On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 690

Chapter 690

Chapter 690 Help Mrs. Zheng lose weight

The Zheng family is one of the leaders in the domestic semiconductor industry, and Shaw's electronic and electrical industries cannot do without the cooperation with the other party.

Shao Mo did not go alone, but brought an experienced old Chinese doctor with her.

At first, seeing Shao Mo so young and having a Chinese medicine doctor by her side, Mrs. Zheng inevitably felt contemptuous.

In order to lose weight, she has seen many well-known Chinese and Western doctors over the years, but she has not lost any weight.

Otherwise, she wouldn't rush to the doctor in a hurry, and take diet pills indiscriminately and cause cardiac arrest. If she hadn't been sent to the doctor in time, she would have turned into a handful of loess.

After half a month of recuperation in the hospital, the body has recovered, but the weight has gained several catties, which made Mrs. Zheng very upset.

Looking at Shao Mo's slender figure, and pinching the three layers of fat on her waist, Mrs. Zheng was not very polite.

"I heard that you are very capable. If you can make me lose weight to less than 120 catties this time, I will immediately ask my husband to sign a five-year contract with your Shao family. If not, I'm sorry, we will talk about the cooperation later. Bar."

Shao Mo smiled, "Mrs. Zheng, can you tell me your current weight?"

"Just weighed this morning, 145."

The nanny next to her answered quickly, and immediately caught Mrs. Zheng's eyes.

"I want you to talk too much, but don't make tea."

"Yes, ma'am."

After the nanny left, Mrs. Zheng said with an unnatural expression: "I've lost 138 pounds before, but I didn't know that this time I was hospitalized, and it went back up."

From Mrs. Zheng's reluctance and stubborn tone, she can feel her obsession with weight. No wonder she uses extreme methods to lose weight.

Shao Mo quickly made up her mind.

"Mrs. Zheng, please open your mouth, I want to see your tongue."

Seeing Mrs. Zheng's suspicious face, Shao Mo smiled and pointed to the old Chinese medicine doctor behind her, "According to my preliminary observation, your obesity should be caused by spleen deficiency and severe cold and dampness, but I am only a layman in Chinese medicine, so I specially brought a doctor An experienced old Chinese doctor, after asking him to diagnose your body, I can make a targeted diet and weight loss plan."

Hearing what she said, Mrs. Zheng opened her mouth and revealed her tongue.

After reading the tongue coating and taking the pulse, the Chinese medicine practitioner spoke out his diagnosis in front of the two.

Shao Mo's guess was right. Mrs. Zheng's spleen deficiency, coupled with unhealthy eating habits, caused heavy cold and dampness in her body.

Mrs. Zheng is very disapproving of what Chinese medicine says.

The previous Chinese medicine practitioners did not fail to diagnose her physical problems, but no one supervised her, and she gave up after drinking for a few days without any effect, which resulted in her body not recovering.

Shao Mo took out a pen and paper, and asked about Mrs. Zheng's daily diet and work schedule in detail.

After learning the required information, Shao Mo immediately began to formulate recipes and plans.

Zeng Fang's success in losing weight is due to Zeng Fang's willingness to listen to her, and secondly, Zeng Fang's young age, good metabolic function, and a certain amount of exercise, so she lost weight easily.

But Mrs. Zheng is over 35 years old, and her body function and metabolic level are already at a very low level. Simple exercise can only maintain basal calorie metabolism, and cannot achieve the effect of weight loss and fat loss.

The most important point is that Mrs. Zheng has poor self-discipline and lacks perseverance and perseverance. This is also the main reason why Mrs. Zheng has not been successful in losing weight.

"Mrs. Zheng, before implementing the weight loss program, I have two questions for you to answer."

"go ahead."

"Are you sure you want to lose weight? And, are you willing to make any effort to lose weight?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I ask you to come?"


Shao Mo smiled slightly, and didn't care about Mrs. Zheng's harsh tone. In fact, Mrs. Zheng's irritability and irritability were caused by the imbalance of hormones in her body, so she often couldn't control her emotions, and even overeating.

"Mrs. Zheng, I need you to do two things now. One is to ask the nanny to help you pack the clothes you will wear in the next month, and the other is to call your husband and tell your husband that you need to go out for a month."

"Mrs. Zheng, you can actually treat weight loss as a treatment. If you believe me, I promise you can lose 15-20 catties within a month."

Hearing that she could lose 15-20 catties in a month, Mrs. Zheng was obviously short of breath.

"What if you don't?"

"If I don't do it, you don't have to trust me in the future. Anyway, a month is not a loss for you. To ensure that your life is worry-free, you can bring a nanny by your side to accompany you."

Was tempted by the condition of losing 15 catties a month, Mrs. Zheng agreed to follow the arrangement.

After leaving Zheng's house, Shao Mo found a secluded residence in the suburbs with the help of Shao Lin.

The house is built on a mountainside, a two-story villa with a single door. There are gardens in the front and back, but the garden is not taken care of, and it looks a little withered.

Considering that it is getting cold, Shao Mo plans to put the sports venue indoors.

Except for the kitchen, all the furniture in the living room and other rooms on the first floor were removed and emptied, carpeted, and various sports equipment were placed, and transformed into a fitness room, dance room and yoga room.

The second floor is for Mrs. Zheng and the nanny.

After finishing all this, Shao Mo arranged the kitchen by herself. In addition to the basic seasonings, only vegetables and low-sugar fruits were placed in the refrigerator. As for the meat to be eaten every day, she would arrange for someone to eat it regularly and quantitatively every day. send it.

After finishing all the arrangements, Shao Mo went to Zheng's house in person and took Mrs. Zheng to a small villa on the hillside in the suburbs.

"Mrs. Zheng, thank you for your trust. I have divided your weight loss plan into four cycles. This is the recipe for your first cycle. Starting today, your three meals a day must strictly follow the recipe. The first At the end of the first cycle, you can eat a big meal to relieve the tension, and then we enter the second cycle, and so on."

Ms. Zheng took a look at the menu and found that in addition to all kinds of fruits and vegetables, there are also high-nutrition foods such as eggs, chicken, fish, shrimp, and beef. She couldn't help but be very surprised.

"Eating so much nutritious meat every day, can this be lost?"

"Mrs. Zheng, losing weight doesn't mean you can't eat nutritious food. Scientific weight loss is the best way to lose weight. I will guarantee three points, one is a balanced diet, the other is good health, and the third is fat loss and weight loss."

Mrs. Zheng closed the menu, nodded and said: "Okay, I believe you once, if you can really lose 15 catties in a month, I will immediately ask my husband to sign a contract with your Shao family."

"It's a deal."

Next, Shao Mo took Mrs. Zheng and the nanny to visit the residence for the next month.

"Mrs. Zheng, you and the nanny will not be allowed to go out for the next month. I will ask someone to lock the door, but the phone is unblocked, and you can contact the outside world at any time.

If you feel bored at ordinary times, you can take a walk in the front yard or backyard. The scenery halfway up the mountain is good. If you are really bored, you can read books, newspapers, TV, and listen to the radio. I can even bring some flowers and vegetables. You can grow flowers and vegetables to pass the time.

The downstairs living room is the fitness room. The two rooms opposite the fitness room are the dance room and the yoga room. Every afternoon, teachers will come to teach you dancing and yoga. These two courses can cultivate your mood and stretch your body.

It may be hard at first, but you only need to persist for more than three days, and you will gradually get used to it. I put some fresh fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator. When I am really hungry, I can eat some to pad my stomach. "

Third watch~

It's so cold~

(end of this chapter)