On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 121

Chapter 121

Chapter 121 Self-inflicted humiliation

Yun Yao taunted Yun Mo with a sneer on her face, "Since you did better than me in the exam, why don't you tell me how many points you got in the exam, and how many hundredths did you rank in the city?"

"I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I say it!" Zeng Fang couldn't help but stood up from behind Yunmo, "Why, Yunyao, are you so uninformed? You don't even know that Momo passed the city's eighth exam?"

Yun Yao almost didn't laugh out loud, "Zeng Fang, there is a limit to your bragging, right? If Yunmo can take the city's eighth exam, I'll write my name upside down!"

After saying this, Yun Yao suddenly felt a sudden shock in her heart.

When I was in the toilet in the morning, a girl seemed to say that Yunmo got the eighth place in the city's exam?

When she raised her eyes to meet Shang Yunmo's mocking eyes, Yun Yao's uneasiness suddenly became stronger.

"Impossible! Yunmo, it is impossible for you to take the eighth place in the city!"

Yun Mo casually pointed behind her, "The ranking list is posted on the bulletin board, you can go over and see for yourself."

After hearing this, Yun Yao pushed the two of them away violently, and ran towards the notice board not far away.

On the score list posted on the bulletin board, Yunmo's name was impressively ranked first!

Yunmo, 635 points, 1st in grade, 8th in the city.

No, this is not true, this score list must be fake, it is absolutely impossible for Yunmo to get such a good score in the exam.

"Do you believe me now?"

Yun Yao turned her head and looked at Yun Mo who walked behind her at some point, something suddenly flashed through her mind.

"You cheated!?"

Yunmo folded her hands in a leisurely manner, "Yunyao, you are not the first person to say that I cheated. Where is the evidence? If there is no evidence, I will talk to your head teacher. People from your third middle school ran away for no reason. Come to Nanming to play wild, who gave you the courage and confidence?"

"Yunmo, don't pretend! Do you think that when you transfer to Nanming, others don't know what you were like in No. 6 Middle School? With your low level, it is impossible to get such a high score!"

"You also said that it was in the past. Could it be that I am not allowed to change my mind and work hard? Could it be that I was a poor student before, so I must be a poor student all my life?"

Zeng Fang spoke in support of her friend, "That's right, Yunyao, you haven't made any progress yourself, so you don't allow others to make progress? I also scored 521 this time, which is 50 points higher than the end of last semester. Could it be that I also cheated?"

Hearing that Zeng Fang got 521 points in the test, Yun Yao was shocked again.

She instinctively turned her head to look at the list, and sure enough, Zeng Fang's name was ranked not far below Yunmo.

The score of 521 can only be regarded as middle in the third middle school, but it is the best in Nanming, ranking 15th in the grade.

Yunmo's grades, she could still insist that she was cheating, but Zeng Fang actually did so well in the exam.

This time the unified examination is strictly in accordance with the standards of the college entrance examination. The distance between the seats is one meter, and there are 2 invigilators in each examination room, and there are inspection teams patrolling the corridors from time to time.

Seeing Yun Yao's ugly face and looking at herself in disbelief, Yun Mo suddenly felt better.

"How is it? Yunyao, my grades should be better than yours?"

It's not just better, it's like killing her in seconds.

Thinking of her own score, and then looking at Yunmo and Zeng Fang's scores, the flames of jealousy and unwillingness blazed in Yunyao's chest.

She didn't even know how she left Nanming.

Yun Yao didn't stop until she passed a public phone booth.

"Hello, is there a hotline for the Education Bureau? I want to report Yunmo from Class 3 and 2 of Nanming High School. She cheated in the unified examination... Yes, she has a history of cheating before..."

Coming out of the phone booth, Yun Yao had a weird sneer on her face.

Yunmo, you got complacent too early, this time I will see how you die.

On the other side, although he and Yun Mo teamed up to drive Yun Yao away in anger, Zeng Fang's mood was not much better.

The scars that had finally healed were **** uncovered and trampled on, and it was hard for anyone to bear such pain.

"Fangfang, don't be upset. Getting angry is punishing yourself with other people's mistakes. Whoever pokes at your pain will make her hurt even more."

Zeng Fang stared at her blankly, her eyes full of confusion, "Then how can I make her hurt?"

Yunmo smiled mysteriously, "Don't worry, I have a solution."

After school in the afternoon, everyone happily ran out of school, preparing for the upcoming National Day holiday.

Yun Yao was not in a hurry to leave, but headed towards the office instead.

"Ms. Zhong."

Seeing Yunyao coming, Zhong Weimin stopped what he was doing, "Yunyao, is there something wrong?"

Yunyao showed a shamed expression, "Mr. Zhong, I'm sorry, this time I let the class hold back."

In order for her to be influenced by the top students and become a top student, Yun Shixian took a lot of effort to send her into the first class.

However, it turns out that even if the ugly duckling enters the swan's nest, it will not become a swan, but will only be set off by the beautiful and elegant white swan even more ugly.

Zhong Weimin looked at the female student who joined the class, and didn't know what to say for a while.

As the head teacher, he has no dissatisfaction with Yunyao's performance in daily studies, but that's all. If the school hadn't promised to help him arrange for his wife to be transferred to No. 3 Middle School, he would never have accepted a poor student like Yunyao to lower him down. Class progression rate.

But as a teacher, it is not easy for him to embarrass a female student.

"Yunyao, don't think about it too much. One or two grades don't mean anything, and learning doesn't happen overnight. The most important thing is to learn from this failure, find your own deficiencies, correct and make up for them, and slowly make up for them. Grades improved."

Yun Yao felt encouraged and nodded movedly, "Thank you Teacher Zhong, I will definitely work hard to improve my grades."

"Okay, it's getting late, you can go home."

Yunyao stood still, with hesitation and embarrassment on her face, "Mr. Zhong, can you not inform my family of the results of this unified examination?"

Seeing Zhong Weimin's hesitation, Yun Yao quickly explained: "I'm not worried about being scolded, it's just that my mother fell down the stairs a while ago and was seriously injured, and she is still lying in the hospital. As the eldest daughter, I can't do my filial piety in front of the hospital bed. I blame myself very much, I don't want my mother to get angry because of my grades and affect the recovery of the injury."

Hearing that Jiang Yu was hospitalized, Zhong Weixian, in the spirit of caring for the students, subconsciously asked: "Then how is your mother now?"

"I broke my head and broke my leg, but it's not life-threatening. I just need to rest. My dad is busy with work and under a lot of pressure. He has to rely on sleeping pills every night to sleep well. I don't want them to be bothered by my grades." .

"Okay, I won't notify your family of the results of the unified examination for the time being, but you have to be mentally prepared. If parents call the school to ask, the school has no right to hide it."

"I understand, Mr. Zhong, I didn't intend to keep it a secret. When my mother gets better, I will tell her myself."


Coming out of the office, Yun Yao sneered as if relieved.

Don't have to wait too long, as long as this vacation is over, she will have nothing to be afraid of.

(end of this chapter)