On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 699

Chapter 699

Chapter 699 Shenzhen Hitchhiking

Although Mrs. Zheng returned home, her plan to lose weight has not stopped.

After Mrs. Zheng rested for two days, Shao Mo took a picture of Mrs. Zheng and Mr. Zheng's back on the third day and went to visit Mrs. Zheng at Zheng's house.

Mrs. Zheng was very happy holding the background painting of herself and her husband.

"Xiao Mo, I didn't expect you to paint so well. I like it very much, thank you."

Shao Mo smiled and took out the photos taken that day, "It's not that I draw well, but that you and Mr. Zheng have a harmonious relationship, which is enviable. At most, I just draw pictures from gourds."

Mrs. Zheng took the photo, looking at the picture of her and her husband walking forward arm in arm, her face could not help showing happiness and sweetness.

After exchanging pleasantries, Mrs. Zheng asked Shao Mo about her follow-up weight loss plan and recipes.

Shao Mo smiled and said, "Mrs. Zheng, for the follow-up weight loss plan and recipes, you can just look at the arrangement yourself."

"Me? I can't do it, Xiao Mo, you should help me formulate it, and I will implement it as you formulate."

"Mrs. Zheng, I'm actually not here today to deliver plans and recipes, but to teach you how to make your own fitness plan and arrange three meals a day. When you learn to arrange your diet and daily life reasonably, your quality of life will also improve. will be greatly improved.

After hearing what she said, Mrs. Zheng felt relieved.

Shao Mo spent half a day popularizing the simple knowledge of food nutrition and fitness for Mrs. Zheng.

"...Mrs. Zheng, in the future, as long as you match the food according to the classification and ensure a balanced nutrition, it will be very beneficial to you and your family. As for fitness, it doesn't matter whether you run, skip rope, aerobics, yoga, dance, etc. Wait, you just need to remember a formula, just keep your mouth shut and move your legs, I guarantee you can lose some weight before the Spring Festival."

Mrs. Zheng nodded frequently while taking notes.

After having lunch at Zheng's house, when Shao Mo was about to leave, Mrs. Zheng suddenly handed her an invitation card.

"Xiaomo, next week my husband's company will have an anniversary celebration. This is an invitation I specially asked him to prepare for you. You are welcome to attend. You have just returned to the capital, and you don't know many people. You can take this opportunity to meet a few more people." a friend."

Helping Mrs. Zheng lose weight was originally intended to help Shao's to facilitate cooperation with the Zheng family, but she didn't expect such an unexpected surprise. Shao Mo was also flattered for a while.

Participating in the Zheng family's anniversary celebration is nothing, either Shao Lin or Mrs. Shao can take her with her.

But Mrs. Zheng bypassed Shao Lin and Mrs. Shao, and sent her an invitation alone. This was recognition and fancy for her, and the meaning was different.

Back home, after discussing with Ling Chuan, Shao Mo decided to bring Zeng Fang to the banquet.

There are two reasons for not taking Ling Chuan there: one is the end of the year, the store is very busy, and Ling Chuan needs to take care of the business;

Bringing Zeng Fang is purely to open the eyes of the other party, and to eat something delicious by the way.

As the leader of the semiconductor industry, the Zheng family must celebrate their anniversary grandly, and the food at the banquet must be top-notch.

In the blink of an eye, the anniversary of Zheng's company came.

Blessing of goodness, the anniversary happened to be on a Friday.

After the noon class, Shao Mo asked Tian Yuan to pick up Zeng Fang. The two had a simple lunch, and then went to the beauty salon for facial and body care.

After finishing the nursing care at 4 o'clock, the two went to the image studio where the famous ladies in the capital love to go to do styling and makeup.

After finishing makeup and hair, changing into clothes and shoes, it was almost 5:30, and it was just right to leave for the hotel.

The anniversary celebration starts at 7 o'clock, and the guests start to enter at 6 o'clock.

The two of them calculated the time, but they didn't count the traffic in the capital.

Coming out of the studio, there were traffic jams all the way, and it was already 6 o'clock, and the two of them didn't even walk halfway.

Although you won't be late, it's always bad to be late, and it's easy to feel like you're taking the lead.

"Brother Zhen, brother Zhen, does the car in front look familiar to you?"

Shen Zhen was also stuck in the road, and was knocking on the steering wheel in annoyance. Zhou Ye, who was in the passenger seat, seemed to have discovered some new world, and quickly patted his arm.

Shen Zhen followed Zhou Ye's line of sight and raised his brows slightly.

License plate MM666, who is it not Shao Mo?

Originally, Shao Mo's license plate was not this one, but in order to celebrate (show off) her daughter's 666 points in the college entrance examination, Shao Lin specially bought the MM666 license plate from someone else at a high price.

Shen Zhen didn't care about meeting Shao Mo, since the capital is so big, it would be a surprise if he didn't meet him.

"Brother Zhen, do you think Shao Mo will also go to Beijing Electric's anniversary celebration?"

"None of my shit."

"I mean, we can let them go there in our car to save some gas money."

Shen Zhen sneered slightly, "Dignified Shaw is short of your oil money?"

As soon as the words fell, the Audi car window diagonally ahead lowered, revealing half of a familiar face.

Maybe it was just lowering the window to let in air, and the window was raised back up in a few seconds, but Shen Zhen didn't look back.


"Brother Zhen, drive, the light is green."

It wasn't until the horn urging from the back of the car that Shen Zhen started the car as if he came to his senses.

"you're right."

Shen Zhen said such a sentence suddenly, Zhou Ye couldn't help being confused, "What?"

"If you can save it, you can save it. You can stop their car later, and we will give them a ride to save some gas money."

No, Shao's family doesn't lack this gas fee, so do we?

But Zhou Ye always listens to Shen Zhen, what Shen Zhen says and how he does it.

When the road was congested again, Zhou Ye jumped out of the car to stop Shao Mo's Audi, while Shen Zhen flicked the steering wheel, forcibly pinning the rear of the car in front, and parked the car on the side of the road.

The driver of the car in front got out of the car cursing and asked him to argue, and he threw a business card over.

"Find my lawyer for claims, don't bother me."

Shen Zhen is also really chic, and he leaves as soon as he says so. The other party looks at his license plate, and then looks at his stretched face, knowing that he is not easy to provoke, so he dare not say much.

On the other end, Zhou Ye has successfully boarded Shao Mo's car.

He tactfully sat in the co-pilot seat, leaving Shen Zhen the opportunity to get in touch with the beauties in the back row.

Originally thought that Shen Zhen would sit next to Shao Mo, but Shen Zhen opened the car door, saw that it was Shao Mo, and went to the other side abruptly, and sat next to Zeng Fang.

This operation baffled Zhou Ye.

Shao Mo was not surprised at all, but Zeng Fang felt that Shen Zhen was deliberately against him, so she deliberately sat next to her.

Although Shen Zhen is not fat, she has long legs and tall legs, and her sitting posture is also arrogant. She insisted on taking nearly half of the seats by herself, so that she in the middle was almost squeezed into a sandwich biscuit.

"Sit over a little bit, is your **** that big, you have to sit that wide."

Being behind by Zeng Fang's rebuke, Shen Zhen retracted his leg a little, but stretched it out again after a while, and bumped (rubbed) into Zeng Fang's knee from time to time as the car moved.

Third watch~

(end of this chapter)