On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 511

Chapter 511

Shao Lin fulfilled his wish and got the opportunity to send his daughter to the examination room alone, and he was in a wonderful mood.

"Momo, have you decided which school you want to apply for?"

Yunmo opened her mouth to say something about Capital University, but when she met the expectant eyes of the other party, she suddenly changed her mind.

"I haven't made up my mind yet, I plan to wait until the scores come out before choosing a school."

"Then do you want to stay in this province, or go to another place to study?"

"It's all right, just look at the school. You can go to any school that is good."

Hearing this, Shao Lin's eyes lit up, "Momo, do you know which is the best university in our country?"

"I know, Beijing University."

"Then do you ever want to go to Beijing University to study?"

Yun Mo frowned slightly pretending to be distressed, "Of course I want to, but I can't just go if I think about it. The threshold of Beijing University is very high, and I may not be able to pass the exam."

"You don't have to worry about this, leave it to me to solve it, then we will make an agreement, you will go to Peking University in college, okay?"

Yunmo nodded reluctantly, "It's okay."

Shao Lin was as happy as a child who stole candy, but he had to try his best to endure it, fearing that he would show his secrets in front of his daughter, so his expression twisted when he endured it.

I don't know who he is, but the daughter of Little Red Riding Hood he thought has already seen through everything.

After watching his daughter enter the examination room with his own eyes, Shao Lin returned to the car contentedly, and ordered the driver to drive back to the courtyard.

On the way back, seeing Shao Lin's good mood, the driver couldn't help asking out his doubts.

"Master, do you really like Miss Yun so much? Not only did you personally send her to school, but you also helped her arrange the best school."

You are not so kind to the young master.

The driver did not dare to say the rest.

"She deserves it, and Momo deserves the best."

The driver said that he couldn't understand, even if it was his own daughter, he had found it halfway. Could it be more important than watching his son grow up with his own eyes?

Thinking about it, the driver didn't dare to say much, while Shao Lin secretly discussed his daughter's basic necessities of life.

When he arrived at the courtyard, as soon as Shao Lin entered the courtyard, he saw his assistant Liang Kuan squatting in the courtyard, feeding a few big white geese with small fish and shrimps in his hand.

He put away the smile on his face and walked over, "Who let you in?"

Before Liang Kuan could answer, Huang Zhiqiu came out of the kitchen with tea, "I invited him in. Mr. Liang said he was your assistant."

"Yes, Sister Huang, I have been working with Mr. Shao for almost 20 years."

As soon as Liang Kuan finished speaking, Shao Lin glared at him.

"Call someone big sister, does she look older than you? Don't you usually look in the mirror? You have the nerve to call someone else big sister when you are old."

Liang Kuan was stunned by the scolding, "Master, if you don't call me big sister, what should I call you? You can't call me young lady, right?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shao Lin glared at him again.

"Be respectful to her."

Although Liang Kuan didn't understand why, he turned his head to Huang Zhiqiu and called out "Ms. Huang" respectfully.

Before this, Shao Lin gave Huang Zhiqiu the impression that he was a gentle and gentle gentleman, and it was the first time she saw Shao Lin get angry.

Calm and introverted, not angry and majestic, which made her a little strange.

"The title is not important, please sit down, I made some chrysanthemum tea to clear away the heat."

Liang Kuan dared to sit down and take tea after seeing his boss's face, "Thank you, Ms. Huang."

"You're welcome, it's either a good tea, or wild yellow chrysanthemum picked from my own mountain."

"Wild ones are better, natural nutrition is healthy."

Huang Zhiqiu smiled, turned to look at the two bodyguards standing outside the door, and asked Shao Lin, "Are they also your subordinates? Please come in and have a bowl of tea. It's so hot, don't suffer from heat stroke."

Shao Lin glanced outside the courtyard gate, then turned his head and instructed Liang Kuan, "Go and bring them some tea to relieve the heat."

"Okay, Grandpa."

After Liang Kuan went out with tea, Shao Lin explained to Huang Zhiqiu: "They are my bodyguards, you don't have to worry about them."

Huang Zhiqiu nodded and sat opposite him.

It was much hotter in the afternoon than in the morning. I went out for a run. Although I was in the car, I was still sweating.

Shao Lin drank two sips of chrysanthemum tea to relieve the heat, only then did he realize that Brother Lingchuan and Lingjiang were not at home.

"They went to the shop, Chunhua is taking a nap."

Shao Lin first learned about the personal situation of Ling Chuan's son-in-law with Huang Zhiqiu, and then talked about Yun Mo's college entrance examination.

"Momo told me that she misses Beijing University, what's your opinion?"

"I have no objection. She is old enough to make decisions about her life. Whether it is studying or other things, I respect her wishes."

Huang Zhiqiu's enlightenment really made Shao Lin feel relieved.

He deliberately said that it was Yunmo who wanted to study in Beijing University, but he was worried that Huang Zhiqiu would object to his intention of taking his daughter to the capital. He had no intention of robbing Huang Zhiqiu of his daughter, but he really wanted to be closer to his daughter.

Bloodline is really amazing.

The upper half of the daughter's face looks like Huang Zhiqiu, especially the pair of eyes, which are big and round, with clear and bright eyes. At first glance, I thought it was Huang Zhiqiu when he was young.

When they first met in Anshi, he also mistakenly believed that his affection for his daughter was due to his looks.

Now that she knows that the other party is her own daughter, she can't wait to hold her in the palm of her hand and give her all the good things in the world.

So, even if he uses unscrupulous means, he still wants to keep his daughter by his side, even if it's only for a few years.

However, what Shao Lin didn't know was that Yunmo's goal was originally the Beijing University, and all his scheming was superfluous.

After that, the two talked about the Huang family and the bamboo weaving factory.

It was a hot day, I sweated a lot, and I drank the tea quickly, and the pot of tea quickly bottomed out.

Seeing that her daughter's exam in the afternoon was almost over, Shao Lin had no intention of saying goodbye at all, so Huang Zhiqiu had no choice but to ask, "Do you have any plans for the future?"

"Zhiqiu, I plan to stay in Jiang City for a few more days, and go back with Momo after the college entrance examination."

Huang Zhiqiu nodded, "Then where do you live now?"

What Shao Lin was waiting for was this sentence, "I came in a hurry this time. I rushed over overnight when I saw Momo's letter. I didn't even bother to bring my luggage, let alone a place to live. Zhiqiu, it's convenient. If so, can you take me in for two days? Just two days, I will leave when Momo's college entrance examination is over, and I won't disturb you too much."

These words were heard by Liang Kuan who just came in, and he couldn't believe his ears.

The boss of his family, the majestic head of the Shao family, the richest business giant in China, still needs someone to take him in?

He must have come in the wrong way.

Or his boss was taken away!

Huang Zhiqiu wasn't too surprised by Shao Lin's request, after all, because of her consumption philosophy, she can save as much as she can, and it's not like she can't live at home.

"Then they..."

"They will find a place to live by themselves, and they will be subsidized when they go out."

Hearing this, Huang Zhiqiu didn't say anything more, got up and took Shao Lin to see the room.

It was hot, and because he was not familiar with the place where he lived, Huang Zhiqiu didn't like to go out at ordinary times. If he had nothing to do, he would clean up here and there at home, and cleaned up the remaining rooms in the courtyard.

Yun Mo simply ordered a few more sets of furniture, and arranged several rooms into guest rooms, so that the Huang family can live in them when they come over.

Although the furniture in the guest room is complete, the bed needs to be made now.

"Master, if you are kidnapped, just blink."

While Huang Zhiqiu was making the bed in the room, Liang Kuan went to Shao Lin to whisper.

Then Liang Kuan successfully got the death stare from the boss, "Are you busy?"


Liang Kuan shook his head with a strong desire to survive, and handed "Big Brother" and "Madam's phone number" with both hands.