On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 666

Chapter 666

Chapter 666 Wisdom against liars

When Jin Zhigang returned to his residence, several accomplices all looked at him.

"How about it?"

Jin Zhigang smirked while taking off his coat, "It's not bad, it's a little fat sheep."

Hearing what he said, smiles appeared on the faces of several accomplices.

Companion A said: "I have cast the net for so many days, shouldn't it be collected? Don't wait for the sheep to run away. Wouldn't the effort of so many days be in vain?"

Jin Zhigang immediately said: "Don't worry, I'm still optimistic about a few goals, and strive to win these two days in one fell swoop. The Chinese New Year is almost here, and we can spend more money to celebrate the new year."

Hearing what he said, several accomplices nodded one after another.

"Listen to Brother Jin, if Brother Jin hadn't been leading us to make a fortune all these years, how could we have bought a house, a car and married a wife."

"Okay, Brother Jin, listen to you."

For the next two days, Ling Chuan stayed in front of the Motorola Building.

Jin Zhigang also came every day, but after he greeted Ling Chuan, he went to chat with other people. Ling Chuan was at ease, and he focused all his attention on the people who entered and exited the Motorola Building.

Through dealing with Wan Wanbai before, he knew that the marketing manager-Ma Xuebin was responsible for the approval and authorization of commercial sales.

His purpose is to meet Ma Xuebin, and then find a way to get a dealership from the other party.

Three days passed in a flash.

Ling Chuan did not wait for Ma Xuebin to appear, but Jin Zhigang found him again.

Early in the morning, Jin Zhigang mysteriously dragged him to a place where no one was around, "Brother Ling, the opportunity to make a fortune has come!"

"Brother Jin, have you got the dealership?"

Ling Chuan's mind has been full of the number of dealerships these days, so he blurted out subconsciously.

Jin Zhigang choked up for a moment, and quickly said: "Brother Ling, listen to me, the dealer's quota is there, and no one will be able to take it away for a while, but we can make some extra money while we have nothing to do now. what.

The Chinese New Year will be celebrated in two months. Earn more money and go home to buy gold necklaces and bracelets for your daughter-in-law, so that she can celebrate the New Year beautifully, isn't it good? "

Ling Chuan agrees with the idea of buying gold jewelry for his wife, "Brother Jin, you are right."

Seeing that he got the hook so easily, Jin Zhigang was secretly overjoyed.

A tricycle stopped in front of the two of them, and Jin Zhigang couldn't help but pull him to sit on it, "Come on, Brother Ling, let's talk while walking."

"Brother Ling, remember what I told you a few days ago. The shipment arrived at three o'clock in the middle of the night last night. Before dawn today, many people took money to grab the goods. I have a good relationship with the owner of the goods. , asked him to leave us 100 units, how about it, how much can you eat?"

Ling Chuan's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help asking, "What price?"

Jin Zhigang made an eight-point gesture, his eyes glistening, "Eight hundred and eight, you know the market price, it's the same style as the one you bought, you can take it back and sell it for 1,340, it's definitely a good deal, a net profit of 4. Five hundred, ten units is four to five thousand."

Ling Chuan took a breath, "How can it be so cheap?"

"This batch of goods came in from Treasure Island. The market price over there is only about 700. There are thousands of units. If you take it over and resell one unit, you can earn more than 100 yuan. It is already a big profit."

Ling Chuan said: "Brother Jin, I have to think carefully about this matter, I haven't thought about it before."

"Hey, brother Ling, what are you thinking about? Do you know how many people can't get the goods when they come to their door with a sack of money? I have an old friendship with the owner of the goods for more than ten years, so they are willing to leave me 100 units. .If I didn't have enough funds to buy 100 units, I would have bought them all myself, and it's not your turn to take advantage of this bargain.

"Brother Jin, I know you have good intentions, but I really can't decide this matter."

"How to say?"

"The pager business is a joint venture between me and a few friends, and the funds are also pooled together by several people. I must discuss this matter with them in advance."

Hearing what he said, Jin Zhigang immediately said: "Brother Ling, you listen to me, go get the goods first, and it's not too late to discuss with them when you go back.

You know how popular this thing is now, and you won't have to worry about selling it when you take it back. After selling the money, share the money with them, and they will not have time to thank you. "

Ling Chuan shook his head, "No, we made an agreement before we came here, and everyone must agree to use the funds. Brother Jin, I am very principled, which is why they trust me."

Seeing Ling Chuan being so stubborn, Jin Zhigang had no choice but to settle for the next best thing.

"Brother Ling, how about this, how much money do you have at your disposal?"

Ling Chuan hesitated, "About 30,000."

Jin Zhigang slapped his thigh fiercely, "Okay, only 30,000, you take 30 units, and I will find a way to eat the rest."

Immediately, Jin Zhigang sent the tricycle to the bank and asked Ling Chuan to withdraw 30,000 yuan.

Looking at Jin Zhigang's eagerness, and thinking about what his wife said, Ling Chuan could see something wrong no matter how stupid he was.

Moreover, it is obvious that the tricycle master and Jin Zhigang are in the same group. He is not sure whether there are other accomplices of Jin Zhigang around. If he turns his face directly, he may not be able to escape smoothly.

Ling Chuan was thinking about strategies in his mind, while looking around the street, to see if he could meet the police or security guards.

Soon, a signboard saying public toilets came into view.

"Brother Jin, I want to go to the toilet."

Looking at the gate of the bank not far ahead, Jin Zhigang was a little impatient, "Be patient, they are still waiting for us to pick up the goods, if we are late, they will be gone!"

Ling Chuan covered his stomach, "No, maybe the vermicelli soup I bought on the side of the road in the morning is not clean, my stomach is so noisy, I'm about to pull it out."

Jin Zhigang had no choice but to turn the tricycle around to go to the public toilet.

After getting off the car, Jin Zhigang followed Ling Chuan into the public toilet, took the time to urinate, inspected the toilet carefully, made sure there was no other exit, and then went out to wait at the door with peace of mind.

"Brother Ling, hurry up, goods wait for no one."

"Okay, Brother Jin."

Ling Chuan originally wanted to sneak away while Jin Zhigang was unaware, just like the last time he got rid of Shi Xiaowen in Badaling, but Jin Zhigang was strictly guarded by the toilet door, and there was no other way out of the toilet, so he could only think of another way.

"Brother Jin, it's bad!"

Seeing Ling Chuan running out of the toilet anxiously, Jin Zhigang jokingly said, "What's wrong, did you pull your crotch?"

"No, when I took off my pants just now, I accidentally dropped the passbook into the **** hole?"


Jin Zhigang followed and ran into the toilet to see that there was indeed a light green passbook lying in the pit.

Public toilets in this era are like canals. Every few minutes, water flows through them, washing away all the excrement and urine in the pit.

(end of this chapter)