On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 161

Chapter 161

Chapter 161 Yunmo's test paper was accidentally lost by me

The situation took a turn for the worse. The two sides seemed to have switched positions. Yunmo changed from the disadvantaged side to the dominant side. On the other hand, Sun Yi was unable to answer Yunmo's question for a long time.

Because there is no way to argue.

The two colleagues who came with Sun Yi also looked at each other in dismay, their faces full of shock, surprise, and shame.

On the surface, they and Sun Yi were on the same side, representing the Education Bureau, but in fact, they didn't know about the exchange of test papers.

In order to avoid complications, Sun Yi did the whole thing by himself, without borrowing the hands of others. Sun Yi also went outside to find someone who was good at imitating handwriting to rewrite the test paper.

Things have become so ugly, no one expected.

"Section Chief Sun, since you took the wrong test paper, please send someone back now to bring over the test paper that really belongs to Yunmo."

In the end, Zhong Weimin gave Sun Yi a step down.

It was this step that gave Sun Yi a countermeasure. He explained shamelessly: "To be honest, I accidentally lost Yunmo's test paper. I wanted to take the test paper home last night and plan to review it again. , As a result, my stomach hurt halfway, I went to the toilet, and when I got home, I found that I was missing a test paper.

I searched along the way home, but I couldn't find it. Losing the test paper is a big deal. In order not to affect the announcement of the results today, I found a new set of blank test papers, and made up for it overnight according to Yunmo's approximate score in memory. one serving. "

Yunmo smiled, "Then your memory is really good, you actually memorized all the seven test papers, and you can make up a copy."

Facing Yun Mo's cynicism, Sun Yi replied without changing his face: "I remember it well since I was a child."

Sun Yi accidentally lost the test paper, and Yun Mo couldn't do anything about him for a while.

Accidentally losing the test paper is completely different from maliciously exchanging the test paper.

Believe it or not, at least on the surface, the face of Sun Yi and the Education Bureau has been stabilized.

But there is a new problem with it.

Sun Yi said that he made up this test paper based on Yunmo's score, but Yunmo didn't recognize the test paper's score, so who should I trust? Or, how should Yunmo's test score be calculated?

Just when everyone was in trouble, Yunmo teased: "It seems that I have to take the exam again?"

Regarding Yunmo's proposal, the teachers had no objections.

The test paper is lost and the exact score cannot be seen, so the best way is to retake the test.

Among the audience, Sun Yi was the only one who didn't want Yun Mo to take the exam again, because he knew Yun Mo's true level very well.

"There's no need to retake the exam, right? You just retake the exam just now. Do you want everyone to accompany you to take the exam again? When will this be the end?"

"Your words are very interesting. It seems that the problem is with me. Is it my problem that the test paper is lost?"

After finishing speaking, Yunmo changed the subject, and her tone suddenly became cold and stern, "Seven subjects, two days to finish the exam, the time is tight and the pressure is heavy, I can't even sleep well at night, you are lucky, I lost a sentence lightly It just wiped out all my efforts.

I'm going to stop talking today, I have to find out my test paper, or I'll go to the Education Bureau to ask your director for an explanation! "

Before this, even when she learned that her test paper had been lost, Yunmo's attitude was quite gentle, giving people a feeling that she was weak and bully.

But at this time her attitude suddenly became tough, not only the others were surprised, but even Sun Yi was stunned speechless.

Zeng Fang took the opportunity to support (threats), "Section Chief Sun, if you don't clarify this matter today, it will definitely be endless! If your leaders dare to cover you, I will go to my grandfather to make decisions! I still don't believe that people in the world are unreasonable." .

Wen Qingsheng also said, "As a journalist, I will definitely make a written report of today's events according to the facts, and return Ms. Yun's justice and justice to let the public know the truth."

Ling Chuan also wanted to help his daughter-in-law defeat Sun Yi, but he was afraid that he would say the wrong thing, so he could only bear it.

Facing pressure from all parties, Sun Yi also had to compromise, "I admit that it is my responsibility to lose the test paper, but I did not do it on purpose. As for retaking the test again, it is not up to me to decide. I have to first Go back and ask the leaders above for their opinions..."

At this moment, Fu Weisheng suddenly walked into the classroom.

It turned out that the colleague who came with Sun Yi didn't know the inside story, and thought that Sun Yi really lost the test paper, so he found a chance to go out and call his boss Fu Weisheng.

After Fu Weisheng learned that Sun Yi had revealed his secrets, he rushed over immediately.

As soon as he entered the classroom, before the others could react, Fu Weisheng pointed at Sun Yi and scolded, "You, I've told you so many times, and you haven't learned a lesson at all, and you're still so careless. Hey, you fell off yesterday. The sweeping aunt picked up the documents in the corridor and handed them over to the security guard, and the security guard gave them to me when I went to work today."

After finishing speaking, he handed a file bag to Sun Yi.

Sun Yi was stunned for a moment, and quickly understood, with a look of joy on his face, "Yes, this is it. This is Yunmo's test paper, which was picked up by the cleaner."

Fu Weisheng continued: "It makes everyone laugh, Xiao Sun not only loses things, but also has a bad memory. Some time ago, the rice at home was gone. It happened that there was a grain and oil station where he lived. The rice was cheap and cheap. It's delicious, I asked him to carry twenty catties for me, but he remembered that he was carrying fifty catties, and I don't know what to say to him!"

Fu Weisheng wanted to excuse his subordinates from responsibility, but Yunmo mercilessly exposed him, "Just now Section Chief Sun said that he had a good memory since he was a child, but you said that he is careless and has a poor memory. I don't know who to believe."

This is embarrassing.

Fortunately, Sun Yi responded very quickly, "It's all my fault. I accidentally lost the test paper. I was afraid of being scolded by the leader, so I came up with the bad idea of making a new test paper.

Director Fu, I have shamed you, and student Yunmo, I also want to say sorry to you. I was confused for a while. Fortunately, your test paper is back, so let's stop here.

Of course, if you still feel uncomfortable, you can just scold me a few words, or I will make an apology to you in private. "

"Yunmo, Xiao Sun did not do it properly. I will severely criticize and educate him when I go back. Seeing that he has realized his mistake and sincerely apologized to you, let this matter It's over, what do you think?"

Fu Weisheng and Sun Yi sang together, and their posture was extremely low. If Yun Mo didn't forgive, she would appear a little ignorant.

"Since the test paper has been found, I have nothing to say. I just hope that Section Chief Sun can remember the lesson from this time and don't make the same mistake again."

"Of course."

Fu Weisheng took the opportunity to say: "Okay, Xiao Sun, take out Yunmo's test paper and show it at home."

(end of this chapter)