On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 275

Chapter 275

Chapter 275 Husband's heart

Time flies by, and December has entered in a blink of an eye.

The temperature is getting colder day by day, and Yun Huan's health is also getting worse day by day.

The daily chemotherapy caused her gray complexion, sunken eye sockets, and a lot of hair began to fall out, and even baldness appeared in many places.

Although Yunyao went to the provincial capital, she called every day to care about Yunhuan's condition.

After learning that Yun Huan started to lose a lot of hair, she immediately bought a wig and sent it to the hospital.

Wigs are Yun Huan's favorite style, and she wears them all day long except for sleeping.

In view of the serious deterioration of Yun Huan's condition, the doctor had to bring up the treatment plan of bone marrow replacement again.

The premise of replaceable bone marrow is to find a matching bone marrow.

So far, only Yun Cong's bone marrow is suitable for donation.

Looking at the thin little daughter, Jiang Yu's heart couldn't be stretched anymore. That night, she discussed with her husband about letting her son donate bone marrow to the little daughter.

As expected, the husband firmly disagreed.

Jiang Yu knew her husband's worry, but she couldn't accept it in her heart, "Xiao Huan is also your own daughter, do you want to watch her die?"

"Xiao Huan has become like this, do you still want to take Xiao Cong into it? If the bone marrow is pumped and the immunity is weakened, and Xiao Cong's body has problems, who will save Xiao Cong?"

Jiang Yu was speechless.

Yun Huan and Yun Cong are twins with the same gene, no one can guarantee whether the same cause of disease is lurking in Yun Cong's body.


Looking at his sobbing wife, Yun Shixian was unavoidably upset and irritable, so he took his coat and wanted to go out on the pretext of having a party.

Jiang Yu didn't care too much, sobbed a few words, and sent her husband out of the house.

Backing back to the living room, Jiang Yu wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, and inadvertently glanced at the wall clock on the wall, feeling uneasy for no reason.

It's so late...

"Madam, the bird's nest has been cooked, are you sending it to your room?"

The servant's words interrupted Jiang Yu's suspicion, "Take it upstairs, I'll take a shower before drinking."

Under the reminder of the eldest daughter, Jiang Yu also gradually realized that she was focusing on her younger daughter and ignoring her son and husband.

Therefore, she has now hired two nurses to take care of her little daughter on shift in the hospital. She spends time with her little daughter during the day and stays at home at night.

After taking a bath and drinking bird's nest, Jiang Yu always felt uncomfortable looking at the empty bed, so she called the servant into the room for questioning.

"Did you go out a lot at night, sir?"

The servant showed hesitation, obviously knowing Jiang Yu's intentions, but as a servant, the rule is to talk less and do more.

Jiang Yu couldn't see the servant's concerns, and said directly: "Don't worry, no third person will know our conversation today."

The servant was relieved, and told Yun Shixian's whereabouts during this period in detail.

After listening, Jiang Yu calmly sent his servants to remove the empty bird's nest cup, but his palms and back felt cold.

In the one month since my daughter was ill, my husband has been away from home at night as many as seven or eight times.

It is self-evident what a man in his early 40s means if he does not go home at night.

The hour hand was ticking, and it was 12 o'clock in the blink of an eye. Normally, Jiang Yu would have gone to bed at this time, but today she was tossing and turning, having trouble falling asleep.

An old-fashioned small courtyard not far from Yun's house.

Although the house is quite old, it is clean and elegant. It is still a detached courtyard with strong privacy.

In the bedroom in the small courtyard, Yun Shixian half-lyed on the big mahogany bed, closed his eyes and meditated. A girl with a delicate appearance and gentle temperament was nestled in his arms.

"Dang Dang Dang."

Hearing the bell from the living room, the girl straightened up from Yun Shixian's arms, "It's getting late, you go home."

Yun Shixian opened his eyes unhurriedly. His always sharp and majestic gaze showed a rare tenderness when he saw the girl's gentle and beautiful face.

He raised his hand and pinched the girl's face, "I won't be going back tonight, I'll spend more time with you."

The girl pushed him away with a chuckle, "Farewell, my wife is at home, you can't justify not going back."

Said, the girl got up and handed him the coat hanging on the coat rack.

Seeing the man lying still, she wanted to bend down and grab his hand.

Yun Shixian got up faster than her, and held her hand, "Be careful, and be careful not to hurt the child."

The girl subconsciously caressed her lower abdomen, and said with a smirk, "How can you be so squeamish, it's only been a little over two months."

Yun Shixian put on his jacket noncommittally, and while buttoning it up, he turned his head and said to her, "I'm going back, pay attention to yourself, I'll come see you when I'm free."

"Well, be careful on the road."

It wasn't until the tail lights of the car disappeared that the girl slowly closed the courtyard door. When she turned around, the gentleness between her eyebrows and eyes disappeared, leaving only the coldness like falling snow.

Just as Jiang Yu was falling asleep, the bedroom door behind him was finally opened.

She opened her eyes in a jerk, turned her head, and met Yun Shixian who entered the room.

"It's so late and still haven't slept?"

Hearing her husband's plain and natural tone, Jiang Yu felt a burst of anger for no reason.

"Why did you come back so late?"

"I have something to do."

"What's up?"

The two have been husband and wife for nearly 20 years. Jiang Yu has been conscientiously playing the role of a good wife, and has never interfered or intervened in the company's affairs. This also makes Yun Renxian very satisfied.

But at this time, his wife's questioning and questioning obviously made him feel unhappy.

"Just take care of your family and Xiaohuan, and you don't need to ask about the outside affairs."

Throwing down such a sentence, Yun Shixian went to the bathroom.

Jiang Yu was unwilling but helpless, so she could only lie on the bed and sulk.

The next day, Jiang Yu was also absent-minded in the hospital, either making a mistake in the amount of medicine, or throwing the peeled apples into the trash can as peels.

Even the dull Yun Huan could see something was wrong with Jiang Yu.

"Mom, is there something on your mind?"

Jiang Yu panicked in her heart, and when her little daughter asked, she couldn't help but confided.

But she didn't say it was a problem between her and her husband, but in the name of a friend.

"I have a friend. Her husband has often stayed outside for the past two months. She suspects that her husband has someone outside, but she dare not ask directly, for fear of making a mistake and it will end badly..."

Yun Huan curled her lips disapprovingly, "It's not easy, can you find a private detective and find out?"

The younger daughter's words made Jiang Yumao suddenly understand, and she found an excuse to leave the hospital early.

Jiang Yu originally wanted to find a well-known detective agency in the city, but she was worried that she would meet someone she knew. After many twists and turns and inquiries, she came to a well-known but mediocre Fenyou detective agency.

When Xu Lili saw Jiang Yu, Xu Lili was a little surprised, but he didn't show it at all on the surface.

"Ma'am, how can I help you?"

Before coming here, Jiang Yu was full of good feelings and expectations for this worry-sharing detective agency, because she really needed someone to share her worries.

But when I entered the interior of the detective agency, I saw that it was dilapidated everywhere, without even a decent set of office furniture, and even the broken windows were not installed with new glass, but nailed with cardboard.

This made her question Xu Lili's detective ability, and she frowned for a long time without making a sound.

(end of this chapter)