On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 159

Chapter 159

Chapter 159 These test papers are not mine


Ling Chuan tried to say something so that his daughter-in-law could understand his feelings, but Yunmo didn't give him a chance, put down her chopsticks and said, "I've finished eating, I'm going to school with Reporter Wen to check the grades, you go and do your work Just buy and sell, don't worry about me."

How can that work!

After Yunmo changed her clothes and came out of the house with her bag, Ling Chuan had already packed herself and waited in the yard, and put on the checked shirt she bought for him earlier.

Obviously I cherish it very much, so I don't want to wear it easily.

Yunmo deliberately asked, "Why did you think of wearing this shirt today?"

Ling Chuan has the nerve to say that he already regards Wen Qingsheng as a love rival in his heart, and doesn't want to be compared by the other party.

"Just wear it casually."

Afraid that Yunmo would continue to ask questions, he quickly changed the subject, "It's getting late, let's go, Momo, I'll accompany you to school to check your grades."

"No need, I'll go with reporter Wen."


"why not?"

"I'm worried."

"There is nothing to worry about, there are reporters here, they dare not bully me."

This is not what he is worried about!

What he is worried about is that his daughter-in-law is alone with reporter Wen!

Ling Chuan blushed, but he didn't dare to tell his wife what was in his heart.

Seeing that it was getting late, Yunmo stopped teasing the other party, "Okay, let's go."

Seeing the man heaved a sigh of relief, Yunmo secretly laughed.

Today is Monday, I thought Zeng Fang would not come to class, but when Yunmo arrived at the gate of No. 3 Middle School, she found that Zeng Fang was already waiting.

"Fangfang, why are you here?"

Seeing her surprised face, Zeng Fang chuckled, "Of course I came here on leave. How about it? Are you surprised or surprised?"

To Yunmo, today is very important. One more person standing behind her is more strength and support.

"Fangfang, thank you." Yunmo looked at the other party sincerely.

Zeng Fang took her arm affectionately, "What are you talking about, you are my best friend, your business is my business, and I will never give up until I get justice for you today."

Yunmo couldn't help showing a smile, "Okay."

The place where the results were announced was still at the exam place. When Yun Mo arrived, Xie Xia was already there, and several teachers from No. 3 Middle School were also there, talking in a low voice. Seeing her, one of them greeted her.

"Yunmo, you are here, please sit down first, Section Chief Sun and the others haven't come yet."


Yun Mo found a stool, and within two minutes of sitting down, Sun Yi walked into the classroom with two file bags, accompanied by two subordinates.

After standing still, he scanned the crowd, "They're all here, then I'll announce the results directly."

Under the expectant eyes of everyone, Sun Yi opened the file bag he brought, and took out two sets of thick test papers from it.

"Xie Xia."

After reading Xie Xia's name, Sun Yi paused, looked up at everyone, and then said again, "The total score is 649, the Chinese is 112, and the math is 120..."

Hearing Xie Xia's grades, several teachers in No. 3 Middle School showed satisfied smiles on their faces, especially Zhong Weimin, the head teacher of Class No. 1 in Senior Three.

He has read the test papers, and this time the papers are more difficult than the unified test. Xie Xia's score has not dropped, but has risen by 3 points. As the class teacher, he is naturally very happy.

Although Xie Xia had no emotion on her face, she could feel that she was satisfied with the score this time.

After reading out Xie Xia's scores, it was Yunmo who came to the conclusion.

Sun Yi picked up the test paper, looked at Yunmo seriously, and announced loudly: "Yunmo, the total score is 412, Chinese is 70, mathematics is 51..."

When they heard the total score of 412, all the people looked at Yunmo in unison.

Surprise, doubt, ridicule, contempt, all kinds of eyes are like sharp arrows, as if they want to stab Yunmo to **** flesh.

Zeng Fang, Ling Chuan, and Wen Qingsheng in the corridor were also full of disbelief. After each subject, Yunmo made an estimate with them. After calculation, Yunmo's total score should be at least 630 or above.

No matter what, there is no difference of 200 points.

"Impossible, it's impossible for Momo to get such a low score! There must be something wrong with the score." Zeng Fang clenched her fists and said angrily.

Although Ling Chuan didn't make a sound, he looked at Sun Yi with suspicion and anger, obviously suspecting that the other party had done something secretly.

Compared to other people's shock and surprise, Yunmo appeared extremely calm, even a bit too calm, as if she was the most outsider.

After reading Yunmo's grades in each subject, Sun Yi raised his head and subconsciously observed Yunmo's reaction.

When he saw the girl looking calmly and mockingly at him, he couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat.

"Yunmo, there is such a big gap between your score this time and the last unified examination score, what else do you have to explain?"

Yunmo spoke lightly, her voice was gentle but not weak, "Section Chief Sun, are you sure that my scores are not calculated incorrectly?"

"What do you mean? Do you think we're intentionally undercounting your points?"

As he spoke, Sun Yi handed the test papers in his hands to the teachers of No. 3 Middle School, "It happens that the teachers of all subjects are here, let them review and see if there are any mistakes in your test papers."

Several teachers got the test papers of their own subjects and began to review them carefully.

Xie Xia couldn't sit still and went to the math teacher. When she saw the test paper in the math teacher's hand, she frowned slightly.

This test paper is not Yunmo's.

Mathematics is her strong point. It just so happens that she has reviewed all the question types this time. She finished all the questions 15 minutes in advance. , took the opportunity to read Yunmo's paper, and she clearly remembered that except for the last big question, Yunmo had completed all other questions, and the answers were consistent with hers.

But in this paper, Yunmo's answers to several major questions were all wrong.

This is where it gets interesting.

Xie Xia looked at the upright Sun Yi, and then at the calm Yun Mo, with a playful look in her eyes.

The teachers of each subject quickly reviewed the test papers and unanimously confirmed that there was no problem with the scores.

"Yunmo, what else do you have to say? The two exams were only a few days apart. Xie Xia's scores were almost the same, but yours was completely different. Do you dare to say that you didn't cheat in the unified exam?" ?!"

Yun Mo stood up calmly, "Before I explain the reason, can I read the test paper first?"

Sun Yi snorted coldly, "These teachers here are all special-grade teachers with profound qualifications and both ability and political integrity. Do you think they will judge wrong test papers?"

Is this intentional to make her antagonize the teachers of No. 3 Middle School?

"I just want to look at my test paper, even if I lose, I have to make it clear, right?"

Although the test paper in his hand was badly answered, Zhong Weimin admired the girl's calmness, and he handed over the Chinese test paper in his hand.

"Yunmo, take a look at your test paper."

"Thank you, teacher."

Yunmo took the test paper and looked it over carefully.

Time passed by every minute and every second. To others, it was only a few dozen seconds, but to Sun Yi, it felt extremely long.

Because only he himself knows that there are indeed problems with these test papers.

After reading the Chinese test paper from beginning to end, Yunmo didn't say anything, but expressed that she wanted to read other test papers.

The teachers of various subjects handed her the test papers in their hands.

Different from the seriousness of reading the Chinese test papers, Yunmo just flipped through the other test papers, and then said directly: "These test papers are not mine."

(end of this chapter)