On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 509

Chapter 509

"Miss Xie, the meals on our flight this time include bread, cheese cake, cabbage dumplings, fried rice with crab roe, and the drinks include coffee, milk, orange juice and green tea. What would you like to order?"

Just give me a glass of water.

"Okay, please use it slowly."

After the flight attendant left, Xie Xia took two sips of water, then leaned back in her chair and stared at the blue sky and white clouds outside the porthole.

After a while, she put down the water glass and took out a beautifully wrapped gift box from her backpack.

It was the graduation gift that Yunmo gave her two days ago, and she has never been willing to open it.

Rubbing her fingers on the flowers made of light gold ribbons for a moment, Xie Xia began to unwrap the wrapping paper slowly.

The wrapping paper was unpacked, and inside was a black watch box the size of an adult's palm, with a stamped "LONGINES" logo printed on the cover.

Longines, an internationally renowned watch brand.

The style of the watch is very elegant. The barrel-shaped dial is inlaid with a circle of thin diamonds around it. With a dark brown leather strap, it matches her cold and noble temperament.

Xie Xia took off the original watch on her wrist and put on this new one, the corners of her mouth couldn't help but raise slightly.

"Ah, this watch is so beautiful, is it a gift from your boyfriend?"

A middle-aged lady sitting next to Xie Xia joked.

Xie Xia smiled shallowly at the other party, "Thank you for the compliment."

"You look like a student, did you study abroad?"


"You're the only one, why didn't you get together with your boyfriend? Let me tell you, this foreign relationship is hard to maintain. Ten out of ten couples will break up in the end..."

The middle-aged lady babbled, and Xie Xia answered without saying a word. Her eyes sometimes looked out of the porthole, and sometimes fell on her wrists, with a calm and gentle expression.

Interrogation room.

The interrogator in charge of interrogating Yunyao was serious and sharp, "Yunyao, don't take chances, thinking that if you don't say anything, we won't find out what you have done!

The few people you bought with money have already been recruited, and they are accused of being entrusted by you. It is still too late for you to confess.

You are an educated person, and you confess the principle of being lenient and resisting strictness. Don't we need to repeat it? "

Yun Yao only responded with a sneer to the interrogator's warning.

"I have nothing to confess, those things have nothing to do with me, I was wronged."

"Don't be stubborn! Do you think we will charge you without evidence?"

"Since you have evidence, you can just give me a sentence, why are you asking me?"


The younger interrogator was enraged by Yunyao's anger, while the other older interrogator was calm and calm. Facing Yunyao's stubbornness and stubbornness, he was obviously no stranger to it.

He closed the notebook calmly, with a faint smile on his face.

"I don't want to say it, we don't force it, but you can think about it again, we will come in two hours later, don't worry, we have plenty of patience and time."

When the door of the interrogation room was slammed shut, Yun Yao's complexion became visibly gloomy, and her eyes showed panic and anxiety.

She is not afraid of those people's identification, but she has to be afraid of the photos and recordings that Yunmo said.

The confessions of those people are nothing to worry about. As long as she refuses to confess, the police will have nothing to do with her. If she spends some money to get around, she will be able to get out soon.

But in case, Yunmo really has photos and recordings of her dealings with those people, then she might really be doomed this time.

No, no, Yunmo must be deceiving her!

Maybe the other party is hiding somewhere watching her jokes, waiting for her to throw herself into the trap!

She can't panic, she must be steady!

Even God is on her side, giving her a chance to start over again, how could she lose?

As soon as Jiang Yu stepped into the tea restaurant where the party was held, she immediately realized something was wrong.

Everyone looked at her with surprise, sympathy, sarcasm, and gloating.

She didn't have much turmoil in her heart. After all, she was used to it. She was just a little puzzled. Did something happen that she didn't know about?

Jiang Yu didn't wonder for too long, a rich lady who had a good relationship with her pulled her aside to talk.

"I thought you weren't in the mood to come today. Alas, you don't have to worry about raising it by yourself, let alone growing up outside. It's normal to be difficult to discipline."

Jiang Yu understood as soon as she heard it, "What good is Xiaoyao doing?"

Hearing her question, Mrs. Fu was surprised, "You don't know yet?"

"I just finished my body maintenance from the beauty salon, and I came here right after I finished."

Mrs. Fu immediately told her everything about Yunyao's actions, "... I heard that your Xiaoyao was handcuffed and taken away by the police in the street. I'm afraid it will be published in the evening newspaper Yes, I think you should go back quickly and discuss a solution with your husband.

It's best if you can get people out, even if you can't get them out, you have to find a way to suppress the news. Your company has finally improved, and it would be bad if it affects the project because of this. "

Mrs. Fu's company has a lot of cooperation with Yun's company, so naturally she doesn't want anything to happen to Yun's family, which will implicate her family.

Although Jiang Yu didn't care about Yunyao's life and death, it was related to the company, so she had to be prepared.

She left the tea restaurant in a hurry with her bag on the pretext of urgent matters at home.

As soon as she left, the wives and wives at the party began to whisper to each other.

"Such a shameful scandal happened at home, she still has the mind to dress up, and she has enough mind."

"Otherwise, what can I do? Let's break the pot and smash it. I heard from my servant that the relationship between mother and daughter is very rigid, and they are like enemies at home."

"Mrs. Yun is also guilty. The youngest daughter is dead, and the eldest daughter is so worried. On the contrary, the adopted daughter who was kicked out by her is the most promising. I guess I have regretted it."

"So, it doesn't matter whether it's blood or not, it's better to raise it by yourself."

"Who said no..."

Jiang Yu who left the restaurant did not go home, but planned to go directly to Yun Shixian's company.

But halfway to the road, her car was stopped by Xu Lili's motorcycle.

It may be out of recognition of Xu Lili's ability. In the past six months, Jiang Yu has introduced several rich wife clients to Fenyou Detective Agency.

In return, Xu Lili would send some news that Jiang Yu wanted to know for free from time to time.

After coming and going, the two had a little friendship.

Jiang Yu was not angry about Xu Lili's behavior of blocking the car, but just felt strange.

"Detective Xu, what do you do?"

"I was entrusted by someone to send you a letter. I was going to the tea restaurant to find you. I encountered some trouble on the way. When I arrived, you had just left, so I had to catch up."

Jiang Yu hurriedly went to the company to find her husband. Seeing that there was nothing written on the envelope, she didn't ask any more questions. She just put the letter in her bag and was about to leave.

"Mrs. Yun, the other party has another message to convey. I hope you can read the contents of the letter as soon as you receive it."

"I see."

After the car started driving again, Jiang Yu looked puzzled before taking out the letter in the bag.