On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 692

Chapter 692

Chapter 692 Successful weight loss, Zeng Fang has become a beautiful woman

"Mrs. Zheng, your current waist circumference is 90, which is 4 cm smaller than a week ago... The left arm is 30, and the right arm is 28.5, which are 2 and 3 cm smaller respectively."

After finishing speaking, Shao Mo explained: "You usually use your right hand more, so your right arm is relatively thinner. Next, our training can focus more on the left hand, and strive to keep the circumference of the two arms consistent."

After that, Shao Mo read out the circumference of the bust, hip and thigh one by one. According to the data, they are all 2-4 cm thinner than a week ago.

"Mrs. Zheng, the circumference of your body can best reflect the results of your hard work this week. Now, are you still afraid of weighing yourself?"

Mrs. Zheng shook her head vigorously, "Don't be afraid, it's okay even if you don't lose a catty. My waist and thighs are thin, so why do you care about my weight?"

After speaking, Mrs. Zheng stepped onto the scale.

"135! My God, madam, you lost 10 catties!"

The nanny screamed in surprise, while Mrs. Zheng covered her mouth in disbelief.

"Xiao Mo, I lost weight? Is this scale broken? I really lost weight? Lost 10 catties? How is it possible?"

Shao Mo put a bottle of water on the scale amusedly, "Look, a bottle of water weighs 2 catties, and the scale is not broken."

"I lost 10 pounds? I lost 10 pounds! I want to call my husband and tell him the good news!"

Looking at the back of Mrs. Zheng running away, Shao Mo felt an indescribable sense of accomplishment and joy in her heart.

It feels really good to help others.

According to the plan, today was originally a day for Mrs. Zheng to have a big meal to relax, but Mrs. Zheng cherishes her weight loss results very much.

Time flies quickly, half a month has passed in a blink of an eye, and the capital has also experienced several rounds of snow, which has brought great inconvenience to Shao Mo's travel.

The villa Mrs. Zheng lives in is on the mountainside, the road up the mountain is icy and slippery, and the car cannot drive up, so she can only walk up the mountain every day.

But sometimes it is unavoidable to be delayed by other things, and I can't take care of coming here. Fortunately, Mrs. Zheng's confidence and self-discipline are unprecedentedly high because of the success of the first stage. Even if Shao Mo doesn't come, she will strictly follow the diet and exercise every day and fitness.

Soon, the results of the second phase will come out.

Although it was not as obvious as the first stage, it also lost 6 catties.

The two beards add up to 16 catties, and I lost 16 catties in just half a month, far exceeding Shao Mo's promise of losing 15-20 catties a month.

On the day the scale was finished, Mrs. Zheng called her husband to announce the good news, and asked her husband to sign the contract with Shaw Brothers.

After learning that his wife had lost 16 catties, Mr. Zheng immediately expressed his desire to come and have a look.

Mrs. Zheng has been living in the mountains during this time, and Mr. Zheng has been traveling all over the world. The couple have not seen each other for half a month.

Thinking of Shao Mo's reminder, she suppressed her thoughts and rejected her husband.

"No, Ms. Shao said, I can't see anyone in this month. She said that a happy family and love life will affect my determination and willpower. Husband, wait for me, and I will leave in half a month." back home."

Mr. Zheng has no choice but to compromise. Who told him to be a wife-loving madman?

Shao Mo has to go to class, and has to urge Mrs. Zheng to lose weight. She is extremely busy every day, and Ling Chuan is also as busy as a spinning top.

The business of online electronic stores is quite impressive, and the daily revenue is stable at around 50,000.

Among them, the sales of pagers accounted for 70%, other electronic appliances accounted for 30%, and the profit was not less than 4,000 per day.

However, 40% of the profit from the pager is still in the hands of the company, and the 40% of the money will not come out until the sales target is reached next year.

That night, after finishing the calculation of the day's revenue and profit, Ling Chuan happily told Shao Mo, "Daughter-in-law, if this momentum continues, we will be ready to open a branch next month."

Hearing this, Shao Mo took the account book and flipped through it, a smile appeared on his face.

"Well, not bad, don't wait until next month. If you are free during this period, drive around and find a suitable branch address. It is best not to be too far from the main store, so that you can be in time if something happens. Rush to deal with it."

"it is good."

Ling Chuan hugged her, his dark eyes filled with gentle brilliance like a galaxy.

"Daughter-in-law, do you have a gift you want? I'll buy it for you."

Shao Mo raised her head and thought for a while, "Forget it, let's save the money."

"Then I will transfer all the money in the account to your passbook tomorrow."

"Why transfer to my account?"

"The money I earn is yours, of course it must be handed over to you for safekeeping. Daughter-in-law, it's good to have you. I will continue to work hard and not let you and dad down."

Shao Mo relaxed and nestled herself in the man's arms, "Although career is important, study cannot be neglected. Don't forget, we are going to graduate together. Have you studied recently?"

Ling Chuan nodded quickly, "Yes, during the day when there is no one in the store, I just read books and do the exercises."

Shao Mo sat up from his arms, "Is there any question that I don't know? I'll explain it to you when I'm free tonight."

"No, the tailor next door used to be a teacher. He likes to listen to operas. I gave him a tape recorder to listen to operas. Then I went to ask him any questions that I didn't understand. He would explain them to me, and he explained them very well. , I understand as soon as I hear it."

"Then you mean, my question is not good, you don't understand?"

"No, daughter-in-law, I just don't want you to work too hard. You have to go to class every day, help Mrs. Zheng lose weight, and come to the store to help on weekends. There is not much rest time."

Shao Mo was satisfied at this point, "Okay, since the tailor is a good teacher, you can learn from him in the future, but you have to learn English from me. Have you memorized English words and short sentences recently?"

Ling Chuan nodded quickly, "Yes, I recite ten words and five short sentences every day."

"Then I'll test you." Shao Mo thought for a while, "How about welcome?"


"Then welcome to our store?"

"Welcome to our shop."

"Excuse me, what do you need?"

"What can I do for you?"

Shao Mo nodded, "This sentence can also be expressed in CanIhelpyou, which means can I help you, which is the same as asking what you need."

Ling Chuan nodded quickly, and took out a small notebook to write down short sentences.

Seeing the man working so hard and earnestly, Shao Mo was very relieved.

"Brother Zhen, brother Zhen, when did you move a beautiful woman here?"

Zhou Ye got off Shen Zhen's jeep, and saw a tall girl with a ball head and wearing a pink down jacket not far in front at a glance, and immediately asked Shen Zhen curiously.

Shen Zhen glanced at the girl's back, then turned his head and glanced at Zhou Ye with a mentally retarded look.

"Are you **** blind?"

Zhou Ye was a little baffled, he got angry when he was doing well, could it be...

Seeing the golden retriever in the girl's hand, Zhou Ye suddenly realized, "Oh, I understand! Brother Zhen, which school is it this time? It won't be from Beijing University, right?"

(end of this chapter)