On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 263

Chapter 263

Chapter 263 Framed and blamed

Originally thought that Yunyao shot herself in the foot with a stone, now that she is notorious and has dropped out of school, she should be able to settle down for a few days, so Yunmo didn't let Xu Li send people to watch her.

But she didn't want Yunyao's evil intentions to persist, and secretly started to plot again, so Yunmo had to allocate some people to continue to follow Yunyao.

A peaceful night passed.

The next day, Yunmo went to school by tram as usual.

Usually she dresses very low-key, but today she deliberately wore a yellow sweater, with a beige woolen skirt on her lower body, and brown short leather boots on her feet, revealing half of her thin white legs.

Yun Mo was already good-looking, with exquisite eyebrows and slender figure, but now she was wearing such a pretty dress, which attracted passers-by to turn their heads all the way.

And this is exactly what she wanted.

No matter what Yunyao intends to do with her student ID card, she has an alibi, so naturally she won't fall into the trap.

After breakfast, Zhu Hongping went out, ready to invite the master to come to the house to exorcise evil spirits, and change the evil star fate of son-in-law Ling Jiang Ke Qin wife.

The master Zhu Hongping is looking for is surnamed Qian, and he lives in the Shengzhen Taoist Temple 20 miles outside the city.

Zhu Hongping first took the tram to the bus station and bought a ticket to Xinlian Town where Shengzhen Temple is located.

The bus to Xinlian Town runs every two hours, and there is still an hour before the departure, so Zhu Hongping found a seat and waited patiently.

Waiting for the bus was boring, Zhu Hongping looked around to pass the time, but when he looked around, he saw a familiar face.

"Yun Yao, why are you here?"

Seeing Zhu Hongping, Yun Yao showed surprise on her face, but in fact, she followed Zhu Hongping to come here.

"I'm here to pick up someone at the station, where are you going?"

"I'm looking for Tianshi Qian. I heard that he is very effective, proficient in spells, and can exorcise demons and change lives. You don't even know how unlucky our family is..."

Probably because waiting for the car was too boring, Zhu Hongping dragged Yunyao to chatter endlessly, telling all the unfortunate things that happened at home recently.

After listening patiently, Yun Yao smiled slightly and said, "Actually, I know a fortune-teller who specializes in Feng Shui for high-ranking officials and dignitaries. Even my father asked him to change his luck. If you ask him, you should Talk to the Heavenly Master before looking for that money."

Zhu Hongping became interested as soon as he heard it, "Really, can you take me to him? Is his fee expensive?"

"The fee is not expensive, 50 a time, but he only tells fortunes to people who are destined, if there is no fate, he will not read it no matter how much money is given."

"Then how can you be a destined person?"

"I'm not sure about this, but you can try it. I heard from my dad that he goes to Sanbanqiao to meditate every morning at 5 o'clock to absorb the aura of heaven and earth. You might as well try your luck."

Hearing this, Zhu Hongping immediately beamed with joy.

"Okay, then I will go tomorrow morning. By the way, what is the name of the master? Tell me what he looks like, so that I won't recognize the wrong person."

Yunyao made a few nonsense casually, and then reminded: "You can't tell outsiders about this, if you cause trouble to Master Wan, you will be the one who will suffer the worst."

Zhu Hongping nodded immediately, "Don't worry, I will never tell anyone."

Seeing that Zhu Hongping took the hook so easily, a cold smile appeared on Yun Yao's face.

After bidding farewell to Yunyao, Zhu Hongping turned around and refunded the ticket, and then took the tram home, planning to go to Sanbanqiao early tomorrow morning to find the Master Wan that Yunyao mentioned.

Zhu Hongping returned to Ling's house at noon, Ling Jiang was cooking lunch in the kitchen, and Li Li took her son to bask in the sun in the yard.

The sun in this season is neither cold nor hot, and it is very comfortable to be warm on the body.

Seeing Zhu Hongping coming home, Li Li wondered, "Mom, why did you come back so early?"

Seeing that her son-in-law was also at home, Zhu Hongping kept Yun Yao's words in mind, and responded casually: "I met someone I knew who said that Tianshi Qian went out to meet friends, and he would not be back in a few days, so I will come back first."

Li Li didn't think much about it, but she felt inexplicably uneasy and irritable in her heart.

It's true that God didn't fulfill her wish. She was about to find Tianshi Qian to resolve her bad luck, and Tianshi Qian went out to meet friends.

The next day, Zhu Hongping woke up just after the rooster crowed once.

She turned on the light and began to put on her clothes rustlingly.

Woke up, Li Li half-opened her eyelids and looked at her sleepily, "Mom, what are you doing so early?"

"I have something to go out, I'll be back soon, you sleep in your bed."

Li Li was drowsy, and didn't ask any more questions after hearing the words. She turned over and helped her son cover the quilt, closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

Zhu Hongping got dressed quickly, took money and went out.

There are no street lights installed in the old street, and the alleys are narrow, so dark that you can't see the end at a glance.

However, Zhu Hongping, who was used to touching her body, didn't notice a dark shadow behind her as she was only walking with a deep foot and a shallow foot.

When Zhu Hongping noticed the sound of approaching footsteps behind her, and just when she was about to turn her head, she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head, and she lost consciousness before she even had time to scream.

Looking at Zhu Hongping lying on the ground, Yun Yao gasped heavily. It took her a while to react and throw away the brick, took out the student ID card from her pocket, and stuffed it into Zhu Hongping's hand.

After finishing these, she turned around and ran away in a hurry.

After the sound of Yunyao's footsteps became distant, Xu Gang who was hidden in the dark appeared and walked over.

The light in the alley was too dim, he didn't see what Yunyao did, he could only vaguely see a person lying on the ground.

He looked around, then took out the flashlight.

After seeing the scene in front of him clearly with the light of the flashlight, Xu Gang was overwhelmed.

Zhu Hongping was hit with a big hole in the back of his head, and dark red blood flowed all over the floor.

Xu Gang turned around and wanted to report to the police, but the moment he turned around, he saw Zhu Hongping holding something in his sharp eyes.

He bent down and picked it up to see, ho, it was Yunmo's student ID card.

Xu Gang put Yunmo's student ID card in his pocket without the slightest hesitation, and checked carefully at the scene to make sure there were no other items before turning around and running towards the entrance of the alley.

Before taking a few steps, he stepped on something. When he picked it up, it was a wallet.

Opened it and flipped through it. Apart from the forty or fifty yuan bills, there were also two purchase slips. On the slips, the consignee's signature was Yun Yao.

After returning to the hospital, like last time, Yun Yao first went to the public toilet on the floor to change back to her original clothes before returning to the ward.

"Where have you been?"

As soon as she entered the ward, Yun Huan on the bed suddenly made a sound, which startled Yun Yao.

But she quickly calmed down, "I couldn't sleep, so I went for a walk in the garden, and fell asleep accidentally on the bench."

Yun Yao turned on the bedside lamp, touched Yun Huan's forehead with the back of her hand, and said with concern in her tone, "Are you feeling uncomfortable again? I'll call the nurse to take a look."

"No, I just can't sleep."

(end of this chapter)