On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 668

Chapter 668

Chapter 668 Shao Dong's son-in-law, can't it be that Ling Chuan?

Originally, Shao Mo prepared 300,000 yuan for Ling Chuan as a start-up capital. Now that he has taken 200,000 yuan to buy Ma Xuebin, only 100,000 yuan left in the passbook is definitely not enough.

Shao Mo still has some on hand, but she is in the army and cannot handle remittance.

After much deliberation, Shao Mo turned around and called Luo Xuelan, intending to advance the profit share of 200,000 to the other party, and then call directly to Ling Chuan's passbook.

In Luo Xuelan's eyes, Shao Mo is not only her favorite junior, but also the lucky star of their Xie family, and naturally responds to Shao Mo's requests.

When she received Shao Mo's call, Luo Xuelan was having afternoon tea with the ladies and wives in Jiang City, so she immediately called Secretary Dong to handle the matter.

Among the noble ladies drinking afternoon tea together was Yao Suhua. She overheard Luo Xuelan tell the secretary to remit money to Ling Chuan's passbook.

200,000 is not a small amount. After returning home at night, Yao Suhua was a little worried, worried that the young couple Shao Mo and Ling Chuan had encountered any difficulties, so she called her daughter to ask.

Zeng Fang is busy with class every day, walking the dog and losing weight. She doesn't know what Shao Mo wants 200,000 for, and she can't get in touch with Shao Mo and Ling Chuan, so she runs to find Shao Lin.

"Uncle Shao, did Brother Ling encounter any difficulties in the Shanghai stock market? Momo is in military training and can't take care of Brother Ling. You have to help him."

Shao Lin thought that Zeng Fang came here on purpose after hearing about the fraud case, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, the matter has been resolved."

Hearing that it had been resolved, Zeng Fang breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, Shao Mo suddenly asked Aunt Luo for an advance payment of 200,000. I thought Brother Ling was cheated out of money."

Shao Lin paused, but didn't pursue the matter immediately, but waited for Zeng Fang to leave before calling Xie Linan.

Xie Linan was quite surprised when he received Shao Lin's call, and he was even more surprised when Shao Lin asked about the 200,000 yuan.

"Old Shao, I don't know about this matter. Xue Lan has never told me about it, but don't worry, I will call you back after I ask her."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news."

After hanging up the phone, Xie Linan immediately left and went to Luo Xuelan's office to inquire about it.

Luo Xuelan's answer was also very straightforward, "I don't know."

Xie Linan looked at his wife with some complaints, "Why didn't you ask clearly, Shao Lin called me all the time, but I didn't know anything, if something happened, how would we explain it to her?"

"Xiao Mo has a calm temper, she won't mess around."

Xie Linan said: "Forget it in the past, Xiao Mo is not easy, we will help if we can, but now that she has found her own father, it is kind of us to help her, but what does Shao Lin think? Does his daughter have something to do? Looking for him, but coming to us, can you feel comfortable if it is you?"

Luo Xuelan rubbed her forehead, "I didn't think too much about it, Xiao Mo asked me, and it wasn't a big amount, so I just agreed."

"You really don't know what Xiao Mo will use this money for?"

Luo Xuelan shook her head, "But she asked me to remit the money to Ling Chuan's account, and this money should not be used by her."

"Okay, I see."

Backing to the office, Xie Jingnan called Shao Lin back and told him what he knew.

On the other hand, when Shao Lin heard that the money had been transferred to his son-in-law's account, his first reaction was whether his son-in-law had been scammed by Jin Zhigang's gang, but he didn't have the face to tell him so, so he turned around and asked his daughter to borrow money quietly.

Thinking of this, Shao Lin immediately asked Liang Kuan to investigate the flow of funds in Ling Chuan's account.

The beam width is extremely efficient, and it only took one day to find out.

"Dong Shao, there was no movement of any funds in the account of my uncle before yesterday. There was a remittance income of 200,000 yuan yesterday afternoon. At noon today, a fund of 200,000 yuan was transferred to an account named Qiao Chunlan. "

"Qiao Chunlan? Who is she?"

"Qiao Chunlan is a retired community cadre in Shanghai. She is over 50 years old this year. She has two daughters and a son. The husband of the youngest daughter, Qiao Weiwei, is the wife of Ma Xuebin, the marketing manager of Motorola."

After a pause, Liang Kuan speculated based on what he knew, "The new industry of pagers is very hot now, and the number of dealerships is completely in short supply, and Ma Xuebin is the key person in charge of approval for dealerships. So as to get the quota of dealers."

Knowing that his son-in-law was not cheated, but asked his daughter to help him borrow money to buy a business license, Shao Lin was relieved, but at the same time very unhappy.

Isn't he richer than Xie Linan? Why don't you ask him for money?

Liang Kuan couldn't see what his boss was thinking, "Shao Dong, actually, I can understand what the eldest lady and the eldest son-in-law are doing. They want to prove it to you through their abilities. If they talk to you, you must say nothing." Say it and get it done.

Hearing what Liang Kuan said, Shao Lin felt much better immediately.

He thought for a while and asked Liang Kuan, "Does Shaw have any business relationship with Motorola?"

"Yes, 70% of Motorola's wireless communication network in China is provided by Shaw Brothers, and more value-added services will be involved in the future. We are still negotiating, but the business connection with Motorola is in the hands of Vice President Ye. Responsible."

"Okay, I see."

After finishing the matter at hand, Shao Lin found Ye Xian and got the contact information of Motorola's domestic person in charge from him.

The other party's surname is Shi, and his real name is Shi Wenjie, but outsiders generally call him David Shi in English.

After answering Shao Lin's call, David Shi immediately called Ma Xuebin, the marketing manager, to his office.

"You recently signed a new dealer named Ling Chuan?"

Under normal circumstances, David Shi would only care about the number of distributors and the sales volume of the month. He had never asked which distributor by name or surname. The boss found out about the bonus fee?

"Yes, Mr. Shi, do you know him?"

"I don't know him, but Director Shao of the Shaw Group called me just now, and said thank you for taking care of his son-in-law, and he will treat me to dinner with you when he comes to the Shanghai stock market another day."

Hearing this, Ma Xuebin's eyelids twitched suddenly.

"Mr. Shi, the son-in-law of Dong Shao you are talking about is not that Ling Chuan?"

"It's not him, who else, let me tell you, you have to greet people well, and it must not affect our cooperation with Shaw Brothers."

Ma Xuebin answered yes again and again, and when he came out of David Shi's office, he immediately went back to the office and called his old classmate Wan Bai to verify Ling Chuan's identity.

In fact, there is nothing to prove. What David Shi said could not be wrong. He just wanted to find someone to vent his anger.

"I said, Lao Wan, I don't want you to cheat your old classmates like this. If you want a business sales quota, I will find a way to do it for you. I also gave you enough face when you interceded for others. Am I not doing enough?"

(end of this chapter)