On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 160

Chapter 160

Chapter 160 Chief Sun, where is my test paper?

Different from the seriousness of reading the Chinese test papers, Yunmo just flipped through the other test papers, and then said directly: "These test papers are not mine."

After the voice fell, everyone was surprised.

Zeng Fang in the corridor showed joy on her face, "Let me just say, how could Momo get such a low score in the test."

Ling Chuan's complexion was dark and heavy: These people are really abominable, even bullying his daughter-in-law with such despicable means!

Wen Qingsheng, who has a keen sense of news, even turned on the recorder directly.

Seeing that everyone was looking at him and Yunmo in surprise, Sun Yi's eyelids twitched. He pretended to be calm and reprimanded him coldly: "Yunmo, the facts are in front of you, and you gave such a ridiculous reason. Will you believe it?"

Speaking, Sun Yi explained loudly in front of everyone: "Everyone's handwriting is different. I have here the test paper that Yunmo participated in the unified examination last time. Teachers can take a look. The handwriting is different after all."

After hearing this, Yunmo almost didn't laugh out loud.

The "evidence" is so well prepared, it seems that she will not give up until she is trampled to death.

After comparing the two test papers, the teachers of each subject nodded, "That's right, the handwriting is the same, so we can be sure that the two test papers were written by the same person."

Sun Yi immediately questioned Yunmo triumphantly, "Yunmo, what else do you have to say now, you will never say that the unified examination paper is not yours, will you?"

Zhong Weimin looked at Yunmo at this moment, the admiration in his eyes had disappeared, leaving only disappointment and anger.

Mistakes are not unforgivable, but the hateful thing is that she did not change her mind after making a mistake. Fortunately, he thought this girl was calm and calm before, but now it seems that it is obviously bad.

Facing the condemnation and angry gazes of the teachers, Yun Mo remained unhurried, "If I say handwriting can be imitated, you won't believe me, right?"

"Yunmo, you are still sophistrying! A scum like you, letting you stay in school will only bring down other students. I will report to the higher authorities and permanently cancel your student status!"

Hearing Sun Yi's words, several teachers including Zhong Weimin were a little surprised.

If you cancel your student status, you will not be able to get a high school diploma, which means that the three years of reading the books have been for nothing!

Zeng Fang who was in the corridor couldn't bear it any longer and rushed in, pointing her finger at Sun Yi, "You guys exchanged Momo's test papers by dirty means, but you still want to revoke her student status, Sun, don't bully her!" You are too human, you really think there is no one behind Momo, right?!"

Sun Yi's face turned crooked when he was pointed at his nose and scolded him by a hairy girl.

"Who are you? Who let you in, get out!"

"You don't care who I am, whoever wants to bully Momo today, I'll never end with him!"

Sun Yi was angry and furious, "I warn you, you have to be responsible for what you say, saying that we exchanged the test papers, what is the evidence? The teachers of Yunmo's two test papers have read it, and the handwriting is exactly the same. No one wronged her! You little girl, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will even deal with you, believe it or not?"

Will Zeng Fang be afraid?

"Okay, my name is Zeng Fang, my father is Zeng Xingguo, and my mother is Yao Suhua. You canceled my student status as well."

Zeng Xingguo? that is not

Sun Yi's face turned pale, staring at Zeng Fang for a long time, speechless.

Zeng Xingguo is the head of the Industry and Commerce Bureau, and he wouldn't dare to provoke Zeng Xingguo even if he had ten guts.

Sun Yi didn't dare to take anything against Zeng Fang, and finally re-targeted Yunmo.

"Yunmo, the facts are in front of you, and it's useless for you to deny it. If you admit that you have violated the rules of the unified examination and review your mistakes in public, we can consider retaining your student status as appropriate."

Yunmo couldn't help laughing anymore, "Thank you, but no need, I'm afraid it doesn't matter if you decide whether to cancel or keep my student status."

Saying that, Yun Mo ignored Sun Yi's ugly face, turned and walked towards the door of the classroom.

Ling Chuan thought that his wife was looking for him, and immediately went forward with concern, but the next second he heard his wife talking to Wen Qingsheng: "Reporter Wen, please come in."

"it is good."

Looking at Wen Qingsheng walking into the classroom behind his wife, Ling Chuan's face immediately turned into a bitter gourd.

But the next moment, he followed into the classroom.

Seeing Yunmo calling Wen Qingsheng in, Sun Yi showed disdain, "Yunmo, it's useless for you to find help, he is a small reporter, if he dares to write nonsense in the newspaper without seeking facts, I guarantee that his job will not be guaranteed."

Yun Mo smiled, "Don't worry, I invited reporter Wen in not to ask him to write a report, but to ask him to testify for me."

"Reporter Wen, please show me the photos of my exam two days ago."

Wen Qingsheng nodded, and then, under Sun Yi's suspicious look and everyone's curious eyes, he took out a stack of photos from his satchel.

Yunmo shared the photos with everyone.

The photos are almost exactly the same in terms of angle and content, and they are all scenes where Yunmo is immersed in answering questions.

"What's wrong with this photo? What can it explain?" Sun Yi was the first to question.

Yun Mo smiled slightly, "You might as well take a closer look at the position of my pen."

Being reminded by Yunmo, everyone immediately looked down at the photo in their hands.

After looking at it, I found that it was unusual.

Yunmo appeared to be immersed in answering the questions, but actually folded a corner of the test paper, and wrote something stroke by stroke with the tip of the pen at the tip of the fold.

"I have a habit of leaving marks on my test papers. If you don't believe me, you can look at my unified test paper. There is a word two in the middle of the front of the test paper, and a radical of private characters in the lower right corner of the back of the test paper. The sum is cloud Character."

Under Yunmo's explanation, several teachers immediately picked up Yunmo's unified examination paper, folded it in half, and there was a very small word "cloud".

When the test paper is opened flat, no one will notice the "two" in the blank space in the middle of the test paper. Even if they do, they will only think that it was accidentally drawn by the tip of the pen.

Yunmo continued to explain: "I also marked the test papers this time, and you can see from the photos. The test papers that Section Chief Sun brought are indeed similar to mine, but they are not my test papers."

After hearing this explanation, everyone looked at Sun Yi in unison. Their eyes were even more surprised and shocked than hearing that Yunmo got 412 points in the test.

As an educator, he actually used the despicable method of exchanging test papers to frame the students, it is simply despicable.

Sun Yi never expected that Yun Mo, looking at her young age, had such a treacherous mind, that she left such a hand on the test paper, her face suddenly turned red and white, which was very exciting.

"Section Chief Sun, where is my test paper?"

Facing the condemnation and angry eyes of the crowd, Sun Yi could only explain in embarrassment: "Maybe, maybe we got it wrong."

Take the wrong one?

Yunmo almost didn't laugh out loud, "Section Chief Sun, Xie Xia and I were the only ones taking this exam. I'm curious why there is such an extra exam paper, and by such a coincidence, the handwriting on this exam paper is actually the same as Mine are exactly the same."

Let me tell you one thing. From today onwards, there will only be two updates per day. At the request of the editor, we need to save 50,000 manuscripts...

Good night~

(end of this chapter)