On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 689

Chapter 689

Chapter 689 The days are still long, he has a lifetime

After being happy, the two lay down under the covers to discuss some disadvantages and shortcomings of the sales model.

It was freezing cold outside, but the two of them in the bed were close together, as hot as two flames, warming each other.

Because today is the first day of opening, and there are so many people, it is inevitable to be in a hurry. The difference between the actual payment and the actual payment is about 100 yuan.

"Another cashier has to be hired to be responsible for collecting money and issuing invoices. The salesperson will deliver the goods with the invoice and sign the name of the person who handled it, so that it is not easy to make mistakes, and if there is a mistake, the source can be found. Whose fault Who is responsible."

"it is good."

Ling Chuan held her tightly in his arms, his dark eyes were soft and gentle, "Daughter-in-law, you said that my gift was a car?"


Shao Mo looked at him, and played with the man's collar unconsciously, "It's cold, we can't let Uncle Tian take us every time, it's more convenient to have a car, and you are also a boss now, you have a Taiwan The car also looks better, so as not to be looked down upon by others."

"Daughter-in-law, thank you, I will definitely work hard to earn money, and return the money you lent me, as well as the car money to you as soon as possible."

"There is no rush, take your time, the days are long."

Yes, the days are still long. He has a lifetime to love, love and spoil his wife. He must make her the happiest woman in the world.

The next day is Sunday.

I originally thought that after yesterday's madness, today's passenger flow would drop a lot, and it would be great if the turnover could reach 20,000.

The result was unexpected. There have been constant customers since the store opened in the morning.

Because today is the last day with 5% off for the whole audience plus a lottery draw. Those who got the big prize yesterday also called their relatives and friends. Those who can't afford a pager can buy a tape recorder.

Four major items for marriage, TV, tape recorder, sewing machine, bicycle.

The tape recorder has become a rigid need for every household. It is rare to have such a favorable price, and you can also participate in the lottery.

In addition to tape recorders, TV sets are also selling very well.

There is an electronics factory under the Shaw Group, and Shao Mo bought TV sets, tape recorders, and walkmans directly from the factory, eliminating the need for middlemen, and the prices are more affordable than other stores. Those who want to save money for another two years to buy a TV, do not want to miss the opportunity, gritted their teeth and asked relatives and friends to borrow money, and insisted on taking the TV home.

Shao Mo originally only prepared 10 sets and 50 sets of TV sets and tape recorders, but they sold out abruptly, and ordered a lot of them.

The sales of pagers were also far beyond Shao Mo's expectations. Boss Liu brought several people to buy them yesterday. They were all the owners of nearby restaurants, clothing stores, butcher shops, and grain stores.

Don't look at the poorly dressed, greasy-headed and dirty-looking, all of them are happier than anyone else when they pay for it.

Taking advantage of the time when his companions were buying pagers, Boss Liu quietly pulled Shao Mo aside.

"The lady boss..."

Hearing Boss Liu's address, Shao Mo smiled and said, "My surname is Shao, you can call me Xiao Shao."

"Okay, Xiao Shao, you told me about buying a house yesterday, I want to ask again, which location do you think is better to buy? I have never studied, and I came out to learn crafts from the master when I was 12 years old. I opened my own shop at the age of 18, and it has been open for more than 20 years. I don't know anything except cooking, and I would like to ask for your advice.

"I can't talk about giving advice, let me talk about my thoughts."

Shao Mo thought for a while, and seriously taught her some experience on real estate speculation, "First of all, you have to determine whether this house is bought for people to live in or not for people to live in. For houses that cannot be lived in, the more dilapidated the better, build a house with ten or eight rooms. There, when it comes time for demolition and reconstruction, the money for the demolition and construction alone will be enough for you for a lifetime.

If you want to be on the safe side, you have to look slowly, look for it slowly, and wait for the opportunity. When you come across a good house that you are eager to sell, you can rent it out while watching the market price. When the market conditions are good, you can resell it and make a profit. Pen. "

Boss Liu nodded straightly, "Yes, yes, Xiao Shao, you have different ideas about being a big boss, no wonder you can make a lot of money. You and your husband are not from the capital, right?"

"I'm from Beijing, but I used to live in Jiang City, and my husband is from Jiang City."

"No wonder, your accent doesn't sound like the capital city. Xiao Shao, in fact, there is a place on my side that fits what you said. That area is full of rotten houses, and the people who live there are people who set up street stalls to pick up rags. , the houses there are very cheap, 2,000 to 5,000 rooms, as many as you want, are you interested?"

Boss Liu's question was actually a temptation.

You say buying a house makes money, so do you buy it or not? If you don't buy it yourself, but tell me to buy it, that's not lying!

Taking 300,000 yuan for Ling Chuan to start a business, and buying a Santana, Shao Mo actually has no money left.

Originally, there were tens of thousands of profit sharing from Snowflake Crisp every month, but she had advanced 200,000 yuan with Luo Xuelan some time ago, so in the next three to four months, Snowflake Crisp would not receive any money.

However, the 200,000 is still with Ling Chuan. Anyway, the money is still there, so it's not bad to use some of it to speculate in real estate.

A rotten house with two thousand rooms, even if the government doesn't build a new one, she will build it there by herself, and she will make a lot of money building commercial housing in the future.

Thinking, Shao Mo immediately agreed to Boss Liu's invitation and went to have a look in the afternoon.

When there were no customers in the shop at noon, Shao Mo pulled Ling Chuan outside the shop, and briefly told her about her plan to speculate in real estate.

Hearing that she wanted to use the money, Ling Chuan drove home without saying a word and got the passbook.

In the afternoon, Shao Mo took Zeng Fang and the driver Tian Yuan, and followed Boss Liu to the place.

As Boss Liu said, that area is full of old streets. At a glance, shed houses, tube buildings and small courtyards are connected together. It's a crawl all over the street.

Buying a house here can only wait until the government builds or renovates, otherwise the money will be thrown into the hands.

Shao Mo spent an afternoon briefly understanding the area, and immediately decided to buy nine tube buildings, fifteen shacks, and seven small courtyards.

The reason why the purchase was so messy was because the land she bought was contiguous, adding up to nearly 2,000 square meters, and a total of 100,000 yuan.

Seeing how rich Shao Mo was, Boss Liu put his mind to rest and bought a land of about 1,000 square meters nearby, which cost about 50,000 yuan.

Shao Mo left it to the lawyer to handle the follow-up matters, and quickly forgot about it.

In addition to taking good care of the sagegrass recently, she would read some books on Chinese medicine in her free time.

She promised Shao Lin before that she would help the client's wife to recuperate her body and lose weight, and she wanted to learn some relevant theoretical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine before meeting her, so as not to show her timidity when she got there.

In a blink of an eye, it was time to meet Mrs. Zheng, and the place was set at Zheng's house.

(end of this chapter)