On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 273

Chapter 273

Chapter 273 Ling Chunhua Was Tricked

Before she could make up her mind, Xie Xia took the down jacket in her hand.

Xie Xia took the down jacket and gestured at her, "Try it first and see how it goes."

Yunmo nodded, took off her coat, and put on the down jacket.

Not to mention, the effect of the upper body is not bad, the effect of the waist belt is very good, the circle of fox fur on the hat makes the skin white, and the whole person looks particularly pink and moist.

"It's pretty good. If you don't have it handy, I can borrow it from you first."

Obviously misunderstood that Yunmo's hesitation was because money was tight, Xie Xiafeng said lightly.

"No, it's not a matter of money. I originally wore this dress to look old-fashioned, but I didn't expect it to look good on it."

Zeng Fang also quickly tried on another black one, standing side by side with Yunmo, her face immediately collapsed.

"It is said that black makes you look thinner. Why do I look fatter in this black than you in white? It's like a big bucket."

Yunmo thought about it seriously, "Is it possible that it's not about the clothes, but because you're already fat?"

Zeng Fang: "..."

Xie Xia calmly made up the knife: "It makes sense."

Zeng Fang cried directly.

"Starting tomorrow, I will lose weight!"

Yun Mo applauded softly, "Great, then I don't have to order the oven tomorrow, right?"

Zeng Fang choked up, "That won't work, you promised me the roast duck before, it's the past tense, not the future tense."

Yun Mo couldn't help pinching Zeng Fang's round face, "Okay, I won't tease you, didn't you realize that your dress is the wrong size?"

Zeng Fang quickly took off the down jacket, and took a look at the label. Sure enough, it was XL size, two sizes larger than the clothes she usually wears.

"Is this black one available in size M?"

The salesperson shook his head, "This down jacket is a hot item this year. The size M and size L were sold out within two days of its launch, leaving only one white small size and black plus size."

Seeing Zeng Fang's depressed face, the salesperson added: "If you are not in a hurry, I can call the head office and ask if I can transfer the goods from other stores."

"Okay, you can adjust a black size M for me."

"Okay, I will try my best to adjust it for you."

After choosing the clothes and paying the bill, it's almost time for lunch.

The servant brought the prepared dishes to the long dining table, and the tempting aroma of the food added a bit of fireworks to the deserted living room.

Xie Xia led the two to wash their hands and eat.

Sitting at the dining table, Zeng Fang couldn't help being curious, "Sister Xia, is it just us? Doesn't your family eat at home at noon?"

"Well, my dad is at the company and won't come back for lunch, and my mom went out to meet friends."

Yunmo was thinking about Chunhua, "I'll call your brother and Chunhua down for dinner."

Xie Xia said: "Let's go together."

As soon as he walked up to the second floor, he heard the boy's laughter coming from the room on the side of the corridor.

"It's the first time I've heard my brother laugh so happily, it seems that the two get along well."

Listening to Xie Xia's joke, Yunmo had an inexplicable premonition in her heart.

When they came to the door of Xie Jinghuai's room and saw the scene inside, both of them were a little stunned.

Xie Jinghuai sat paralyzed on the sofa, couldn't straighten his back from laughing, Ling Chunhua squatted in front of the coffee table with red eyes, her small face was painted with ink with dozens of turtles, big and small.

Xie Xia sneered coldly: "Xie Jinghuai, what are you doing?!"

Seeing Xie Xia and Yun Mo coming in, Xie Jinghuai subconsciously stood up, but the smile on his face still couldn't stop.

"I played checkers with her. If I lost, I would draw a turtle on my face. I didn't expect her to be so stupid. She played more than a dozen games and didn't win any of them."


The moment she saw Yunmo, the corner of Ling Chunhua's mouth twitched, and she ran towards Yunmo aggrieved.

Yunmo stepped forward and hugged him, and patted him on the back comfortingly, "It's okay, brother thank you for playing around with you."

Xie Xia led the two of them to her room, took hot water from the washbasin, and took out makeup remover, "Use this to wash, the ink is not easy to wash off."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Xia."

While Yunmo was helping Ling Chunhua wash her face, Xie Xia turned around and came to Xie Jinghuai's room, closed the door with her backhand, and locked it with a "click".

Xie Jinghuai sensed that something was wrong, hurriedly dropped the marbles in his hand, got up and ran to the bathroom.

Xie Xia was tall and long-legged, but she was not slow at all. Before Xie Jinghuai hid in the bathroom, he pinched the back of Xie Jinghuai's neck and directly pressed him against the wall.

Xie Jinghuai hurriedly begged for mercy, "Sister, I was wrong!"

Xie Xia snorted coldly, "What's the use of apologizing to me, is it me that you made me cry?"

"I'm just teasing her."

"Is it fun?"

"I was wrong, let's not take this as an example."

Yunmo washed Ling Chunhua's face with cleansing cream twice before finally washing her face.

Seeing her niece's delicate face turned slightly red from rubbing too many times, Yunmo felt distressed, but also annoyed at Xie Jinghuai's teasing.

On the surface, he looks like a well-bred young master, but he didn't expect to be so bad in his bones.

While thinking about it, a cry of "Ouch, Ouch" suddenly came from outside.

Leaning over to take a look, she saw Xie Xia walking towards them, grabbing Xie Jinghuai's ear.

Xie Xia dragged Xie Jinghuai to Ling Chunhua, "Apologize."


"louder please."


"Sorry who?"

Xie Jinghuai glared at his elder sister in shame and indignation, his fair and handsome face turned pink, but he had to give in for the sake of his ears.

"Chunhua, I'm sorry."

Xie Xia looked at Ling Chunhua with satisfaction, and asked in a gentle voice: "Chunhua, did you forgive him? Or, did you draw a big turtle on his face?"

"I don't want it!" Xie Jinghuai protested angrily.

"Shut up, it's not your turn to speak."

Xie Xia exerted force on her hands, and Xie Jinghuai gritted his teeth in pain, and dared not make another sound.

Xie Xia has a straightforward temperament, and immediately fetched a brush and ink tray, insisting that Ling Chunhua draw a big turtle on Xie Jinghuai's face in return.

Ling Chunhua was timid, Xie Xia directly stuffed the brush into her hand, then held her hand, dipped it in ink and began to scribble on Xie Jinghuai's face.

Seeing Xie Jinghuai's daring anger but not speaking out, all the anger in Yunmo's heart turned into sympathy.

Brother Xie Xia Keng is not soft-hearted at all, the turtle in the painting occupies Xie Jinghuai's entire face, wishing he could even paint the hairline and neck.

After finishing the painting, Xie Xia appreciated it with satisfaction.

"Okay, wash up after dinner."

Xie Jinghuai blushed with anger, "I won't eat!"

"If you don't eat, you will be hungry."

Xie Jinghuai was so angry that he turned around and ran back to his room, and even slammed the door loudly.

Yun Mo felt rather sorry, "Sister Xia, the children are playing around, so a few lectures are enough."

Xie Xia was noncommittal, "It's okay, my brother has been like this since he was a child, my mother is very spoiled, and my father is reluctant to discipline him, so I can only clean it up, otherwise he doesn't know the power of heaven and earth."

Fifth watch~

Good night

(end of this chapter)