On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 667

Chapter 667

Chapter 667 200,000 for the quota of dealers

"What are you doing in a daze, quickly pick up the passbook!"

Jin Zhi had just finished shouting when he heard the sound of "crashing" water, and a stream of water roared in like a sea wave, washing away the filth in the pit and the passbook.

"It's over, the passbook was washed away, brother Jin, what should I do?" Ling Chuan pretended to be anxious.

"Brother Ling, tell me about you. You are such a grown-up, why are you so unreliable in doing things? You can throw such an important thing as a passbook into the shithole,"

Jin Zhigang pointed at Ling Chuan, as if he was the one who threw the passbook in such a state of dismay.

Ling Chuan was very annoyed, "I was afraid that I would lose my passbook, and I always carried it with me. I was in a hurry to take off my pants and didn't think about it, but accidentally..."

The passbook is gone, so naturally the money can't be withdrawn either.

Jin Zhigang walked away resentfully with a gloomy face.

Looking at Jin Zhigang quickly disappearing at the intersection in a tricycle, Ling Chuan heaved a long sigh of relief.

It is true that he threw the passbook, but it is not the one with 300,000 yuan in it, but the pocket money he usually saves.

There is only more than two hundred yuan on it, and it will be fine to get a new one when you return to Jiang City.

Afraid that Jin Zhigang would come to his door again, Ling Chuan did not go back to the Motorola Building, but took a tram to the commercial street area, intending to bring back some specialties for his wife and father-in-law.

It was already 9 o'clock in the evening when Ling Chuan returned to the hotel after shopping.

He had just packed up his shopping and was about to take a shower when there was a knock on the door.

Open the door and see three police officers in uniform.

"Ling Chuan, right? Please come with us."

The public security officer looked serious, straight to the point and asked him to go to the police station, which really shocked Ling Chuan.

"Is there anything you can do with me?"

"You will know when you go, let's go."

The attitude of the public security personnel is very tough, Ling Chuan can only follow them.

Fortunately, the person in charge of the hotel had been reminded by Liang Kuan in advance, knew Ling Chuan's identity, and reported to Liang Kuan as soon as Ling Chuan was taken away.

Knowing that Ling Chuan was taken away by the police, Liang Kuan didn't dare to delay, and immediately reported it to Shao Lin's ears.

With Shao Lin's contacts, trying to find out why his son-in-law was sent to the police station is simply a trivial matter.

"Mr. Ling, don't be nervous, we just want to know something about you, and you will be fine if you explain what you know clearly."

At the police station, after learning that Ling Chuan was the son-in-law of the Shao family, the interrogators immediately became more friendly.

"Excuse me, do you know Jin Zhigang? What is your relationship?"

"I know, but I only met a few days ago, and I am not very familiar with it."

"But someone saw that you had a close relationship with him, and you had dinner together, how do you explain it?"

"He took the initiative to chat with me, and even introduced me to a specialty store to buy a pager. I treated him to a meal just to thank him. Usually, he took the initiative to come to me and chatted a few things about the family without saying anything else. It's..."

Two hours later, it was determined that Ling Chuan was not Jin Zhigang's accomplice, and the police let him leave.

Walking out of the police station, Ling Chuan felt his back covered in cold sweat.

His premonition was correct. Jin Zhigang was indeed a liar, and he was also one of the leaders of a huge fraud gang.

This time, they used fake pagers to defraud nearly 30 victims, with a total amount of more than 1.5 million.

As soon as Ling Chuan returned to the hotel, Shao Lin called.

"Xiao Ling, the matter has been clarified, it has nothing to do with you, it's fine."

Listening to Shao Lin's thick and powerful voice on the other end of the phone, Ling Chuan was both grateful and blamed himself.

"Dad, I'm giving you trouble."

"You call me Dad, I will definitely take care of you, you don't have to think too much, go to bed early, ah."

"Okay, Dad, you also go to bed early."

After tossing and tossing all night, Ling Chuan was physically and mentally exhausted, but he could not fall asleep in bed for a long time.

Frustration, gratitude, longing, all kinds of emotions are intertwined, burning like a flame in his chest.

After thinking about it all night, Ling Chuan decided to change his strategy.

After dawn, he took a shower with cold water, changed into clean clothes, and went out.

Don't ask him why he takes a bath in cold water, just get used to it.

"Brother Wan, I want to ask you for a favor."

Wan Wanbai was a little surprised when he received a call from Ling Chuan. When he learned that Ling Chuan was in the Shanghai stock market, he was quite surprised.

"Did you go to the Shanghai stock market? When did it happen? Didn't anything happen to you?"

Although Wan Wanbai was in Jiang City, he had a wide range of information channels. He had received wind of the case of Jin Zhigang's defrauding gang early in the morning.

Hearing that Wan Bai really cared about him, Ling Chuan's heart warmed slightly.

"Brother Wan, I'm fine, I want you to introduce someone for me..."

Under Wan Bai's help, Ling Chuan met Motorola's marketing manager Ma Xuebin as he wished, in the luxurious private room he reserved.

Two people, ordered a table full of delicacies from mountains and seas, and a bottle of imported wine worth more than two hundred yuan.

Different from domestic bosses, enterprises and entrepreneurs who like to drink Moutai Wuye Liang, Ma Xuebin is an elite returnee who has learned how to behave like a foreigner. He only likes to drink red wine and foreign wine, and the more expensive the better.

And Ma Xuebin was obviously very satisfied with Ling Chuan's arrangement, almost a bottle of red wine went into his stomach.

After drinking and eating, Ma Xuebin directly offered conditions.

"200,000, no bargaining, if you can accept it, I will arrange it for you before the end of the month."

Ling Chuan took a breath, "Manager Ma, I want to think about it."

"Yes, after all, it's not a small amount. If I don't see the money after three days, I will regard you as giving up. I will arrange the quota for other people."

Ma Xuebin smiled, "Maybe you think 200,000 is a lot, but there are many people outside who are willing to come to me with 200,000 or more. There is no way, who made me owe the old man? When I went abroad I have no money to buy air tickets for studying abroad, so I asked people to borrow money everywhere, but Lao Wan lent it to me, I will always remember this kind of love, and I will definitely give face when he opened his mouth."

The troops are strictly disciplined, and communication tools such as pagers are not allowed to be used.

It was two days after Shao Mo knew that Ling Chuan was almost defrauded.

After hearing the ins and outs from Ling Chuan, Shao Mo also had lingering fears. Being cheated of money is a trivial matter, and she was afraid that someone would deliberately set up a trick for Ling Chuan to target Shao Lin and even the entire Shao family.

Although he knew that with Ling Chuan's IQ and experience, he would not be easily deceived, Shao Mo still warned him seriously.

"Ling Chuan, you must always remember that we are no longer ordinary people. I am the eldest lady of the Shao family, and you are the son-in-law of the Shao family. If we make a slight mistake, it may cause helplessness to Dad and the Shao family." Estimated impact. Therefore, don't take chances at any time and under any circumstances, let alone do things that violate laws and regulations.

"Well, I understand, daughter-in-law, there is one more thing..."

Hearing that Ma Xuebin asked for 200,000 yuan to change the quota of dealers, Shao Mo agreed with almost no consideration.

"Promise him, you can directly take 200,000 yuan from the passbook I gave you and give it to him, but you must make sure his identity is true and reliable before you give the money."

Third watch~

Thank you for your monthly votes, cute~

(end of this chapter)