On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 691

Chapter 691

Chapter 691 Weight Loss 2

Seeing Shao Mo's preparations so well and complete, Mrs. Zheng was also touched.

"Miss Shao, I will try my best to follow your request."

The next day, the alarm clock on the bedside table beeped before dawn. Ling Chuan was afraid of disturbing his wife, so he quickly reached out to turn off the alarm clock. With the help of a weak night light, he saw that it was only 6:30. Shao Mo didn't get up until 7:30.

He had just carefully put the alarm clock back on the bedside table, and turned around to hug his wife for a while, but his wife sat up from the bed.

"Daughter-in-law, are you going to wake up?"

"Well, go to sleep, I'm going to Mrs. Zheng's." Shao Mo squinted her eyes and replied in a daze.

Today is the first day of losing weight. I am worried that Mrs. Zheng will not adapt and do not follow what she said. She must go to supervise.

Chinese medicine was prescribed by an old Chinese doctor, and it is a prescription that can be seen everywhere outside to dispel symptoms, dispel cold, invigorate qi and nourish blood, but she boils the water for boiling Chinese medicine with Lingquan water mixed with well water.

After getting up, Shao Mo boiled the traditional Chinese medicine first, and asked Sister Luo to help watch the fire, and then went to wash and dress.

After she had breakfast and the Chinese medicine was ready, she filled it with a thermos and asked Tian Yuan to drive her to the small villa.

Fortunately, when she chose a place, she deliberately chose the one that was close to her, and it took 15 minutes to drive there.

When Shao Mo entered the villa, the nanny was making breakfast. According to her recipe, the breakfast consisted of oatmeal with milk, a boiled egg, a small bag of nuts, and an apple.

After Mrs. Zheng got up and had breakfast, Shao Mo asked her to walk around the backyard for 15 minutes before taking out the traditional Chinese medicine.

Looking at the soy sauce-like traditional Chinese medicine, Mrs. Zheng frowned.

"Can you stop drinking? I drank a lot before, but it didn't work at all."

"I guarantee it will work, and you don't have to drink it for too long, five days is enough."

After hearing that it only took five days to drink, Mrs. Zheng held the medicine bowl and gulped down the Chinese medicine in one go.

After drinking the traditional Chinese medicine, Mrs. Zheng subconsciously called the nanny to bring a mint can, and only after she finished calling did she realize that she was not at home now.

Shao Mo smiled and handed over a half plum, "Take this, it can get rid of the bitter taste in your mouth."

After drinking the traditional Chinese medicine, he rested for another half an hour. At around 10 o'clock, Shao Mo changed into sports clothes and began to lead Mrs. Zheng to do fitness exercises.

After an hour of fitness exercises, Mrs. Zheng lay on the ground and couldn't get up.

Shao Mo asked the nanny to bring a towel to help Mrs. Zheng dry off the sweat, while she sat next to her and chatted with Mrs. Zheng: "Mrs. Zheng, you are in good physical condition. I thought you wouldn't be able to hold on for half an hour. Hour."

Encouraged by Shao Mo, Mrs. Zheng also sat up from the ground.

"I used to be like you, skinny to the bone. At that time, my husband was just a small section chief in the factory. At that time, the factory was not profitable and couldn't pay wages. I was pregnant again, and I was so hungry every day. dizzy.

It's not easy to stutter. Most of the rotten vegetables in the vegetable market are scalped by people. I went to the country river to touch screws, crabs, and river shrimps, and then dig some wild vegetables and bring them back. Cook a pot of soup with half a bowl of rice bran, which is the daily ration of the whole family. "

"Later, my husband went to sea to do business, and the conditions at home gradually improved. I just ate and ate. I wanted to eat any good food. I tried my best to stuff it into my stomach, as if I wanted to make up for all the hardships I suffered in those years. Same.

My husband loves me too. He buys me whatever I want to eat. Gradually, my body has gradually changed. At first, I weighed 120 kilograms. Later, I became pregnant with my second child, and my weight suddenly increased to 150 kilograms.

Until now, my weight has been maintained at around 145. Ms. Shao, if I can really lose weight to 120 catties, I will wake up laughing from my dreams. "

"Mrs. Zheng, you can call me Xiaomo. I still say the same thing, as long as you listen to me and do what I say, I guarantee that by the Spring Festival, you will be so thin that Mr. Zheng can't even recognize you."

Hearing her words, Mrs. Zheng couldn't help but be full of longing and hope.

Under Shao Mo's brainwashing of "you will lose weight" and "you can lose weight", Mrs. Zheng broke through herself again and again, insisting on one hour of fitness exercises, one hour of yoga class, and insisting on not eating after 6 pm. and many more.

"Xiao Mo, I feel that I have lost weight. Really, I feel that my arms and thighs have become thinner, and the flesh on my waist has also decreased. Can I have a scale?"

On the fourth day, Mrs. Zheng happily found Shao Mo and wanted to weigh her.

"Mrs. Zheng, please bear with me, we will see each other in three days."

"Then do you think I've lost weight?"

"It's obvious. In fact, you should be able to feel it when you wear clothes. Are the clothes that just fit you before now loose?"

Mrs. Zheng nodded excitedly, "Yes, the trousers I wore before were very tight at the waist when I sat down, but now the waist of the trousers is loose, and it doesn't restrict people when I sit down."

"Persevere, I will make you feel a miracle in three days."

"it is good!"

In this way, under Shao Mo's various encouragements and encouragements, Mrs. Zheng gritted her teeth and finally survived the first stage.

On the morning of the scale, Mrs. Zheng stood in front of the weighing scale and dared not take a step for a long time.

Minming is looking forward to getting on the scale every day, but when the weighing scale is placed under her feet, she loses the courage.

She persisted so hard this week, she was so hungry at night that she wanted to chew all the quilts and eat them all.

But she was afraid that the result would not be what she wanted, and that the persistence these days would be useless.

"Mrs. Zheng, do you think weight is important?"

Hearing Shao Mo's question, Mrs. Zheng looked at her in confusion, "Of course it's important. If it's not important, then wouldn't my suffering these days be in vain?"

"Compared with your previous hard days, are these few days really hard?"

Mrs. Zheng thought for a while, "It's different. I used to suffer physically. Although I couldn't get enough to eat every day, I was very happy. I always thought that life would gradually get better. But these seven days are more important to me. It was mental and willpower torture."

"Mrs. Zheng, if you had a figure like mine but weighed 130 or even 140 jins, would you be willing?"

Mrs. Zheng quickly shook her head, "You are so thin, how can you weigh 130 catties?"

"I mean what if. Mrs. Zheng, what you want is a good-looking figure, right?"

Mrs. Zheng nodded, with a sad expression on her face, "I used to have a good figure, and I looked good in everything I wore. My husband likes to take me out shopping to buy clothes, but since I gained weight, I have never gone out to buy clothes with my husband. because I can't fit every nice dress, and even if I do, it's ugly."

Shao Mo took out a measuring tape, "Mrs. Zheng, take it easy, I'll measure your waist first."

Measuring the waist Mrs. Zheng didn't resist, she opened her hands and let Shao Mo measure.

(end of this chapter)