On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 265

Chapter 265

Chapter 265 Investigating Yunyao

As soon as Yunyao came home, she saw two strange men sitting on the sofa in the living room. Before she had time to ask, she heard the report from the servant.

"Miss, these two are Police Officer Sun and Police Officer Cao. They came here specially to find you and have been waiting for you for a long time."

Knowing that these two people are police officers, Yun Yao's heart skipped a beat, but doubts appeared on her face.

"Excuse me, what can you do for me?"

Sun Siliang showed his police ID to Yunyao, looked Yunyao up and down, "Excuse me, are you Yunyao?"

"it's me."

"We have a case that we would like to ask you to assist in the investigation. Do you want to accept the questioning here, or return to the criminal police team with us?"

The words criminal police team made Yun Yao's heart sink.

It shouldn't be, she deliberately left Yunmo's student ID at the scene, and the investigators didn't go to Yunmo, why did they come to find herself instead?

Could it be that he wants to get news about Yunmo through her?

A thought flashed in Yunyao's mind, but she remained calm on the face, "Please sit down, if you have any questions, just ask."

The three of them sat on the sofa, and Sun Siliang got straight to the point.

"Do you know Zhu Hongping?"

Yunyao nodded, "Yes, she came to my house a few days ago to ask me to borrow money. What's wrong with her?"

"She was attacked this morning, her brain was seriously injured, and she died before being rescued."

Yun Yao covered her mouth in surprise, as if she was shocked.

Sun Siliang was not confused by her expression, and suddenly changed the topic, "Miss Yun, where are you this morning and what are you doing?"

Yun Yao clutched her chest in shock, as if she was so shocked by the news that she couldn't recover, and it took her a while to say, "I went to the hospital yesterday to take care of my sister. I didn't sleep well at night. I slept in the ward for a while in the morning. Wake up It was almost noon when I came here, so I just came back after lunch with my sister."

Sun Siliang signaled his subordinates to record these confessions, then turned around and continued to ask: "Is there anything else? Did you leave the hospital between 5:00 and 6:00 in the morning?"

Yun Yao shook her head, "No."

Sun Siliang stared at her for a while, as if trying to tell if she was lying. Then, he took out the wallet in a transparent sealed bag and two bills of lading from the briefcase.

"Is this thing yours?"

Yunyao's pupils trembled violently.

How could her wallet be in the hands of the police?

Could it be that she accidentally dropped it at the scene of the crime?

The police didn't come to her to investigate Yunmo, but to suspect her? !

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed through Yun Yao's mind.

Facing Sun Siliang's piercing eyes, Yunyao regained consciousness in an instant, using surprise to cover up her inner panic and uneasiness.

"Why is my wallet in your hands?"

Sun Siliang smiled without a smile on his face, "I'm going to ask Ms. Yun about this. We found this thing at the crime scene where Zhu Hongping was attacked. I would also like to hear Ms. Yun's explanation on this."

Yunyao showed a confused and bewildered expression, and then suddenly said, "I lost my wallet two days ago, and I haven't been able to find it. At that time, Zhu Hongping came to the house. Could it be that she took it away?"

Sun Siliang raised his eyebrows, "Do you still remember where you put your wallet?"

Yunyao shook her head, "I don't remember, sometimes when I go home and I'm busy doing other things, I just put it in the porch or on the coffee table."

This answer is impeccable.

Sun Siliang put away the wallet and the bill of lading noncommittally, "We will further investigate and verify what Ms. Yun said. In addition, I would like to ask Ms. Yun not to travel far for the time being. We will need Ms. Yun to cooperate with the investigation of the case in the future. "

Yunyao showed some distress on her face, "I'm going to the provincial capital to go to school in two days, and my family helped me contact the school over there, which was arranged before."

"Then I would like to trouble Miss Yun to negotiate with the school and report it in a few days later, or we can also send an investigation letter to the school on my behalf."

Yun Yao's face froze.

If the criminal police team sent the investigation letter to her, how would she gain a foothold in the new school in the future.

"No, I will make it clear to the school, but you have to give me an exact time, you can't let me keep doing this forever."

"Don't worry, it won't take you too much time. We also want to investigate the case as soon as possible."

When sending Sun Siliang and the two out, Yun Yao inadvertently inquired about the progress of the case, wanting to know if they had regarded Yun Mo as a suspect, but was blocked by Sun Siliang saying "it is inconvenient to disclose the details of the case".

In the evening, after Yun Shixian came home, Yun Yao told the story of Sun Siliang's investigation without daring to hide.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I caused trouble for the family again. I didn't expect that Zhu Hongping would steal my wallet, causing me to be suspected by the police. In short, it was all my fault."

Knowing that the eldest daughter was involved in the murder case, Yun Shixian looked very unhappy, but he was not very angry in his heart.

He is not a magnanimous person. Zhu Hongping and Li Li, the greedy and difficult mother and daughter, made him and the Yun family a joke of the whole city, and he always kept this account in his heart.

Originally, he wanted to wait for a while, and after the scandal of the eldest daughter's unmarried pregnancy subsided, he would think of a different way to deal with the mother and daughter.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Hongping died before he made a move, which saved him trouble.

"I will go to the school and say, you can stay at home with peace of mind during this time, go to the hospital to take care of Xiaohuan when you have time, and don't run out if you have nothing to do."

Yun Yao quickly responded, and then said: "Dad, can you ask someone to inquire about the progress of the case? I am worried that the Public Security Bureau will not be able to solve the case for a long time, and I will not be able to report to the school."

Yun Shixian didn't want the case to involve the Yun family either, so he immediately called someone he knew in the Public Security Bureau to inquire about the progress of the case.

After Yun Shixian hung up the phone, Yun Yao hurriedly asked, "Dad, what did they say?"

"No progress for now."

Yun Yao was a little bit unwilling to give up, "Didn't you catch any suspects?"

"There are two suspected targets."

As he spoke, Yun Shixian glanced at her with gloomy eyes, "One is the informant, who has not been found yet, and the other is you, because your wallet was at the scene of the crime."

This result made Yun Yao both puzzled and annoyed.

Annoyed that she would leave her wallet at the scene, wondered why the police didn't investigate Yunmo when she clearly stuffed Yunmo's student ID into Zhu Hongping's hand?

Could it be that the Zeng family used their power to destroy the evidence against Yunmo?

It must be so!

Yunyao was angry, hated and jealous, and even had the idea of making an anonymous phone call to report the Zeng family's use of power for personal gain.

Sun Siliang went to Yun Huan's hospital the next day to investigate what Yun Yao said.

(end of this chapter)