He picked up two glasses of red wine, thought for a while and put down one of them. Instead, he took a glass of champagne, mixed some brandy in it, and then came in front of the two with the two glasses.

"Brother Zhen, so you are here, I have been looking for you for a long time." Said and sat down.

Zeng Fang turned her head to look at Zhou Ye who had come uninvited, but said nothing, but Zhou Ye took the initiative to greet her.

"Hi, Zeng Fang, we meet again, what a fate."

Zeng Fang snorted, as a response, then turned her head and continued to look at the crowd.

While Zeng Fang turned his head, Zhou Ye switched the champagne glass in his hand with Zeng Fang's as quickly as possible.

Zeng Fang turned around as if aware of it, and saw Zhou Ye smirking at her with champagne, "Then what, it's rare to get together by fate, let's meet one?"

As soon as the words fell, Shen Zhen suddenly leaned over and took the champagne glass from Zhou Ye's hand, and at the same time handed the red wine in front of him to Zhou Ye.

"I drink champagne, you drink red wine."

How could Zhou Ye drink the cup that the little chubby girl drank? Wouldn't that be a disguised kiss?

Zhou Ye didn't care, "Okay, Brother Zhen, let's go together."

Shen Zhen raised his glass and touched Zhou Ye, but stared at Zhou Ye with some inquiring eyes.

(end of this chapter)