On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 262

Chapter 262

Chapter 262 Student ID card stolen

Facing Shang Lingchuan's dark and probing eyes, Yunmo replied calmly: "I hid the money."

Ling Chuan had an expression of "I don't study much, don't lie to me", "Where is it hidden?"

"A place where no one will be found."

She didn't lie to him, no one else could find the space except her.

Ling Chuan didn't know whether he believed it or not, so he didn't dwell on this topic anymore.



"If there are no accidents, Erbai can hatch ten goslings this time. Are you going to raise them all?"

This really stumped Yunmo's question.

She raised Dabai and Erbai out of fun and interest, but she didn't want to become a professional goose breeder, and there were not so many places in the courtyard for her to raise a flock of big geese.

"Can I ask for two goslings for elder brother?"

Yun Mo glanced at him, "I'll think about it."

Knowing that she was still angry, Ling Chuan didn't dare to speak any more, but just squatted quietly beside her.

Yunmo was looking at Little Goose, but the man beside her was looking at her.

The orange lights above their heads shone on the top of their heads, creating a hazy and warm atmosphere.

The satiated gosling stood there and dozed off, eyes half-closed, swaying back and forth, not to mention how cute it is.

Yunmo stretched out her hand to gently hug it, the sense of weightlessness off the ground made it tremble, and after recognizing the human being in front of her as her beautiful attendant, it immediately resumed its dozing mode, its eyes half-closed and half-closed of.

Yunmo nodded its little head, "Like a little idiot, let me call you dumb."


The new-named gosling uttered two weak calls in response, and then dozed off.

After returning to the room, Yunmo found a piece of cardboard, cut it into a piece of paper the size of a finger, wrote the name "Dadai" on it, and tied it around Daidai's neck with a red string.

As soon as the school bell rang, Yunmo immediately started to pack her things and prepare to go home.

When she went out in the morning, the two goslings that broke their shells last night had already stretched out their heads, and she couldn't wait to go home to see the conditions of the two newly hatched goslings.

However, Yunmo was blocked by uninvited guests not long after she walked out of the school gate.

"A good dog doesn't get in the way."

Facing Yun Yao with a gloomy face, Yun Mo didn't give him a good look either.

Hearing her words, Yun Yao's already gloomy face became even more gloomy.

"Yunmo, I have something to ask you."

"I don't know, I don't know, I don't understand, I don't have time."

Yun Mo left after finishing speaking, but Yun Yao grabbed her schoolbag.

Yun Mo turned her head angrily, "Let go!"

Yun Yao sneered, "Yunmo, are you guilty? You bought your sister-in-law to ruin my reputation, why, dare to do it or not?"

Yunmo looked at each other, and couldn't help laughing, "Yunyao, do you have any misunderstandings about yourself? Do you still have reputation? You stole the gold bracelet from the banquet wife, bribed the cleaner to steal the national examination Examination paper, you don't think that you can keep your reputation after being exposed to others, do you?"

Yun Yao's face darkened, "Yun Mo, you and I both know who is being QJed by Li Zhijie, I warn you, don't make any small moves, otherwise, I will go to the prison to find Li Zhijie and tell the truth about it. At that time, everyone should not think about it!"

Looking at Yun Yao's angry back, Yun Mo frowned slightly.

She didn't think that Yunyao came to her specially just to talk nonsense, but she couldn't think of anything else at the moment, so she could only temporarily forget about it.

Back home, Yunmo ran into the hatch before she even had time to put down her schoolbag.

As she expected, the two goslings had completely shed their shells and were standing tremblingly in the egg nest, looking weak, pitiful and helpless.

Yunmo took the two goslings into the incubator one by one, and turned on the light in the incubator.

Feeling the warmth, the two goslings began to walk in the incubator.

One of them was the first to discover the trough, and began to eat with its head down.

After a while, the other one also wobbled to the trough, and started to eat with the first head-to-head.

"Choo Choo Choo."

Yunmo lowered her head, and found that Daidai ran to her feet at some point, and was gently pecking at her shoe upper with her pink beak.

People are also hungry.

Yun Mo laughed, "I'm sorry, I almost forgot about you."

As he spoke, he bent down to pick it up and put it in the incubator.

Seeing that his younger siblings were already eating, Dadai immediately let go of his feet and rushed away, for fear that if he was too slow, he might not be able to eat the hot food.


"Choo Choo Choo."

Seeing Daidai, who was one size bigger than them, the two goslings stopped eating, tilted their heads and looked at it curiously.

Dadly ignored the scrutiny of his younger siblings, stretching and shrinking his neck desperately to grab food.

After a while, the goose food in the trough was reduced by half.

"Choo Choo Choo."

After eating and drinking enough, he shook his hair in a daze, and started to stroll lazily in the incubator.

Seeing the two goslings, they subconsciously followed behind it.

Looking at the dazed who already had the boss posture, the corners of Yunmo's mouth couldn't help but rise.

After watching the goslings come out, Ling Chuan just happened to go home.

"Momo, the zipper of your schoolbag is not closed."

Hearing the man's reminder, Yunmo took off her schoolbag and found that her small pocket for stationery was really open.

Although there were stationery and other worthless items inside, Yunmo subconsciously rummaged through it.

After searching, she found that her student ID card was gone.

The zipper is not pulled, and it is normal for the student ID card to fall out halfway.

But a woman's sixth sense made Yunmo feel that this matter was not that simple. She only met Yunyao on the front foot, but lost her student ID card on the back foot. The key point was that Yunyao even pulled her schoolbag. hands and feet.

"Momo, did you lose something?"

Seeing her serious expression, Ling Chuan asked with concern.

"I lost my student ID card."

Yunmo had something on her mind, and didn't want to say anything more for a while, "It's okay, I'll just go to school tomorrow and get a replacement one."

Hearing this, Ling Chuan didn't ask any more questions, turned around and went to the kitchen to start making dinner.

In the room, Yun Mo propped her chin and thought about the possibility of Yun Yao taking away her student ID card, and immediately decided to go out to find Xu Lili.

Knowing that she was going out, Ling Chuan couldn't care less about cooking.

"Momo, it's getting dark, I'll accompany you."


Not sure where Xu Liren was, Yunmo took a taxi directly to the detective agency.

Luckily, Xu Lili just came back and was eating dinner at his desk.

Yunmo directly told the other party that the student ID might fall into Yunyao's hands.

Based on years of detective experience, Xu Lili analyzed: "The student ID card is useless, but it is perfect for framing the blame. To be on the safe side, Miss Yun, don't be alone these two days. No matter what you do or where you go, You have to find someone to accompany you, preferably an outsider, Brother Ling is your husband, and his testimony will not be accepted by the police."

"Okay, I understand."

After Yunmo and Ling Chuan left, Xu Lili went to find his nephew Xu Gang and asked him to follow Yunyao.

(end of this chapter)