On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 264

Chapter 264

Chapter 264 Zhu Hongping's funeral

Yun Huan tilted his head and looked out of the gray window, "What time is it, isn't it almost dawn?"

"I didn't pay attention to the time either. It shouldn't be dawn so soon, Xiao Huan. Go to sleep again. It will be dawn when you wake up."

"Can't sleep."

"Then let me read to you."

Yun Huan gave her a disgusted look, "Your accent is too strong, I can't stand it."

Yun Yao's face froze, and then said: "Then you should wear earplugs and listen to music."

Yun Huan didn't say anything, it was a default.

Yun Yao found a tape of Yun Huan's favorite singer, put it in the Walkman, and gave Yun Huan the earplugs.

Amidst the melodious and soothing music, Yun Huan closed her eyes and quickly fell asleep.

Looking at the gradually turning white sky outside the window, Yun Yao breathed a sigh of relief, and lay down on the folding bed in the room to catch up on sleep.

Because of serious injuries and excessive blood loss, Zhu Hongping was out of breath before he was sent to the hospital.

When the police found Li Li and Ling Jiang and told the news of Zhu Hongping's death, the couple didn't believe it.

"Are you kidding me? My mom talked to me this morning and said she'd be back soon after going out."

Ling Jiang couldn't believe it, he was fine last night, why did he disappear after waking up after sleeping?

"Comrade Public Security, did you find the wrong person?"

The police took out the identity information they had investigated, "Zhu Hongping, 47 years old, from Lijia Village, Yushan Town, her husband is Li Dajun, she has a daughter and a son, her daughter is Li Li, and her son is Li Zhijie..."

Hearing this, Li Li was dumbfounded.

Is she really her mother?

Her mother died?

"I, my mother, she, where is she now?"

At this time, Li Li's hands and feet were cold, and she couldn't even speak clearly. If it wasn't for Ling Jiang's support, she would have collapsed to the ground.

The police took the couple to the morgue of the Criminal Police Brigade.

Looking at the corpse bed covered with a white cloth, Li Li was too shocked and frightened to go forward.

"Old Ling, you go, you go and see."

In this regard, Ling Jiang is much calmer than Li Li.

At the beginning, Ling's father and Ling's mother passed away one after another, all of which were taken care of by him.

Although he was mentally prepared, Ling Jiang was still too shocked to see Zhu Hongping's gray and stiff face under the white cloth.

"Old Ling, are you talking about your mother?"

Seeing that Ling Jiang was in a daze and remained silent for a long time, Li Li couldn't help urging.

Ling Jiang opened his mouth, but his throat seemed to be blocked by something, his voice was hoarse and rough.

"Li, it's mom..."

Li Li was stunned for a moment, then rushed over to remove the white cloth completely, seeing Zhu Hongping lying upright in the cold, it was as if someone had cast a hold on her body.


Miserable cries came from the morgue.

The criminal police captain Sun Siliang who was in charge of the case outside the door told his subordinates, "When the mood of the family members stabilizes, take them to record statements."


"By the way, has the informant been found?"

"No, the other party reported the case from a public phone. It was still dark at that time, and there were no witnesses on the road."

Just as he was talking, a case officer hurriedly walked towards this side.

"Sun team, the wallet has found a clue!"

Hearing this, Sun Siliang immediately led him to the office, "What clues have you found?"

The office worker took out his small notebook for case-handling records, "According to the name on the purchase slip in the wallet left at the scene, we found that there is only one person named Yunyao in the whole city. She is the eldest daughter of the boss of Hongda Real Estate. She is 18 years old this year. , who studied in No. 3 Middle School and Nanming before, and is now at home on a leave of absence.

Hearing this, Sun Siliang immediately picked up his coat, "Go, I'll meet her at the door."


Yun Mo, Xu Lili, and Xu Gang sat facing each other.

From Xu Gang's mouth, Yunmo and Xu Lili have already learned about Yunyao's attack on Zhu Hongping, and Xu Lili has already learned through his news channel that Zhu Hongping has died.

In the oppressive and dull atmosphere, Xu Gang couldn't help but say, "Miss Yun, Uncle, why don't we go to the police and explain the matter clearly."

Xu Lili shook his head, "It's not so easy to explain clearly."

Xu Gang appeared in that place at that time, which aroused suspicion. What's more, he exchanged Yun Yao's wallet for Yun Mo's student ID card.

Xu Gang was a little apprehensive, "Uncle, did I overdo it?"

After all, he is a young man who is not yet 20 years old. If this kind of thing happens, he will inevitably feel scared and uneasy.

Yunmo said in a voice of relief: "Xu Gang, thank you for everything you have done for my employer. Don't worry, if you are really tracked down, I will do my best to keep you safe."

Xu Lili also patted his nephew Xu Gang on the shoulder, "Stinky boy, I'm here, why panic?"

Xu Gang hastily said, "I'm not panicking."

Anyone with eyes can see Xu Gang's panic and uneasiness, but Yun Mo and Xu Lili did not expose him.

Yunmo found out the half bottle of plum wine left over from the last drink, and poured some for Xu Gang from a bowl.

"Take a couple of sips to suppress the shock."

As the aroma of the wine dissipated, the air was full of mellow and attractive fruit aroma, Xu Gang raised his neck and drank the plum wine in the bowl in one gulp, and put the bowl down proudly.


As soon as the words fell, Xu Lili rolled his eyes, "Did you forget the last time you were drunk and talked nonsense?"

Xu Gang scratched the back of his head, "Forget it, I won't drink."

Yunmo stuffed the wine bottle to Xu Gang in a funny way, "You like it, take it home and drink it slowly."

Xu Gang subconsciously looked at Xu Lili, seeing that the other party didn't show any emotion, so he put the bottle away with a smile.

"Miss Yun, then I won't be polite to you, thank you."

Yunmo replied: "You have helped me a lot, not to mention buying you half a bottle of wine, even a hundred bottles should be enough."

Seeing that Xu Gang's mood has stabilized, Xu Lili began to talk about business.

"Miss Yun, in my opinion, let's wait and see what happens, and see what the police can find out. It was dark at that time, and Xiao Gang didn't see what happened, and he couldn't explain clearly when he was in front of the police. be treated as a suspected target."

Yun Mo nodded, "Okay, let's see the situation first. Of course it would be best not to involve Xiao Gang."

Not long after Xu Lili and Xu Gang left, Ling Jiang came to report the funeral.

In addition to reporting the funeral, Ling Jiang also specially came to ask Ling Chuan to go to Li's house to help with the funeral.

Two siblings, Li Li and Li Zhijun, one had a foot injury and the other was still in prison, but Zhu Hongping ran rampant in the village on weekdays, so aggressive and domineering that no one would help, and the relatives of the Li family had long since committed suicide because of Zhu Hongping. Because of this, he cut off contact with the Li family.

After a busy day, the mourning hall was barely set up.

But apart from Li Dajun, Li Li, and the Ling family, there was not a single guest who came to express their condolences.

Zhu Hongping has been domineering and powerful all his life, but after his death, he is so deserted and desolate.

I don't know whether Zhu Hongping, who is under the nine springs, will regret not being more lenient when he was alive.

Third watch~

The annual college entrance examination is approaching again, and I wish all candidates: the college entrance examination goes smoothly, and the title of the gold list!

(end of this chapter)