On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 700

Chapter 700

Chapter 700 Face Slap Scene

Shen Zhen is really thin, his knees feel like a layer of skin and bones, and it hurts especially when he hits someone.

"Can you put your leg back a little bit?"


Shen Zhen agreed with his mouth, but did not take any action.

After being bumped several times, Zeng Fang couldn't bear it any longer, she pouted her **** and sat on Shen Zhen's lap.

Shen Zhen was taken aback.

Zeng Fang pretended nothing happened and turned to talk to Shao Mo, but her flushed face still revealed her mood.

Shao Mo had a panoramic view of the small movements of the two of them, but he could only pretend that he didn't see anything.

If Shen Zhen sat on Zeng Fang's lap, she could still scold him for being a hooligan, but if Zeng Fang took the initiative to sit on Shen Zhen's lap, what could she say?

Maybe also realized that it was wrong, after sitting for about a minute, Zeng Fang quietly moved her **** back to the seat.

"Why don't you sit down?"

Hearing Shen Zhen's playful teasing, Zeng Fang blushed and turned to stare at him.

"I hate my ass."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and pointed the back of his head at him.


Maybe considering that there were other people in the car, Shen Zhen sneered and did not continue to provoke her. Instead, Zhou Ye in the front row kept chatting with Shao Mo.

After a while, I asked her why she didn't bring her husband with her, and after a while, she asked her where to go during the Spring Festival, blah blah blah.

Ten minutes later, the Audi car finally arrived at the hotel.

After getting off the car, Shao Mo and Zeng Fang wrapped in cotton coats and walked in front arm in arm, Zhou Ye and Shen Zhen walked behind them in suits and leather shoes, looking like their flower protectors from a distance.

"Fangfang, are you telling the truth yourself, or am I extorting a confession by torture?"

Zeng Fang pretended to be naive, "What?"

Shao Mo smiled, "You really think I'm blind, didn't you see you sitting on Shen Zhen's lap?"

Zeng Fang blushed, "It was he who kept squeezing me and bumping my feet. I couldn't bear it, so I sat on his lap."

"that's it?"

"Of course, Momo, don't think about it, how can I have anything to do with him, he is a big carrot, even if I talk to a dog, I can't talk to him."

Behind, Zhou Ye also pulled Shen Zhen to ask him about his relationship with Zeng Fang.

"Brother Zhen, what's the matter, don't you like Shao Mo, why did you get involved with Zeng Fang?"

"Keep your mouth clean, don't do anything!"

"She sat on your lap, I saw it!"

Shen Zhen pinched the center of his eyebrows, wanted to laugh, but tried his best to hold back.

He also couldn't figure out the little fat girl's brain circuit, but he had to say that he felt a little happy about the little fat girl sitting on his lap.

Compared to Zeng Fang's dislike of his legs sticking to his butt, he thinks her **** is very soft and elastic, and it should feel good to the touch.


"Brother Zhen, what are you talking about?"

"I don't know what she means, you ask her, don't ask me!"

Although Shen Zhen's tone was very impatient, there was no sign of anger on his expression.

There is still something that Zhou Ye doesn't understand, and there is finally an explanation for the strange things before.

It's no wonder that Shen Zhen is obviously not interested in Shao Mo, but every time he sees Shao Mo, he always moves forward. It turns out that the picture is the fat girl next to Shao Mo.

Oh no, it's not a fat girl anymore.

Although Zeng Fang in the front is wrapped in a thick and long cotton coat, her face is delicately made up, her hair is curled into fluffy waves, half of her black skirt is exposed under the cotton coat, and she is wearing black velvet high heels. It really has the charm of a famous lady.

"Brother Zhen, why don't you tell me about this kind of thing in the future, it makes me express my feelings wrong every time."

"What to say earlier and later?"

"You like fat girls. If you said it earlier, I wouldn't have to keep getting close to Shao Mo. It made me feel wrong."

Shen Zhen was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and immediately frowned, "What nonsense, I like her? How could I like her!"

"Really don't like it?"

Shen Zhen scoffed coldly.

Zhou Ye nodded, "Then I can rest assured. To be honest, I am quite interested in Fat Girl. Since you don't like it, then I will do it."

Shen Zhen's face turned dark all of a sudden, "Are you courting death!?"

Zhou Ye laughed once, leaning forward and backward, wishing he could roll on the ground.

"Brother Zhen, you are in a hurry, and you still say you don't like it, tsk, I'm afraid you will be stumped this time."


Shen Zhen still had a dark face, and kicked over.

"Don't be like this, it's normal to like girls, but it's not normal not to like girls."

Both brothers Zhou Ye put their arms around Shen Zhen's shoulders, "Brother Zhen, chasing girls is not what you do..."

Shen Zhen sneered, "I have a girlfriend who can walk half a circle around the capital. Do you need a chicken like you to teach me?"

"Brother Zhen, stop pretending. You know better than us what happened to your former girlfriends."

Shen Zhen stopped talking, and used to touch the cigarette, but just after he took it out, he met Zhou Ye's father, so he had to put the cigarette case back.

On the other side, Shao Mo and Zeng Fang also entered the venue, and under the leadership of Mrs. Zheng, they joined the party of other wealthy ladies.

Young girls get together and chat about topics like dressing and hobbies.

Because Mrs. Zheng brought Shao Mo here, everyone was polite and friendly on the surface, but as soon as Mrs. Zheng left, everyone started chatting with each other, and the two of them were excluded and isolated invisibly.

Shao Mo didn't care, and was about to take Zeng Fang to get some food, when she heard a daughter beside her talking to another daughter in French.

"She wouldn't naively think that her surname is Shao, and she can successfully squeeze into the circle of celebrities in the capital by currying favor with Mrs. Zheng, right? Everyone here can speak three or more languages, and they received an education in the style of European and American elites and aristocrats since childhood. , she is a wild sparrow from a poor village, even if she puts feathers on it, she can't turn into a phoenix!"

Before coming here, Shao Mo wanted to keep a low profile, so the makeup, hair and clothing she chose for herself and Zeng Fang were all simple and generous.

But she overlooked one thing, that is, where there are many women, there will be disputes.

These people don't want to associate with her, that's fine, it's okay, after all, getting along with people depends on fate, and she doesn't force it.

But the other party should never, never should have taunted her and Zeng Fang in front of her face.

Do you think that knowing a few words of French will make you superior? Then she can speak six languages, wouldn't it be that her tail is going to be raised to the sky?

Shao Mo walked up to Qianjin with a slight smile, "You used several grammar mistakes just now, and you also have problems with your pronunciation. It doesn't matter if you don't speak French well, but there's no need to show off, it's a shame.

Also, I never wanted to squeeze into your circle, let alone curry favor with Mrs. Zheng, but Mrs. Zheng took the initiative to invite me to attend Jingdian's anniversary celebration.

And I really can't squeeze into your circle, because I can only speak six languages, not as tall as you who can speak three languages.

And, I don't think domestic education is worse than foreign countries at all. After all, if you grow up eating the same rice, you can only speak three languages, but I can speak six languages.

Finally, learning a foreign language is not for you to show off, use it to discuss and belittle someone you don't know at all, but to better learn and communicate with foreigners and spread our culture. "

(end of this chapter)