On The Wedding Night In The 80s, The Sweet Wife Has Space - Chapter 122

Chapter 122

Chapter 122 Beating someone with a sack

After school, Yunmo did not take the tram as usual, but took Zeng Fang into a taxi.

"Momo, where are we going?"

"Just follow me, don't worry, I won't take you to sell."

Get off the car at the place, Yunmo took Zeng Fang straight to a hat shop on the street.

Turning around in the hat shop, Yunmo picked out two woolen hats with only two eyes exposed.

Zeng Fang was confused by her behavior, "Momo, winter is still early, why are you buying a hat?"

Besides, this hat is so earthy and ugly that even her grandfather would dislike it.

Yunmo smiled, "Of course it will be useful if you buy it."

After buying the hat, Yunmo went to buy two sets of clothes that were equally earthy and ugly, but that was fine, and in the end she even bought a sack.

No matter how late Zeng Fang was, she vaguely guessed what Yun Mo wanted to do, and she was both excited and nervous.

The two found a public toilet and changed their clothes, then took a taxi and went straight to the street where Yun's house was located.

The area where Yun's family lives is a wealthy area, and every household is a single-family villa, and adjacent courtyard walls form lanes of different lengths and sizes.

Yun Mo picked a narrow passage that Yun Yao must pass to go home, and squatted down with Zeng Fang, watching the outside with a small mirror.

After waiting for a while, Yunyao was not seen. Zeng Fang felt a little uncertain, and whispered to Yunmo, "Could she have gone home?"

"If you can't wait today, come back next time, anyway, she can't escape."

Zeng Fang felt relieved, "Okay."

Time passed by one minute and one second, and seven or eight minutes later, finally, Yun Yao's figure appeared in the small mirror.

Zeng Fang suddenly became nervous, "Momo, she's back."


Yunmo put away the small mirror calmly, took out the headgear from her schoolbag, and took one for herself and Zeng Fang.

After putting on her hat, Yunmo took out the sack she had prepared in advance.

While Yunyao was passing by in front of the lane, Yunmo directly used the sack to trap the opponent's entire leader.

"Ah, who! What are you doing! Let me go, help!"

Although the sack was successfully put on Yunyao, the other party also struggled a lot.

Even though Yunyao is thin and strong, Yunmo will soon be overwhelmed, and quickly calls Zeng Fang under her voice, "Don't be dazed, come help."

"Huh? Oh oh."

Zeng Fang, who was in a daze, finally came back to her senses, and cooperated with Yun Mo to drag Yun Yao into the alley.

By coincidence, a few wealthy sons happened to be on the roof of the third floor of the opposite villa, and clearly saw the scene of Yunyao being covered with sacks.

"Damn, are all the girls so fierce nowadays? Just put a sack on them and beat them up?"

"Why do I feel that the quilt in the sack seems to be Yun Yao?"

"Ming'an, why don't you go and see? Yunyao is also your fiancee in name after all?"

Su Ming'an half-closed his eyes and looked towards the alley. He didn't care about Yunyao's life or death, but somehow felt that the person with Yunyao's sack looked familiar.

Who is the one?

After thinking for a few seconds, a figure suddenly flashed in Su Mingan's mind, and in the next second, his body turned around faster than his brain could react and walked down the stairs quickly.

Seeing that he was in action, the other sons also followed behind and prepared to watch a good show.

Dare to set Mr. Su's fiance's sack, tired of work!

In the alley, Yunyao's whole body has been thrown into the sack, and the rope at the mouth of the sack has also been tied with a knot, no matter how much Yunyao struggles, it is impossible to untie it.

At first, Zeng Fang didn't dare to be harsh, but only dared to slap her gently with her hands, just like slapping a mosquito.

"Are you tickling her? Use some strength." Yunmo couldn't laugh or cry.

Zeng Fang kept shaking her head: "Oh, I dare not, I'm afraid."

Seeing her friend being so cowardly, Yunmo had no choice but to demonstrate herself, kicking Yunyao's ass.

Yun Yao screamed loudly from being kicked, but because of the sack she was wearing, her voice was indistinct. If she wasn't passing by the alley, she wouldn't have heard someone being beaten inside.

With Yunmo's demonstration, Zeng Fang let go of her courage and tried to kick.

"Yes, that's it, kick her **** and thighs, it won't kill anyone."

With Yunmo's encouragement, Zeng Fang became more and more excited as she fought, and began to use both hands and feet. Yunmo also joined in, kicking and punching from time to time, until Yunyao screamed.

"Hey, what are you doing, don't stop!"

Seeing that someone outside had spotted them, Yunmo pulled Zeng Fang up and ran towards the exit on the other side of the alley without saying a word.

A few rich men walked into the alley, looked at the people struggling in the sack, all looked at each other, and no one helped to untie the rope on the sack.

It's not their fiance, so there's no need for them to be heroes to save the beauty.

"Huh? Where's Ming'an?"

After waiting for a long time, Su Mingan did not come in, and only then did they realize that Su Mingan was gone.

On the other end, Su Mingan looked at the two people running in front, and the smile on the corner of his mouth deepened.

If he was only suspicious at the beginning, then now, looking at the two figures in front of him, which are exactly the same as the last time in the western restaurant after being drenched in red wine and fleeing, he has 100% confirmed the identity of the other party.

Thinking about it, there is no other girl besides Yunmo who can do such a thing as putting someone in a sack and beating him up.

Su Ming'an speeded up, overtook the man in a few strokes, and stretched out his hand to take off the hood on the woman's head.


Yun Mo subconsciously raised her hand to cover her face, but Su Mingan sneered, "What are you blocking? Do you think you can block it? I can recognize your face even when it turns into ashes!"

Seeing that she had been exposed, Yun Mo simply opened the skylight and said, "Su Ming'an, what do you want?"

Su Ming'an looked her up and down, with disgust in his eyes, "What are you wearing, it's so ugly."

"My pleasure."

Su Ming'an shook the hood in his hand again, "Yunmo, you are getting more and more courageous now, the good ones don't imitate the bad ones, and things like putting people in sacks are easy to do, what else is there? Can't you do it?"

Zeng Fang, who had no sense of presence at the side, finally stood up, "Su Ming'an, I dragged Momo to do this. If you want to vent your anger on your fiance, come at me!"

Su Mingan didn't even look at Zeng Fang, his eyes fell directly on Yunmo, "What are you going to do tomorrow?"

The topic jumped too fast, and Yunmo couldn't figure out what the other party was thinking for a while, so she didn't say anything.

Su Mingan wanted to say something more, but his companions shouted from behind him.

Su Mingan turned his head and saw his companion running towards him, subconsciously frowned.

Turning around, seeing Yunmo still standing, she hooked the corner of her lower lip evilly, "Aren't you running away, waiting to be caught?"

Yun Mo was a little surprised, but she dragged Zeng Fang and ran away without hesitation.

"Ming'an! Where's the person? Didn't he get caught?"

When the two companions ran up to Su Mingan panting, Yun Mo and Zeng Fang had already disappeared.

Su Mingan turned the hood in his hand, and said lazily, "Well, I didn't catch it. I ran as fast as a rabbit."

The two companions looked at each other, Su Ming'an is a long-distance runner in the school, is there anyone he can't catch up with?

Good night~

Wan Geng asks for a ticket~

(end of this chapter)