On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 702

Chapter 702

Chapter 702 Successfully entered the circle of top ladies

Zeng Fang ate a lot just now, and now she is a little thirsty. Seeing the two of them drinking, she subconsciously picked up her own champagne.

"Don't drink."

Shen Zhen on the opposite side suddenly looked at her, his tone was very preaching, "Girls should drink less."

Zeng Fang felt baffled, said "You are in charge" and drank the whole glass of champagne.

"Cough cough cough!"

I don't know if I drank it too fast, the champagne was a bit hot in my throat, but in order not to be looked down upon by Shen Zhen, Zeng Fang still forcibly swallowed the champagne.

Seeing this, Zhou Ye picked up the cup and was about to run away, but Shen Zhen took two steps forward and grabbed him.

"What did you add to her glass?"

"Brother Zhen, don't worry, just a little brandy, no one can die. Brother can only help so far, and the rest is up to you."

After Zhou Ye finished speaking, he ran away without a trace.

When Shen Zhen returned to his seat, he found that the little chubby girl was buried in her food, her cheeks were much rosier than before, obviously the alcohol had already played a role.

"It's delicious, they are so stupid, they don't eat hot food in such a cold day, but drink cold wine, they are not afraid of being frozen to death."

After finishing speaking on her own, Zeng Fang found Shen Zhen who was sitting opposite him, and asked with round eyes, "Didn't you leave? Why are you back?"

Shen Zhen somehow felt that such a chubby girl was much cuter.

"Don't tell me you're full?"

"Yes, but being full doesn't mean you can't continue eating."

After finishing speaking, he forked another piece of lobster meat and stuffed it into his mouth. While chewing, he asked Shen Zhen, "Why don't you eat?"

Just as Shen Zhen wanted to say that he had no appetite, he heard the little chubby **** the opposite side continue to say to herself: "Every time you are like this, you always don't eat, no wonder you are so thin, you have bones all over your body, don't you? Are you losing weight?"

"lose weight?"

"Yes, like me, why do you think I lost weight all of a sudden, of course it is because I am losing weight, otherwise how could I lose weight, giggling."

Shen Zhen suddenly understood something, looked her up and down with narrow eyes, and the more he looked at her, the colder his face became.

So, the little chubby girl lost so much weight all of a sudden, not because she worked too hard, but because she was losing weight.


Good don't learn, learn to lose weight from others.

Shen Zhen didn't understand why he was so angry, but he just felt uncomfortable.

He got up and went to the dining table, picked up and picked up two large plates full of food, turned around to serve the little fat girl to eat, but when he looked up, the little fat girl was gone!

Shen Zhen was startled, and casually stuffed two large plates of food into the hands of passing girls, and then began to search around the venue.

It didn't take long to find someone.

Seeing the little chubby girl circling in the corridor like a headless chicken, Shen Zhen didn't step forward immediately, but took out the cigarette case from his pocket.

While smoking, Shen Zhen couldn't help thinking about what Zhou Ye said to him.

You like fat girls.

Like it?

It is undeniable that he has a heart for the little chubby girl, but he is not sure if he likes it.

He only knew that the little chubby girl disappeared just now, and he was so worried that she would be taken away by someone with bad intentions, and even more afraid that she would accidentally fall and get hurt.

Until seeing her standing there perfectly, the whole world seemed to be back in his hands.

This feeling is very strange, but it makes him excited and fascinated, unable to extricate himself.

After taking the last puff of cigarette, Shen Zhen put out the cigarette **** and walked towards the little fat girl.

"You don't want to eat, why are you wandering around here?"

Hearing a familiar voice and seeing a familiar face in front of her, Zeng Fang pursed her mouth, and suddenly burst into tears of grievance.

"I want to go to the toilet, but I can't find it. I've been looking for it for a long time but I can't find it, woo woo woo..."

Shen Zhen didn't see girls crying, but every time he saw those girls crying, he was upset and wanted to hit someone, but when the little fat girl cried, he was helpless, and he was in a panic.

"Don't cry, it's so ugly, you...don't cry, I beg you, okay?"

For the first time, he comforted the girl clumsily and stiffly, but obviously, his consolation didn't work.

At this moment, an old lady passed by and joked with a smile: "Young man, your girlfriend is not coaxed like this. You have to hug her and coax her nicely."

Hug, hug her?

Shen Zhen raised his hands tentatively, then put them down again, took a deep breath, then raised them up, and then put them down again in discouragement.

After repeating this several times, Shen Zhen still didn't dare to stretch out his "devil claws".

"I need to pee!"

Looking at the chubby girl's upright face, Shen Zhen smiled angrily, "Okay, brother will take you there."

Drag the little chubby girl all the way to the door of the women's toilet. Shen Zhen was worried that she would go in alone, so he tipped the cleaner 5 yuan and asked the cleaner to help her in and take care of her.

The cleaners were ecstatic.

The 5 yuan these days is about 500 yuan in later generations, not to mention taking care of it, just let her pee on it.

After coming out of the toilet, Zeng Fang clamored to sleep again.

Shen Zhen's car didn't come, so he could only temporarily take him upstairs to the guest room to rest.

As soon as her head touched the pillow, Zeng Fang fell into a deep sleep.

Shen Zhen bent down and took off her high heels, then pulled up the quilt to cover her body tightly, with only one head exposed, then drew the curtains and dimmed the lights.

After finishing all this, Shen Zhen leaned on the sofa and quietly looked at the person on the bed.

"You are the second person I have served."

After throwing down this sentence like a self-deprecating, Shen Zhen turned and left, but Zeng Fang on the bed turned over without knowing anything, and continued to sleep soundly.

In the banquet hall downstairs, Shao Mo was still socializing with Mrs. Zheng.

Mrs. Zheng lost weight as if she had been reborn, which made other rich ladies who also suffered from obesity and out-of-shape envy and love.

Mrs. Zheng took the opportunity to introduce Shao Mo to everyone, "Oh, I won't hide it from everyone. I can't lose weight successfully without Xiao Mo. She is my benefactor. If you want to lose weight, you can find her. I guarantee that you will follow me. I managed to lose weight as well.

"real or fake?"

"Xiaomo, right? Do you think I can lose weight like this? I have been fat for more than ten years, and I have tried all kinds of methods, but nothing works."

"And me, I gained weight because of taking medicine, and I haven't lost weight since I stopped taking medicine."

Shao Mo exchanged contact information with everyone one by one, relying on Mrs. Zheng's introduction, Shao Mo's network of contacts expanded several circles at once, and these people are all wives and wives of bigwigs from all walks of life. The weight is no lighter than that of Mrs. Zheng.

Xiao Ke not far away saw this scene and couldn't help laughing at himself with Shao Ya beside him.

"Now I finally understand how naive I was before. At the same age, we were complacent about being in the circle of celebrities, but she successfully stepped into the circle of top ladies through Mrs. Zheng's ladder."

The celebrity circle sounds nice, but it is actually a group of rich girls who are born in a famous family, talented and beautiful. Compared with the ladies who really master the upper-class network resources and have a strong husband's background as a backer, the celebrity circle is a group of elementary school students. .

Third watch~

(end of this chapter)