On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 274

Chapter 274

Chapter 274 The Ugly Duckling and the Ugly Goose

After lunch, Yunmo and Zeng Fang went home after a short rest.

Xie Xia looked at the clock on the wall, ordered the servant to serve some cold rice and cold dishes, and then carried them up to the second floor.

Knocking on the door for a long time did not hear a response, Xie Xia reached out and twisted the doorknob, only to find that the door was locked.

"Xie Jinghuai, open the door."

"Don't bother me." The boy's bored voice came from the door.

"I'll count to three, and if I don't finish the count, I will be at my own peril."

1, 2...

As soon as the third sound was counted, the door was opened from the inside.

Xie Jinghuai's childish yet handsome face was full of impatience, "What are you doing?"

Xie Xia went straight in, put the tray with meals on the coffee table, turned her head and said, "Eat."

"I will not eat!"

Xie Jinghuai was obviously still angry about the previous embarrassment, so he nestled down on the sofa, picked up the handheld game console with a black and white screen that was half played, and continued to play.

"Eat and play again."

Xie Jinghuai pretended not to hear.

Xie Xia folded her hands, "Don't make me say it a second time."

Xie Jinghuai paused, then threw the game console on the sofa in anger, "Xie Shaoxia, are you going to finish!?"

Xie Xia twitched the corners of her mouth and pressed her knuckles slowly, "What are you calling me?"

Xie Jinghuai kept his face sullen and said nothing, chagrin and regret appeared in his black and white pupils.

Xie Xia was like a boy since she was a child, without the tenderness and softness of a girl. She often beat boys until they burst into tears. Over time, she got the nickname Shaoxia, which means "young hero".

Xie Xia didn't care on the surface, but Xie Jinghuai knew that his sister actually didn't like being called this nickname.

Thinking about it, if he was called a girly nickname like a sissy behind his back, he wouldn't be happy either.

Xie Xia stepped forward and slapped his head, "It's not big or small, next time I'll clean you up."

Xie Jinghuai turned his head to avoid her movements, but the resistance and dissatisfaction on his face faded a lot.

Xie Xia sat on the sofa, picked up Xie Jinghuai's game console and continued to play, saying: "Eat your meal."

Xie Jinghuai picked up the chopsticks, took a bite and then spit it out, "Cold!?"

Xie Xia glanced at him, "I don't want to eat something cold, so next time I will play less of my temper. Do you need me to teach you the principle that a visitor is a guest? You are only as young as you are, and you can still laugh when you bully the small." Get it, Xie Jinghuai, are you ashamed?"

Xie Jinghuaijun blushed, and muttered unconvinced, "I was just playing around with her."

"Then I was joking with you too, why are you still angry?"

"The turtle you drew is too ugly."

Xie Xia smiled, "Isn't this the first time I'm not proficient, I guess it will look good after a few more drawings, do you want to try?"

Xie Jinghuai: "..."

He threw the chopsticks away, "I don't eat cold ones."

"Only these, if you don't eat, you will have nothing to eat. You are hungry."

"Ask the servant to warm it up."

"You have to turn on the fire for hot food, which is a waste of gas. Just bear with it, and you will have hot food at night."

Xie Jinghuai stared depressedly, "Are you still my sister? You are my enemy, you just want to make trouble with me!"

Xie Xia glanced at him, "I'm teaching you the principles of life."

Seeing Xie Jinghuai's unconvinced expression, Xie Xia put down the game console in her hand, her face became serious and serious.

"At home, parents will pamper you, and I will let you go, but outside, no one will spoil you. You have to think twice before doing everything, and you must know when enough is enough. After eating this bowl of cold rice, remember well What I told you today."

Xie Jinghuai reluctantly picked up the bowl, picked up the chopsticks and ate every mouthful.

Xie Xia picked up the game console and continued playing, "I'll give you a present after dinner."

"what gift?"

"You'll know after eating."

Seeing that Xie Jinghuai speeded up his meal, Xie Xia curled her lower lip indistinctly.

"I'm done eating."

Looking at the empty bowl, Xie Xia got up satisfied, "Let's go."

"Where to?"

"Look at your gift."

When he saw two fluffy goslings in the small nest temporarily built with bamboo baskets and straw on the roof, Xie Jinghuai didn't come to his senses for a long time.

"This is the gift you said?"

Xie Xia bent down and picked up a goose, and stuffed it into Xie Jinghuai's arms, "How cute, they will be yours to raise from now on."

Before Xie Jinghuai had time to speak, his palms suddenly felt hot, and he looked down, and it turned out that the little goose had pulled a puddle of **** on his hand.

"It actually shits, it's disgusting! Take it away!"

Xie Jinghuai roared angrily.

Xie Xia held back her smile and put the goose back into the nest, and said confidently: "What's so strange about shitting, don't you shit?"

Xie Jinghuai turned around and left with a cold face.

As soon as he returned to the room, Xie Jinghuai rushed into the bathroom to wash his hands.

After washing three times in a row, Xie Jinghuai lowered his head and smelled the palms of his hands. It was the smell of soap, but he still found it disgusting. He picked up the soap and continued to rub his palms, wishing he could rub off a layer of skin on his palms.

After washing his hands, Xie Jinghuai rushed to Xie Xia's room angrily, "I won't raise those two ducks for you!"

Xie Xia turned her head and corrected, "It's a goose."

"No matter what it is, I won't help you raise them anyway. If you want to raise them, you can raise them, and if you don't want to raise them, throw them out."

"It's a pity to lose it. It's meat anyway. I'll ask the servant to stew them and feed them to Superman at night."

Xie Jinghuai looked shocked and incredulous, "Are you sick? How old are they?"

Xie Xia shrugged helplessly, "Anyway, I never raise these furry things, and if you refuse to raise them, then you can only let them be Superman's rations, so as not to waste my friend's heart."

Xie Jinghuai ran away out of anger.

Backing back to the room, Xie Jinghuai picked up the game console to vent his anger, and finally couldn't hold back and ran to the top floor.

"Choo Choo Choo."

I don't know if it's because I'm hungry, or I feel uneasy in an unfamiliar environment, but the two little geese are walking around in the bamboo basket, which is very cute.

The resistance and indifference on Xie Jinghuai's face slowly dissipated, replaced by curiosity.

He has been fond of furry things like cats, cats and dogs since he was a child. He raised a cat when he was very young. He loved it so much that he would sleep with him in his arms. In the end, he crushed the kitten who was just a month old to death.

He was sad for a long time, in order to comfort him, sister Xie Xia brought a husky puppy back to him and gave it to him.

After a while, the servant came up with chopped ryegrass and clear water. Seeing him observing the goslings, he reminded with a smile, "Master, why don't you give them a name?"

Xie Jinghuai took the rye grass from the servant's hand, and asked casually while feeding the goose: "Where did these two little guys come from?"

"It was given by a lady who was a guest at home today. She said that the mother goose hatched at home. She couldn't raise so many, so she sent two to the eldest lady."

"Is it the sister with the child?"


Xie Jinghuai rolled his eyes and had an idea, "We will call them Xiaoqiu and Xiaoyue from now on."

The ugly duckling and the ugly goose are just sisters.

Today I have something to go out, and with Calvin, I barely wrote a chapter tonight, I will try to do more tomorrow, good night

(end of this chapter)