On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 162

Chapter 162

Chapter 162 647 points! Received an invitation from the third

Although everyone was mentally prepared, they were still quite surprised when they saw the scores.

647 points!

Only two points lower than Xie Xia!

Xie Xia raised her eyebrows, a rare smile appeared on her face.

This score was also something she really didn't expect, so it's no wonder that Sun Yi played such a deliberate trick.


The teachers of the third middle school were like gold diggers seeing a rare gold mine. They couldn't wait to carve up all the test papers in Sun Yi's hands and began to review them carefully.

Fu Weisheng looked at Yunmo with a smile on his face, "Yunmo, I have already read your test paper on the way here, and you really did well this time."

"I also did well in the unified examination, but you don't want to believe it."

Facing Yunmo's neither soft nor hard mockery, the smile on Fu Weisheng's face faded.

"True gold is not afraid of fire, as long as you have enough strength, you are not afraid of being questioned."

Yunmo was noncommittal, "I have proven my strength now, so can my unified examination results and ranking be restored?"

"Of course, I will restore your grades and rankings when I go back."

"I hope to make an announcement throughout the city, just like the last time I canceled my grades and rankings."

Fu Weisheng couldn't keep his smirk at all now, "Yunmo, as an elder, I want to remind you a few words, young people should guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and if they have some achievements, their tails will go up to the sky. In the end, there will definitely be a big loss.

Yunmo doesn't like this, "I don't know if I will suffer or not. I only know that principles and dignity are like national rights, which cannot be violated and will not yield an inch. Of course, if you find it inconvenient, I can also ask you Reporters help me publish it in newspapers."

One Yunmo is nothing to worry about, but the Zeng family and the newspaper office behind it can be considered. Fu Weisheng had to compromise and promised to make a clarification announcement within two days.

The matter was settled, Fu Weisheng took Sun Yi and his departmental subordinates to leave first under the pretext of being busy.

Yunmo also put away her test papers, and politely bid farewell to several teachers, "I have caused trouble for your school these days, thank you for your tolerance and understanding, and we will not disturb everyone."


Seeing that Yunmo was about to leave, Zhong Weimin hurriedly called to stop him, "Have you found a new school yet?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the other teachers looking at Yunmo suddenly became hot.

That's right, how could they forget that this good seedling has no owner now, so they have to find a way to move it into their nest in the third middle school.

Yunmo is not a fool, so she can naturally guess Zhong Weimin's intentions. She hesitated for a moment before shaking her head, "Not yet."

Hearing her answer, several third middle school teachers including Zhong Weimin were relieved.

Zhong Weimin even warmly invited you, "Yunmo, in the name of No. 3 Middle School, I welcome you to study in No. 3 Middle School. I am the head teacher of Class No. 1 in Senior Three. My surname is Zhong. If you want, you can directly enter my class. "

No.3 High School is one of the provincial model high schools. It has a long history and rich heritage. Since the resumption of the college entrance examination, the enrollment rate has been rising year by year. It is a famous school that almost all high school students want to enter.

As for Class 1 of Senior Three, it is the golden tower of No. 3 Middle School. It is not an exaggeration to say that students who can enter Class 1 can also be admitted to technical secondary school at the last time.

Of course, those who go through the back door like Yunyao are not counted.

Zhong Weixian's invitation was a surprise to Yunmo. She had no ill feeling towards No. 3 Middle School, and entering No. 3 No. 3 Middle School also saved her the trouble of finding a school by herself.

"Mr. Zhong, thank you for your kindness. I'll go back and think about it."

If there is no refusal, there is hope. Several teachers are very happy.

Zhong Weimin personally sent her away. With Yunmo's strength, as long as she can keep going, there is absolutely no problem going to Beijing University. Such a good seed deserves his wholehearted treatment.

It was the class time at this time, and everywhere was empty. A group of people walking in the campus was particularly noticeable. Many students in the classroom turned their heads and looked at them through the windows.

This also includes Yunyao.

Although Zhong Weimin is easy-going on the surface, he actually has the arrogance and nobility of a literati in his bones, but he is as arrogant as Zhong Weimin, and he actually sends Yunmo away in person.

Could it be that Yunmo did well in the exam this time?

Yun Yao frowned, thinking about it.

On the podium, the mathematics teacher was talking about a big question in the last unified examination paper. After writing the question on the blackboard, he was about to find a student to come up and write out the solution method. Joy.

It's fine if you have poor grades, if you don't concentrate in class.

"Yunyao, Yunyao!"

After yelling several times in a row, Yun Yao regained consciousness as if waking up from a dream.

"You come up and solve this problem."

Hearing the math teacher's request, Yun Yao could only bite the bullet and walk to the podium.

Tick tock, the clock on the wall made a rhythmic sound of needle movement.

Yunyao stood in front of the blackboard, holding chalk in her hand, but her mind was blank. She knew the characters on the blackboard, but the combination of them was like obscure astronomy, which made her unable to write.

Time is precious, and the math teacher naturally won't let her waste it endlessly.

"Go on! If you don't know how to do the questions, listen to me carefully in class and take notes! Let me see that you are not paying attention in my class, and you will stand up in class for me in the future!"

Even though she had a soul in her 30s and 40s, Yun Yao was still so red-faced that she couldn't hold her head up when she was scolded so badly in front of dozens of people in the class.

"Yunmo, I want to talk to you alone, do you think it's convenient for you now?" Zhong Weimin said suddenly when he was about to walk to the school gate.

Yunmo nodded, signaling Zeng Fang and Ling Chuan to go outside and wait for her.

After Zeng Fang and the others walked away, Zhong Weimin continued to speak: "Yunmo, today you almost suffered innocent injustice. Fortunately, you were resourceful and left behind, so that you can successfully get back the grades that belonged to you." and honor.

To be honest, I appreciate your ingenuity and your calm and calm attitude when you encounter problems. Whether it is out of a sense of justice or the responsibility of being a teacher, I will truthfully report today's events to the school leaders. "

Yunmo has never been a saint who repays grievances with kindness, and it is not true that she easily forgave Sun Yi's calculations.

It's just that there are priorities. The first thing she gets back is the results and rankings of the unified examination, and the rest can be gradually figured out.

It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.

But she will not refuse Zhong Weimin's love. The Third Middle School is willing to come forward to seek justice for her, which is better than her fighting alone.

"Mr. Zhong, I will carefully consider your previous warm invitation and reply to you as soon as possible."

Zhong Weimin nodded with a smile, "Okay, then I'll just wait for your good news?"

Yunmo smiled.

Good night

(end of this chapter)