On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 510

Chapter 510

"How did you come?"

Yun Shixian was upset about Yunyao, when he saw Jiang Yu came to the office to look for him, his tone was not very good.

Jiang Yu didn't care too much, and found a seat to sit down on his own.

"I heard from Mrs. Zhou that Xiaoyao caused trouble again and was arrested by the police. What are your plans for this matter?"

Hearing Mrs. Zhou, Yun Shixian calmed down a little.

He has a lot of cooperation with the Zhou family, and the matter of the eldest daughter must not affect the cooperation between the two.

"I asked a lawyer to go to the police station, but the bail was refused there, saying that the case was under investigation and no bail was granted. I was trying to find a way to see if I could go through another route."

"What good thing did she do this time? She couldn't even get bail?"

It's okay not to mention it, but Yun Shixian's expression turned ugly when he mentioned the good deeds done by his eldest daughter.

"I haven't inquired about the details, but I only know that he was arrested on charges of extortion."

Hearing this, Jiang Yu immediately sneered angrily, "Planting, framing, stealing, poisoning, and now extorting, what else can she not do!? She is planning to take the crimes in the criminal law book one by one. Do it all over again!?"

Yun Shixian remained silent with a sullen face, because he had nothing to say, and the eldest daughter had indeed committed all these crimes.

"How long do you want to protect her? Are you not afraid of living under the same roof with such a vicious person as her? Are you not afraid that one day she will poison you if something goes wrong?"

Why not afraid, since he knew that the elder daughter poisoned the younger daughter to death, he ate very little at home, and he didn't even dare to touch the soup, rice and tea that the elder daughter touched.

"Xiaoyao is indeed capable and can bring benefits to the company, but a devil like her who has no bottom line and no humanity will come back to us sooner or later!"

It's not that Yun Shixian has never thought about this, but now the company has finally improved. If he can get the project of the new industrial park in the eastern suburbs of the provincial capital, then he and the company will be able to turn around completely. Keep your feet on the ground.

Seeing that her husband was still hesitant to make up his mind, Jiang Yu could only use the last "killer".

"Shixian, I know what you're thinking, isn't it just for the project in the eastern suburbs of the provincial capital? Have you forgotten whose territory the provincial capital is.

Yunmo has such a good relationship with the Zeng family, if she can help, ask the Yao family to endorse for you, not to mention taking a share, even sending the whole project to you is not difficult. "

Yup! Why did he forget his adopted daughter and the Yao family!

Yun Shixian looked at his wife a little excitedly, "Ayu, you are right, I am blinded."

Hearing her husband's address, Jiang Yu knew that the other party had listened to her words, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After coming out of the company, Jiang Yu took out the letter from the bag and tore it into pieces with all his strength, just like tearing an enemy with his hands.

The reason she used to persuade her husband was not what she thought, but someone told her through this letter.

Although the letter was not signed, she could probably guess who it was.

In this world, the only person who hates Yunyao the most is her adopted daughter.

But she doesn't care about being used by her adoptive daughter. She just wants to solve the scourge of her eldest daughter, avenge her younger daughter, and eliminate threats and hidden dangers for her only son.

Yun Shixian is only interested in profit, and Yunyao is able to protect herself by taking advantage of Yun Shixian.

Yunmo also took advantage of this, using the project in the eastern suburbs of the provincial capital as a bait to lure Yun Shixian to turn against him, and delivered a fatal blow to Yunyao.

Attempted extortion, the sentence will be released after two or three years at most, but the crime of murder is different.

Combined with the numerous crimes Yunyao committed in the past, counting the crimes and punishing them, even if it is not the death penalty, at least she must be put in prison.

In the study.

Although Huang Zhiqiu had already learned from her daughter that there might be some misunderstandings between her and Shao Lin before today, when she heard that Yuan Jia had replaced her, she was still indescribably complicated and angry.

"Zhiqiu, we missed a full 20 years."

Deep in the conversation, Shao Lin couldn't help but wet his eyes.

This is not only her 20 years, it is also his 20 years, and it is also the 20 years of him and his daughter.

Originally, he might have had a gentle and virtuous wife. He could have witnessed the birth of his daughter, from babbling to toddler, and personally accompanied his daughter to grow up. Perhaps he would have had more children.

Yuan Jia ruined not only the relationship between the two, but also the lives of the three of them.

After talking, Huang Zhiqiu's knot in his heart was completely untied.

At least it proved that she didn't believe in the wrong person or love the wrong person in the past. It was just God's will that caused them to miss each other.

However, there was still one last question deep in her heart.

"Since you brought Yuan Jia back to the capital, why didn't you marry her?"

"It was just a mistake between me and her, one mistake is enough, is there another mistake for the rest of my life?"

Shao Lin is such a smart and wise person, how could he fail to guess what Huang Zhiqiu was thinking.

"Zhiqiu, if you came back to the capital with me, no matter what happened or not, I would marry you and start a family with you. But Yuan Jia is different. I don't like her, and I can't even remember her name." .

After I thought I had a relationship with her, I told her clearly that I would not marry her, but I could give her a sum of money to ensure that she would have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of her life, but she insisted on going back to the capital with me, at the cost of Death is pressing.

At that time, my grandfather was critically ill, and the family was in a hurry, so I had to take her back to Beijing first. Not long after returning to Beijing, my grandfather passed away. After finishing my grandfather's funeral, I also thought about whether I should go to Anshi to find you.

But Yuan Jia found me and said she was pregnant. My mother firmly opposed Yuan Jia giving birth to Yi'an, and Yuan Jia forced her to die again. When I finished mediating the conflict between the two of them, Yuan Jia told me that you were married.

I believed it to be true. In the idea of not disturbing your life, I have been avoiding Anshi for nearly 20 years. I didn't go to Anshi again until the beginning of this year, when an elder I knew passed away.

But I never expected that after 20 years, when I went to the place that made me sad, I would meet Momo, and she turned out to be my own daughter. I couldn't tell whether God was caring for me or punishing me The blind eye..."

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of "Tuk Tuk".

Huang Zhiqiu hastily wiped away the wet tears on her face, got up and was about to open the door, Shao Lin put his hand on her shoulder.

"I'll go."

Huang Zhiqiu glanced at him, nodded, sat back on the chair, and tidied up his appearance by the way.

Shao Lin opened the door, and when he saw his daughter standing outside, a smile appeared on his brows and eyes.

"Momo, come in quickly."

Yunmo glanced at Huang Zhiqiu in the study, "No need, I'm going to go out for the exam, so I'll come here and tell you guys."

Shao Lin just remembered that her daughter is taking the college entrance examination today.

"Momo, I'll take you there."

"No, you guys continue to talk about things, Ling Chuan will drive me off on a motorcycle."

"We've already finished talking. It's so hot, what if you suffer from heatstroke in the sun and affect your performance in the exam? You'd better take my car, Momo, I haven't done my best to be a father when you grow up so big." Responsibility, you just give me a chance, okay?"

First understand it with reason, and then move it with emotion. After a set of combined punches, Yunmo has no room to refuse.

Ling Chuan originally wanted to send his daughter-in-law along with him, but was persuaded by Shao Lin with similar tricks.